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Legislative committee hearings have attracted little attention from scholars, yet Schlozman and Tierney (1986) found that testifying is the advocacy tactic most frequently used by interest group lobbyists. I argue that opportunities to testify are valuable enough to lobbyists that they may be willing to put aside competitive differences with rival groups to jointly support committee agendas. I test this argument using data on lobbyist testimony before 20 committees on six issues from 1999 to 2002. The results suggest that whether legislators actually desire competing lobbyists to present a united front behind the committee may depend on the committee's own ideological relationship with the parent chamber. I also find that the attractiveness of the incentive to testify is less enticing to lobbyists when it requires them to compromise their organization's position on issues of importance to their members, or when competition between interest groups is especially great.  相似文献   

陈旭 《华夏地理》2002,(11):52-69
古道热肠的师父,偷偷跟来的徒弟 2000年9月28日,傍晚时分,两辆大卡车满载着"大上海杂技歌舞团"的人员和辎重,从陕西延长县出发,走了一天一夜,来到了山西省曲沃县上家村.这是一个偏远的小山村.同时到来的还有安徽马戏团和山西运城马戏团.他们都来赶一个物资交流大会.  相似文献   

Alfred Marshall believed that, while the benefits of clusters resulted from cooperation between firms, competition was an important driving force. In contrast, contemporary theories of clusters place most emphasis on collective action. This article seeks to distinguish processes of competition and cooperation within clusters, through a critical reading of different theoretical approaches. This distinction has important implications for the scale and nature of public policy. An emphasis on competitive processes implies a more macro-economic role for public agencies in seeking to raise investment in innovation while the fostering of cooperation implies measures to support decentralized public-private research collaborations.  相似文献   

潘成忠 《丝绸之路》2009,(14):106-107
物质文明不能脱离精神文明而独立存在,人是物质文明和精神文明的载体,是历史与文明的聚焦点。在大学生思想政治工作中.运用竞争理念可使思想政治工作具有新的含义,为精神生产力向物质生产力转化提供了可能。  相似文献   

Despite technological upgrading of borders at the edges of Europe, “Fortress Europe” continues to fail as an effective means of controlling irregular migration. As a consequence, European states are restructuring their border regimes by externalizing migration management to non‐EU countries beyond the border and creating new programs and policies to do so. Autonomy of Migration (AoM) offers a distinct way for thinking about border control mechanisms and goals of managing mobility. AoM does not read this off‐shoring of borders through the lens of centralized and coordinated state powers, but develops an autonomous gaze that supplements these institutional readings of apparatuses of capture with a view that takes as its starting point the ways in which border architectures, institutions, and policies interact with and react to the turbulence of migrant mobilities. By engaging current EU externalization policies, this paper illustrates the shifting relationship between border control and mobility.  相似文献   

非市场竞争条件下喀斯特洞穴旅游竞争研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在市场竞争条件下,即游客为经济人的情况下,同一地域内洞穴类旅游地的空间竞争表现为替代性强的空间竞争,其结果为区位好、资源价值高、知名度大的洞穴替代区位差、资源价值低、知名度小的洞穴.而在非市场竞争条件下,同一地域内的洞穴旅游地空间竞争结果受到旅游地内外部复杂环境因素的影响,表现为不确定性.企业经营因素、政策因素等有可能超越资源、区位、知名度等因素,对洞穴类旅游地间的空间竞争格局的形成发挥作用,导致市场的重新分配.  相似文献   

包节所撰《陕西行都司志》是明代唯一的一部行都司志。《包侍御集》卷5收有《甘肃志六序》,此《甘肃志》即《陕西行都司志》。该志《四库全书总目》收入"史部地理类存目"中,后世诸家目录即不见载,《陇右方志录》断定已佚,《四库全书存目丛书》也没有收录。但其资料被大量保存在清顺治十四年(1657年)重刊的《西镇志》、《凉镇志》、《甘镇志》、《肃镇志》和乾隆《甘肃通志》等地方志及顾炎武《肇域志》、《天下郡国利病书》等典籍中,其他如《禹贡锥指》、《水经注疏》等地理学著作也有引用。《古今图书集成.方舆汇编.职方典》之《陕西行都司部汇考》即由《陕西行都司志》删削篡改而成。该志有重要的史料价值,我们期待着辑本的成书出版。  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of both competitive forces and patterns of collaboration within academic communities, studies on research productivity generally treat universities as independent entities. By exploring the research productivity of all academic economists employed at 81 universities and 17 economic research institutes in Austria, Germany, and German‐speaking Switzerland, this study finds that a research unit's productivity negatively depends on that of neighboring research units weighted by inverse distances. This significant and exemplary robust negative relationship is compatible with the notion of competition for priority of discovery among individual researchers and the universities that employ them, and with the notion that the willingness to relocate decreases with distance. In addition, the empirical results support the hypotheses that collaboration and that the existence of economies of scale increase research productivity. A pesar de la existencia de tanto fuerzas de competencia como de patrones de colaboración dentro de la comunidad académica, los estudios sobre la productividad de investigación tratan por lo general a las universidades como entidades independientes. El presente estudio explora la productividad de investigación de todos los economistas académicos empleados en 81 universidades y 17 institutos de investigación económica en Austria, Alemania y Suiza germano‐parlante, y concluye que la productividad de una unidad de investigación depende negativamente de la productividad de las unidades vecinas ponderada por las distancias inversas que las separan. Esta relación negativa es robusta, significativa y emblemática, lo cual concuerda con el concepto de competencia por prioridad de descubrimiento (priority of discovery) entre investigadores individuales y entre las universidades que los emplean. Así mismo concuerda con la idea de que la voluntad de desplazarse disminuye con la distancia. Adicionalmente, los resultados empíricos de este estudio apoyan la hipótesis de que la colaboración y la presencia de economías de escala tienen un efecto positivo sobre (incrementan) la productividad de investigación. 尽管对学术团体的研究主要针对竞争力和合作模式,但在研究科研生产率时,大学仍被视为独立的实体。本文通过调查奥地利、德国和瑞士德语区的81所高校和17个经济研究单位经济学家的研究产出率,研究发现一个研究单位的产出效率高低负依赖于反距离加权相邻研究单位的研究产出率。这种重要且典型稳健的负相关关系与个人研究者及其所在大学关于发现优先权的竞争观念相符,同时也与研究者的调动意愿因距离增加而减少的情况相一致。此外,经验结果也支持了合作和规模经济的存在能提高研究产出率的假设。  相似文献   

王雪芳 《旅游科学》2008,22(1):67-71
环北部湾经济圈将成为我国未来经济增长点,但雷州半岛地区目前并未主动融入其中。本文分析了雷州半岛区域旅游在环北部湾经济圈中的竞合态势及竞争优势,并提出其参与环北部湾区域旅游空间竞争与合作的对策。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the possible conflict between regional cooperation and jurisdiction and the cases in which cooperation is compatible with competition. This analysis is carried out beginning with the concrete case of regional cooperation that has been called the ‘Four Motors for Europe’ established in the field of cooperation in science and technology. The basis for the analysis of cooperation between jurisdictions in science and technology is the same as that for cooperation in the same field between companies. It allows the establishment of when this cooperation can degenerate into collusion or else when the result is a socially efficient organization. The risk of regional cooperation in science and technology is that it degenerates into collusion between the regions that occupy a more favourable technological position at the cost of those that are in a worse situation. The solution in order to avoid this risk would be to guarantee political competition in the same way that through regulations competition in the market is guaranteed.  相似文献   

This article examines the discourse of two American couples in the China trade regarding fidelity and sacrifice during the period in which the spatial confines of the Canton system gave way to the intensified interactions of the Treaty Port era. Before the Opium War, when the Qing court had mandated that Western husbands conducting business in Canton live apart from their wives, marital tension was accentuated by the separation from absentee husbands. In the subsequent Treaty Port era, enhanced spatial mobility of the couples did not assuage their concerns. Instead, intensified cross-cultural encounters allowed them to project their feelings and expectations on the “foreign other” as racial categories developed and their imperial proclivities began to escalate. Bringing the Western women in contact with elite Chinese and other Western women only aggravated their agitation as they faced their Chinese counterparts, whom they readily construed as competitors. The socio-political and spatial reconfigurations provided new dimensions to the discourse of fidelity and sacrifice. The voices of the American couples recorded here are those of individuals, but the underlying anxiety they articulated represented the growing pains of more intimate Sino-Western encounters.  相似文献   

Historical studies on the relationship between science and diplomacy tend to focus on events since World War II and on initiatives for the maintenance of peace or to achieve cooperation over contentious matters. This article presents the case of José Vicente Barbosa du Bocage (1823–1907), a Portuguese zoologist who had formal diplomatic responsibilities in a context of competition for the colonization of Africa in the nineteenth century. He used his knowledge in African geography to implement colonial and diplomatic strategies that aimed at outcompeting rival powers. The development of a network of actors with scientific, colonial, and diplomatic expertise was crucial for the negotiations that involved the partition of the Congo basin, which resulted in victories for Portugal that surpassed the country's marginal political relevance at the international level and had long-lasting consequences.  相似文献   

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