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王少静 《沧桑》2012,(3):166-166
新一轮《太谷县志》经不断调整共设36编。2012年3月,概述、大事记、建置区划、自然环境、人口、交通运输、邮电通信、城乡建设、种植业、林业、水利、畜牧业、旅游、财政税务、党派社团、政权政协、政务、公检法司、军事、文化、教育、科技、卫生医疗、体育、文物、社会、人物、艺文、  相似文献   

本期是《文物》500期纪念专辑的第3辑。为组织好纪念专辑,我们约请到王方字、孔祥星、卢兆荫、刘九庵、对庆柱、朱家溍、孙机、李伯谦、李学勤、李辉柄、严文明、吴荣曾、杨泓、杨新、张长寿、张忠培、季羡林、金维诺、闻广、俞伟超、饶宗颐、徐邦达、徐苹芳、宿白、黄宣佩、黄展岳、韩伟、韩汝玢、傅熹年、裘锡圭、薛永年、戴志强等30余位专家学者撰写了高水  相似文献   

全国美术界抗敌协会,昨在武昌青年会举行成立大会,推举蔡元培、冯玉祥、张道藩、郭沫若、田汉、陈树人、何香凝、叶恭绰、高剑父、滕固为名誉理事,张善子、唐义精、徐悲鸿、唐一禾、汪日章、孙福煦、吴作人、倪启德、段平右、郎鲁逊、周圭、伍千里、陈之佛、高龙生、叶浅予、力群、马达、罗寄梅、盛  相似文献   

由白寿彝先生主编的《中国通史》第七卷是“中古时代·五代辽宋夏金时期”的断代史。本卷是程溯洛、陈振、李桂芝、白滨、张博泉、俞永炳、孟古托力、余大钧、魏良、祝启源、尤中、莫俊卿、范楚玉、华觉明、周卫荣、杨文衡、何绍庚、张清建、李进尧、凌光、朱大为、关树东、许春在、吴怀祺、张菁、余敏辉、范荧、崔文印、郭预衡、周少川、关培红、管成学、张秀民、韩琦、李经纬、陈继宏、汪晓勤、程妮娜、杜云、王冰、刘昌芝、刘雪英、宫伟诸先生 (名单以本书题记为序 ,无高下之分 )集体写作和劳动的结晶。此书计 1 5 2万余字 ,其中作为本…  相似文献   

中国民族史学会第四次学术讨论会暨第三届会员代表大会于1992年10月22日至10月26日在湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州首府吉首市召开。参加这次会议的代表,来自北京、天津、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、宁夏、河北、河南、湖北、湖南、江苏、广东、广西、云南等省、市、自治区,一共包括蒙、藏、回、满、苗、瑶、彝、黎、壮、侗、土家、纳西、白、朝鲜、哈  相似文献   

由精品传媒(集团)主办的“中国影响2009·时尚盛典”于2010年1月9日在北京梅兰芳大剧院隆重举行。王中磊、冯小刚、刘震云、李少红、张涵予、陈德森、苏有朋、李宇春、陈楚生、刘烨、佟大为、秦海璐、苗圃、秦岚、董洁、闫妮、莫万丹、孙悦、阿朵、海清、张雨绮、王学兵、潘粤明、  相似文献   

中国的滨海地区,幅员十分辽阔.在1万8千公里的海岸线上,就有辽宁、河北、天津、山东、江苏、上海、浙江、福建、广东、广西、海南、台湾等12个省市和香港、澳门二个特别行政区,省辖市以上的大中城市有丹东、大连、营口、秦皇岛,天津、烟台、威海、青岛、南京、常州、无锡、苏州、镇江、连云港、南通、扬州、上海、杭州、宁波、温州、淑江、福州、莆田、泉州、厦门、漳州、汕头、广州、茂名、湛江、深圳、珠海、北海、海口、通什、以及香港、澳门、台北,基隆、台中、台南、高雄等40多座城市,如果把以上省市全部辖区内的市都放进去.数量则超过100个,这些城市大多有2个以上规模比较可观.基础比较好的博物馆,这是中国博物馆事业发展的主要阵地和重要因素.  相似文献   

春节前我社邀请本刊特邀编委、部分作者、有关单位领导,与本社全体人员,于文采阁举行迎新春联谊会。出席的有:特邀编委冯征、冯其庸、李普、凌云、常征、温济泽、廖盖隆、穆青、魏久明;特邀作者李锐、戴煌、方徨、林耀、陈英茨、田方、薛京、马仲廉、王俊彦、曾业松、尹骐、穆欣、杨明伟、程逎欣、章学新、贾舒云、胡士弘;特邀嘉宾王强华、力平、薛德震、任宁、张士景、荆其柱、张德宽、邹蓝、李桦、祁魁元、贾志伟、张永江、方恭温、张西洛、裴季壮、沈容、王大龙。中华炎黄文化研究会顾问强晓初、常务副会长李宝光也应邀出席。社长杜…  相似文献   

你一定会知道,在黑龙江省这个现代天然动物园里,有狼、办狐、沙狐、貉、棕熊、黑熊、紫貂、青鼬、貂熊、白鼬、伶鼬、黄鼬、水貂、艾虎、狗獾、水獭、兔狲、猞猁、金钱豹、虎、草兔、雪兔、东北虎、灰鼠、旱獭、麝鼠、野猪、梅花鹿、马鹿、狍、驼鹿、驯鹿、青羊等等。然而,你可曾晓得,在几亿年前,有什么样的古动物在黑龙江省生活过?那好吧,让我们越过时间的长河,到亿万年前的海洋动物园里去旅游吧!  相似文献   

2014年10月10日至11日,纪念内蒙古自治区文物考古研究所成立六十周年暨草原文化研究国际学术研讨会在呼和浩特市召开.来自蒙古国游牧文化研究国际学院、蒙古国科学院考古研究所、中国社会科学院考古研究所,以及吉林、辽宁、山西、山东、河南、河北、湖南、湖北、福建、浙江、贵州、四川、广西、宁夏、洛阳、北京、上海、重庆等省(自治区)市文物考古研究所,北京大学、吉林大学、西北大学、山东大学、中山大学、南开大学、南京大学、中国人民大学、香港中文大学、山西大学、陕西师范大学、河北师范大学、北京联合大学、内蒙古大学、内蒙古师范大学等高校考古文博院系,中国文物报、文物出版社、科学出版社等新闻媒体以及内蒙古自治区盟市文物部门的90余名代表参加了此次会议.  相似文献   

川端康成的早期作品由于自传性较强,经常作为研究的资料被引用,而作品本身的某些蕴含却很少成为研究的对象,即如早期流露在这些作品中的对死亡的抗拒意识没有受到足够的重视。超越死亡的意识可以说贯穿了川端康成的整个创作生涯,如果忽略了川端康成早期作品中的对死亡的抗拒意识,便会从整体上影响对川端康成及其作品的认识。  相似文献   

许宗元 《旅游科学》2003,17(4):38-41
以小说而获诺贝尔学奖的川端康成,其游记成就亦斐然。本从学、美学、哲学三方面论说川端康成游记,探讨其独特卓异的旅游化意义。  相似文献   

Twenty-one previously unrecorded published writings by the English naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) are noticed. The writings vary greatly in date, size and importance, and include items pertaining both to Wallace's natural history as well as social and political interests  相似文献   

柳宗元“唯以中正信义为志,以兴尧、舜、孔子之道,利安元元为务”,民本思想处处体现在他的笔下和行为中。他的民本思想有如下特点:对君权神授的新认识,对官民关系的论述,文以明义的作品体现。  相似文献   

This article explores the link between political and military strategy and tactics in the work of Friedrich Engels. Though widely praised for his understanding of military affairs, Engels’ interlocutors have tended to be dismissive of his political works. By exploring his politics through the lens of his military writings this article challenges the view that Engels was a mechanical materialist and political fatalist thinker. It argues that his military writings cannot be understood apart from his political works, and that, whatever the historical limitations of the specific conclusions to which he came, his method in these writings illuminate his profound grasp of the relationship between strategy and tactics at both the military and political levels.  相似文献   

出土楚文献文字研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出土楚文献非常丰富,是当今学术研究的一个热点,而文字的正确释读是充分利用这些重要材料的前提。本文是对近七十年的出土楚文字研究的综述。  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to problematize writings on vehicles in an Iranian context. Previous studies have indicated that vehicle stickers can be employed to express emotions and social status, political views, ideology and identity, and religious beliefs. However, very little has been done on this discursive practice in Iran. This study is the result of the content analysis of 122 vehicle writings collected from April 2011 to March 2012. This paper will draw on six of the most frequent themes: religion, humor, playing pessimism, didactic expressions, ethnic-geographic identification, and love. Employing Bourdieu's conceptual frameworks of “habitus,” “field,” and “doxa,” and Heath and Street's social practice perspective on literacy, it will be argued that vehicle writings in this study can be regarded as situated literacy practices reflecting the dominant undisputed discourses in the context, but at the same time displaying the dynamic interplay of power relations, the relationship of cultural structures and individual customized versions of those structures in vehicle writings.  相似文献   

The prose and poetry of S. Weir Mitchell (1829–1914) – related to the American Civil War – encompass a very significant portion of his non-medical writings. The Civil War, more than any other single event, shaped his future career as one of the founders of American neurology. Indeed, it should not be surprising how the war was also such a driving force in his non-medical writings. His novels, once widely read, now are scarcely noted. His accounts of the social, political and economic events of the Civil War are of historical interest to students of the period. Neuroscientists as a group, like others, are apt to be unfamiliar with these writings, with the possible exception of “The Case of George Dedlow.” A major purpose of this essay is to introduce readers, especially neuroscientists, to Weir Mitchell’s fictional works in which neurological cases so often appear. One appreciates more the medical aspects of his novels, written as they were by a first-hand observer. His non-medical writings, poetry and prose, are to a large extent timeless and can be appreciated by today’s readers.  相似文献   

The prose and poetry of S. Weir Mitchell (1829-1914)--related to the American Civil War--encompass a very significant portion of his non-medical writings. The Civil War, more than any other single event, shaped his future career as one of the founders of American neurology. Indeed, it should not be surprising how the war was also such a driving force in his non-medical writings. His novels, once widely read, now are scarcely noted. His accounts of the social, political and economic events of the Civil War are of historical interest to students of the period. Neuroscientists as a group, like others, are apt to be unfamiliar with these writings, with the possible exception of "The Case of George Dedlow." A major purpose of this essay is to introduce readers, especially neuroscientists, to Weir Mitchell's fictional works in which neurological cases so often appear. One appreciates more the medical aspects of his novels, written as they were by a first-hand observer. His non-medical writings, poetry and prose, are to a large extent timeless and can be appreciated by today's readers.  相似文献   

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