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The Commissioner of Official languages warned in 1985 that “official bilingualism in Canada is poised between an honest linguistic partnership and the.. .danger of linguistic territorialization on the Belgian model.” This study examines the evidence of language accommodation between the anglophone and francophone populations within the cultural transition zone situated between English and French Canada and assesses which trend seems to be prevalent.  相似文献   

In this article I discuss the systematisation of Maori tradition in New Zealand during the 1970s and 1980s. More particularly, my focus is on the politicisation and rationalisation of Maori tradition within the New Zealand state, these processes occurring partly in response to calls by Maori leaders for a dismantling of colonial and monocultural structures in New Zealand and reactive objectifications of Maori tradition which challenged the legitimacy of the post-colonial state administration. I begin with a consideration of the main objectives towards which the systematisation of tradition has been directed over the past two decades, and I examine the way in which priorities have shifted in response to reactive politicisations of ethnic identity. I then draw upon a number of specific examples to illustrate the ethnicisation and rationalisation of Maori tradition as aspects of the systematisation process within the New Zealand state.  相似文献   

何平 《史学月刊》2002,(9):14-17
何伟亚的《怀柔远人:清代的宾礼与1793年马嘎尔尼使团》引发了一场关于后现代主义方法论的争论。何伟亚对其书题目和一些重要清史料的“误读”折射出了后现代主义对分析历史本复杂意义层结构所持的令人深思的理论。何伟亚对具体史料的解读是否准确是可以继续争论的,然而,他从“历史诗学”的角度,对马嘎尔尼使华失败背景和原因的新诠释可能会有助于破解清代占优势地位的政治化心理及其符码。  相似文献   

By focusing on two successive phases in the traditionalisation of the Maori meeting house — exhibition and aestheticisation in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and standardisation and tribalisation during the 1930s and 1940s — I seek to illustrate how the diverse projects of national identity, tourist marketing, ethnology and state-directed rural development converged to displace meeting houses out of time. I argue that while the short-term effect of this displacement was to suppress developing traditions of oppositional Maori agency this was not the case in the longer term, nor was it always the intention of those engaged in the process.  相似文献   

Dental wear and intrabony lesions were evaluated in a sample of 225 skulls (136 male) of pre‐contact New Zealand Maoris. The degree and direction of surface wear was scored according to the method of Molnar ( Molnar 1971 . Human tooth wear, tooth function and cultural variability. American Journal of Physical Anthropology34: 175–190) and revealed severe surface loss in both males and females with horizontal wear being the dominant pattern (62.4% male, 57.5% female). The width of coronal tissue above the pulp chamber, as well as the maximum depth and width of periapical lesions, was measured from both standard radiographs and digital images. The high prevalence of periapical pathology in the Maori underlined the extreme nature of dental wear in these people. It is postulated that this degree of tooth loss may be attributable to a change in diet from large birds to marine‐dependence, the introduction of the kumara to New Zealand, dental erosion and finally, to the excessive masticatory forces exerted by a robust facial complex on normally sized teeth. Fenestrated lesions were highly prevalent (83% of skulls) and were centered mostly on the maxilla, with an even distribution among tooth classes. The finding of periapical lesions in teeth with minimal observable wear was attributed to traumatic occlusion. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

At present it is widely assumed that the socio-political organisation of Maori society is made up of four structural levels: the ‘extended family’, the ‘sub-tribe’, the ‘tribe’ and the ‘super-tribe’, each of which, in turn, corresponds with a certain type of Maori leader. It is rarely realised that a consensus about this framework for understanding Maori socio-political organisation did not emerge until the 1930s, approximately 150 years after colonial contact had begun. This raises the question to what extent the standard model of Maori socio-political organisation is based on the same a-historic and objectivist assumptions that were held around the turn of the century when it was developed. The extent to which these assumptions may have influenced the ethnohistorical and ethnographic analysis of Maori society in past and present also requires examination. It is argued that an essentialist model of Maori tribal organisation hampers the understanding of the dynamics of socio-political practices in Maori society.  相似文献   

Commentary: Considerations on Culture and Theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The levels of tooth wear were surveyed in 50 pre‐contact Maori skulls (23 of them female) from New Zealand. In addition to a generalized tooth wear index, we evaluated occlusal wear for erosion and abrasion. Occlusal microwear was also investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images and, finally, the occlusal slope was determined at the level of the first molar teeth. The general pattern of wear was one of severe occlusal reduction with no significant differences between males and females. Both silicone impressions and SEM views confirmed a large component (30%) of erosion. While most individuals had flat wear planes, 33% of males and 44% of females showed reversed Monson's curves. Accentuated Monson's curves were found in 23.8% of males. While these results confirm early studies of the excessive wear experienced by pre‐contact Maori, our study shows for the first time that erosion played a significant role in the dental wear of these people. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

傅守祥 《攀登》2004,23(3):32-35
曾几何时,传统的大众文化批判理论独霸天下,成为批评家手里最为有力的话语武器;是以伯明翰学派为代表的后起理论和其后的后现代主义诸派文化理论的反拨与突破,丰富和充实了西方的大众文化理论与批评话语,使文化研究和大众文化批评迅速普及于许多国家,并在20世纪80年代之后成为当前世界上最活跃的理论领域.由此,大众文化理论与批评已经告别尖锐的“文化革命“或乌托邦式的“审美救赎“阶段,步入了文化民主与多元共存的“后革命“时代.  相似文献   

尚友萍 《文物春秋》2011,(1):3-12,31
本文针对王立新先生《也谈文化形成的滞后性——以早商文化和二里头文化的形成为例》所主张的主要观点,诸如对滞后期文化性质的总结,滞后期存在的合理性,早商文化概念的内涵,以及滞后期与早商期的排序关系等,提出了商榷意见,并得出结论:二里头夏城内的四期偏早阶段与二里头夏城外的二里头四期文化总称二里头四期文化,是名实相符的二里头四期文化,时间在夏纪年范围内,是晚夏文化;原二里头文化四期偏晚阶段是进入商纪年的夏遗民文化,性质上已不属于二里头四期文化;二里冈下层与偃师商城早段同属早商文化,但前者出现的时间比后者略早。  相似文献   

在中国传统法律思想史上,历代的和谐思想由来已久,我国政府2005年年初提出的社会主义和谐社会的构想是有其深远的思想文化基础的,并非是理论上的凭空创造,而是从中华法律文化思想宝库中采撷出的思想精华并加以理论创新而来。因此,我们要加强对我国历史上关于社会建设理论的研究,按照去伪存真、去粗取精的要求,努力做到古为今用。  相似文献   

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