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为系统了解历代上林湖地区越窑青瓷胎釉化学组成的特点,本研究采用能量色散X射线荧光光谱技术(EDXRF),对唐代、五代、北宋和南宋上林湖越窑青瓷作了分析。分析结果表明,越窑胎釉组成是低铝高硅的南方青瓷特征,有一定量的杂质,历代瓷釉均为高钙釉;从唐代到南宋,越窑青瓷胎的化学组成未发生明显的变化,但唐代青瓷、北宋透明釉青瓷、南宋乳浊釉青瓷釉的化学组成存在一些差异;南宋越窑部分青瓷的外观虽然发生了变化,但釉料仍延续了越窑独特的工艺配方,与北方青瓷和南方官窑青瓷等的釉料差异明显。分析同时表明:该技术的使用为解决薄釉的样品处理难题提供了一条途径。  相似文献   

缸瓦窑为内蒙古地区辽代规模较大的窑场,为辽代官窑,与宋代五大名窑中的定窑同处一个历史时期。为科学揭示缸瓦窑与定窑之间胎、釉制作工艺关系,运用能量色散X射线荧光光谱法(EDXRF),分析了缸瓦窑与定窑白瓷的胎、釉化学组成,同时结合显微结构和烧成温度分析,并辅助以往的研究资料,将宋辽时期河北定窑与赤峰缸瓦窑白瓷胎、釉化学组成及制作工艺等进行系统的对比分析,发现缸瓦窑受定窑影响较大,缸瓦窑白瓷的生产体现了宋辽两地制瓷工艺的交流传播。  相似文献   

J. Wu  H. Ma  N. Wood  M. Zhang  W. Qian  J. Wu  N. Zheng 《Archaeometry》2020,62(3):550-562
Major types of ceramics produced in the history of Jingdezhen, from the Tang green glaze stoneware, through the Five Dynasties white ware, the Song dynasty bluish-white ware to the Yuan and Ming dynasties blue-and-white ware were analysed for their glaze chemistries to reveal, chemically, how the glazes of different periods in Jingdezhen evolved. Possible early period glaze recipes are proposed. Important events in the course of the technological development of Jingdezhen ceramic, such as the first use of limestone as a glaze flux, and how they may have impacted the way Jingdezhen ceramic technology advanced, are discussed.  相似文献   

明代洪武时期,景德镇开始设立御窑烧造宫廷用瓷,因此,对这批洪武瓷的研究一直是人们关注的问题。采用能量色散X荧光分析方法对景德镇和南京出土的数件洪武瓷样品作胎釉成分无损测试。结果表明,明洪武不同品种瓷器采用的釉料不同;官窑洪武青花瓷和蓝釉瓷的色料采用了低锰高铁特征的钴料;洪武瓷胎料使用了二元配方。  相似文献   

N. Wood  He Li 《Archaeometry》2015,57(4):617-635
Through a combination of analysis and synthesis of Laohudong Guan ware shards from Hangzhou City in southern China, some new hypotheses concerning Guan ware manufacture can be proposed. These suggest that the complex microstructures seen in Guan ware glazes, and which contribute significantly to their jade‐like qualities, may owe much to layers of fine bubbles trapped during the glazing process. It is also proposed that the multi‐layer glazing methods used at the Guan ware kilns at Hangzhou may have helped initially to disguise the relatively coarse and ferruginous clays used for Guan ware manufacture. Once established, the layered glazing technique was used for its own sake—eventually yielding wares that could comprise more glaze than clay. Raw materials and firing temperatures were also explored for this study, and these suggest the use of porcelain‐stone/wood ash mixtures for glaze‐making, with 20–30% calcareous wood ash being the usual amounts. The average heat‐work for the glaze firing seems to have been equivalent to Orton Cone 7, giving a typical finishing temperature of ~1215°C. A single biscuit firing and a single glaze firing seem likely for most Laohudong Guan wares. Studies of the losses that occur in the preparation of calcareous wood ashes suggest that very large quantities of botanic material must have been burned to provide ash for glaze‐making at the Laohudong kiln. From the environmental perspective, a combination of thick glazes and heavy wood‐ash usage would have placed great demands on local fuel supplies.  相似文献   

近年来,杭州出土了一批白釉瓷器残片,特别是一些具有定窑风格的白瓷样品引发了众多考古工作者和古陶瓷爱好者的关注与浓厚兴趣。为探究其制作年代和产地,采用热释光技术和X射线荧光无损分析技术相结合的方法对一批杭州出土具有定窑风格的白瓷样品进行了检测分析。测试结果表明,这批白釉瓷片样品制作年代约处在北宋末年到南宋早期,胎的化学组成中Al2O3含量较高,最低24.78%,最高达33.06%,具备北方瓷器特点;胎中微量元素Rb、Sr、Zr含量的比例以及钙镁碱釉的特征与河北曲阳定窑极为相似。综合文献及其它人文考证,这批杭州出土的白瓷应该为北宋晚期至南宋早期产自于河北的定窑瓷器。此分析结果也将为研究宋金贸易及文化提供科学依据。  相似文献   

湖北秭归望江墓群是三峡库区一处以晚唐北宋为主并可早到六朝前期的墓群。墓群以小型土坑墓为主,并有少量土洞墓,中型墓均为砖室或石室墓。瓷器是望江墓群的主要随葬品,器形包括碗、罐、壶等十多种,并有青、青白、黑、白等多种釉色,分别来自湖南长沙窑、武昌青山窑及四川地区的窑场,表明中唐以后迄宋代,三峡地区经济有了很大发展,与外界的经济化交流已很频繁。  相似文献   

为探讨河南巩义窑、河北邢窑出土的不同时期青瓷、白瓷的原料来源,用显微观察、电子探针(EPMA)等手段,分析其原料来源及技术工艺进行分析,并探讨两窑之间的技术联系。分析可知,两窑在瓷釉、瓷胎的原料配置上存在差异:巩义窑瓷胎均使用当地高岭土一元配方,瓷釉中加入瓷胎原料为基体并加入高钙草木灰;邢窑瓷胎在使用当地高岭土的基础上加入长石类矿物原料,瓷釉中除瓷胎所使用的黏土以外,还加入含有高钙高镁的草木灰或矿物原料。两窑还存在一些共性如:两窑瓷釉均添加石英类原料以提高SiO_2含量;巩义窑与邢窑两地早期、唐中期产品形制相似,原料配方有共通之处,说明当时两地在陶瓷的原料配方、制瓷技术中有过交流。  相似文献   

汝官瓷和钧官瓷主量化学组成的多元统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究多种釉色汝官瓷和钧官瓷的原料来源、成分和分类关系,正确鉴别两窑瓷器,应用质子激发X荧光分析(PIXE)技术测定了一组清凉寺窑汝官瓷片和一组钧台窑钧官瓷片的主量化学组成,应用多元统计分析方法对测试数据进行了分析,结果表明:多数汝官瓷胎、钧官瓷胎样品的原料产地和成分接近但有所不同;汝官瓷釉和钧官瓷釉的原料产地和配方则明显不同;从主量化学组成上可以较好地区分汝官瓷釉和钧官瓷釉样品。分析结果可为深入研究汝官瓷和钩官瓷的原料产地、起源关系、真伪鉴别和提高仿古瓷器的质量等方面提供可借鉴的科学依据。  相似文献   

The glazes of seven types of greenware produced in the Yue and Longquan kilns between the Tang dynasty and the Ming dynasty (ad 618–1644) were studied for their strontium isotopic compositions and bulk chemical compositions. The aim was to identify the raw materials used as the calcium fluxes in the glaze recipes and whether the raw materials changed over time, particularly before and after the Southern Song dynasty (ad 1127–1279). From this work, botanic ash has been identified as the raw material used as the calcium flux in all the seven glaze types studied, and some related ceramic historical issues are also discussed.  相似文献   

To produce useful information about the raw materials used in northern Chinese Yaozhou celadon glazes Chinese glazes (especially the source of the calcium‐bearing flux), Sr isotope analysis has been used for the first time. Yaozhou celadon is one of the most important representatives of northern Chinese greenware. The study has enhanced our understanding of the raw material sources used to make Yaozhou glazes dating from the Tang to Northern Song dynasties. It is highly likely that ‘Fuping stone’ mentioned in the historical record is not the main raw material used to make Yaozhou celadon glazes of the Tang to Northern Song dynasties. The results of 87Sr/86Sr analysis of the Yaozhou celadon glazes studied produce relatively consistent 87Sr/86Sr isotopic signatures, with a wide variation of relatively high Sr concentrations. This is firm evidence that a calcium‐bearing plant ash was the source of the calcium and of the flux in the Celedon glazes studied, and not, as some have suggested, limestone or ‘Liaojiang stone’. The study had illustrated that the present approach has great potential in providing a new way of reconstructing porcelain glaze technology.  相似文献   

Lead-glazed pottery from the medieval workshop of Les Olleries Majors (Paterna, Spain) has been studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence and optical spectroscopy. Yellow, brown and honey-coloured glazes occur on pots glazed on only one surface. They have virtually identical compositions and transmittance spectra, their apparent differences in colour are due to the colours of the underlying pastes. Yellow glazes occur on cream-coloured calcareous bodies, honey-coloured glazes occur on less calcareous bodies with some development of hematite, while brown glazes occur on red siliceous cooking-pots. Green glazes are found on pots glazed on both surfaces; the glazes trapped CO2 evolved by decomposing carbonates, resulting in an internal reducing environment. This caused the reduction of iron to the ferrous state which coloured the glaze green by diffusion.  相似文献   

明清期间景德镇祭红釉的化学组成对比研究及其科技意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了进一步讨论明清两代祭红釉的发展沿革,用探针型能量色散X荧光光谱技术测定了10片明永乐祭红釉和胎的化学组成,并结合已发表的相关数据,进行了对明清期间祭红釉和胎的对比研究。结果表明,明代(永乐-宣德—万历)的祭红釉相比于清代(康熙—雍正-乾隆)的R2O+RO(wt%)平均值约低20%,RO/R2O(mol/mol)平均值约低45%,RO2/R2O2,(mol/mol)平均值约高34%。明代永乐和宣德的祭红釉胎式分布RO:(m01)值均大于5.8,而清代样品均小于5.4。明清两代祭红釉化学组成的突然变化(shift),可能暗示明代的制釉工艺在清代已经失传,而在清代则白行发展起来。  相似文献   

历代耀州窑釉料渊源关系的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
耀州窑是我国古代名瓷窑。为了探讨历代耀州窑釉料之间的渊源关系,用中子活化分析(NAA)技术测定古耀州瓷釉样品和耀州窑博物馆附近粘土矿样品中29种元素的含量,将这批NAA数据进行模糊聚类分析,得到动态模糊聚类分析图。结果表明:唐代的黑瓷釉原料产地非常集中,矿料成分单纯。宋代青瓷釉料配方比较稳定,五代青瓷具有承前启后的作用。金代月白釉料成分和宋代青瓷釉料接近。唐三彩蓝釉料与其他耀州瓷釉料来源明显不同。  相似文献   

A large number of porcelain shards were unearthed at the Hehuaxin and Silongkou kilns around the Shanglin Lake, Ningbo, China, some of which had clear stratification to enable the determination of the date of firing. With the purpose of studying the elemental composition in different cultural periods and between kilns, the chemical compositions of 43 typical shards from these two kilns were determined by energy‐dispersive X‐ray fluorescence (EDXRF). The results show that the mean contents of K2O, CaO and MnO in the glaze fluctuate in different cultural periods at the Hehuaxin kiln, but not systematically. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicates that samples from the Five Dynasties and the Northern Song dynasty are similar to each other. This shows continuity in the raw materials and firing technology between the two dynasties. Comparing the mise type wares from the Hehuaxin and Silongkou kilns in the Northern Song dynasty, we found that MnO and ZrO2 in the glaze can be used as fingerprinting elements to distinguish between samples from these two sites. In spite of this, their chemical compositions are broadly similar. Thus, perhaps, their chemical compositions can be taken as typical for those of the mise type wares produced around the Shanglin Lake.  相似文献   

Fifty‐eight porcelain samples in Guan ware style from the collections of the Palace Museum in Beijing were analysed using non‐destructive ED‐XRF. These included 40 vessels that were traditionally ascribed as Guan wares of the Song Dynasty, and 18 vessels traditionally ascribed as imitation Guan wares, made during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The purposes of this study were: (1) to cross‐check the traditional identification of these wares with the new classification based on their chemical compositions; and (2) to carry out a provenance study of the authentic Song Guan wares—that is, to compare the chemical compositions of the authentic Song Guan wares with those of the shards unearthed from the known Guan ware kilns of the Song Dynasty. This study shows that: (1) the chemical compositions of the glaze are significantly different between the Song Guan wares and the imitation wares—among the 58 wares tested, seven are likely to have been misidentified by the traditional method; and (2) the glaze compositions of the authentic Song Guan wares themselves are not homogeneous, and they can be divided into three groups. The provenance of these groups was briefly investigated.  相似文献   

通过对铜陵师姑墩遗址出土的29件原始瓷进行的检测分析表明,师姑墩原始瓷胎为高硅低铝型,部分器物胎体的Fe_2O_3和TiO_2含量较高;釉属高温钙釉,釉中Mn和P含量相对较高,其可能由草木灰引入,部分器物釉中含较高的Fe_2O_3,致使釉色较深。这一结果为皖南地区先秦时期原始瓷手工业发展研究提供了新的科学依据。  相似文献   

钧窑三问——论钧窑研究中的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文结合古代文献对钧窑研究中的三个问题进行了考证。第一,今人多将钧窑视为宋代的“五大名窑”之一,实际上钧窑在宋至明初大体默默无闻,明后期的文献中始对其记载,但直到民国时期仍未能列入“五大名窑”,20世纪后半叶钧窑才名列“五大名窑”,前提是“钧官窑”概念的确立,是建立在某些推论基础上的产物。第二,古代文献中所指的钧窑,除了指今之钧窑的一些特殊产品外,还可能指古钧州境内其他窑场的产品,现所称的钧釉瓷可能是某些文献所记之汝窑器。第三,《清波杂志》中关于窑变朱砂红瓷的记载,应指北宋末钧窑生产的红釉瓷。  相似文献   

古陶瓷产地判别一直是古陶瓷研究工作的一个重点。为了拓展产地判别的科技研究方法,本研究针对南北方4个不同窑口(越窑、建窑、耀州窑、定窑)的古陶瓷样品,首次结合采用X射线荧光光谱分析(XRF)和热释光(TL)测试分析技术相互印证,测定4个窑口样品的胎釉元素组成和热释光特性,并建立相对应的数据库,相互印证判别古陶瓷样品的产地。数据库的统计分析表明:同一窑口的古陶瓷不仅在主量与微量元素化学组成具有一定的地域特征,其热释光的测量灵敏度也存在地域特征性;不同窑口的古陶瓷可以通过元素组成归类和热释光特性的不同加以区分,结合采用XRF与TL测试分析两种技术可以更准确地对古陶瓷产地进行分析判别。  相似文献   

白底黑花装饰风格的瓷器,始终是陶瓷、科技界和陶瓷爱好者关注的热点。临水窑(磁州窑)与介休窑白底黑花风格的瓷器之间有着密切的联系,但是对于两窑产品的科技分析甚少,至于两者的对比研究更是无从谈起。因此,本工作利用岩相分析、SEM-EDS等方法分析了临水窑(磁州窑)、介休窑样品的瓷胎、化妆土及瓷釉的化学成分和显微结构。比较分析显示,两窑样品的瓷胎均为低硅高铝配方,且介休窑瓷胎中的Al2O3含量更高;两窑瓷胎粗糙,Fe2O3、TiO2含量较高,致使其呈浅黄色。瓷胎表面均施有化妆土,所不同的是,介休窑的瓷胎表面施有两层化妆土,其靠近釉的一层化妆土(h2),Fe2O3、TiO2含量极低,靠近胎的一层化妆土(h1),Fe2O3、TiO2含量较高;临水窑样品的瓷胎表面仅施一层化妆土,其Fe2O3、TiO2含量较低,但高于介休窑近釉层化妆土中的相应含量。介休窑瓷釉为典型的高钙釉,而临水窑则为典型的碱钙釉和钙碱釉。不难认识到,介休窑似在临水窑白底黑花及化妆土工艺的基础上,因地制宜,勇于创新,形成了成本低廉、技术先进的两层化妆土工艺,在当地原料较为粗糙的条件下,生产出质量较好的白底釉下彩绘瓷器。  相似文献   

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