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Mineral deposits in the Cupp‐Coutunn/Promeszutochnaya cave system (Turkmenia, central Asia) record a phase of hydrothermal activity within a pre‐existing karstic groundwater conduit system. Hydrothermal fluids entered the caves through fault zones and deposited sulphate, sulphide and carbonate minerals under phreatic conditions. Locally, intense alteration of limestone wall rocks also occurred at this stage. Elsewhere in the region, similar faults contain economic quantities of galena and elemental sulphur mineralization. Comparisons between the Pb and S isotope compositions of minerals found in cave and ore deposits confirm the link between economic mineralization and hydrothermal activity at Cupp‐Coutunn. The predominance of sulphate mineralization in Cupp‐Coutunn implies that the fluids were more oxidized in the higher permeability zone associated with the karst aquifer. A slight increase in the δ34S of sulphate minerals and a corresponding δ34S decrease in sulphides suggest that partial isotopic equilibration occurred during oxidation. Carbonate minerals indicate that the hydrothermal fluid was enriched in 18O (δ18OSMOW ~ + 10‰) relative to meteoric groundwater and seawater. Estimated values for δ13CDIC (δ13CPDB ~ ? 13‰) are consistent with compositions expected for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) derived from the products of thermal decomposition of organic matter and dissolution of marine carbonate. Values derived for δ13CDIC and δ18Owater indicate that the hydrothermal fluid was of basinal brine origin, generated by extensive water–rock interaction. Following the hydrothermal phase, speleothemic minerals were precipitated under vadose conditions. Speleothemic sulphates show a bimodal sulphur isotope distribution. One group has compositions similar to the hydrothermal sulphates, whilst the second group is characterized by higher δ34S values. This latter group may either record the effects of microbial sulphate reduction, or reflect the introduction of sulphate‐rich groundwater generated by the dissolution of overlying evaporites. Oxygen isotope compositions show that calcite speleothems were precipitated from nonthermal groundwater of meteoric origin. Carbonate speleothems are relatively enriched in 13C compared to most cave deposits, but can be explained by normal speleothem‐forming processes under thin, arid‐zone soils dominated by C4 vegetation. However, the presence of sulphate speleothems, with isotopic compositions indicative of the oxidation of hydrothermal sulphide, implies that CO2 derived by reaction of limestone with sulphuric acid (‘condensation corrosion’) contributed to the formation of 13C‐enriched speleothem deposits.  相似文献   

西藏旅游可持续发展探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保东 《旅游纵览》2013,(10):20-23
西藏位于中国西部,是一个以藏族为主的民族地区,由于特殊的自然地理条件和历史条件的制约,社会经济相对于我国东部地区发展滞后,旅游业起步较晚,规模不大,但西藏又是旅游资源极为丰富的区域之一,众多的"世界之最",使西藏成为世界顶级旅游资源地之一,给西藏旅游业的发展创造了先天的条件,西藏将努力打造"世界旅游目的地"这一目标。本文分析西藏旅游资源业的特点,论述西藏旅游发展现状、意义,提出可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

An early hominid skull found in Petralona Cave in Greece has been widely quoted by the archaeologist now excavating the cave as being about 700,000 years old. A recent volume of the journal Anthropos (Athens) carried several papers dealing with uranium series, thermoluminescence, ESR and palaeomagnetic studies on material from Petralona. Careful reading of these papers shows that there are problems with all these methods when applied to material from this site and that it is not possible at present to give an age for deposits in the cave. In this paper we discuss each technique in the light of current knowledge.  相似文献   

Venturino G. Venturini (ed.), Australia—a survey (Schriften des Instituts für Asienkunde in Hamburg, Vol. 27), Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1970, pp. xi + 397.  相似文献   

环境温湿度是影响文物保护的关键因子。本研究通过对莫高窟北区(132窟)封闭与开放洞窟的监测,对比分析了封闭对洞窟温湿度的影响,并通过人工冷凝确定了洞窟水分的主要来源。开放洞窟的温湿度随大气波动变化,但日温度波动幅度较小;潮湿天气对洞窟湿度影响较大,窟内温湿度主要受外界天气过程影响。相应地,洞窟封闭可消除外界气候及其温湿度日波动的影响,但可导致窟内湿度增高,这说明有来自围岩的水分进入洞窟。长期的封闭会使空气相对湿度明显增高,激活盐分,不利于壁画的保护。而在封闭洞窟内安装冷凝除湿-温湿度控制系统可有效地控制洞窟内的温湿度。洞窟水分的有效收集,证明有来自围岩的蒸发水分。洞窟封闭对比研究为洞窟类文物保护模式的探索提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

敦煌莫高窟洞窟内外空气中微生物的对比研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
环境空气中微生物会引起文物的损坏,因此开展针对文物保护的空气微生物研究非常重要。本研究利用Anderson FA-I型空气采样器在莫高窟封闭洞窟(常年不开放)中和洞窟外(检票口)采样,研究了空气中微生物的种群动态和群落。结果表明,洞窟内的细菌数量远远高于洞窟外,而洞窟内外的真菌数量相差不大。空气中的细菌和真菌的季节性变化不明显,但夏季洞窟外环境中真菌数量最高,冬季洞窟内环境细菌数量较多。洞窟外环境空气中的细菌数量与环境空气温度、太阳辐射强度、地表温度以及风速呈显著正相关,而与空气相对湿度呈显著负相关。窟外环境空气中的真菌数量与游客数量呈显著正相关。此外,空气中的细菌主要分布在采样器的第一、三、四级中,而真菌分布以第二、三、四级为主。研究还表明,敦煌莫高窟空气中的主要真菌为枝孢属,无孢菌,青霉属,链格孢属和曲霉属的种类。  相似文献   

安龙观音洞遗址,分别为旧石器、中石器、新石器三个阶段。出土器物二十余万件,骨角器占多,在国内同时期洞穴遗址中不可多见。出土器物与邻近地区同时期化相比,独具特色,系盘江流域的一支区域性土化,春秋战国时已发展成为独具风韵的夜郎化。该遗址为原始社会母系氏族制遗存,氏族中以鸟作为“图腾”崇拜。  相似文献   

This article reviews and analyses the evidence on the distribution of income and wealth in Australia since the 1960s. A number of scholars – most prominently among them Thomas Piketty – suggest that inequality has been increasing across the advanced capitalist world. Kuznets’ benign picture of an ‘inverted u-curve’ depicting declining inequality in modern industrial society is replaced with an altogether different and potentially quite alarming one. Does this hold for Australia? Surveying 25 income trend and 17 wealth distribution studies, we draw on the best available evidence and find that overall there has been far less of a rising inequality trend than is often assumed or argued.

本文分析了1960年代以来澳大利亚的收入及财富分配。有一些学者——其中最著名的是托马斯·皮凯提——认为所有发达资本主义国家的不平等都在加大。库兹涅倒U曲线所描绘的近代工业社会不平等不断减弱的美丽图画被一个全然不同、令人震惊的景象所取代。那么澳大利亚也是这样么?笔者考察25种收入趋势、17种财富分配的研究后发现,总的来说,不平等远并不像人们所常说的那样增加。  相似文献   


Europa: Bilder seiner Landschaft und Kultur. Edited by Martin Hürlimann. Introduction by Carl J. Burckhardt. 12×8 1/2. Pp. xix+279. Zürich: Atlantis Verlag AG. Second edition, 1947. 28 fr.

Scotland's Changing Population. Edited by A. M. Struthers, Secretary, The Scottish Council of Social Service. Foreword by Sir Hector Hetherington. 9 3/4 × 7 1/4. Pp. 52. 13 diagrams. 7 plates. London: The National Council of Social Service, N.D. 3s 6d.

The Scottish Railway Network: A Project for Reconstructing the Scottish Railways according to certain New Railway Network Principles. By J. F. Pownall. 10×6. Map. Pp. 72. 5 figs. Birmingham: Cotterell and Co., 1946. 8s 6d.

Edinburgh. Photographs by S. W. Colyer. Foreword by Sir John I. Falconer, LL.D., W.S. 11 1/2 × 9 1/2. 33 reproductions in gravure, each with a commentary. London and Melbourne: Ward, Lock and Co. Ltd., 1947. 7s 6d.

English Country Crafts: A Survey of their Development from Early Times to Present Day. By Norman Wymer. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. xi+116. 149 illustrations from photographs and drawings. London: B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1946. 12s 6d.

Epping Forest: Its Literary and Historical Associations. By William Addison. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. xii+240. 32 illustrations. 2 maps. London: J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1946. 12s 6d.

Sussex. By Reginald Turnor. 9×7. Pp. 48. Drawings by Michael Rothenstein. 53 photographs. 2 maps. London: Paul Elek (Publishers) Ltd., 1947. 9s 6d.

Severn Tide. By Brian Waters. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. vii+183. 16 illustrations. Map. London: J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1947. 15s.

Devon and Cornwall: A Preliminary Survey. By The Survey Committee of the University College of the South West, Exeter. Foreword by John Murray. 9 1/2 × 7. Pp. iv+318. 38 figs. 13 maps. 7 charts of industrial employment. Exeter: A. Wheaton and Co. Ltd., 1947. 31s 6d.

Rathlin Island. By Hugh Alexander Boyd. Foreword by Professor E. Estyn Evans, M.A., D.Sc. 7 1/2 × 5. Pp. 72. (The Birds of Rathlin Island, County Antrim. By Robert Patterson, M.B.O.U. Pp. 62–72.) 5 photographs. Map. Ballycastle, N.I.: J. S. Scarlett and Son, 1947. 3s.

Directory of Iceland for the Year 1948. Editor: Hilmar Foss. 8 × 5 1/2. Pp. 655. Reykjavik: Arbók Islands H.F. Twenty‐fifth edition, 1947.

Swedish Life and Landscape. By Edric A. Hille. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. 151. 91 illustrations. London: Paul Elek (Publishers) Ltd., 1947. 12s 6d.

On Rock and Ice: Mountaineering in Photographs. By André Roch. Foreword by Frank S. Smythe. 9 3/4 × 8 1/4. Pp. xv. 81 photographs. London: Adam and Charles Black Ltd., 1947. 21s.

Switzerland: The Traveller's Illustrated Guide. 7 × 4 3/4. Pp. 259. 192 photographs. 24 five‐colour maps. 16 panoramas. Sketch maps and town plans. London: Faber and Faber Ltd. Second English edition, 1947. 18s.

A History of Portugal. By H. V. Livermore. 9×6. Pp. xvi+502. 13 plates. 7 maps. Cambridge: University Press, 1947. 36s.

Dust Upon the Sea. By W. E. Benyon‐Tinker. 8 3/4 × 5 5/8. Pp.216. 56 illustrations. 2 sketch maps. London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1947. 15s.

Moscow: Sketches on the Russian Capital. Translated from the Russian by Peggy Cochrane. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. 126. London: Hutchinson and Co. (Publishers) Ltd., N.D. 15s.


The Island of Cyprus: An Illustrated Guide and Handbook. Compiled and edited by L. and H. A. Mangoian. Foreword by A. H. S. Megaw. 8 1/4 × 5 1/2. Pp. xii +246. 205 illustrations. 9 sketch maps. Nicosia: Mangoian Brothers, 1947. 12s 6d.

The Cruel Way. By Ella K. Maillart. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp.217. 74 illustrations. Endpaper sketch maps. London and Toronto: William Heinemann Ltd., 1947. 18s.

Man‐Eaters of Kumaon. By Jim Corbett. Foreword by Lord Linlithgow. 8×5. Pp. xvii+212. 4 illustrations. End‐paper sketch maps. London: Oxford University Press, 1946. 10s 6d.

Persian Pictures. By Gertrude Bell. Preface by Professor A. J. Arberry. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. 157. London: Ernest Benn Ltd. Third edition, 1947. 10s 6d.


The Romance of Rhodesia. By Ardaser Sorabjee N. Wadia, M.A. 9 3/4 × 7 1/2. Pp. xiv+146. 16 photographs. Sketch map. London: J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1947. 21s.

Swartland and Sandveld: A Survey of Land Utilization and Soil Erosion in the Western Lowland of the Cape Province. By W. J. Talbot. Preface by H. J. van Eck, Chairman of the Social and Economic Planning Council. 9 1/2 × 7 1/4. Pp. xii+79. 59 figs. 7 plates. 2 maps. Cape Town: Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press, 1947. 10s 6d.

Canada: A Study of Cool Continental Environments and their Effect on British and French Settlement. By Griffith Taylor, D.SC, B.E., B.A. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. xv+524. 161 figs. 8 photographs. End‐paper map. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1947. 25s.

Canada Moves North. By Richard Finnie. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. 192. 65 illustrations. End‐paper maps. London: Hurst and Blackett Ltd., 1947. 21s.

Link to the North. By G. J. Tranter. 8×5 1/2. Pp.256. Frontispiece. End‐paper sketch map. London: Hodder and Stoughton Ltd., 1946. 12s 6d.

Britain and the West Indies. By Agnes M. Whitson, M.A., and Lucy Frances Horsfall, Ph.d. 7 1/4 V 5. Pp.87. 17 illustrations. End‐paper sketch maps. Pamphlets on the British Commonwealth, Second Series, No. 5. London: Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., 1948. 1s 6d.

The Rise of the Spanish American Empire. By Salvador de Madariaga. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. xx+408. 20 illustrations. End‐paper maps. London: Hollis and Carter Ltd., 1947. 21s.


The Geography of the Flowering Plants. By Ronald Good, M.A. 10×6. Pp. 403. 71 figs. 16 photogravure plates. 9 maps. 295 references. London: Longmans, Green and Co. Ltd., 1947. 30s.

The Grasslands of North America: Prolegomena to its History. By James C. Malin. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp. vii+398. Bibliography: pp. 336–397. Lithoprinted. Lawrence, Kansas: James C. Malin, 1947. $3.00.


Industrial and Commercial Geography. By J. Russell Smith and M. Ogden Phillips. 9 1/2 × 6. Pp. xv+978. Graphs, maps, and diagrams. 50 tables. New York: Henry Holt and Co. London: Constable and Co. Ltd. Third edition, 1947. 30s.

Meteorology for All. By Irving Kohn. 8×5. Pp. vi+162. 68 figs. 8 photographs. New York: Barnes and Noble Inc., 1946. $2.00.

Prelude to Geology. By H. H. Kent, M.A. 7 1/4 × 4 3/4. Pp. 120. 12 figs. London: Ernest Benn Ltd., 1947. 6s.

Forestry. By H. L. Edlin, B.Sc. 8 1/2 × 5 1/2. Pp.48. 34 illustrations. Young Farmers’ Club Booklet No. 20. London: Pilot Press Ltd., n.d. 1s.

The New Oxford Geographies. Book IV, Part 2. The British Isles. By Jasper H. Stembridge. 7 1/2 × 5. Pp. viii+192. 82 figs. 12 plates. Four extracts from Ordnance Survey maps. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1947. 4s 6d.

The Story of Gibraltar. By H. W. Howes, M.A., M.Sc, Ph.d. Foreword by Lt.‐General Sir Thomas Ralph Eastwood, K.C.B., D.S.O., M.C. 7 1/2 × 5. Pp. 94. 16 plates. 2 sketch maps. London: Philip and Tacey Ltd., 1946. 4s.

Soviet Land: The Country, its People, and their Work. By G. D. B. Gray. 8×6. Pp. viii+324. 141 figs. 85 photographs. London: Adam and Charles Black Ltd., 1947. 12s 6d.

North America. By E. G. Ashton, m.a. 8×5. Pp. 394. 63 figs. 43 photographs. London: George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd. Revised and enlarged edition, 1947. 10s 6d.

The Pacific Basin: A Human and Economic Geography. By Gordon L. Wood, M.A., Litt.D., and Patricia Ross McBride, M.A. 7 1/2 × 5. Pp. xx+393. Frontispiece. 184 figs. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. Second edition, revised and enlarged, 1946. 12s 6d.

The Use of Aerial Survey in Forestry and Agriculture. By J. W. B. Sisam. 9 3/4 × 7 1/2. Pp. 59. 67 photographs. Imperial Agricultural Bureaux Joint Publication, No. 9. Oxford: Imperial Forestry Bureau; Aberystwyth: Imperial Bureau of Pastures and Field Crops. Aberystwyth: Imperial Agricultural Bureaux, Central Sales Branch, 1947. 7s 6d.  相似文献   

陇南八峰崖石窟内容总录   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文主要对八峰崖石窟的各窟龛内容诸如塑像、壁画及石碑等进行了全面考察,整理为石窟内容总录。  相似文献   

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