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Book Review     
Poiitics and History: Selected Essays by Raymond Aron. Lordship and Society in the March of Wakes, 1282-1400. By R. K. Davies. The Rise of the Medici: Faction in Florence, 1426-1434. By Dale Kent. The Pansh Chgy under the Later Stuurtx The L.eicestershire Expnence. By John H. Pruett. Country and Court: Englond, 1658-1714. [The New History of England.] By J.R. Jones. Stability and Strif: England, 1714-1760. [The New History of England.] By W.A. Speck. Anthony Meny REDIVIVUS: A Reappraisal of the British Minister to the Lrnited States, 1803-6. By Malcolm Lester. Gochrene. Bntannsa's Last Sea-Kzng. By Donald Thomas. Thomm Babington Macaulay. By Margaret Cruikshank. Liberals and Smal Democrats. By Peter Clarke. The Secotid Ihdke: The Continuity of Counter-revolution in the D@rtrnmt of the Gard, 1789-1815. By Gwynne Lewis. Menace in th West: The Rire of French Anti-American in Madern Times. By David Strauss. France's Vieham Poliiy: A Study in French-American Relations. The Low Countnes 1780-1 940. [Oxford History of Modern Europe.] By E. H. Kossmann. The Ongtns of the Second Republtc in Spain. By Shlomo Ben-Ami. Karl Kautsky, 1854-1938: Mumism in the Classicid Years. By Gary P. Steenson. Germany 1866-1945. [Oxford History of Modern Europe.] By Gordon A. Craig. The German Problem Hecomidmed: Garmany and the World order, 1870 to the Present. By David Calleo. Hennunn Hesse. Pllgnm of Cnsts. By Ralph Freedman. The Young Czech Party, 1874-1901: The Emergence of a Multi-Party System. By Bruce M. The Warsaw Dairy of Adam Crerniakow. Edited, with introductions, by Raul Hilberg, Stanislaw The Catholic Church: Dissent and Nationality zn Soviet Lithuania. Stdin Embattled, 1943-1948. By William O. McCagg, Jr. The Secret Betrayal, 1944-1947. By Nikolai Tolstoy. Soviet Science. By Zhores A. Medvedev. Trans-Atlantica: Memoirs of a Nomegzan Americanist. By Sigmund Skard. The Watershed of Two Eras: Europe in 1900. By Jan Romein. A Shaft of Sunlight: Memories of a Varied Life By Philip Mason. Chaiyo King vjiravudh and the Uevelopment of Thai Nataonalism. By Walter F. Vella, assisted The China Station: War and Dtptomacy I830-1860. By Gerald S. Graham. Mao's China: A History of the People's Rtpublic. Block Relipom tn the New World. By George Eaton Simpson. ‘A Faire and Ernie Way to Heaven’: Couenanl Theology and Anhnomianlrm tn Early Massachusetts. By William K. B. Stoever. The Northwest tn the Amm'can Revolution: An Anthology. Jonathan Bacchtr Layaltst zn Extle. By Anna Y. Zimmer. The South and the Politics of Slavety, 1828-1856. By William J. Cooper, Jr. Our Masters the Rebels: A Speclllation on Union Malatary Failure in the East, 1861-1865. By Michael C.C. Adams. Combtned OPefahons in the Civil War. By Rowena Reed. The Knights ofhbor m the South. [Contributions in Labor History, number 4.1 By Melton Alonza McLaurin. R. G. Dun & Co., 1841-1900: The Development of Credtt-Reporting tn the Nineteenth Cmtuv. Herbert Ellgene Bolton: The Historian and the Man, 1870-1953. By John Francis Bannon. The Bull Moose Years: The Roowelt and the Fbpessive Party. By John Allen Gable. George W. Nowis: The Triumph of a Progressive, 1933-1944. By Richard Lowitt. Stability, Security, and Continuity: Mr. Jwtice Bwton and Decision-Making in the Sup-m Court The Triumph of Evolution: American Scientists and the Heredity-Environment Controversy, 1900-1941. By Hamilton Cravens. Beyond Her Sphere: Worn and the Projessions in American History. By Barbara J. Harris. Presidential Impeachmmt. By John R. Labovitz. Career of Empire: America and Imperial Expansion over Land and Sea. By George Liska. The Jet Makers: The Aerospace Industryfrorn 1945 to 1972. By Charles D. Bright. Immigrants--and Immigrants: Perspectives on Mexican Labor Migration to the United States. Edited by Arthur F. Corwin. The Cadiz Experimental in Centrd America, 1808-1826. By Mario Rodriguez. Class Confict and Economic Development in Chile, 1958-1 973. By Barbara Stallings.  相似文献   

Book Review     
Book reviewed in this article:
Leroy O. Stone and Claude Marceau, Canadian Population Trends and Public Policy through the 1980s
Bernard M. Fry and Herbert S. White, Publishers and Libraries: A Studyof Scholarly and Research Journals
Richards J. Heuer, Jr., ed. Quantitative Approaches to Political Intelligence: The CIA Experience  相似文献   

Book Review     

Book Review     
《Political Geography》1998,17(8):1025-1029

Book Review     
《Public Archaeology》2013,12(4):235-237

Book Review     
Book reviewed:
Matilde Mordt, Livelihoods and Sustainability at the Agrarian Frontier. The Evolution of the Frontier in Southeastern Nicaragua  相似文献   

Book Review     

广西社会科学院东南亚研究所研究员赵和曼的新著《少数民族华侨华人研究》,已由中国华侨出版社于2004年8月在北京出版。这是一件十分令人欣喜的事。它的出版可说是有填补空白之功。正如周南京教授在该书“序言”中所言,“少数民族华侨华人的研究是一块尚待开垦、拓荒和耕耘的处女地”,该书“应当归入填补空白著作之列”(周序第2页)。少数民族华侨华人是华侨华人的一个重要组成部分,对少数民族华侨华人的研究也应成为华侨华人研究的一个重要方面。然而,就华侨华人研究的现状而言,少数民族华侨华人的研究“却显得落后、薄弱和冷清”(周序第1页…  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,中国大陆学术界有关华侨华人研究的著述可谓汗牛充栋,但总体来看,大多是国别、地方研究或历史、政治、经济、文化、教育、侨乡等专题研究,体现了民族国家框架下华侨华人研究的特点。①近读厦门大学南洋研究院庄国土教授的新著《东亚华人社会的形成和发展:  相似文献   

Book Review     
《Geographical Research》2005,43(2):255-266
Books reviewed: Geoffrey Carey, David Lindenmayer and Stephen Dovers (eds), Australia Burning: Fire Ecology, Policy and Management Issues . V. Golosov, V. Belyaev and D.E. Walling (eds), Sediment Transfer through the Fluvial System . R.Q. Grafton, L. Robin and R.J. Wasson (eds), Understanding the Environment: Bridging the Disciplinary Divides . Neil McKenzie, David Jacquier, Ray Isbell and Katherine Brown, Australian Soils and Landscapes: an Illustrated Compendium . John Randolph, Environmental Land Use Planning and Management . Paul Robbins, Political Ecology: a Critical Introduction . Jenny Stewart and Grant Jones, Renegotiating the Environment: the Power of Politics Marta Vannucci (ed.), Mangrove Management and Conservation. Present and Future   相似文献   

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