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中国古建筑中几种石灰类材料的物理力学特性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为探讨适宜于岩土文物保护加固的石灰类材料,对中国古建筑中几种石灰类材料及欧洲水硬石灰的化学组成和物理力学特性进行对比研究。研究表明烧料礓石、烧阿嘎土、欧洲水硬石灰NHL5及改性捶灰的化学组成主要是气硬性胶凝材料石灰CaO(或Ca(OH)2)和水硬性胶凝材料β-硅酸钙(β-CS)及铝硅酸钙(CAS),并且这些材料的结石体具有大的孔隙率及非常小的收缩变形性等特点,适宜于岩土文物的保护加固。除此之外,石灰、糯米灰浆、蛎灰、传统捶灰的主要化学组成为石灰CaO(或Ca(OH)2),实验研究结果显示,浆液的凝固速度慢,弹性波速小且上升速率慢,结石体虽然孔隙率大,但强度在短期内较低,易产生收缩变形,不适宜用于短时间内有强度要求的岩土文物保护加固,所以有必要对蛎灰和传统捶灰做进一步的改性研究,以便更广泛地应用于岩土文物的保护加固中。  相似文献   

在中国数千年的建筑实践中,已发现许多具有中国特色的创造,其中以糯米灰浆为代表的中国传统有机-无机复合灰浆就是其中的一类。本文综述了自2007年以来相关研究的进展,包括:针对传统灰浆中有机残留物的化学检测和免疫分析技术的创新发展;全国252处古建筑遗址的1149个灰浆样品的检测结果及解读;糯米灰浆和桐油灰浆等传统胶凝材料固化作用机理及效果的实验验证;糯米灰浆研究成果对世界的影响及在世界复合材料历史上的地位;最近在新石器时代“白灰面”中新发现的有机添加物及相关溯源;传统糯米灰浆的改良研究及在文物保护工程中的应用情况等。这一系列的探索性研究不仅可为古建筑保护提供材料和技术,也为弘扬中华文明提供了鲜活的案例。  相似文献   

传统建筑泥灰类加固材料的性能研究与机理探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
人们已经发现一些古建筑所使用的传统材料具有较好的加固作用,其耐久性、强度、与建筑本体的和谐、以及与环境的友好等方面都具有突出的优点。但是由于当时科学技术水平的限制,以及天然材料混合物本身的复杂性,这些传统材料的加固机理一直未被人们充分认识。为了利用和发展传统材料的优势并为古建筑和文物保护服务,本工作选择最具中国特色的以石灰等无机材料为基料,以糯米浆和蛋清等天然生物材料为配料的古代建筑灰浆配方和三合土配方,开展了一系列加固性能研究,并且结合现代SEM和XRD分析仪器,对一些典型的样品进行了微观结构和形貌分析。结果发现,这些古代配方具有现代复合材料的某些特点,即通过无机/有机相互协同的效应,达到了较好的加固效果;重要的是发现糯米浆具有一定的生物矿化的模板作用,即糯米浆的生物大分子对碳酸钙的结晶和生长起到了调控作用,使方解石结晶体的大小和形貌具有一定程度的有序性。本研究为传统材料进一步科学地应用于古建筑和石质文物的修复加固提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

1637年(明崇祯十年)出版的《天工开物》记录了我国古代建筑石灰的消解采用"置于风中,久自吹化成粉"的工艺,"用以砌墙石,则筛去石块,水调黏合"。为复配"风吹成粉"工法并研究采用这种工法得到的石灰性能,实验采用传统立窑对源自浙-皖交界处原材料"青石"烧制而成的生石灰使用"风吹法"消解,并参照现代标准BS-EN-459-2015等相关检测方法进行性能研究。结果发现"风吹法"消解的石灰含有水硬性组分如硅酸二钙等,并具有凝结时间短、强度适中等特点。研究表明,"风吹"20~30天左右得到的石灰性能相当于欧洲标准的天然水硬石灰NHL1或NHL2。研究还表明,"风吹成粉"的石灰可以用作砌筑、修复、注浆等粘合剂,其快凝等特性非常有利于湿冷环境下的施工。若对文献、明及以前的建筑进一步考证并采取系统全面的深化研究,有望考证出我国380年前的明朝对天然水硬石灰消解及应用技术的掌握程度,并开发出融合中华传统智慧的文物建筑保护材料。  相似文献   

水硬石灰兼具石灰和水泥的优点,低收缩、耐盐、适中的抗压和抗折强度、水溶盐含量低,同时与传统的砖石建筑兼容性好,是一种天然、无污染、耐老化的无机材料。本工作针对花山岩画的开裂特点制订出相应的力学参数要求,配制出两种不同的水硬石灰砂浆,并对这两种砂浆的力学性能进行了分析。同时探讨了不同养护条件对水硬石灰砂浆拉拔强度的影响。现场试验结果说明,填补粘结材料可以提供一定的粘结强度,并且具有使用方便,污染小的特点,可用于花山岩画开裂岩体应急保护加固处理。  相似文献   

中国传统灰土灰浆强度增强方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国传统灰土灰浆中水硬性凝胶材料-水合硅酸钙和水合硅酸铝的形成可以大幅度提高其强度,但在自然条件下生成此类水硬性化合物需要很长时间。本文借鉴现代水泥工艺中利用焙烧黏土材料可提高火山灰活性的原理,从而有效缩短形成水硬性化合物的反应时间,在短时间内大大提高灰浆的强度。以此为出发点,加工制备性能优良的灰浆材料,为传统砌体建筑的保护提供适宜的保护修复材料。  相似文献   

中国传统血料灰浆的应用历史和科学性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
血料灰浆是中国古代建筑灰浆的重要代表作之一,体现出浓郁的中国传统工艺特色,反映了当时建筑技术的科技水平.本研究从血料灰浆的科技史入手,综述了传统血料灰浆的应用历史和制备方法,包括在油饰彩画地仗层、油漆地仗层、漆器和桥梁建筑等方面;结合各种现代科技文献评述了古代建筑灰浆中动物血蛋白的检测方法,包括各种物理化学方法和免疫法;阐述了灰浆中动物血的功能,如加气作用、减水作用、防水作用、平整和抗龟裂作用等,探讨了血料灰浆的作用机理.此外,还简述了血料、蛋清、糯米、红糖、桐油等有机添加剂的复配问题.本研究的总体目标是希望以此为基础,进一步加深对血料灰浆科学性和局限性的认识,并通过对血料灰浆的研究和传统工艺的科学化改进,更好地为当今古建筑修缮保护服务.  相似文献   

本研究以缅甸蒲甘苏拉牟尼佛塔为研究对象,使用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、能谱分析仪、X射线衍射仪和显微红外光谱仪等科学仪器,对佛塔后期修复灰浆、外墙灰浆和壁画地仗的主要组成成分进行了深入研究。通过有机添加物、钙含量和泥沙质量比试验,详细探究了灰浆的制作工艺。结合试验结果和当地走访调查,揭示了缅甸蒲甘灰塑的传统工艺和材料。研究结果显示,苏拉牟尼佛塔灰浆主要由石灰、砂砾和泥组成,同时含有淀粉和蛋白质等有机添加剂。缅甸蒲甘地区的佛塔灰浆与我国传统的复合灰浆在制作工艺上存在相似之处,但也呈现明显区别。通过对灰浆制作工艺和材料的研究,有助于理解缅甸文化的独特之处,促进跨文化交流,并为佛塔的修复和技术研究提供重要参考资料。  相似文献   

水硬性灰浆是性能优良的传统建筑材料,其相比于气硬性灰浆,有更好的防水性、透气性、耐冻性、耐盐结晶性和机械强度等,适合作为古建筑的修复材料。本研究对影响传统水硬性灰浆性能的因素进行归纳综述,探讨无机物(胶凝材料、骨料、水)、天然有机物(多糖类、蛋白质类、油脂类)、养护条件等对水硬性灰浆性能的影响。其中,无机物对水硬性灰浆的性能影响一方面取决于胶凝材料的特性,另一方面取决于灰浆中不同无机组分间的比例;在水硬性灰浆中加入多糖类有机物可提高灰浆力学性能,加入蛋白质类有机物可提高防水性和孔隙率,加入油脂类有机物可大幅提升防水性、耐久性;在高相对湿度条件下养护水硬性灰浆可提高其机械强度,而低湿度条件下养护的灰浆则更具耐久性。本研究成果可为认知、揭示传统水硬性灰浆的科学价值,研究、开发新型古建保护修复材料提供参考与启示。  相似文献   

为了研究水硬性石灰在贺兰口地区的稳定性,以贺兰口岩石为试验对象,在实验室里分别用水硬性石灰和环氧树脂加固试块,并且做了耐冻融、耐热、耐高低温交变等一系列的耐候性能对比试验。结果表明,水硬性石灰与环氧树脂相比有较好的耐热性能;在冻融环境中,水硬石灰没有环氧树脂性能稳定,容易产生脱落现象。  相似文献   

Ancient mortars played a crucial role in the construction of historical architectures due to their physical and chemical compatibility with traditional building materials such as stones and bricks. Therefore, the analysis and optimization of the ancient mortar formula are significant in the restoration and preservation of historical sites. In this work, 20 mortar samples selected from five ancient stone pagodas in Zhejiang Province, China, were analyzed. The results showed that mud, lime-soil mortar, lime-sand mortar, and lime-gypsum mortar were used as binders in these pagodas. The Ca(OH)2/aggregate ratio ranging from 0.3 to 2.7 was usually used to prepare lime mortar. Protein and polysaccharide were also found in some samples.  相似文献   

The characterization of lime mortars has become of primary importance in order to obtain information about the raw ingredients and building technology of ancient masonry structures. Five different samples from Anhui province, China, representing two types of lime mortar-based materials: joint mortars between the bricks of the city wall and lime mortar sealing a tomb coffin, were collected for analysis. Archaeological information about the samples was reported and studies into the microtextural features and mineralogical compositions of those mortars were performed via a multi-analytical approach. The joint lime mortars between the bricks of city walls, including Mingzhongdu city wall, Mingzhongdu Xihua gate foundation, Zhengyangguan city wall and She county city wall, were found to be aerial lime mortars. The lime mortar from Nanling Tieguai Song dynasty tomb was analysed and found to be a pozzolanic mortar consisting of lime, clay, sand and cocciopesto-like materials. The analytical results serve as a critical reference for the maintenance and restoration of ancient city walls in Anhui province, and as a starting point for searching for ancient Chinese pozzolanic mortars and technology for making those mortars.  相似文献   

Lime mortars have played an important role in constructing ancient Chinese masonry structures, including city walls, buildings, and tombs. A tomb built with lime mortars and stones belonging a Ming high-ranking official, Xu Jie, was discovered in Huzhou City of China. Eight different samples from Xu Jie’s tomb, representing four types of lime-mortar-based materials: joint mortar between stone bricks, bedding mortar, grouting mortar, and plaster mortars were collected for analysis and comparison. The characterization of the construction materials has therefore become of primary importance. The function of each mortar was reported and studies into the micro-textural features and mineralogical compositions of those mortars were performed via a multi-analytical approach. The joint mortars were all found to be aerial lime mortars with predominately lime. The bedding mortar was found to consist of lime, soil and sand, typical of a tabia mortar. The grouting mortar was found to consist of lime and ground contact metamorphosed limestone. Analysis of plaster sample taken from the roof of the main tomb identified the presence of calcium stearate/palmitate, indicating the usage of plant-based tung oil as an additive. The analytical results will promote our understanding of Ming architectural technology and craftsmanship, and provide critical information for the conservation of Xu Jie’s tomb.  相似文献   

Many successful and long lasting structures that contain lime mortars are hydraulic in nature. Organic admixtures are added to lime mortar mix to modify their fresh and hardened state properties. The present work proposes plant extract as bio-admixture for repair mortar towards the protection of heritage structures. The effect of cactus extract on the properties of hydraulic lime mortar is studied. Mortar´s composition is selected with respect to the composition of historic mortars and modern restoration practice. Cactus extract was added to the lime sand mixture with varying concentrations (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) and with different fermentation periods of 0, 1, and 2 days The consistency and workability of modified mortar, mechanical behavior, water absorption, porosity, and water/salt absorption through capillary rise, salt crystallization have been studied. Micro structural properties of the resulting mortar have been evaluated by XRD and FT-IR to identify their mineralogical composition and morphology by SEM-EDX. It is observed that addition of 75% cactus extract with 1-day fermentation produces maximum positive effect on the strength and durability properties of lime mortar. It improves the mechanical characteristics, limits water and salt absorption by capillarity into mortar and also show resistance to salt crystallization cycles.  相似文献   

With the development of China’s economy, the protection and conservation of ancient buildings were put on the agenda. However, the current understandings on Chinese traditional mortars are limited and rarely reported in the literature. In this article, the authors investigate seven ancient city wall sites built during the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368–1841 AD) in situ, and subsequently the laboratory analysis were carried out on the collected mortar samples. The characterizations of mortar samples were performed using digital microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), simultaneous thermal analysis (TG-DSC), as well as wet chemical analysis. The analytical results show that pure lime mortar was widely used in construction during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and it was also a common practice adding sticky rice soup into slaked lime to form sticky-rice lime mortar during preparations. This organic-inorganic composite material could effectively improve mechanical strength of the lime mortar. Moreover, it was first found that the sticky-rice lime mortar sample from Kaifeng ancient city wall contained very fine quartz aggregates, with an approximate binder/aggregate ratio of 1:1. The appearance of this type of mortar probably indicates a great development of Chinese traditional mortars during the mid-19th century.  相似文献   

水硬性石灰改性土修复加固材料性能研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
针对土遗址土体坍塌、残缺等病害,为选择更好的土遗址修复加固材料,通过遗址土中添加水硬性石灰进行改性,分析检测水硬性石灰改性土修复材料的性能,并与石灰改性土材料性能进行对比分析。研究结果表明,与石灰改性土性能相比,水硬性石灰改性土修复材料夯土收缩率小、水稳定性好、抗压强度大和强度增加快、耐冻融性好;其性能优于石灰改性土材料的性能,适合土遗址土体坍塌、残损病害的修补加固,其研究成果为土遗址的保护修复加固提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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