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幽默井石给人最难忘、最突出的印象就是他的幽默。我省有位作家说过“,生活中,井石的幽默、滑稽,已成为省内文友聚会时不可或缺的精神套餐。”其实,不仅仅是文友聚会,可以说井石走到哪里,就会把笑声和欢乐带到哪里。井石天生是文人,是性情中人,胸中充满了热情,充满了激情,充满了感情,只要是与朋友们在一起,就会真情吐露,才情大发。朋友们相聚时,伴随着饮酒,井石的笑话、故事就会一个接一个喷涌而出。井石思维敏捷,善于观察生活,善于捕捉生活中的瞬间,他讲的笑话、段子大多是他首创,还有一些是经他改编、演绎过的,所以很有特色,特别是很有青…  相似文献   


Le Creusot in Burgundy was one of the most important iron-producing and engineering areas in Europe in the nineteenth century. It has recently become well known in museum and conservationist circles through the setting up of the 'écomusée', Le Musée de l'Homme et de l'Industrie, and the term 'écomusée' is now quite widely used. The purpose of this article is to assess the significance of Le Creusot for visiting industrial archaeologists.  相似文献   

They say first impressions always matter. Americans acquired an empire of tropical islands in the Pacific about which they knew little and cared even less. Yet they set to almost immediately to understand and harness these new environments for their own purposes. This paper looks at the processes through which these strange new worlds in the Philippines and Guam were incorporated and subordinated into a comprehensible imperial framework through the diaries of two environmental managers, Gifford Pinchot and William Safford. Both men wrote about their first encounters with the tropics, recording its strange flora and fauna, noting its seismic convulsions and climatic extremes, and trying to manage it by making sense of what they saw, heard, smelt and touched. As diarists, scientists and, above all, imperialists, they give us rare insight into the initial attitudes of the men who managed these new imperial landscapes.  相似文献   


During the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries Aberdulais Falls was occupied by a corn and grist mill, and became a popular subject for topographical artists and painters. Since almost no archaeological evidence for the mill complex can be discovered, these illustrations are an invaluable source for reconstructing that period of the site's history. This article discusses the approaches to, and the problems inherent in, interpreting this kind of material for strictly archaeological purposes, and concludes by suggesting that expertise should be sought from other disciplines before any proper interpretation is attempted.  相似文献   

刘毅 《华夏考古》2003,(3):49-59
本文讨论了中国古代高温釉器物的起源、基本特征、产地 ,以及陶瓷器族群不同种类的界定与命名等问题。作者认为 ,陶器和瓷器从商周时期开始形成两个不同的发展序列 ,二者各自发展 ,互有影响 ,且时代越晚 ,其关系越疏远。二者的联结点是特殊的陶器———印纹硬陶。  相似文献   

左纵右横绳纹和左曲绳纹是尚未被重视的两种商系绳纹。左纵右横绳纹流行于殷墟文化晚期,沿用至西周早期,为辨识周初殷遗民新创和使用的陶鬲提供了重要线索。左曲绳纹是商人故地西周晚期肥袋足无实足根陶鬲的式别特征之一,具有重要的断代意义。  相似文献   

瑞典是18世纪最早与中国有贸易往来的西方国家之一。瑞典败给俄国后,失去了她作为欧陆大国的地位。瑞典东印度公司曾派遣129个远征队来到广州。一些乘坐瑞典东印度公司船只的乘客写下了旅行游记,有助于建立瑞典人眼中早期的中国形象。通过研究三位著名旅行家的游记发现:游记作者们对中国的印象不仅仅建立在单纯的观察基础之上,同时也深受欧洲学术潮流的影响。  相似文献   

李抒洋 《神州》2013,(18):152-152
本文主要介绍了翻译的定义及模糊理论的概念和内容,阐述了英汉翻译中模糊性表达的由来,应用以及其不可忽视的作用。只有正确的运用这种表达方法,找到适合得当的模糊翻译法运用到实践中,才能实现忠实和流畅度地传达原文的风姿和神韵,进一步提高翻译水平。  相似文献   

本文就日本人在日常生活中所使用的,具有特定含义的客套话和礼貌用语进行了文化视角的分析。认为这些客套话与礼貌用语既反映了该民族的文化心理,也体现了该民族独特的行为方式。日本人在日常生活的小事上表现得极其热情、体贴、礼貌、友好。可是,在事关个人利益、牵及责任或后果的大事上表现得又是那样的冷漠、无情与自私。归根结底,应该说无不是日本文化的二重性所致。  相似文献   

The use of seashells for the decoration of pottery from the sixth millennium cal BC is well known in the western Mediterranean, with the emergence of so-called Cardial Pottery. Actually, the most discussed issue up until now has been the use of bivalves for impressed decoration. However, the experimental approach followed in the present study provides for the first time clear evidence for the utilization of a very specific group of shells as tools for the decoration of some of the early pottery productions in northwest Africa. In particular, we propose the use of cowry, a gastropod family with a well-known ideological and symbolic role in many human cultures around the world. Also, it is suggested that cowry was used for making impressed wares on the opposite European shore. The implications for reconstruction of Neolithic diffusion along both the European and African coasts of the Mediterranean are of great significance.  相似文献   

王彦 《民俗研究》2002,(2):100-108
作为特殊词汇的地名,是人们在社会生活中给地理地貌、行政区域或居民点所起的特有名称。地名中包含着丰富的社会、文化和历史内涵,它们往往带有浓厚的地方色彩,显示出相当的地域特征,这种地域特征有时跟方言分区有一定的关系。  相似文献   

20世纪40年代,德国传教士施劳德先生在互助土族自治县威远镇东木拉霍尼其发现了《阿克隆格塞尔》,演唱者是画匠官布希加。后经瓦尔特·海西希整理,以德文出版。  相似文献   

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