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詹雪龙 《风景名胜》2010,(11):64-71
企业家追求独特的旅行体验,其中生态旅游很吸引他们的注意。在2010胡润百富企业家摄影展上,六位热爱生态旅游和摄影的世界级中国企业家展示了他们的作品。摄影展的主题为"他们指尖的世界:从中国企业家的镜头看生态旅游"(The World at Their Fingertips:Ecotourism through the lenses of China'sEntrepreneurs),作为低碳之旅的先行者,他们在跋山涉水,徒步穿越峡谷、草原,登上世界级高峰的过程中,把对环保的激情和对摄影的爱好融为一体。  相似文献   

lydia n. yu  jose 《外交史》2005,29(2):343-347
Book reviewed:
Julian Go and Anne L. Foster, eds. The American Colonial State in the Philippines, Global Perspectives . Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 2003. 312 pp. Index. $79.95 (cloth), $22.95 (paper).  相似文献   

殖民主义的终结及其影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高岱 《世界历史》2000,(1):17-26
第二次世界大战结束之后,英、法等殖民帝国相继瓦解。“在现代殖民帝国的发展过程中,没有任何事情比它消失的速度更引人注目了。1939年,现代殖民帝国似乎发展到了它的顶峰阶段。但在1981年时,它实际上已经土崩瓦解”①。到世纪之末,绵延数百年的殖民主义已最后终结。在新世纪铿锵而来之际,对这一发生在20世纪的重要历史事件所进行的整体研究,将会有助我们更进一步地认识和把握历史发展的客观规律。一民族主义的兴起与发展,无疑是促进现代殖民主义最后终结的重要原因之一。在构成现代殖民帝国主体的非移民殖民地中,除少数…  相似文献   

Yuka Kadoi 《Iranian studies》2017,50(6):873-893
Having been introduced to the scholarly community and the general public through a variety of photographic presentations during the inter-war period, monuments in Iran, particularly those of pre-modern Islamic periods, became key buildings to be seized upon as the ultimate embodiment of Persian beauty. The lasting image of Persian Islamic architecture that was articulated through photographs continues not only to set an important benchmark for the understanding of the aesthetic and political matrix of the early twentieth century but also to provoke a methodological question as to the future of Persian architectural studies.  相似文献   

Spanish colonial archaeology has undergone a fundamental shift since the Columbian Quincentenary due to the adoption of a bottom-up understanding of colonialism that emphasizes the analysis of local phenomena in a global context and the active ways in which people negotiated the processes set in motion by the conquest. This review examines five key research foci: culture change and identity, missionization, bioarchaeology, economics, and investigations of the colonial core. It ends with a consideration of ongoing challenges posed by the archaeology of colonialism, particularly the relationship of the individual to broader social processes and the emerging role of comparison.  相似文献   

水岸桥 《华夏地理》2003,(5):86-109
1993年美国《国家地理》杂志的摄影师共拍摄了1,683,600多张照片,结果只用了1408张.摄影师Emory Kistof曾动用了15吨重的器材进行拍摄,而最后只用了6张照片.我刚来国家地理时,摄影师Bruce Dale说.12个摄影工作人员中有8位离异.  相似文献   

The relationship between cities and retail is strong and historical. This article focuses on the analysis of traditional retail markets, a retail concept that has lost its relevance in previous decades. However, more recently there has been a reversal of this trend following increased interest in the rehabilitation of these markets. This reinvestment follows the divestment stage and is characterised by the active role that private interests play in the management and operation of these retail precincts. This evolutionary process challenges the capacity of traditional retailers to continue their operations in these markets and the ability of disadvantaged customers to continue shopping there. Furthermore, this development may be indicative of retail gentrification. In this article, the ongoing process of market rehabilitation in Lisbon is analysed to determine whether evidence of retail gentrification has occurred. The use of case studies forms a significant part of the methodology. In addition, eleven retailers were interviewed in three traditional retail markets in Lisbon. The article concludes that direct displacement did not occur in the markets studies. However, because of the divestment in these retail precincts, indirect displacement did affect several retailers.  相似文献   

冯玮 《抗日战争研究》2002,16(2):116-131
本对从“满蒙领有论”到建立满洲国的原因、背景、过程,以及“大东亚共荣圈”构想的形成、其内容和范围的演变,作了历史的分析,并以此为基础,指出了二的内在联系。本作认为:1、从占有“满蒙”变成建立“满洲国”。是日本军国主义为了实现整个扩张计划而作的策略调整;2、“大东亚共荣圈”的内容和范围.并非一成不变。其演变同二战前国际局势的变化密切相关;3、和赤裸裸的扩张计划相比,“大东亚共荣圈”不仅具有隐蔽性和欺骗性的特征。而且是日本各种侵略扩张的综合体现。  相似文献   


Mass immunisation is a central aspiration of global health programmes, such as in the 2000 Millennium Development Goals (MDG), as a means of addressing the glaring inequalities in life expectancy that separate the Global North and South. A recent initiative, the Human Papillomaviruses (HPV) vaccine, is being rolled out in so-called developing countries to prevent a number of sexually transmitted diseases, including one of the rarer forms of cervical cancer. Despite its apparent good intentions, resistance to the vaccine has occurred, in developed as well as in developing countries, not least because it constitutes a largely gendered form of medical intervention which is promoted according to Western concepts of risk, biomedical knowledge and normative understandings of female sexual behaviour. As a major component of the MDG health strategy aimed at developing countries, the HPV vaccine initiative carries implicit tendencies towards ‘medical colonialism’ underpinned as it is by hegemonic scientific masculinity, in which gendered forms of structural violence are legitimised through the discursive affiliations of progress and global health. This paper will examine the intersecting themes of political economy, gendered structural violence and hegemonic medical masculinity underpinning HPV immunisation programmes within the context of development. It interrogates how masculine scientific narratives of disease prevention, which legitimises the state-endorsed (and increasingly mandated) pharmaceuticalised protection of young women as objects of patriarchal care and control, have become the new missionary voices, saving bodies rather than souls.  相似文献   


The Aru Islands are situated at the eastern end of the Indian Ocean, in the southern Moluccas. They are also one of the easternmost places in the world where Islam and Christianity gained a (limited) foothold in the early-modern period, and marked the outer reach of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). The present article discusses Western-Arunese relations in the seventeenth century in terms of economic exchange and political networks. Although Aru society was stateless and relatively egalitarian and eluded strong colonial control up to the late colonial period, it was still a source of natural products, such as pearls, birds-of-paradise, turtle-shells, destined for luxury consumption in Asia and Europe. Aru society was thus positioned in a global economic network while leaving it largely ungoverned. Colonial archival data yield important information about the indigenous responses to European attempts to control the flow of goods. They both support Roy Ellen’s claim that the economic flows in eastern Indonesia extended beyond the control of VOC, and provide parallels to James Scott’s thesis of state-avoidance among the ethnic minorities in mainland Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

出现在近代中日关系中的协和语,是一种伴随着殖民入侵而出现的语言现象,在一个世纪以上的历史跨度中,一方面极具生命力,是日本人与中国人民间语言交流的一种文化现实;另一方面,又是语言规律之外的一个怪胎,呈现出日本语与中国语混淆使用的基本面目,从未有过登堂入室的体面经历.本文从协和语概念的界定、协和语发展的三个不同阶段,以及作为殖民语言的本质特征等几个方面,讨论了关于协和语的初步认识.  相似文献   

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