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21世纪以来,一批在犹太复国主义与后犹太复国主义辩论中成长起来的以色列知识分子,围绕流散地历史与犹太教、犹太复国主义、移民运动、工党时期的集体主义观念、以色列国家性质与未来走向、巴以冲突及以色列国家合法性等话题,重新审视民族国家的发展历史,并在此基础上构建了一种以“修正”为核心的新史学话语,反映了当下期望与失望并存的以色列社会既要拥抱传统又必须面向未来的时代特征,这些知识分子被称为“后犹太复国主义修正派”。他们的出现,象征着以色列史学发展的时代转向与史学方法的调试更新,也代表了以色列民族国家叙事的新趋向。  相似文献   

正提到移民,大多数人会想到大熔炉的美国。其实,以色列同样是一个多民族的移民国家。近日,巴以(巴勒斯坦和以色列)冲突的直接起因便与以色列国内民族纷争有关,即耶路撒冷犹太人企图占据阿拉伯人控制的社区。2021年5月10日,巴以冲突全面升级。这次冲突从耶路撒冷瞬间延伸到了约旦河西岸,甚至以色列的城市内部,是自2014年以来双方最激烈的交火。  相似文献   

19世纪末20世纪初,在黑龙江沿岸一带出现了大量的中俄两国的移民,黑龙江沿岸城镇迅速出现并发展,这与两国的移民密切相关。然而这一时期两国所采取的移民政策不同,所取得的成果也不相同,但是城市化进程的加快则是两国移民带来的客观影响。在此拟对这一时期黑龙江中俄边境移民与城市化问题作出探讨,并希望对国家的边疆政策有所裨益。  相似文献   

以色列犹太移民定居点政策探析宋德星犹太移民定居点在巴勒斯坦地区的不断增加、扩张和完善的历史进程与以色列国的政治生命息息相关,并一直影响着今天的阿以关系。尤其是今年,以色列政府决定在东耶路撒冷附近的哈尔霍马地区兴建大片犹太移民定居点,从而引发了延至今日...  相似文献   

1492年克里斯托瓦尔·哥伦布第一次横渡大西洋发现美洲后,伴随着西班牙殖民者对美洲的征服、奴役、开发,立即开始了一个向美洲大陆殖民或移民的新浪潮。这一移民活动从15世纪末起一直到20世纪中叶持续不断,成为世界近代史上的一个重要历史现象。它对于资本主义的发展,对于许多新型国家的形成和建立发生过重要影响,对于一些国家的民族结构和社会发展产生了深远影响。本文拟就哥伦布开始的欧、非、亚各大陆对美洲的移民活动及其特点略作分析,以探索从哥伦布开始的新世界移民活动在当代世界各国发展中的趋势。  相似文献   

20世纪八九十年代,一批受西方影响的以色列历史学家通过对大量解密文献的研判与调查,率先对犹太复国主义提出种种质疑,从而引发了以色列社会对主流意识形态的反思,形成了一种新的社会文化思潮——"后犹太复国主义",这些历史学家被称为"新历史学家"。他们的观点主要集中在对以色列国家合法性与官方历史阐释的修正、对犹太复国主义的重新解读、对以色列国家属性及其未来走向的质疑等方面,从而对以色列传统史学提出了挑战。"新历史学家"拓宽了历史研究的视域,推进了学术自由,有益于促进国家的世俗化与民主化进程,但他们的批判性大于建设性,有些主张过于激进且不切实际,并且在某种程度上加剧了以色列社会的动荡性。  相似文献   

王守功  张宾  刘凯 《南方文物》2020,(1):256-263
深入稳妥推进城市化是中国经济建设领域的一场深刻变革,是全面建设小康社会的必然要求。为加快城市化发展,2014年,中共中央、国务院印发《国家新型城镇化规划(2014年—2020年)》,提出,到2020年实现全国城市化水平达到60%左右的战略目标。在过去几年中,城市化步伐大幅度加快。  相似文献   

秘鲁是近代南美第一个大量引入日本移民的国家,也是当今世界第三大拥有日裔人口的国家,对其早期移民的探究有助于了解当今秘鲁日裔群体,也有助于理解日秘关系的发展。本文即主要主要从移民背景、移民阶段、移民的发展状况等方面展开,对这段历史加以概括性论述。  相似文献   

美国的崛起得益于美国的外来移民,而恰当的移民政策是美国保持快速发展的强有力的保障。一个国家制定任何一种政策都是为它的经济、政治和社会利益服务的。美国的移民政策也不例外,接受何处、何种移民,接受多少,都反映了这个总要求,本文试图分析出美国历史发展中对于移民的态度和移民对于美国的影响,为其他国家移民政策的制定提供借鉴。  相似文献   

蒋涤非  宋杰 《人文地理》2013,28(2):79-83
中国已经进入城市社会,高速推进的城市化面临许多突出问题,走健康城市化道路已成为中国今后推进城市化进程的必然选择。包容性增长概念的提出,赋予城市化新的内涵,如何在新形势下通过包容性增长推进城市化健康发展已成为政策要点。本文在厘清健康城市化与包容性增长理论的基础上,指出包容性增长是推进健康城市化的重要机制,以包容性增长为出发点,根据"承载力-支持力-吸引力-延续力-发展力"(CSAED)模型,构建了涵盖资源与环境包容性改善、经济包容性增长、社会民生包容性发展、人口质量包容性提升、政策与制度包容性调整5个方面的健康城市化支持体系。通过建立基于包容性增长的健康城市化支持体系,可以指导和促进我国城市化健康发展。  相似文献   

The article argues that a central aspect of Israeli-Polish relations before 1967 was their tripartite nature, involving the two states and Polish Jewry. The main goal of Israeli diplomacy in Poland, to which it subordinated a variety of interests, even those that were central to Israel's foreign policy, was the immigration to Israel of Polish Jewry. The three elements of the triangular relations (Israel, Poland, and Polish Jewry) influenced one another through their policy and behavior, monitored each other, interpreted each other's actions, and reacted accordingly. The aliyah from Poland engendered a new dynamic in the relations. Israel was able to implement its nation-building policy through the immigration of a desired element, and the Polish authorities, by allowing emigration of an unassimilable ethnonational minority, homogenized the nationalizing Polish state. After the massive emigration of the Jews, another element connecting and reshaping the three sides of the triangle emerged: the competition to represent the memory of Polish Jewry, conceived, too, as an instrument in the nation-building process of both states.  相似文献   

The goal of this essay is to analyse some cultural antecedents of stereotyping of Arabs by immigrants to Israel from the former Soviet Union. The material used in the essay is part of larger project devoted to personal narratives of the immigrants of the 1990s. It is based on 115 in‐depth interviews. Unlike Oriental Jews who had lived side‐by‐side with Arabs before emigrating to Israel, Soviet Jews had had no contacts with them in the “Old Country.” While Arabs have always populated the folklore of oriental Jews, Soviet Jews have formed their attitude on the basis of the mass media (both Soviet and Israeli) and on limited personal contact after immigration. Immigrants who have had no personal contacts with Arabs perceive them as hostile Others, and transfer to them the negative stereotypes formed in the USSR. A more contradictory image evolves on the basis of personal experience; some narrators make parallels between Israeli–Arab and Russian–Chechen conflicts, while others perceive the situation of the Arabs in Israel as similar to the discrimination Jews had suffered in the USSR.  相似文献   

When the National-Socialists started their restrictive measures against Jewish civil servants and professionals in 1933, they caused a wave of emigration only to be surpassed by the one following the Anschluß of Austria and the ‘November pogrom’ in 1938. Due to their great number, jewish doctors were to become the main object of Nazi persecution in the professional group. Up until 1935 Palestine was their main destination of immigration. In 1935 the British Mandatory Government passed a numerus clausus which mainly cut down the licensing of newly arrived doctors. The article deals with the social problems caused by the mass immigration of a highly qualified professional group in Palestine and with the fight against the restrictive measures of the mandatory Government. A short retrospective glance is cast at the situation in Palestine before 1933. Finally an outlook is given at the impact of this immigration on the health system in Israel.  相似文献   

This article deals with the complex relationship between religion and immigration in Western countries, with an emphasis on Israel. The main argument it presents is that the legal procedures of immigration, i.e. laws relating to the acquisition of civil status, have undergone dramatic secularization, while religion's influence is expressed in the social and cultural aspects of the integration of immigrants belonging to religious minorities. This division reinforces the classical theory of secularization, as the formal boundaries of nations are not subject to religious affiliations, but it also supports the theories of competition and complementation between religion and secularism in the social sphere. The tension in the Israeli case between the immigration, naturalization and integration of non‐Jewish Jews, who are part of the extended Jewish population that is not defined by religious parameters, confirms this thesis. The immigration of hundreds of thousands of non‐Jewish Jews' under the Law of Return based on ethno‐national‐secular parameters is an ultimate expression of the secularization of Jewish nationality. On the other hand, the state's encouragement of non‐Jewish immigrants to convert to Judaism so that they can better assimilate into Jewish society signifies the importance of religion in the social integration aspect.  相似文献   

This paper examines the central role of the camp in the early Israeli state period and its spatial and geopolitical evolution. Unlike official Israeli history, which presents the immigrant camps as an inevitable improvised response to the unexpected problem of mass immigration, I examine the camp as a strategic modern biopolitical instrument that allowed for the state's profound geopolitical changes and was itself altered according to them. The paper analyses the ways in which the camp facilitated the creation of Israel as a state formed by two seemingly contradictory, but in fact complementary, conditions: on one hand, a product of a chaotic ‘state of emergency’ and a form of ‘ordered disorder’ created by mass immigration, and on the other hand, a product of a comprehensive, tightly controlled modernist project combining physical planning and social engineering. This duality reveals the role of these immigrant camps, which were created both in Israel and abroad, as spatial ‘black holes’ which swallowed the contradiction between the radical geopolitical transformation and the rational self-image of the Israeli state-building project. The evolving and hybrid typologies of the camp in Israel's pre-state and early-state periods expose it as a versatile instrument, highlighting the need for informed spatial and geographical genealogies of the camp in order to illuminate its various transformations.  相似文献   

济南都市圈城市化空间分异特征及其引导策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈睿  吕斌 《人文地理》2007,22(5):43-49
随着快速城市化的发展,都市圈成为我国大城市功能地域组织的重要形式。本文对济南都市圈城市化发展的空间分异特征和问题进行了分析,发现济南都市圈中虽然济南具有较高的集聚规模,但却缺乏相应的辐射带动能力,圈内多数县域尤其是黄河以北地区城市化滞后,加之其它中心城市实力不够强大,严重阻碍了济南及其都市圈竞争优势的发挥。由此提出了"强化核心、多元中心、区域联动、县域支撑"的城市化空间布局策略,并以城乡土地资源合理利用为核心,分别就土地分类管制和分区引导等两方面城市化协调引导机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Because of the significance attached to it, the Knesset passed the 1950 Law of Return in an unprecedentedly short time, but it took two more years to pass the Citizenship Law. The official protocols regarding the legislation of Israel’s Citizenship Law illuminate the main concerns of the drafters. The goal of the emerging national citizenship regime was not just to promote Jewish immigration but to establish a modern state that prohibited dual citizenship, accepted naturalizations, prevented statelessness, and granted equal citizenship to women. These policies are accumulations of countless opinions, values, interests, and ideas, each with different conceptions of citizenship and nationhood.  相似文献   

The option of aliyah (Jewish immigration to Israel) poses a continuous challenge to any attempt to forge a diasporic version of Zionist ideology. This challenge grew twofold during the years immediately preceding and following the founding of the State of Israel. The article examines this challenge through the lens of Abba Hillel Silver, the leader of American Jewry during the period in question. While the Israeli leadership saw aliyah as a litmus test, indicating the degree to which Zionist leaders abroad were committed to the cause, for Silver the question was not one of dual loyalties between competing American and Israeli citizenships but a dilemma of inner American-Jewish identity. It is through this American-Jewish perspective that Silver's grappling with both the option of his own aliyah, and the importance of aliyah per se in American Zionism should be seen. An analysis of his views on the matter may illumine the evolving relations between diasporic transnationalism and homeland nationalism during the critical years when the homeland gains independence and sovereignty.  相似文献   

In the 1950s, Britain and France faced a comparable development of increasing immigration from current or former colonial territories, which was perceived as problematic. Immigration statistics had a central role in governmental or administrative discussions; however, both for general difficulties inherent in immigration statistics and for specific problems due to ‘post‐colonial’ nationality arrangements, these statistics are of limited reliability. The ways statistics were used differed as reactions to ‘colonial’ immigration in Britain and France differed, corresponding to their respective post‐war experiences and political aims. The official use of statistics against this background serves to reveal certain national characteristics in their reaction to ‘colonial’ immigration.  相似文献   

发生于西晋末永嘉年间席卷全国的移民浪潮,不仅对当时镇江的城市建设和经济开发起到了十分重要的推动作用,同时对镇江地区的语言分化、化艺术的发展以及社会风气的嬗变等也都有着明显的冲击和影响。  相似文献   

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