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诞生于1967的油画《毛主席去安源》,是当时中国社会政治生活和美术界的一大轰动事件,刘春华(原名刘成华)的名字也随之响亮地传人了千家万户。这幅在“文革”期间印刷了9亿多张的作品,超过了当时全国的人口总数,即全国平均每人一张还多。是世界上印数最多的油画之一。  相似文献   

曹雪霞 《文物世界》2011,(4):30-32,42
石窟艺术起源于印度,最早的石窟寺开凿于何时已无从考证,今天尚存的石窟寺,最早的开凿于公元前3世纪,当时的印度半岛正处在强大的摩羯陀王朝统治下。王朝的第三代国君阿育王时期,定佛教为国教,并倚仗国威,将佛教强行推广至周边国家。而佛教正式传人中国的时间是东汉时期,接着石窟艺术也传人中国,  相似文献   

高羔 《丝绸之路》2011,(3):19-22
昔日中原的瓷器、造纸术、铸造术等经由丝绸之路传人西域,兰州作为丝绸之路的要冲,因此铸造业也极为发达,从汉代墓葬中出土的一些铧、铲、锄、刀等就可看出当时的铸造工艺已极为精湛。另外,还有武威雷台出土的铜奔马、兰州五泉山上的泰和铁钟,都可反映出当时的铸造工艺水平。  相似文献   

公元前60年,西汉政府在西域设立西域都护府,从此,新疆正式列入中国的版图,并与中原内地保持着政治、经济、文化联系。特别是经济上的交往日益密切,话域的葡萄、石榴、胡萝卜、苜蓿、核桃、玉石等通过丝绸之路传人中原,丰富了内地居民的生活,中原传来的丝绸、铁器、漆器等也深受西域人民的喜爱,并通过西域继续向西方传播。西域与内地经济交流的繁盛,还表现在当时发行的货币上。受中原汉文化的影响,  相似文献   

通过对龚贤的传人王概、龚柱、官铨、宗言、巨来等绘画特点及史籍记载情况的归纳,认识到龚贤的传人在传承龚贤绘画风格中所起的作用微乎其微。这也是导致龚贤绘画在相当长的时期内不为人们重视的原因之一。  相似文献   

王源是清初颜李学派的重要传人,也是清初经世致用学风的倡导者。作为遗民子弟,其交游经历与其学术思想的形成有着密切的关系。王源一生的交游经历,既是一个遗民子弟在清初社会中境遇的缩影,也折射出了当时的社会政治状况,其学术思想的发展变化则从个案的角度呈现了清初经世致用学风的变迁趋势。  相似文献   

清真寺是伊斯兰教教徒举行宗教仪式、传授宗教知识的礼拜寺。它是随着伊斯兰教传人中国的。  相似文献   

杨杨 《丝绸之路》2011,(14):58-60
佛教自公元7世纪传人吐蕃,便开始了与当地社会文化漫长的融合过程,即佛教的本土化过程。佛教作为一种文化传人,有着其特定的政治和文化背景,而藏族本土僧人群体的产生对佛教在藏区的传播以及藏传佛教的诞生都有着极其重要的意义。本文从政治和文化两个角度分析藏区本土僧人产生的背景,说明藏区僧人的出现是当时历史条件下各种因素交织的必然结果。  相似文献   

一、一个未圆的梦:广州建台 广播事业未传人中国以前,国民党人为唤起民众的支持,已经办了很多报刊来宣传自己的主张。无线电传人中目以后,国民党人意识到了利用广播作政治宣传的好处。而最早有意创办国民党的广播事业并付诸实践的即是陈果夫。 1924年,陈果夫受蒋介石委托,正在上海为黄埔军校采办军用品。当时,广东革命政府在孙中山领导下实现了国共合作,革命形势日益高涨,但桂系、滇系等旧军阀的军队仍盘踞在广州附近;英帝国主义也在暗中干涉。广东形势复杂,革命急需扩大影响。当陈果夫在上海偶然听到开洛公司(美商所办)的…  相似文献   

裴李岗文化墓葬初步考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,在裴李岗文化遗址的发掘过程中,都不同程度地发现有墓葬,这些墓葬,保存基本完好,而且内容丰富,因此它是我国黄河流域新石器早期文化中新发现的一批重要资料。这些资料,不仅对研究我国新石器早期的埋葬制度有重要意义,而且对研究当时的社会状况也具有十分重要的价值。本文拟通过目前已发掘的裴李岗文化墓葬资料,考察当时的葬式葬俗特点,同时依据各处基地的葬式葬俗,考察一下它们之间的相互关系。此外,还藉此谈谈裴李岗文化墓葬随葬品的性质问题。  相似文献   


The second edition of D’Arcy Thompson’s On Growth and Form was written only shortly before the advent of computers made it possible to develop more sophisticated mathematical models of processes of growth, morphogenesis and pattern formation in nature. It also predates the blossoming of several branches of science with the conceptual tools to investigate complex phenomena such as self-organization, nonlinear dynamics and chaos, fractal geometry and self-organization. As a result, Thompson’s aspirations sometimes fall short of his means — and occasionally he sets out on the wrong path. This image essay explores some of the instances in which Thompson surpassed his limitations or, alternatively, was constrained by them. In either circumstance, it illustrates how his themes remain areas of significant scientific activity today.  相似文献   

The cluster of technical terms that the Jesuit Matteo Ricci and his Chinese partners Xu Guangqi and Li Zhizao cotranslated and introduced into Chinese in the late Ming dynasty was of significance for Chinas cultural transformation. For instance, “brain” replaced “heart” as a specific term referring to the organ of consciousness and memory. The classical Chinese interrogative numeral jihe was used to represent the core mathematical term “geometry”. Diqiu, meaning “the globe of the earth” in English, was minted to amend the traditional hemispherical dome cosmology. The identification of “Cathay” with China clarified the ambiguity in the Western geographical concept of the Far East, which had existed since the Middle Ages. Translated from Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences), No. 6, 2003  相似文献   

This article provides a critique of a dominant strand of the literature on globalization – that which suggests it can be understood as deterritorialization. It argues that suggestions that we have moved away from territorial understandings of politics fail to conceptually elaborate the notion of territory itself. Drawing parallels between mathematics and politics in the seventeenth century, the paper claims that the notion of territory is dependent on a particular way of grasping space as calculable. This way of understanding space makes bounded territories possible, but also underlies new global configurations. In other words globalization is a reconfiguration of existing understandings rather than the radical break some suggest. The article concludes by making some comments on this reconfiguration, and suggesting that further historical and conceptual work on territory is necessary before it can be thought to be superseded.  相似文献   

Access to the lower limbs from a historically-identified nineteenth century below-knee amputee who had worn a hardwood ectoprosthesis for an extended time prior to death provides a natural experiment for investigating the morphological and histological effects of the resulting altered mechanical environment. Osteometry (measuring total bone size), cross-sectional geometry (bending and axial rigidity) and histology (bone turnover rate) are assessed. A reduction in size and geometric strength, along with an increase in cortical bone turnover, indicate that the midshaft and distal regions from the affected femur were partially shielded from functional strain. Structural compliance of the prosthesis, probably originating from design and material of manufacture, to some degree preserved the mechanical and morphological integrity of the proximal subtrochanteric region. The results of this case study are consistent with contemporary theory in skeletal biomechanics, for example, Frost's Mechanostat, which suggests that insufficient functional strain promotes intracortical remodelling and endosteal expansion.  相似文献   

古埃及文明的重要成就之一就是科学技术发明 ,其中数学成就引人注目。从保留下来的纸草文献中 ,我们可以了解到古埃及人的数学知识相当丰富 ,他们的数学知识包括算术、代数和几何三个方面。古埃及人的数学产生于生活和实践 ,并广泛应用于生产实践 ,取得了辉煌的成就 ,对人类文明做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

The Upper Palaeolithic skeleton from Vado all'Arancio (Italy), dated to about 11,330 BP, exhibits a severe ankle fracture healed with residual deformation. Following recovery, this young hunter‐gatherer continued to walk for an extended period of time, albeit in a mechanically altered manner. While right‐left differences in external lower limb bone measurements are relatively low, biomechanical analysis of femur and tibia indicates unusually pronounced asymmetry in all cross‐sectional measures of diaphyseal strength. Asymmetry results primarily from normal side endosteal hypertrophy, and not from hypotrophy of the injured limb, suggesting that this individual resumed active life following recovery. This pattern of asymmetry underscores the role of physical activity in maintaining bone mass. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rodrigo Gil is one of the greatest masters of Spanish architecture. His brilliant career is partially explained by the efficiency of his design methods and his building techniques, especially evident in his ribbed vaults. If we examine the latter as a whole, the first aspect to be noted is undoubtedly their great formal complexity. However, the detailed study discloses that rather limited geometric and building techniques are hidden behind those elaborated patterns, aimed at simplifying and making the execution more economical. In order to bring some of these devices to light, one of his best-known vaults was selected for an in-depth study. The construction of a large-scale model of it also revealed some interesting features regarding the placing of the centerings and shorings during the erection.  相似文献   

Ancient Maya settlement patterns exhibit fractal geometry both within communities and across regions. Fractals are self-similar sets of fractional dimension. In this paper, we show how Maya settlement patterns are logically and statistically self-similar. We demonstrate how to measure the fractal dimensions (or Hausdorff–Besicovitch dimensions) of several data sets. We describe nonlinear dynamical processes, such as chaotic and self-organized critical systems, that generate fractal patterns. As an illustration, we show that the fractal dimensions calculated for some Maya settlement patterns are similar to those produced by warfare, supporting recent claims that warfare is a significant factor in Maya settlement patterning.  相似文献   

The vault of Villaviciosa is one of the oldest existing examples of a true ribbed vault, and is the first of the crossed-arch type. Although its perfection suggests earlier trials, none has been found so far. It predates the oldest Romanesque ribbed vaults by more than a century. Notwithstanding its importance, no construction and structural study has ever been done; neither has an accurate survey been published. The purpose of this article is to fill this gap in the history of vault construction. A detailed survey has been made, providing the first accurate drawings of the vault. A close inspection of the extrados, completed with a visual inspection of interior damages, has allowed ascertaining the main construction features. With the geometry and the material data a structural analysis has been carried out. This analysis explains the fundamental structural behavior of the vault and throws new light into some historical issues; for example, it leads to discarding the widespread belief that the ribs are decorative: they are supporting the weight of the vault.  相似文献   

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