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Happy40thBirthAnniversaryofTibetDaily!¥LIJIAJUNSpring1996marksthe40thbirthdayofTibetDaily.Thedaily,publishedintheTibetanandHa...  相似文献   

OUTSTANDINCACHIEVEMENTSFORETELLBRIGHTFUTURE──Incelebrationofthe30thAnniversaryofthefoundingoftheTibetAutonomusRegionTibetansw...  相似文献   

The10thPanchenErdeniinspectingamountainvillageoftheBaiethnicgroupinDali,The10thPanchenErdeniathome.(1988)The10thPanchenErdeniinspectingalivestockfarminXigaze,Tibet.(January1989)The10thPanchenErdenipresidingovertheabhisedaceremonyinGarze,SichuanProvince.(Seqtember1986)The10thPahchenErdenicarryingoutaninvestigationinaTibetanpas-pastoralarea.De10thPanchenErdenigivingimmunitycapsulestochildrenintheKindergartenoftheCentralInstituteforNationalities[nowtheCentralUniversityforNationalities…  相似文献   

Beginninginthemid-1960s,IshuttledbetweenvillagesinDonggarTownship,DoilungdeqenCounty,locatedinthewesternsuburbsofLhasa.Iremainedthereforfouryears,andhavesincemaintainedcorrespondencewithsomeoftheresidentsthere.Geleg:SpotlightofExplosiveNewsDonggarwasrockedinthewinterof1982whenGeleg,PartySecretaryoftheDonggarPeople'sCommune,decidedtoquittheproductionteamtowhichheandCezholbelonged.Withfiveofhisrelativesheformedagrouptogoitalone.ThoughthiswascommoninsomeotherpartsofChina,itwasrareinTibet.…  相似文献   

Atthetimewhenthe500,000PeopleofQamdowerecelebratingthe5Othanniversaryoftheliberationoftheirarea,thebookQaIndoofnbet'Histo-ryTraditionandModemizationcameoffthepresses.WthLiGuanRwen,YangSongandGelegaschiefeditors,thebookisChina'sfirstacadendcworkexplainingthehistoryandstatusquooftheregioninasystematicway.Thebookcontainstheresultsofresearchintothetr8ditionalcultUreandmod-ernizationintheTibetan-inhabitedareasofChina,aprojectconductedundertheleadershipofGeleg.AdozenpeoplefromBeijing,Chengdu…  相似文献   

More Than 200 Delegates Take Part in CelebrationOn June 5, the CPI-M, CPI and AIFB-the three leftwing political parties in India with a combined membership of 30 million-met in New Delhi to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet. H. Surjeet (CPI-M General Secretary), A.B. Bardhan (CPI General Secretary), G.Devarajan (Secretary of the AIFB Secretariat), as well as some 200 delegates representing certain leftwing mass organizations, such as the All-I…  相似文献   

Man first conquered the8,848. 13-meter Mt.Qomolangma on May29,1953, and 50 yearshas now passed since that momentousevent. In the past half-century, manyhave followed suit to dwarf the peak,leaving behind many heroic stories. In the period from 1921, when aBritish mountaineering team first ven-tured to challenge the world's highestmountain, to the end of November2002, mountaineers from variouscountries in the world organized morethan 420 climbs, and 1,200 peoplesucceeded in reaching the summit;they have opened up 42 routes leadingto the top.  相似文献   

Tibet─HomeofWildCreatures¥byLiuKaijiInrecentyears,thankstoaseriesofgovernmentpoliciesandlawsonwildlifeprotection,greatscienti...  相似文献   

A solo concert was held to mark the 50th singing career of Cedain Zholma on December 22,2003.The next day,she went to Hunan at the head of the Tibet Song and Dance Troupe where she sang in a concert held by Shaoshan and Xiantan, hometown of Mao Zedong. Upon invitation of Yunnan, she went to Yunnan for solo performance. On this basis, the TAR Federation for Literaturary and Art Circles published a pictorial titled Highland Soul: Cedain Zholma and a book entitled Music of Snowland: Biography of Cedain Zholma, which were first sold in Xiantan of Hunan Province on December 26.  相似文献   

Whereas Ivan P. Pavlov (1849-1936) is well-known for his work on classical conditioning, his contribution to neuroscience, particularly his interest in the function of neural centers in the central nervous system, is not as widely known. During the last three decades of his life, Pavlov explored cortical processes by salivary reflex conditioning, a method he used to develop his theory of higher nervous activity. This theory outlined the function of the brain in higher organisms in their interaction with the changing environmental contingencies. As early as 1908, Pavlov outlined a neurophysiological theory as the physiological basis of his theory of higher nervous activity. He maintained that the neural processes of excitation and inhibition irradiate and concentrate among the cortical neural centers. Most of all, he emphasized the plasticity of the cortex in higher organisms’ in the Darwinian struggle for existence.  相似文献   

In the seven years from 1993 to 1999, the Tibetanmountaineers dwarfed 11 peaks each of more than8,000 meters, including the Qomolangmo,Kanchenjunga, Lho Tse, Makalu, Cho Oyu,Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, Nanga Parbat, Annapurna,Gasherbrum II, and Xixabangma. This is rare in the human history of mountaineering.SANGZHU: Head of theMountaineering TeamBorn in Gyamco Township,Xigaze in June 1953, Sangzhubegan to receive training inmountaineering in 1974, andjoined the team to climb theQomolangm…  相似文献   

TidbitsofSocio-EcononmicDevelopmentinTibetSOINAMTibet,tuckedawayontheRoofoftheWorld,isstillmysterioustotheworld.Whatdoesitloo...  相似文献   

FollowingtheLivingBuddhaXaricangIntoTibetforthePeacefulLiberationofTibetBeginningwiththisissue,wecreateanewcolumncalledPastMe...  相似文献   

Liberata Luciani 《Folklore》2017,128(2):133-156
This article focuses on a cross-cultural folk practice which is based on a textual charm and referred to as Cento Croci (One Hundred Crosses). By comparing and contrasting three separate versions from three different southern Italian regions, this article demonstrates that the Cento Croci tradition is used to address a universal and enduring safety need by memorializing the defeat of an enemy in a past event which can be traced back to the Crusades. This reason for the practice of the Cento Croci tradition is unaltered by cultural variations which are characteristically superficial.  相似文献   

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