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一、历史上贵州的高等教育历史上贵州教育事业不发达。明代嘉靖以前,贵州无乡试,考个举人,要远到云南去应试。嘉靖十三年(1534)贵州巡按王杏上疏皇帝,以道路艰阻,请开科于本省,乡试免附云南。嘉靖十四年(1535)明朝廷才“许贵州自乡试,免附云南,解额贵州二十五人”。即是说,要每隔三年才按定额分配,准许贵州录取举人25名。定额以外,哪怕学识再高,也不能应举。这便给贵州出人才强加了很大的限制。清袭明制,贵州乡试应举者,仍受定额所限。到了公元1926年,桐梓周西成统治贵州时,成立过贵州大学。不管他当时建大学的个人  相似文献   

洪武初年,朱元璋进兵贵州,在民族关系、文化教育、道路驿传建设、屯垦等方面措施得当有力,为平定云南和贵州建省夯实基础。  相似文献   

明代贵州社会经济状况一、行政区域的划时代变革明朝,在贵州是一个划时代的时期。永乐十一年(公元1413年),贵州建省,在当时有重要的政治、军事原因,在以后更产生了深远的影响。在明以前,贵州地区长期分属湖广、四川、云南管辖。明王朝建立后,为了加强对贵州地区的统治,进一步巩固西南边疆,切实控制云南,洪武十五年(公元1382年)设置贵州都指挥使,统一指挥贵州军事。它在贵州历史上首次建立了省一级的军事机构。朱元璋在《平  相似文献   

全国省市以上档案馆馆刊协作会于1996年6月11日至13日在上海举行,与会者有中央档案馆、中央文献研究室《党的文献》,第一历史档案馆《历史档案》、第二历史档案馆《民国档案》、上海馆《档案与史学》、江苏馆《江苏历史档案》、北京馆《北京档案史料》、重庆馆《档案史料与研究》、贵州馆《贵州档案史料》、云南馆《云南档案史料》等各主要档案馆馆  相似文献   

以反袁(世凯)、反帝制复辟、维护共和制度为目的的护国运动,是中国近代历史上光辉篇章.护国运动中,以云南首义、贵州响应两件大事最为突出,两件事均离不开贵州的作用.  相似文献   

“杨状元替主充军”的故事在云南、贵州和四川百年流传,家喻户晓。历史上的这位杨状元,名棋、字用修,号升庵(公元1488~1559年),四川省新都县人;明武宗正德六年(公元1511年)进土第一,累官至翰林修撰。世宗即位,充经筵讲官。嘉靖三年(公元1521年),以“议礼”得罪,充军云南永昌卫(今保山县),对岁客死异乡。半生滴戍生涯中,去来行役,“往复滇云十四”。多次奔波在川滇黔古道上。明代,从升庵原籍成都平原通去云南的道路,主要有三条:建昌道(亦称零官道)——从建昌(今四川省西昌市)入,渡金沙江以达云南姚州(今姚安县…  相似文献   

一九八六年一月二十七日,是贵州护国起义七十周年。一九一五年十二月二十五日,云南首举义旗,宣布独立,开始了反袁护国战争。在云南独立通电中,当时贵州的军政首脑刘显世及戴戡、任可澄参与联名,因此又称滇、黔起义。七十年来,史学界对贵州护国起义的论述,大都寥寥数语,对它的历史地位缺少中肯的评价。本文拟对贵州护国起义的原因与作用加以探讨。一、刘显世对帝制的态度刘显世对袁氏复辟帝制的态度是从拥袁到反袁,这个变化过程,是与当时中国资产阶级民主革命形势的发展紧密相关的。一九一三年十月,唐继尧率滇军回滇任职,刘显世以陆军少将衔任贵州护军使,戴戡任  相似文献   

川剧在贵州有近百年的历史,为贵州人民喜闻乐见。在贵州弹词未搬上舞台为“黔剧”之前,川剧被认为是代表贵州的地方剧种。川剧艺术能在贵州根深、叶茂,不断发展,有它本身生存与发展的客观条件,也是与杰出的川剧表演艺术家魏香庭所作出的重要贡献分不开的。魏香庭在四川、云南、贵州演过戏,在川剧舞台上生活六十多年,人们公认他是继康芷林、曹俊臣、肖楷成之后的佼佼者。他二十多岁时,就卓然独立,有所成就,博得了“盖三  相似文献   

贵州解放初期,在全省范围内持续一年多的剿匪斗争,是贵州现代史上的一个重要历史事件。这场斗争是我党我军在解放贵州后与国民党及其军队斗争的继续,其斗争的复杂性和艰苦程度,当时在整个西南地区乃至全国都是较为突出的。担任解放贵州的中国人民解放军第二野战军第五兵团在这场斗争中所经历的艰难险阻和所付出的代价,大大超过渡江作战和进军西南,以致在斗争最激烈的时候,西南军区不得不从云南、四川抽派大量部队到贵州参  相似文献   

明朝的开国皇帝朱元璋在统一和开发西南的过程中,认识了贵州的重要,在贵州境内归并改置了大大小小的土司政权,并遍设卫所,钳制土司。洪武十五年(1382)正月,朱元璋置贵州都指挥使司,管理贵州军事,在贵州的历史上,首次建立了省一级的军事机构。但在洪武时期,朱元璋把对西南的注意力主要放在了云南,在贵州问题上显得力不从心。岁月匆匆,朱元璋来不及对贵州更多的谋划和经营便与世长辞了。明成祖即位后,继承和发展了乃父的事业,于永乐十一年(1413),正式建立了贵州承  相似文献   


Morphometric analysis offers an alternative or augmentation to traditional archaeobotanical methods to address differences within and between plant species and their remains, refining and enhancing taxonomic resolution. Morphometrics, the measurement of size and shape, and the multivariate statistical analysis of generated quantitative variables, have long played a major role in biological research, including plant taxonomy and systematics, although its application in archaeobotany is relatively recent. Over the last few decades, there has been an increasing interest in the use of morphometrics for analysing a varied range of archaeological plant materials (mainly seeds, pollen, phytoliths, and starch grains). In particular, morphometrics have contributed to the study of the domestication and spread of many cereals world-wide, as well as that of other taxa including legumes, underground storage organs (USO), and fruits (such as olives, grapes, and dates). This paper reviews current methodologies, recent applications, and advances in the use of morphometrics in archaeobotanical research, discusses its role in exploring major research questions, and suggests possible future directions for its use.  相似文献   

已经是二月仲春了,大地柔软,天气慢慢热起来了。一场习习的春雨,浇得人心头酥酥的。我第一次注意到,家门前的杏树开了。枝干上,星星点点,挑着几朵白,轻盈得很,把薄薄的心打开,驻足美的枝头,观赏人间烟火。背后是灰灰的庭院,低矮的  相似文献   

Within the last 30 years, geographical information systems (GIS) have been used increasingly in the training of geographers. On the basis of the philosophy of technology and instrumental genesis, we sketch how the use of instruments interacts with learning processes and outline how this can be studied. We empirically analyse students' learning processes and the influences of teaching practice in an introductory course in GIS. We show that students have different strategies for creating their personal instrument for spatial thinking and how teaching interacts with the students' learning processes. Finally, we discuss how GIS may gradually alter future professional development of geographers.  相似文献   

The author's primary aim in what follows is to fully articulate Chantal Delsol's critique of late modern universalism as an attempt to depoliticize the individual for the sake of replacing politics with morality. The result of this depoliticization is a quasi-pantheistic cosmopolitanism that not only effectively denies the significance of individuality, despite rhetorically lionizing it, but also undercuts the freedom of individual conscience that makes moral choice possible. Genuine political prudence and moral judgment are subsequently replaced by the rigid exactitude of a technocratic analysis that reintroduces the "clandestine ideology" it was, despite protestations to the contrary, intended to eliminate. The unhappy paradox produced by the attempt to replace the necessary limitations of political judgment with the universality of a priori moral decree is that a new set of culturally and historically idiosyncratic political attachments are surreptitiously introduced beyond the pale of reasonable debate and disagreement. Delsol's measured response is not a precipitous rejection of universalism as such but a rehabilitation of it that recaptures the Christian moral realism at its core.  相似文献   

Deqen, honored as “Shangri La”,is located in the area where three rivers meet to form one in the Henduan Mountains straddling the borders of Yunnan, Sichuan and Tibet. The Deqen Tibetan Ethnic Group Autonomous Prefecture, founded in September 1957, is the only Tibetan autonomous prefecture in Yunnan Province but one of 10 in the  相似文献   

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