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1910年,朝鲜沦为日本的殖民地。朝鲜人民反对日本的殖民统治。大韩民国临时政府是朝鲜独立运动的代表。中国国民政府资助朝鲜独立运动,第二次世界大战给朝鲜独立带来新的机遇。1943年11月,罗斯福总统、蒋介石委员长、丘吉尔首相在开罗举行会议,发表声明。三大盟国稔知朝鲜人民所受之奴隶待遇,决定在相当时期,使朝鲜自由和独立。《开罗宣言》是反法西斯同盟发表的最重要的国际文件之一。1945年日本投降后,朝鲜半岛南北分治。美军在仁川登陆,建立军政府。1951年9月8日,《旧金山对日和约》签署,日本承认朝鲜独立。  相似文献   

Twenty years after the publication of John MacKenzie's Empire of Nature, his characterisation of sport hunting tourism as a symbol of elite and imperial privilege remains strong. Using the example of two white hunters from New Zealand and their trip to Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) in 1926, this article elaborates upon MacKenzie's brief mention of hunters in Africa from cultures other than Britain. In particular, the article argues that ‘home’ hunting cultures—in this case of New Zealand—need to be considered thoroughly when examining meanings of hunting tourism, and, second, that hunting trips could serve a range of purposes beyond the notion of reinforcing colonial rule.  相似文献   

Henry Blumenthal. Illusion and Reality in Franco-American Diplomacy , 1914–1945
Julian G. Hurstfield. America and the French Nation, 1939–194.5  相似文献   

本刊 《民国档案》2005,(1):13-15
辛亥革命、南北议和后,中华民国临时政府北迁,任命黄兴为南京留守。南京留守府在其存在的短短两个半月里曾采取一系列整军、理财措施,请呈及相关批反映了革命派主张兴商惠工、支持民生实业的态度。  相似文献   

华盛顿会议与中国民众运动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
第一次世界大战结束,美国由于未能在巴黎和会上满足其在远东地区扩张势力的目的而又积极倡议召开华盛顿会议来讨论远东和太平洋问题,以求拆散原有的英日同盟,打击日本在东方的优势,以建立自己在远东的霸权,而英国也深感日本发展趋势的威胁,迫切希望重新调整帝国主义在东方的势力均衡关系。因此经英、美共同发起、并由美国出面召开有英、美、法、意、日、中六国参加的华盛顿会议,后又增加荷兰、比利时及葡萄牙而成为九国会议。美国于1921年8月13日向中、日、英、法、意等国发出正式邀请;16日,北京政府表示与会,成立“太平…  相似文献   

Tracing the international career of the 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights to Sweden via France, this article is a study in the translation of politics and the politics of translation. Specifically, it shows how the Swedish translator, physician and publisher Lorents Münter Philipson (1765–1851) reached for it in 1792 to add to domestic arguments against hereditary office, the purpose of which, the article argues, was to revive and legitimise a more indigenous but by now slumbering rights revolution. The article first outlines the reception of America in Sweden and the ways in which Sweden figured in American debates. It then provides a detailed analysis of the trial that ensued as a response to the Swedish translation of the Virginia Declaration. Having reconstructed the process of transmission and the trial, during which the translator was charged with attacking Sweden's monarchical constitution by means of ‘wrongly’ translating the term ‘magistrate’, the article places the translation of the declaration in political context. The contextual analysis shows that translating the declaration at this particular point in time makes most sense against the background of the events unfolding in revolutionary France, which the translator hoped would influence political developments in Sweden and which the authorities sought to suppress.  相似文献   

This article is an attempt to demonstrate the basic weakness of gender as a theoretical concept when studying prehistoric embodiment. ‘Gender ‘is theoretically linked to ‘sex’, known as the ‘sex–gender system’. The study of past genders, in the sense of prehistoric normative roles and symbols, has decreased in interest among archaeologists, in favor of studying sex, i.e., sexual practice and orientation. This switch to sex is part of archaeologists’ endeavors to understand prehistoric bodily subjects. I will here recapitulate on the concept of gender and its serious limitations. I will furthermore try to shed light on how the turn to sex involves an encounter with almost exactly the same fallacies as did the focus on gender. As an alternative for the future, I suggest social identity and embodiment be studied under the theoretical label of ‘sexe’.  相似文献   

李仲公(1890-1978),贵阳人,早年毕业于京师国立法政专门学堂,1914年与李大钊一道留学日本早稻田大学,回国后任众议院首席秘书,参与《晨钟报》的创办,担任《国风日报》、《晨钟报》编辑和撰述,参加反袁、护法、护国运动。北伐战争初期,担任国民党中央执行委员会书记长、国民革命军总司令部秘书处长,承担蒋介石的文案工作。蒋介石在北伐初期的重要政论、文告等文字,绝大多数出自李仲公手笔,起草国民革命军出师《北伐宣言》重要文告,李仲公乃被世人誉为北伐“文胆”。  相似文献   

Pascaline Winand. Eisenhower, Kennedy, and the United States of Europe . New York: St. Martin's Press.
D iplomatic H istory , Vol. 20, No. 1 (Winter 1996).  相似文献   

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