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The predominant view is that decision-making in Australian government is based on politics rather than rationality. This paper argues that while decisionmaking continues to exemplify incremental analysis, it does not for the most part exemplify incremental politics, that is, acts of negotiation, compromise and bargaining or 'partisan mutual adjustment'. This is the case for three reasons: decision-making conforms to models of rationality; the technical nature of most policy issues is amendable to rationality; and relationships between departments have grown more consensual since the 1970s.  相似文献   

Institutional analyses of federal programs to develop large technical systems explain outcomes in terms of a conflict between coalitional politics and program administration. Such analyses gain precision when they take into account how the technical system being developed mediates the conflict of politics and administration. Attention to technology helps explain the different outcomes of three federal programs: the superconducting supercollider, the space shuttle, and intelligent transportation systems.  相似文献   

魁北克分离主义对加拿大联邦统一的挑战在1995年达到了危机状态.尽管当年就魁北克分离问题而举行的全民公决最终以非常微弱的多数使加拿大政府渡过了危机,但该问题的存在仍对加拿大联邦统一的前景构成威胁.为此,加拿大联邦政府一方面向加拿大最高法院请求有关魁北克分离问题的法律解释,同时又邀请了国内外著名的法学家对分离问题做出国内法、国际法上的权威分析和建议,并通过了特别立法来规定可能发生的魁北克分离要求的法律和政治程序,试图在法律、政治程序层面从根本上限制魁北克民族分离主义者的任意行为.  相似文献   

Increasing Commonwealth Government desire to establish national priorities for road expenditure was successfully thwarted by constitutionally powerful State Governments until the early 1980s Political considerations interfered with the consistently efficiency-orientated national priorities suggested by the Commonwealth Government's advisory organisation. The paper evaluates efficiency, equality and equity as potential bases for road funding, before analysing what happened over the period 1972-86. The 1982 ABRD program allowed the Commonwealth to impose its priorities in an area of State constitutional authority.  相似文献   

20世纪美国联邦政府行政改革的历史考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国联邦政府的行政改革贯穿于整个20世纪,可以划分为四个阶段,每个阶段有不同的侧重点:第一阶段改革开始于19世纪末、20世纪初,“效率政府”是这一时期行政改革所追求的主要目标;第二阶段改革实施于20世纪中期,“忠诚政府”成为联邦政府改革的特点;20世纪70、80年代改革进入第三阶段,强调官员的职业道德,改革特点为追求“道德政府”;20世纪90年代美国政府管理进入一个全面调整时期,“重塑政府”成为行政改革追求的主要目标,从而在实践上把20世纪美国联邦政府行政改革推向了高峰。从行政管理学的角度分析,精简机构、节约开支和提高效率,始终是20世纪美国联邦行政改革的核心内容。从政治学的角度分析,防止职业官僚垄断政府权力和整治官僚主义作风,也始终是20世纪美国联邦政府行政改革必须面对的问题。  相似文献   

Summary.   The beginning of the Late Bronze Age, i.e. the late fifteenth–early fourteenth centuries BC, saw the emergence of chariots in Transcaucasia, where rich barrows of this period yielded bronze chariot models. The latter correspond to the type of chariots widespread in the western Near East in the late sixteenth–early thirteenth centuries BC. Hence it can be inferred that, regardless of the ultimate origin of Near Eastern chariots, Transcaucasian specimens belong to the Near Eastern tradition. However, in Transcaucasia, in contradistinction to the Near East, the chariot was merely a prestige marker. The growing role of the horse indicative of horseback riding is attested by some Transcaucasian funeral complexes of the late second millennium BC, which correspond to those of the steppes of south Russia. It seems likely that the builders of these barrows were related to the Iranian population of the Russian steppes.  相似文献   

文庠 《民国档案》2007,7(4):73-79
中医开业管理是传统社会向现代社会转型的产物,是现代医政管理制度产生发展的产物。我国中医开业管理始于晚清,形成于民国早期,至南京国民政府时期逐步完善。文章通过对民国时期中医开业管理政策法规形成过程的历史考察,论述了民国中医开业管理政策法规的基本内容及实际运作,分析了民国中医开业管理的特点,并对民国中医开业管理进行了客观评价。  相似文献   

美国西部开发与联邦政府的土地政策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王旭 《史学集刊》2003,1(1):64-72
西部国有土地私有化是美国西部开发的基础和前提,也是美国联邦政府导引和规范西部开发的主要手段。私有化的主要途径是出售和赠予,在此过程中所出现的土地投机现象和宅地法等在当时和后来均备受争议。有必要将这些现象结合起来进行系统的考察。  相似文献   

For centuries, the Club War, a popular uprising on Finnish territory in the 1590s, constituted a minor side story in Swedish royal historiography. After the Napoleonic Wars, it was quickly appropriated as one of the most canonical historical events in the emerging Finnish national history. This article argues that, in order to understand the role of the Club War in early 19th-century Finnish historical culture, it is necessary to trace its interpretive tradition backwards in time, across established borders of national historiographies, in a thematic, transtemporal, and comparative framework. The paper will discuss eight pieces of Swedish and Finnish history writing from 1620 to 1860, focusing on the storylines, attributes attached to the protagonists, and historical agency allocated to different social groups against a backdrop of sources available within each context of writing, in order to pinpoint and analyse moments when the story space of the event altered. The article will demonstrate that textual traditions of regions that formerly belonged to multi-ethnic or conglomerate states provide particularly interesting material for transtemporal historiography. Through this case study, the article also argues that Swedish and Finnish historiography of the early 19th century should be studied as one, entangled, textual culture.  相似文献   

中国龙王信仰的基础是先秦时代的龙崇拜,之后在佛教影响、民间创造及统治者的推动下不断变化并在宋代最终定型。这一过程涉及三个重要节点:第一个节点是龙神信仰的形成,涉及龙从兽形到人形、祈雨形式从巫术到祭祀的变化,佛教在其中发挥了重要作用;第二个节点是"龙王"名称的采用及其信仰的普及,宋代统治者出于集权目的的封赐促成了这一变化;第三个节点是海龙王信仰的形成,涉及四海龙王对传统四海神的取代,这一时期龙王地位的上升、佛教影响的扩大都起到了助推作用。  相似文献   

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