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建国以来,四川汉画像石刻出土甚多,图录论著纷纷问世,考释之功,不胜枚举。笔者细读之余,感到内中偶有可商讨或不到之处者,因此不揣谫陋,就四幅表现神灵崇拜和厌胜之术的崖墓石刻画象作一考辫,不妥之处,尚希指正。 一、“瓦当像”中的“日晷”图 该图先后著录在《四川汉代画象选集》和《四川汉代画像石》两书中。闻先生认为:“比较奇特的是下排柱头形上的图案,左边的一个很象日晷”。认为与现存的两个汉代日晷“都很相似,毕竟是无心的偶  相似文献   

六博棋局、日晷、铜镜上共有的TLV纹从何而来,一直以来聚讼纷纭.本文系统整理考古出土的六博棋局,依据图案加以归纳,并进行历时的排比,以考察演变的过程,并认为TLV纹是六博棋局发展到西汉时代的样式,出现年代不早于战国末年.  相似文献   

梅花玉版笺是一种久负盛名的清代宫廷御用粉蜡笺。本研究通过多种检测方法对故宫博物院藏的一件白色梅花玉版笺的制作材料进行了科学分析:在透光摄影中观察到纸张表面施粉时的涂刷痕迹,涂刷工具宽度约为5 cm;三维视频显微镜显示纸张表面描金的泥金碎片宽度为0.8~12 μm;通过纤维分析发现此件梅花玉版笺为皮竹混料纸;使用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪分析纸张表面施粉为铅白颜料;通过大面积X射线荧光成像光谱仪对冰梅纹及钤印进行了面扫,结果显示钤印处主要元素为Hg、Fe、Ca;微区X射线荧光光谱仪检测结果显示冰梅纹所用为两种纯度不同的泥金。根据检测分析结果对梅花玉版笺的加工工艺进行了复原尝试,制作的复制样品与文物材质相同、外观相似。基于以上工艺流程结合各色粉蜡笺染料成分分析结果,可进一步尝试复原各色粉蜡笺与梅花玉版笺。  相似文献   

建筑与天文的关联由来已久,通过列举宗教建筑中时空准线的多种表现形式,追溯了教堂暗室日晷的根源,同时阐述了暗室日晷诞生的时代背景与其基本原理,并通过分析15-18世纪欧洲教堂暗室日晷的发展历程及其在不同时期的特点和功能,发掘了教堂建筑的天文特征及其鲜有提及的天文观测以及校准报时功能,进而揭示出建筑中蕴含的科学价值。  相似文献   

这片残玉版出于殷墟。版上存有庚寅辛二个半字,当是甲子表(图一)。庚字上半已残,寅辛二字以殷骨尺测量,寅字长一寸半弱,辛字长一寸强。我曾想过,如此大字,要多大的玉版才能容纳一百二十个字的甲子?过去,有人说殷墟甲骨,每六块为一组。据此推测,玉版甲子表也应以六块为一组。我曾将六十甲子分写成六组,每组二行,每行十字,由此可知此玉版的辛字下缺卯,庚寅辛卯在第三版的第二行。这两个半字恰好刻在  相似文献   

刘礼福 《中华遗产》2011,(2):108-119
每逢日出,位于上海世纪大道上的日晷雕塑,便会被拉出长长的影子,但这影子却并不能像它的先辈们一样,向人们提示时间。或许创作它的艺术家陈逸飞是想告诉人们,日晷正象征着中国时间。  相似文献   

范景中 《收藏家》2009,(9):91-92
贾似道刻《宣示表》、《玉枕兰亭》和《玉版十三行》,世称贾氏三刻,是宋代赫赫显目的单行法帖。这三帖的原石大概都在晚明出土于杭州葛岭的贾氏半闲堂旧址。《玉版十三行》初归泰和令陆梦鹤,继归观桥叶氏、王氏,后又为翁嵩年以三百重金购得,康熙末年贡入内府,现藏首都博物馆,定为重宝之一。  相似文献   

秦骃祷病玉版是近些年来发现的重要的战国秦系文字材料, 传出土于华山地区,原藏私人手中,现归上海博物馆。自李零先生发表《秦骃祷病玉版的研究》 (以下简称李文),公布原物照片、铭文摹本及释文后,许多学者都对此物表示出很大的兴趣,先后发表了专门的研究文章,如李学勤先生的《秦玉牍索隐》(以下简称《索隐》),  相似文献   

秦骃玉版文字初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1999年11月,我们有幸得到秦驷玉版文字摹本的复印件(图一),于是一起研读,并写了一篇考释。尽管觉得收获不少,但是考虑到材料尚未公布,所以没有拿出来发表,只是到了今年2月底曾向北京大学的李家浩先生提及此事。承蒙李先生相告,我们找到李零先生刚发表的《秦驷祷病玉版的研究》进行拜读,从而对原稿进行了一些修改,特别是删去和李文相同的部分。  相似文献   

侯乃峰 《文博》2005,(6):69-75
秦驷祷病玉版是近些年来发现的重要的战国秦系文字材料,传出土于华山地区,原藏私人手中,现归上海博物馆.……  相似文献   

洪梅 《东南文化》2008,(3):70-76
兽面纹与人面纹是先秦时期非常有特点的瓦当图案。本文通过对兽面纹的来源、分类及兽面纹与其他瓦当图案组合的研究,阐明了兽面纹演变过程中的简化规律。并通过分析兽面纹与抽象人面纹的异同点,以及二者在发展演变规律上的一致性,论证了抽象人面纹与兽面纹之间的承继关系及这种变化与当时历史背景的关系。  相似文献   


Excavation of a Levantine Mousterian rockshelter exposed two living floors in the upper part of a deposit more than 3.5 m thick. An intrasite study, focusing on the spatial patterns of data recovered from the two floors, complements an earlier intersite study of settlement and procurement patterns. The arrangement of hearths and the spatial distributions of artifacts and manuports indicate redundant behavioral organization for the two components. Moreover, the behavioral patterns reflected in site use by the occupants of the shelter some 70,000 years ago strongly resemble those recorded for modern foragers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper presents a model of regional development which attempts to explain differing patterns of growth in two regions. The model is an extension of Krugman's model of uneven development, but it incorporates not only scale economies within each region but also regional externalities across the regions. Depending on relative magnitudes of net scale economies of the two regions, the model entails different regional development patterns: uneven development, stable or joint development, or a mix of the two. The novel feature of the present model is that different regional development patterns can be explained within the same analytical framework.  相似文献   


This paper is concerned with patterns in past human behaviour, what they are, and how this relates to the detection of patterns in data by means of computation. Theorists have not given patterns the attention they deserve. Therefore it is far from clear what patterns are and to what purpose scholars may use them. This paper presents eight propositions on patterns which hold true for patterns found ‘by hand’ and patterns found ‘by computation’. One such is that a pattern is discernible in behaviour when we subject it to the intentional stance, as the philosopher Daniel Dennett argues. Here behaviour is part of an intentional system. This paper’s argument is that the patterns found ‘by computation’ too are part of an intentional system. To substantiate this claim this paper discusses two important examples of detecting computational patterns in the domain of the humanities.  相似文献   

This paper elucidates which agglomeration patterns exist in two‐dimensional economic space and how such patterns appear stably. Hexagonal lattices, that with and that without a boundary, are advanced, respectively, as practical and theoretical spatial platforms of economic activities. Agglomeration patterns on these lattices include hexagons in central place theory, but also encompass megalopolis and racetrack‐shaped decentralization. As the transport cost decreases, stable economic agglomeration undergoes the formation of the smallest hexagon and transition to patterns with larger market areas, often undergoing downtown decay but finally leading to a megalopolis. Formulas for break points are provided in an economic geography model.  相似文献   

Q. Wang 《Archaeometry》2021,63(1):105-121
In this paper six bronze artefacts of the Eastern Zhou period to Han dynasty (770 BC ‐ 220 AD) with tin‐rich surface decoration in the British Museum collection were studied using a variety of analytical techniques. The decoration patterns include trellis patterns (菱形纹) on two swords of the Yue state, tiger's striped patterns (hu‐ban‐wen, 虎斑纹) on two swords from the Ba‐Shu region, a hexagonal star pattern (六角星纹) on a spearhead of the Wu state, and a cloud‐like pattern on a garment hook. The tin‐rich decorations on those objects were produced by deliberate tinning processes; at least three different tinning techniques were used, including the use of tin‐rich pastes for the trellis pattern of a Yue state sword and for the mottling decoration on the Ba‐Shu swords, amalgam tinning for the hexagonal star pattern on the spearhead of the Yue state, and hot tinning for the cloud‐like pattern of the garment hook. Different tinning techniques could have been applied to produce similar tin‐rich decoration patterns, and vice versa, a single tinning technique could have been used to produce different tin‐rich patterns on different objects.  相似文献   

王牧 《收藏家》2010,(10):45-52
宋代曾掀起过复古运动,徽宗时达到极盛。目的是希望通过恢复、再现"三代"礼制,以求治国和加强皇权。这场复古运动,皇帝与士大夫阶层是最热衷的实践者,寄托了他们强烈的政治抱负与理想。复古运动的性质决定了作为重要载体的宋代仿古青铜器,以礼器占大宗,当然,陈设与实用兼具的器物也有不少。大致可归成以下几类用途:  相似文献   

黄敏兰 《史学月刊》2003,(1):121-128
20世纪中国历史学界对历史规律性问题进行了长期反复的争论。人们对历史规律的研究主要有两种,一种是社会发展史意义的规律,一种是历史认识论意义的规律。长期以来,绝大多数人把五种生产方式的演进当作历史规律的主要形式。近年来一些学者反思过去研究中的简单化倾向.对历史规律的研究开始进入到历史认识论的层面,对规律的理解日益深入和具体。  相似文献   

This paper has two objectives. First, it records the reality of interaction with public sector research science for firms in two manufacturing industries, the flow measuring and electronic component industries, in three countries, the UK, France and Belgium. Secondly, by analyzing the patterns of interaction, a conceptualization of one dimension of the spatial process of technological change is approached. This paper develops the notion that the links created by externalization between universities and national laboratories and industry are elements in a filière which integrate fundamental and applied research. The concept of filière is used to analyze patterns of interaction in the case study industries and countries.  相似文献   

吴越青铜器发展到春秋中晚期,出现了一批极富地域文化特色的青铜器,器表饰有细绳纹和细薄而峻深的纹饰,或在纹饰间布满细芒刺突起的棘刺纹。本工作通过对吴越青铜器陶范铸造技术的探索和吴越细绳纹类青铜礼器的复原试验,以期揭示出这类细绳纹类青铜礼器的成形技术。实验过程是以绳索为模,在湿陶范内埋入绳索,当陶范入窑焙烧时,绳索焚烧后形成绳索状凹槽,浇注青铜液后则成为具有突起状绳纹装饰的青铜器。焚烧绳索形成纹饰,是一种在平面上形成三维纹饰的技艺,能在青铜器表面形成规整的绳纹,可能为东周时期吴越地区古代工匠铸造细绳纹类青铜礼器的一种方法。  相似文献   

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