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This year marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region, which practices ethnic regional autonomy.During this 40-year period, what changes have taken place in Tibet and to the life of Tibetans?Dainzin Lhunzhub, with the China National Center for Tibetan Studies, once interviewed some 100 residents of the Xoi Neighborhood Committee of Lhasa. Beginning with this issue,we will publish highlights of the interview.  相似文献   

被称为“世界屋脊”的西藏,生活着许多金发碧眼的“老外”。在拉萨街头.经常会看到他们一晃而过的身影。  相似文献   

Gyayang Xirab (1957-2004) was born into a far from well-off herder family from a pasturing area of northern Tibet. In 1971,he had only just begun going to the primary school at the age of 14.In 1978,he was allowed to stay as a teacher after graduating from middle school.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the Tibetansrefrain from eating fish, andfishing naturally did not pre-viously exist in the region asa business. Unlike people inother parts of Tibet, however, people inLhasa have handled fish as a business andwith success. And these "fishermen" areall authentic Tibetans."Fish are foam in water and everyonecan eat it, and so do I as a lama," they say."Even the emperor is not able to tastefish caught in spring, but fish caught insummer and autumn is shunned even bybeggars," the…  相似文献   

I have known old Toinzhub for years. After only one meeting, he seemed to sense what was on my mind and could always talk about my favorite subject. A day passes by slowly along with his sips of liquor and his vivid and detailed narration.  相似文献   

“贺兰山下果园城,塞北江南旧有名。水木万家朱户暗,弓刀千队铁衣鸣。心源落落堪为将,胆气堂堂合用兵。却使六蕃诸子弟,马前不信是书生”。  相似文献   

平日里喜欢四处疯游的一帮朋友兴奋地决定了这次西藏之行,计划书也打印了好几页纸,上面长长短短地写明了这次驾车西游的路线和必看的景色,地图、装备也没少带,于是计划书上的“北京出发”也赫然醒目起来,重重的踩了一下油门,重走一段文成公主进藏的古道之旅就此出发了! 心有所盼,路途似乎都近了很多,从北京驾车一路西奔至西宁,开始的兴奋逐渐的也转变成了更多的期待,而我们的车轮对公主西行古道行迹的丈量也由西宁开始计算了……  相似文献   

达娃 《中国西藏》2004,(4):19-20
很久以来,西藏人就有着吸鼻烟的习俗。随着这一习俗的流传,鼻烟的容器,演绎了一个独特的民族器物文化的历史。鼻烟壶以艺术和实用功能完美的结合,不仅折射出藏民族的聪敏和智慧,更是显示了独具匠心的创造力。鼻烟壶因此也被热爱生活的高原人赋予了生机和灵气。  相似文献   

Referring to the point of the “middle road” made by the 14^th Dalai Lama, there is a concept of “Greater Tibet” which covers the existing Tibet Autonomous Region, the entire area of Qinghai Province, one-fifth of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, two-thirds of Gansu Province, two-thirds of Sichuan Province and half of Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

Many times,we have been to Lulang Town in Nyingchi Prefecture,which is known as “Geneva on the plateau”.But this time,we invited a German Scholar named Daniel Winkler,who has been carrying out work for a long time related to the protection and development of fungus resource in the Tibetaninhabited areas in China,  相似文献   

Yak Culture     
Moving from Ong'ren to Shi-quanhe through vast expanse of deserts and grasslands, we found ourse-velves in Northern Tibet. It joins northwestern Qamdo, Yushu and Golog of Qinghai, and Shiqu, Serda and Hongyuan in Aba of Garze Prefecture of Sichuan to form the largest nomadic herding culture on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

The TAR Archives has since 1959 been gathering photos taken by the first generation of Tibetan photographers. Efforts have been made also to classify these photos and, at the same time, invite some specialists and former Tibetan local government officials such as Shazha Gandain Banjor and relatives of the former photographers to identify the pictures that record an age and a certain special period in history for the instruction of later generations.  相似文献   

April 2005 was the charming spring season in China's hinterland, but the snowflakes still flew in the air along the section of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway in the northern plateau of Tibet.  相似文献   

多杰 《中华遗产》2018,(9):126-129
西藏的“县”曾被称为“宗”,这个奇特的名字,来自俯瞰一方的城堡。百姓仰视它,民众归属于它,高原近千年的统治历史,也藏在这小小的地名背后。  相似文献   

从我记事起,我就知道老年人都有转“林廓”的习惯,但那时自己还太小,不知道转经到底有什么意义,也不知道人们为什么不厌其烦地转个不停,只是记得在清晨五六点钟就被姥姥拽起来,嘴里不停地念着六字真言,迷迷糊糊地走在坑坑洼洼、没有路灯的街道上……  相似文献   

2003年是避暑山庄肇建300周年的重要年份。在举办的系列纪念活动中,9月16日至12月16日在国家博物馆的“避暑山庄300年”文物特展是重要展览之一,人们在实物和图片展中将了解到这些鲜为人知的历史故事。  相似文献   

Irecently visited Lower Zayu Township in Zayu County of Nyingchi District with some colleagues to meet the Dengba people who reside there in an organized community of over 1,450 people.  相似文献   

思衡 《古今谈》2001,(4):35-37
公元十七世纪中叶,吴三桂引清兵人关,打败了李自成起义军,明很快就灭亡。最后臣服于清的是江浙闽三省,清政府对之采取十分严厉的措施。如在杭州,他们派了八旗兵在此驻扎,划地建营。这就是旗营,或称旗下营,又叫旗下。驻防官兵初为三千九百数十人,旗营筑成,又遣官兵协防,十年后还增甲兵五百副于营外。这样的旗营在乍浦、福州、荆州、德州、青州、四川等地也有,但杭州的最受朝廷重视,设有镇浙将军和镇浙副都统各一人,别处大多只有都统一人。  相似文献   

The Tibet AutonomousRegion has now been inexistence for 40 years. Iwould just like to recall someprofound memories to com-memorate this 40th anniversary of itsfoundation.Delegation Head Chen YiEntering Tibet in a JeemoVehicleIn April 1956 a very great motorcadeconsisting of more than 200 vehicles spedalong the Qinghai-Tibet Highway. Therewas a great variety of vehicles, includingJeemo, Warsaw, and others. This was thefirst Central Government Delegationgroup to enter Tibet after the li…  相似文献   

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