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WiththeadventofthelateCenozoicEra,thelayofthehigh-landlakeschangedfrequentlyasaresultoftherisinRplateauandclimatechanges.WiththedisappearanceoftheTethysSeafromtheQinghai-TibetanPlateausome4Omillionyearsago,thehighlandlakesenteredanewperiodinevolution.TheformationoflakesonthehighlandsfoundontheQinghai-TibetanPlateaubegandur-ingtheOligoceneepoch(38-22mil-lionyearsago).Theevolutionaryperiodcanbedividedintothefollow-ingfourstages.-oligoceneEpochtoLateMioceneEpoch(38-7mya);whateMiocenetoEar…  相似文献   

西湖,本是一个山水实体,属于自然界的一部分,但在不断地演变中成为一个著名的文化景观,并且在一千多年的时间里,始终处于中国人审美体验、审美活动的中心位置,不断地影响着中国人的生活、思绪和艺术活动。  相似文献   

This article presents a conceptual framework for clarifying the network hypotheses embedded in policy theories and how they relate to macrolevel political institutions and microlevel political behavior. We then describe the role of statistical models of networks for testing these hypotheses, including the problem of operationalizing theoretical concepts with the parameters of statistical models. Examples from existing theories of the policy process and empirical research are provided and potential extensions are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper shows four statistical methods that examine the distribution of points on a network (such as the distribution of retail stores along streets). The first statistical method is an extension of the nearest-neighbor distance method (the Clark-Evans statistic) defined on a plane to the method defined on a network. The second statistical method examines the effect of categorical attribute values of links (say, types of streets) on the distribution of activity points on a network. The third statistical method examines the effect of infrastructural elements (such as railway stations) on the distribution of activity points on a network. The fourth statistical method examines the compound effect of multiple kinds of infrastructural elements (say, railway stations and big parks) on the distribution of activity points on a network. These methods are discussed with empirical examples.  相似文献   


The region of Messenia in extreme SW Greece has recently received unusual attention not only from archaeologists but also from philologists, historians, and various social and natural scientists. This article represents an attempt to synthesize some of the data thus generated in order to explore the locational concerns of the inhabitants in the Late Bronze Age (1600-1100 B.C.). Some statistical techniques are used to generate a prediction of the regional population, to investigate the differential distribution of the population over the varied landscape, and to attempt to understand the significance of the population distribution in terms of the social and economic organization of the developed kingdom of Pylos (13th century B.C.).  相似文献   


It has recently been proposed that lowered lake levels after 4250 BP broadened opportunities for mobility and interaction patterns among hunter-gatherer populations in the Saginaw drainage and in Michigan more broadly (; ). Here, data are presented on chipped stone reduction strategies as reflected in two site assemblages in Bay City, Michigan (20BY28, 20BY387) that bridge this key point in time. The earliest Late Archaic components of these sites, occupied during the higher than modern post Nipissing recession ca. 3200 BP, are typified by on-site reduction of local cherts, often utilising a bipolar reduction strategy. Subsequent uses of the area largely shifted to lower elevations. The more recent site components contain both more diverse projectile styles, many of which can be linked with Ontario types, and higher occurrences of non-local raw materials, specifically Onondaga chert apparently arriving at the site as preforms. The last use of these sites occurred during the Late Woodland, also during lower water levels approaching modern, and reflecting the highest use of Onondaga chert. We suggest that these changes resulted from shifting mobility and exchange patterns, facilitated in part by lowered post Nipissing water levels.  相似文献   

先秦时期城市的给水主要来源有两个,一是凿井取水,二是穿渠引水。井水水质纯净,渠水水量较大。城市的排水主要依靠管道将城中的雨水和生活废水排往城外的护城河中。  相似文献   

论旅游意象属性及其构成   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
庄志民 《旅游科学》2007,21(3):19-26
本文从对英文Image本意的探究辨析入手,指出,作为核心范畴的意象应当是内在底蕴和外在形象有机结合,进而从分析层面对意义、意识和意蕴以及物象、视象和心象的联系和差异进行阐释,从综合层面尝试对内在底蕴和外在形象的互动生成机制予以说明.  相似文献   

本文以《文渊阁四库全书》为基础数据,考查两《唐书》列传人物旅游活动所涉及的旅游资源,以国标GB/T18972—2003作为分类标准,建立唐代旅游资源基础数据库,统计分析唐代旅游资源的结构与分布。结论认为:唐代旅游资源以人文旅游资源为主,佛塔寺观、山岳型旅游地、楼阁亭台是唐代最主要的旅游资源。唐代旅游资源主要分布于政治、经济、文化、旅游中心等地,并有沿主要交通线分布的特征。大多数旅游资源分布于基本经济区内,并有较强的内陆集中性。两京地区、吴越地区、长江中游地区、成都地区和永州一桂州地区是唐代五大旅游资源富集区。封禅线沿线地区和长江流域形成了唐代两大旅游资源带。  相似文献   

This paper examines the problem of determining the statistical significance of an observed spatial distribution vis-à-vis a simulated pattern of the “Hägerstrand type.” It is argued that the sampling distribution for a Hägerstrand type simulator is multinomial. The diffusion model considered is logically equivalent to a multinomial experiment with independent assignment of adoptions to areal cells according to a probability distribution that remains fixed for a given time interval. Conventional tests for goodness of multinomial fit are thus appropriate.  相似文献   

Pots as tools is a concept that has been widely accepted and developed since Braun’s classic 1983 publication. However, in northeastern North America archaeologists continue to use pottery primarily as an aid to culture history and research problems based thereon. In central New York State it has been postulated that a change in pottery forming technique heralds the onset of Iroquoian pottery traditions at around AD 1000. Empirical data on pottery forming and two other pottery traits do not support this postulation. Rather the trends in these traits are consistent with social learning theory and changes in mobility and population aggregation. Following Engelbrecht (1999, 2003) we suggest that a more fruitful approach to understanding the evolution of northern Iroquoian groups is to be found in ethnogenesis theory as described by Moore (1994, 2001).  相似文献   

阿凯亚城邦联盟是希腊化时期希腊本土地区最有影响力的政权之一,其政治体制作为古希腊城邦联盟制的代表,值得关注.辛诺多斯和辛克莱托斯是阿凯亚城邦联盟的公民集会,是阿凯亚城邦联盟政治体系运作中的核心.本文从波利比乌斯<历史>的一段文本出发,讨论辛诺多斯和辛克莱托斯的组成.  相似文献   

近300年来新疆玛纳斯湖变迁研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在充分分析、利用历史文献记载、精确解读历史地图信息的基础上,结合现代大比例尺地形图、遥感卫星影像资料,以及前人的科学研究和野外实地考察成果,运用历史地理逆向推演法,分析了近300年来玛纳斯湖的历史演化过程,确定了不同历史时期玛纳斯湖的地理位置,弥补了第四纪以来玛纳斯湖演化过程研究的空白,并且对不同历史时期区域自然因素与人文因素对玛纳斯湖流域水文变迁的影像进行了分析,为今后玛纳斯湖周围生态环境演化研究提出了新的研究重点和研究方向。  相似文献   

Lake cover in the northern part of Western Siberia is correlated with recent crustal movements. A high concentration of lakes is found to be associated with downwarps and a low lake-cover index with the crests of positive structures. Lake-cover maps can thus be used to predict the presence of structures in the sedimentary mantle of the West Siberian plain as an aid in oil and gas prospecting. If the median of the frequency distribution of lakes is assumed to be the relative zero level of differential crustal movements in a particular region, the deciles for the distribution can be converted into a numerical scale suggesting the relative positive and negative movements in the neotectonic framework. The intensity and direction of these movements, as derived from lake-cover analysis, may serve as an additional aid in prospecting for oil and gas.  相似文献   

Harold A Perkins 《对极》2006,38(1):128-149
Much emphasis within Marxist political ecology has focused on the social production of nature. Less attention, however, has been paid to the ways in which an emergent, material nature is an actor in the dialectic of its own appropriation. This paper examines the attempt to capitalize, under simultaneous processes of production and consumption, two proximate yet different Minnesota lakes. Lakes Elysian and Frances represent biophysical nature as process. Yet, their contrasting apparent states of permanence emerge from their dynamic relationships with agriculture, further affecting residential construction on their shores and lake association politics. Information collected from lakes surveys conducted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and personal interviews with lakes association members provide insight into relational processes that influence the appearance of these lakes. Using this investigation, efforts can be made to resist discourses and practices that reify the existence of “green” lakes as inevitable. It is suggested, then, that a new politics of lakes management should be mediated that is less dependent upon their capitalization.  相似文献   

This paper shows a statistical method for analyzing the spatial relationship between the distributions of two different kinds of activity in a region. One kind of activity is discretely distributed as points in a region (such as the distribution of retail stores), and the other kind of activity is continuously distributed over the region (such as the distribution of population). First, three models representing the relationship between the above two distributions are formulated. Second, statistical methods for fitting these models to data are developed and the measures of fitness are proposed. Third, using these measures, the relationship between the distributions of thirty-seven kinds of retail stores and the distribution of population is examined in a suburb of Osaka in Japan.  相似文献   

关于构建和谐分配关系问题   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
随着我国的经济发展,出现了收入两极分化的现象,主要表现在贫富人口的收入之比过高、城乡居民收入差距持续扩大、各地区间两极分化加剧等。产生两极分化既有主观原因也有客观原因,其中客观原因主要是价值规律、按劳分配规律、资本积累规律作用的结果,主观原因则在于以往认识的偏颇与政策的不到位。因而在今后的经济工作中,应重视价值规律、按劳分配规律和资本积累规律的消极作用,市场与价值规律不是万能的,不能覆盖全社会。同时,政府必须保证社会公平,既不能越位,更不能缺位。  相似文献   

On the Rank-Size Distribution for Human Settlements   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
An explanation for the rank-size distribution for human settlements based on simple stochastic models of settlement formation and growth is presented. Not only does the analysis of the model explain the rank-size phenomenon in the upper tail, it also predicts a reverse rank-size phenomenon in the lower tail. Furthermore it yields a parametric form (the double Pareto-lognormal distribution) for the complete distribution of settlement sizes. Settlement-size data for four regions (two in Spain and two in the U.S.) are used as examples. For these regions the lower tail rank-size property is seen to hold and the double Pareto-lognormal distribution shown to provide an excellent fit, lending support to the model and to the explanation for the rank-size law.  相似文献   

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