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以色列作为中东地区唯一实行议会民主政治制的国家,一直被誉为"专制沙漠中的民主绿洲"。虽然以色列的政治体制大体上沿袭于西方的政治传统,但又明显融合了以色列自身的历史传统文化因素,形成来源于西方而又区别于西方的独特的政治体制,在中东这块君主专制的沙漠中形成了它独具特色的议会民主制体制,深深影响着以色列的政治现状和政治发展。  相似文献   

20世纪以来,德国发生了两次民主制度替代专制制度的变革,即魏玛共和国议会民主制替代德意志第二帝国的专制,以及德意志联邦共和国议会民主制替代第三帝国法西斯专制。第一次制度变革的结局,议会民主制仅存续14年即被法西斯独裁所替代。第二次制度变革的成果则是议会民主制度稳固下来,最终在1990年统一了德国。国际因素在这两次制度变革的发生、变革成果的存续中发挥了重要的作用。本文通过对此简要梳理和分析,探讨全球化时代国际因素与政治制度变革的关系。  相似文献   

“德意志独特道路”问题是德国与西方史学界围绕19与20世纪德国的发展道路是否与为什么偏离西方道路展开的讨论。本认为,不能忽视另一条道路,即共产主义道路对德国近现代历史发展的影响。19世纪的德意志独特道路偏离了西方议会民主制道路,而20世纪纳粹德国的独特道路则既背离了西方道路又背离了苏联式的东方道路。德国走上独特道路的主要原因,在于其半先进与半落后的中欧国家性质以及德意志民族强烈的民族意识。  相似文献   

当前中国所推行的村民自治作为实施地方自治、推进民主宪政所迈出的第一步,无疑将对我国的政治现代化进程产生深远而重大的历史影响。中国村民自治所遵循的路径模式区别于西方现代国家的民主自治模式,而是结合了中国国情所创造的一种积极有效、稳妥有序的全新的路径模式。尽管如此,对于中国村民自治路径模式的探索仍将是一个漫长的过程。  相似文献   

改革开放以来村民自治的历程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖立辉 《百年潮》2008,(8):53-56
改革开放以来,在中国共产党领导下,中国基层民主获得了长足发展,以村民自治、居民自治为主要形式的基层群众自治成为当代中国民主发展的一道亮丽风景线。目前,村民自治所倡导的民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督,已经不再局限于中国的农村基层民主活动范围,而成为中国民主政治生活中的通用法则。  相似文献   

来君 《攀登》2008,27(1):121-124
党的十七大将基层群众自治制度首次纳入中国特色政治制度范畴,这是我们党不断推进社会主义政治制度自我完善和发展的生动体现。村民自治制度是中国现代化进程中范围最广的一项农村基层民主实践活动,农民通过村民自治组织有效地延续了农村基层政权的合法性。本文从法律的视角对村民自治制度进行了粗浅的分析,并提出了修改和完善《村委会组织法》的几点建议。  相似文献   

1960年尼泊尔国王马亨德拉毅然解散了议会、取缔了党派,实行所谓的潘查亚特民主制。本文①认为,这一制度的推行有着较为复杂和敏感的时代背景。摆脱印度的控制和自主进行民族国家建设是这一制度推行的主权背景;传统势力的阻碍和政党不够成熟是议会民主制在尼泊尔短命的重要原因;而在特定的历史条件下,印度教的传统政治文化又决定了王权在与党派力量的较量中占得了上风。  相似文献   

民初知识分子对议会政治的反思与建构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘伟 《史学月刊》2005,17(1):61-68
民国初年,面对议会政治的失败,知识分子在反思中进行了新的探索。大致表现出三种路向:第一是认为中西社会条件不同,代议制不适合中国;第二种主张用普选制、职业团体选举来改造代议制;第三种要用直接民权取代代议制。但民初政治发展的实际走向是从移植西方代议制转向由集权走向宪政的曲折道路。  相似文献   

彭剑 《安徽史学》2015,(6):83-87
岑春煊1907年建议各省设立的咨议局,以及其后江苏绅士与安徽官绅所设计的咨议局,虽然在本质上都不是完全的议会机构,但设计者都将其定位为"全省"的机关,而非"地方"的机关。法部在批评岑氏的时候,更是提出,必须先建立地方议会,才能建立省议会,地方议会是咨议局的基础。1908年出台的通行全国的《咨议局章程》,将咨议局定位为"一省之议会"。在上奏《咨议局章程》的奏折中,在与于式枚辩难的过程中,宪政编查馆都强调,由于中国的行省不同于各国的"地方",咨议局不同于各国的地方议会,而是中国特有的省议会。清季对议会系统的规划,是国会、省议会与地方议会,而非国会与地方议会。今人多将咨议局称为地方议会,实错解了当时制度设计者的良苦用心。  相似文献   

西方民主在近代中国的命运   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
七个阶段近代一百多年中,中国人从初步认识和传播民主思想,到逐渐提出并尝试以改革或革命的手段建立某种西方式的民主制度,经过曲折的奋斗而最终没有取得成功。这就是西方民主在近代中国的命运。这里我们先简括地回顾一下,近代中国人争取建立西方式民主制度的奋斗历程所经历的几个主要阶段。(一)从鸦片战争到19世纪90年代初期起初,只有个别的开明官吏和知识分子发现西方政制与中国的最大区别是它们有议会制度。继之,出使人员对西方议会制度有了直接的观察和了解,并较具体地介绍给国人。随后产生了一批改革思想家,他们渐次提出效法西方君民共…  相似文献   

Heinrich Heine’s ?Two Chinese Scholars“ Revisited

Twenty-five years ago, the author published a treatise dealing with the two Chinese mentioned by Heinrich Heine in The Harz Journey as well as in a private letter. These men served as teachers for Wilhelm Schott, the future first professor of Chinese at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität of Berlin. Since then, a number of scholars turned to this topic and consider the two of them as pioneers of Chinese immigration to Berlin, Prussia or Germany respectively. Most of these scholars interpret certain facts according to their own liking, though there are no sources at all to support their suppositions. The present paper addresses all these misinterpretations. Moreover, newly discovered contemporary reports about the two Chinese are quoted verbatim.  相似文献   

This article speculates about possible parallels between the experience of the Athenian empire and the Americans’ rationale for their presence in Iraq. Leaders in both countries sought to make their worlds safe for democracy by military invasion. The Athenian experience is described, drawing on Thucydides and other primary and secondary sources. Then there is a sketch of the scholarly treatment accorded the Athenian empire by writers through to the present day. Finally, allusions to the classical experience by several contemporary writers are examined. These writers articulate a common pessimism about the future prospects for the American presence in Iraq.  相似文献   

张永 《安徽史学》2005,1(6):39-46
1913年11月4日袁世凯以非法命令取消国民党议员资格,致使国会不足法定人数而解散,这是斩断中华民国法统的重大事变.国民党被查禁后,进步党是唯一的重要政党,但熊梁内阁副署命令引发进步党分裂为国会派(议会民主派)和内阁派(开明专制派).以熊希龄、梁启超为首的内阁派基于开明专制思想,希望通过依附北洋派的专制力量推行自己的开明政策;而以国会议员为主体的国会派坚持议会政治理想,不肯通过牺牲国会的尊严来延续国会的存在.维持国会的活动终于失败,进步党也在两派纷争之中逐渐瓦解.进步党的失败标志着民初各派分享权力格局的结束和袁世凯独裁统治的开始.  相似文献   

Inspired by innovative social projects and new political movements, anthropologists have turned to the study of political possibility. In looking at how people imagine and struggle for temporalities and conditions that will afford them the opportunity to exist in ways different from those they are experiencing now, cultural analysts draw on ethnography and critical political philosophy to chart new analytical trajectories and themes. By foregrounding a language of potentiality and becoming, scholars also envision new ways for looking at democracy and justice. In drawing on three contemporary ethnographies, this review traces how anthropologists examine possibilities in diverse cultural and political contexts, including some of its tenets and conjectures.  相似文献   

In parliamentary systems of government, size of parliament (in absolute terms and, especially, relative to the parliamentary executive) is an important, but often underemphasised, aspect of constitutional design. An analysis is provided of change in the size of national and sub-national parliaments and ministries in one parliamentary democracy, Australia, during the twentieth century. The ratio of executive to non-executive members of parliament has grown dramatically in all Australian parliaments, due to differences in incentives to increase the sizes of parliament and the executive. It is argued that this process has contributed to the weakening of parliaments and limited the potential for parliamentary reform. A proposal for institutional redesign is brieflly discussed.  相似文献   

Collapse is a perennial topic among historical scholars, and a favorite source of lessons for our future. Collapse literature often reflects contemporary fears and aspirations. The four books discussed here mirror today's concern with anthropogenic environmental degradation and climate change, and for better or worse, influence a reading public far beyond the academy. Two books focus on an individual collapse—the Classic Maya—and two aspire to a broader treatment. They are unequally successful in their outcomes.  相似文献   

It is well‐known that the quest for an Islamic state was a desire common to most Islamists of the twentieth and twenty‐first centuries. This article discusses three contemporary political theories that stand in sharp contrast to the Islamists’ theory of an Islamic state. These political theories are developed by three prominent contemporary Muslim scholars, Nasr Hamid Abū Zayd, Ablodkarim Soroush, and Muhammad Mujtahed Shabestari. The article attempts to discuss the common themes between the views of these scholars concerning governance. It argues that the political theories presented by them significantly differ from those developed by most Islamists, who share the idea that Islam is a self‐sufficient political system. It also argues that while these political theories challenge the idea that incorporates the maximal role for government in religious matters and thus are close to certain aspects of regulations of governance in Western countries, they are different from those political theories in the West that focus on a sharp distinction between religion and state because religion, for such scholar, plays an important role in developing civil society.  相似文献   

亚里士多德的《雅典政制》是研究古希腊政治史的重要史料。主要的汉译本有两种,其中商务印书馆出版的译本在学术界影响较大。两个译本都存在多处翻译问题。本文以商务印务馆出版的译本为对象,摘其要者36处从古希腊文原文出发一一辨析,并引后者加以对照。本文的举误以指出字句上的误译为主,间或考证史实说明文意,这方面主要建立在西方学者研究成果的基础上,有些地方提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The paper examines the debates regarding place‐neutral versus place‐based policies for economic development. The analysis is set in the context of how development policy thinking on the part of both scholars and international organizations has evolved over several decades. Many of the previously accepted arguments have been called into question by the impacts of globalization and a new response to these issues has emerged, a response both to these global changes and also to nonspatial development approaches. The debates are highlighted in the context of a series of major reports recently published on the topic. The cases of the developing world and the European Union are used as examples of how in this changing context development intervention should increasingly focus on efficiency and social inclusion at the expense of an emphasis on territorial convergence and how strategies should consider economic, social, political, and institutional diversity in order to maximize both the local and the aggregate potential for economic development.  相似文献   

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