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The10thPanchenErdeniinspectingamountainvillageoftheBaiethnicgroupinDali,The10thPanchenErdeniathome.(1988)The10thPanchenErdeniinspectingalivestockfarminXigaze,Tibet.(January1989)The10thPanchenErdenipresidingovertheabhisedaceremonyinGarze,SichuanProvince.(Seqtember1986)The10thPahchenErdenicarryingoutaninvestigationinaTibetanpas-pastoralarea.De10thPanchenErdenigivingimmunitycapsulestochildrenintheKindergartenoftheCentralInstituteforNationalities[nowtheCentralUniversityforNationalities…  相似文献   

TheauthorisasenioreditorWiththeChinaUniversityforNationalitiesPressinBeijing.The10thPanchenErdeni,writtenbyJiangPingandothers,hasrecentlybeenbytheChinaTibetologyPress.ItrecordsrelationsbetweentheCentralGov-ernmentandthe4thtothe10thPanchenErdenis,highlightingtheircontributiontonationalunityandunificationofthemotherland.TibetanBuddhistcir-cleshaveatraditionofdefendingtheunificationofthemotherland,partofthepatriotismoftheTibetanpeopleatlarge.Drawingonarchivalmaterial,thebookshowshowthePan…  相似文献   

The ventilation rate of a museum showcase is an important indicator for evaluating its sealing performance. In order to evaluate the ventilation rate of a showcase accurately, objectively and scientifically, some details of the detection and evaluation methods were comprehensively studied on the basis of GB/T 36110—2018. The results show that in order to achieve a better fitting effect, the carbon dioxide concentration outside a showcase should be fixed—a fixed concentration between 300 X 10 and 600 X 10 (volume fraction) had little influence on the fitting results. The average ventilation rate of the showcase at each moment was obtained by the numerical calculation method. When the detection time was short, values were unstable and fluctuated greatly; after stabilization, they were close to the fitted ventilation rates. The initial carbon dioxide concentration had a great influence on the fitting results of ventilation rate. The initial concentration of carbon dioxide gas in a showcase should be basically fixed between 20 000 X 10" and 25 000 X 10 ~ (volume fraction) during detection, so that the testing results were comparable. The carbon dioxide mixture in the airtight showcase is relatively uniform, and no obvious dip occurred. The location of detection equipment has little influence on the fitting results of ventilation rate. If the fitted R reaches 0. 9, the results are considered valid, due to various errors in the detection process. © 2023, Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology. All Rights Reserved.  相似文献   

The1stLivinqBuddhaBorneQambaLhozholwiththeGalgyaiMonasteryinZayu,Tibet,is81yearsold.HewontheLharanbaGeshidegreeofTibetanBuddhism,andonceservedasthepresidentoftheTibetBuddhismCollege.HeisnowPresidentoftheTibetBranchoftheBuddhistAssociationofChina(BAC).WhenaceremonywasheldonNovember29,1995infrontofthestatueofSakyamuni,founderofBuddhism,intheJokhangMonasteryinLhasatodeterminethereincarnatedsoulboyofthelate10thPanchenErdenithroughthemethodofdrawinglotfromthegoldenurn,theLivingBuddhaB…  相似文献   

China Exhibition on Contemporary Tibetan Paintings Held in Sidney The exhibitioin was held in the Sofitel Wentworth Sydney Hotel in the evening of March 22, 2006. The three-week exhibition was sponsored the Sidney Wentworth Art Gallery, the China Tibetan Association of Literary and Art Circles, the Li Keran Art Foundation and the Chinese Consulate General in Sidney. It showed some 60 works by 10 contemporary Tibetan painters.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau, known as the Roof of the World, is the place where people of the Tibetan ethnic group live and multiply. Here Was a Stretch of Ancient Sea Originally The plateau used to be a part of the ancient sea, but became land when the waters receded during the late Eocene Epoch about 10 million years ago. The nse of the Himalayas, and behind the towering mountain ranges the Tibetan Plateau, was one of the greatest events in world geological history. Although this occurred some…  相似文献   

From 1959 to 2000, Tibet witnessed fast economic development. For thousands ofyears, however, the region,rich in natural resources, was extremelypoor in this regard. This situation wentunchecked until 1951 when the regionwon peaceful liberation.The region's economy entered theperiod of sustained development afterthe CPC Central Committee and theCentral Government held the 3rdnational conference on work in Tibet. The output value of the grossdomestic product topped 10 billion Yuanto reach 1…  相似文献   

New Books     
PanchenErdenisThisisabookwrittenbyfiveTibetanstudyworkersasoneofthe"TibetanKnowledgeSeriesBooks."Thebooktellslivesofthe4th-10thPanchenErdenis.ReaderswillseehowthePanchenErdeniofvariousgenerationsyearnedfortheunificationofthemotherland,opposedtosplittism,workedfornationalunity,andfoughtforeiqninvaders.Forexample,The4thPanchenworkedhardfortheflourishingoftheY6llowSectandnationalunity;the5thPanchenworkedhardforthestabilityoftheTibetansituation,hencewinningfavoroftheQingDynasty(1644-1911)e…  相似文献   

正The nunnery of Renda Ridre lies in the village of Kunkyi within the township village of Lhatog of Karub District in Chamdo,about 10 kilometers away from the township government.Built by the first living Buddha of Lama Dopa in 1549,the nunnery belongs to the sect of Kagyu.The nunnery was destroyed during the Cultural Revolution,but in 1984,it was rebuilt and reopened  相似文献   

In the wee small hours of the morning of September 29, 1995, the ceremony of drawing a lot from the golden urn was held in Jokhang Monastery in Lhasa to determine the reincarnated soul boy of the 10th Panchen Erdeni. Curu Cenang, a famous Tibetan medicine doctor as well as astrologer, chose the auspicious day by studying the ancient Tibetan calendar. The system of drawing a lot from the golden urn originated from Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. The reincarnation system can be traced…  相似文献   

On December 29, 1995, agrand ceremony was held in Jokhang Monastery in Lhasa to determine the soulboy of the late 10thPanchen Erdeni. The Living BuddhaBorne drew one of the three lots eachbearing the name of a soul boy candidatefrom the golden urn bestowed by the QingDynasty emperor. The result announcedby Gyangcain Norbu (PRC State Coun-cilor) that Gyaincain Norbu had beenselected. Now, nine years have passed andwhere are that two candidates who failedto be chosen? How do they fare in…  相似文献   

Road for Gonggar AirportThe Central Government has approved construction of the "two bridges and one tunnel" project which is expected to shorten the 98-km distance from Lhasa to Gonggar Airport to 53 km. As a result, the travel shall be shortened from 90 minutes to 50 minutes.Construction of the project shall consume 6.5 billion Yuan in investment.The two bridges refer to the 1,594-rneter-long Lhasa River Bridge and the 3,797-meter-long Yarlung Zangbo River Bridge. Both are of the extra large type in Tibet.The one tunnel refers to the Shierong Tunnel that cuts through the mountain by 2,426 meters.The new road will extend 13.282 km. It will be a second class one by the Chinese standard. It is expected to meet Tibet's need for economic construction in the 10-15-year period. It is expected to be built at the end of 2004.  相似文献   

The "three masters of Jo Oldrum" refers to Guru Jo Olgyal Palden Atisha and his two disciples: Drumdompa Gyaiwarongne and O1 Lepal Sherab who lived in the 10th Century. In Thangka and frescos, Guru Atisha sits in the middle, and his two disciples on either side. Such works are commonly found in the shrines of Tibetan monasteries. All three were initiated into the Sect of Kadam in Tibetan Buddhism during the 10th Century.  相似文献   

<正>The warm spring sun casts a gentle light across the dark face of a Tibetan woman.She slowly opens her eyes and subconsciously moves her hand to touch her neck. Suddenly,she realizes there are thick bandages wound around her neck.Her eyes immediately open in surprise. "Droma,are you finally awake!" The surrounding doctors and nurses are excited."We have removed a big tumor which weighed about 10 Jin(One Jin is equal to half kilogram),so now you will no longer need a special pillow while sleeping!"  相似文献   

Tibet‘s First International Highway The China-Nepal Highway is Tibet‘s only international highway. It extends 1,036 krn from Lhasa to Kathmandu, capital of Nepal. The Tibetan section extends 827 km. Construction of the highway lasted 10 years. Between March 1951 and October 20, 1955, the Lhasa-Xigaze Highway was constructed, bringing to an end a history of the Xigaze region possessing no proper roads. In 1955 the 90-km Xigaze-Gyangze section was constructed, being opened to traffic in October 1955. In 1956, the Lhasa-Yadong Highway was constructed, extending 547 km. In 1958, the Xigaze-Tingri Highway was completed, followed in 1960 by the Lhasa-Burang Highway.  相似文献   

图(10)光照腐蚀试验后银试片表面状况缓蚀处理前(a)和缓蚀处理后(b)的照片Fig.10 The sueface state of silver coupon without prctrcatment(a) and pretreated(b) after UVexposure corroslon test图11大清银币缓蚀保护处理前(a)和处理后(b)的照片Fig.11 The Qing Dynasty siliver coin surface state before(a) and after(b)treated with corrosion inhibitors图12杭州雷峰塔地宫出土鎏金银盒处理前(a)和处理后(b)的照片Fig.12 Excavated siliver antiquity from nuderground place of Lei Feng tower in Hanggzhou before treat…  相似文献   

On July 10,2004a 12-member journalist delegation left Beijing for Tibet by air.The plane landed at Chengdu Shuangliu Airport at 13:00,and took off again at 15:10.At about 17:00 we arrived at Lhasa Gonggar Airport.Following a journey of some 90 km after leaving the airport,we reached Lhasa, and stayed at Lhasa Tibet Hotel.  相似文献   

News in Brief     
<正>President Xi Met with the 11th Panchen Lama President Xi Jinping met the11th Panchen Choskyi Gyalpo on June 10th in Beijing.The president expected the 11th Panchen Choskyi Gyalpo to grow into a Tibetan Buddhist leader with great religious achievement,deeply loved by the monks and secular followers.  相似文献   

The Parhla Manor, whichbelonged to a noble in oldTibet, has experienced enor-Democratic Reform in 1959.Pharla Clan In 1618 Tibetan King Garma Dun-join Wangbo allied with the 10thGarmaba Yindo and overthrew thePagmo Zhuba Regime. Garma Dunjoinstyled himself Tsangdui Khan andfounded the Garma Gagyu Regime. Inorder to better rule Bhutan, he sent sev-eral lamas with a monastery belongingto the Gagyu Sect to a monastery called  相似文献   

The Ancient Chinese jewels are usually made of silver. The Yunnan Province is rich in silver, which provides good conditions for the production of silver jewels. Each nationality has its own silver jewel, thus the jewels are varied in style and characteristics. The craftsmanship is unique as well.  相似文献   

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