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This paper focuses on L’Amorosa Filosofia, perhaps the most compelling response to Ficino’s De Amore produced in the sixteenth century, as it is centered on the notion of love as philautia, based upon a naturalistic and psychological interpretation. The learned lady Tarquinia Molza, the most important interlocutor of Francesco Patrizi, affirms that love, from its beginnings in the inner self to its end, when reaching the divine, cannot but be a phenomenon that engages the sense of touch, showing a naturalistic attitude toward the body and an interest in the mediation between matter and spirit. Contrary to popular notions of self-love as selfish and callous, an honest man must necessarily love himself first in order to love others. In The Praise of Folly, Erasmus also tackles the concept, making Folly praise Philautia as a fundamental means for happiness. More relevant to Patrizi’s work, in Mario Equicola’s De Natura de Amore, there is a long digression on the virtues of self-love.  相似文献   

在第二轮修志正式展开之际,本文对首轮修志20多年的经验教训作了一个总结。总结分思想政治修养、文化知识修养、编辑出版发行、方志常规管理4个方面,共80条。  相似文献   

曹汉刚 《收藏家》2008,(2):3-10
2007年12月6日,为庆祝建院80周年,河南博物院隆重推出“国家宝藏”展览。展览汇聚了中国国家博物馆、故宫博物院、中国社会科学院考古研究所、天津博物馆、辽宁省博物馆、河南博物院、河南省文物考古研究所、洛阳博物馆、开封博物馆等9家文物收藏单位的国宝文物103件组,其规模之大、文物等级之高、艺术品相之美、蕴涵文化信息之丰富,在河南博物院历史上都是空前的。国家宝藏展览分为国宝省亲与国宝汇聚两部分。  相似文献   

This article compares and contrasts the work of Quentin Skinner and Jacques Derrida on power and the State. It argues that despite Skinner's explicit repudiation of Derrida's method of philosophising, he has come to advocate an approach to the history of ideas that bears important and striking similarities to Derrida's thought. I attribute this intellectual gravitation toward Derrida as the logical outcome of a shared understanding on the nature of the cosmos and man's place within it—an understanding profoundly indebted to the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche and the genealogical history of Michel Foucault. As a means to illustrate the narrowing intellectual gulf between Skinner and Derrida, I compare their respective thoughts on the nature of the modern and contemporary State, a State that both intellectuals see as emerging from a dominant western philosophical tradition that, at its core, is marked by the idea of fear. For both Skinner and Derrida this has profound consequences for the possibilities open to individuals and societies for free thought and political action.  相似文献   

The UK government's consideration of whether to replace Trident evokes past controversies about the bomb including occasions when the Labour Party advocated unilateral renunciation of British nuclear weapons. Out of office, fierce debate engulfed the party, fuelled by, and in turn fuelling, intra-party conflict. In power, while Labour governments took different decisions on key defence issues to their Conservative counterparts, they nevertheless ensured that the UK remained a nuclear weapons state. Labour also ensured the habits of secrecy in nuclear decision-making were ingrained, though these were challenged by the current government. This article examines the development of Labour's approach to nuclear weapons since 1945. Particular attention is given to the 1980s as members of the current cabinet will have clear recollections of campaigning on an anti-nuclear policy in the 1980s. The Blair government has embarked on public debate ahead of a formal decision and should the issue of Britain's nuclear status become embroiled in a political battle over the leadership succession, anti-nuclear sentiment may re-emerge. Yet if the past is guide to the future, the history of Labour governments suggests that the real debate will be about what replaces Trident not whether it is replaced.  相似文献   

浙江宁波古称明州,也称四明。自宋元以来有诸多名志传世,特别是注入《四库全书》的"四明六志"享誉志坛。宁波人强于经商,精于治学,也乐于修志,且代有传人。民国初期宁波北仑修志人热衷修志的事迹盛传浙东,80多年来一直成为志苑佳话。  相似文献   


Psalm 80 is a Psalm of Asaph in the continuity of Psalm 79, and especially Psalm 78. We have the influence of Psalm 44 in relation to the Psalm 79, too. In the Psalms 78 and 80 we have two times in Israel's history: Patriarch's time (Joseph) and King's time (Judah). Joseph's mention in 80,2 and Ephraim Benjamin and Manasseh in 80,3, is an allusion to Egypt's time, a time without King. This point is corresponding to the fact of a doubt about the continuation of the royalty in the continuity of Ez 17. In the same way, Psalm 89 establishes the disappearance of the Davidic dynasty. But in the Psalm 80 there is always a hope. In the Psalm 80 the perspective of salvation plays an important part, with especially three times the expression . In this case it is not an influence of the book of Ezekiel, but a perspective of the Book of Isaiah, and so the Psalter. In this way it is possible to understand the relation of Psalm 80 to the Book of Exodus and especially Ex 15, see .  相似文献   

“80/20促进会”与美国华人参政新策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“8 0/2 0促进会”是以华人为主导的一个美国亚裔参政组织 ,它是针对 2 0 0 0年美国总统大选而成立的。本文拟就该组织成立的原因、目的和宗旨 ,总统候选人的确定、行动与争议 ,在大选中的影响力及其发展前景作一简单介绍 ,并对当代美国华人及亚裔参政这一新策略作一评价和深入思考。  相似文献   

全面抗战时期,加拿大援华医生诺尔曼·白求恩因给伤员做手术时感染,牺牲于晋察冀边区。为感念其卓越的贡献,中国共产党举行了形式多样的纪念活动,其纪念主旨随着时间的推移亦呈现出鲜明的时代特征。八十年来,白求恩形象大致围绕团结抗战、恢复建设、形塑新人以及现代外交等主题展开。从抗战时期传衍至今,白求恩形象经历了由初设到深化再到普及的过程,彰显出中共对时代变迁的深刻体察和灵活应对。  相似文献   

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