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与儒家无讼理想相异,旧方志中常有土地争讼的记载,生动地反映了古代基层社会健讼的现实和民事审判机制,值得当今修志借鉴。志书编撰应当在追求大而全的同时,加深对社会问题的反映深度,生动记载社会经济发展的轨迹。  相似文献   

朱熹理学与元初的正统论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正统论的讨论与社会现实政治状况和时代思潮是紧密相连的。南宋遗民作为元初的一个特殊群体,他们的正统论,既与史学发展的内在理路有一定关系,但更是社会现实对他们影响的结果。他们对魏蜀正统的讨论、正统标准的界定和元朝的正统的态度,都体现了夷夏观念在他们思想中的地位,反映了南宋以朱熹为代表的理学思想对他们的影响。  相似文献   

方志是为现实服务的大舞台山东省史志办公室张守富地方志是记载自然与社会、历史与现状的地情资料库,它具有宽、深、准、明、细等特点,具有纵及千年,横及百科的优势,它的功能已远远超出了“资政、存史、教育”的三大功能,在服务于现实工作中发挥了独特的作用,成为服...  相似文献   

《南北朝及唐代女性社会群体研究》一书是西北师范大学黄兆宏教授主编的一部关于妇女社会群体研究的著作。该书以独特的视角及新颖的观点,将南北朝、唐代妇女的生活原汁原味地展现了出来。女性作为社会群体的一大组成部分,其方方面面都是一个时代社会发展状况的反映,古今女性的社会地位与社会现实又有千丝万缕的联系,所以现实关怀又是本书的一大特点。  相似文献   

陈晴 《神州》2012,(31):198-199
新现实主义电影一开始就旗帜鲜明地反对电影创作粉饰现实、逃避现实,主张真实反映现实,这似乎与一般现实主义电影没有什么不同,然而新现实主义电影所强调的现实,是指当前的社会现实,不是泛指一切现实。《樱桃的滋味》是伊朗导演阿巴斯的作品,导演以松散的结构、纪录片的视觉风格、实景的拍摄以及毫无花巧的摄影技术展现了电影的魅力。这部影片也说明了新现实主义在伊朗仍然存在且有活力。  相似文献   

艺术作品是一面镜子,它形象地反映了社会现实,也反映着艺术家的思想与艺术才能。一些古代作品的发现或发表,就为我们不断地提供了了解古代艺术家的新线索。过去考查唐代画家阎立本的艺术成就,  相似文献   

正北朝民歌,是我国南北朝时期北方各族人民的诗歌创作,其鲜明的色调及独特的风格,给唐代诗歌的创作和繁荣提供了巨大的推动力。民歌是社会现实的真实反映,所以北朝民歌不但是当时鲜卑、羌、氐、匈奴、羯、敕勒等民族的诗歌,而且反映了当时民族间的矛盾与各民族的生活场景,以及南北朝时期北方大动乱的社会面貌。  相似文献   

韦正 《华夏考古》2006,(1):66-72
东晋墓葬等级制度仅限于高级官员,中下级官员至庶民墓葬等级差异不明显。东晋家族内部墓葬等级差异也不明显,但各家族墓葬的形制和规格似有一定规则,而与家族地位之高低不甚关联。东晋帝王陵墓家族墓葬化,乃当时现实政治之曲折反映。东晋墓葬制度状况与东晋门阀世族社会的现实等级差异不甚相符,此认识对东晋历史研究有一定价值。  相似文献   

城堡作为西欧重要的历史遗存,是西欧中世纪文明的重要载体,具有反映特定时空范围内社会状况的丰富文化内涵。同样,坞堡作为中国封建时代特殊历史条件下的产物,也承载着当时社会的历史现实。通过对西欧城堡与中国坞堡的比较研究,有助于加深我们对西欧中世纪封建社会与中国封建社会的认识和理解。  相似文献   

赵玉华 《民俗研究》2004,(3):202-204
李献芳的《中国小说简史·古代部分》(以下简称《小说简史》),在浩如烟海的中国小说发展长河中,以简御繁,扼其纲要,提纲挈领地梳理了中国古代小说发展的脉络,考察了各种体裁小说的发端及其演进轨迹。与众多通史性、断代性、分体性的小说史研究相比,该书有一个最为鲜明的特点,那就是注重从社会、文化及民俗民风的大背景上考察不同时期的小说,强调小说的时代性、社会性、民族性,令人读后耳目一新。小说的文体不同于诗文,它以反映生活视觉宽、容量大、鲜活生动为特征,作者在书中不仅要叙述故事、塑造人物,还要把自己对社会现实和生活的感受、理…  相似文献   


The status of Digenes Akrites as hero needs to be reconsidered. For this purpose, a comparison with his father can serve as a starting-point. Father and son are compared in two contexts: the family and the married couple. The differences between them reveal a hero who is not uncontroversial when it comes to family ties: Digenes isolates himself from his family and fails his wife with regard to faithfulness, trust and inseparability. Consequently, he is punished with childlessness. It is only when the oppositions between father and son are considered to be instances of dramatic irony that their true meaning is revealed.  相似文献   

Although memory is not explicitly named in “Hades”, it nonetheless features centrally. Intertextuality is an example of memory, and in “Hades” Shakespeare’s Hamlet is remembered – specifically the Ghost’s relation to Hamlet, whom he bids to “Remember” and “revenge”. Derrida calls this relation “hauntological”: it is characterised by an uncertain gaze, the father telling his son what to do, and the son mourning for his father. In Bloom’s mourning for his father, Virag, hauntology might be expected. However, it is Bloom’s late son, Rudy, who hauntologises Bloom, thereby revitalising the latter; this adjusts Shakespeare’s original hauntology. While considering repeatable ways of maintaining this hauntology, Bloom jocularly reverts to new technology: the phonograph and photograph. His plan reveals his relish for liminality and poiesis: being and non-being at the same time. Bloom is thus remembered into the future, all the while Ulysses is haunted by Hamlet.  相似文献   

对匈奴收继婚制度的再探讨--匈奴婚姻制度研究之一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
匈奴的婚姻制度较为复杂,收继婚是其最具特色的婚姻制度之一。史籍中匈奴的收继婚只笼统概述为“父死,妻其后母;兄弟死,尽取其妻妻之”,实际上,它有着相当严格的法则和收继顺序。同时,匈奴的收继婚不仅是一种婚姻制度,而且还是匈奴身份继承制度的重要组成部分和一种赡养制度。  相似文献   

谁是鲁国的始封之君 ,周公旦抑或其子伯禽 ?自古至今聚讼未决。今天的学者多主“伯禽封鲁”说 ,其主要依据为《鲁颂·宫》与《左传》定公四年所载的两条材料 ,但这两条材料明显有可疑之处。“伯禽封鲁”说之所以影响大 ,盖由崔述的鼓荡所致 ,然而崔氏的考证远非一贯正确。《左传》僖公二十四年说“鲁”是“文之昭”,这是一条铁证 ,证明了周公旦是鲁国的始封之君。历史上 ,周公旦曾两次封于鲁。但由于他是武王、成王两代人的助手 ,所以两次受封均不曾就国 ,而是由其长子伯禽代就封 ,故有“伯禽封鲁”说  相似文献   

This case study of fatherhood in early nineteenth-century England examines the conflict between a wealthy East India Company merchant and his increasingly wayward adolescent son, who was transported to Australia in 1814. It argues that fatherhood was often necessarily a reactionary process, that did not conform to a static, historically specific model of ideal or dysfunctional fatherhood. It also traces the origins of much of the disagreement to conflicting ideals of masculinity between father and son, which were exacerbated by their rise in wealth and social status. Since both aspired to the elite status of gentleman, the article demonstrates that competing and compatible ideals can co-exist within different generations of the same family. Thus a study of male family experience suggests that hegemonic masculinity is subject to short-term shifts of emphasis on those values adopted by men of different ages and social status.  相似文献   

东汉帝陵可分南、北两大兆域,呈"南六北五"的分布格局。两大兆域的开辟,主要出于皇帝个人爱好或选择;此后帝陵的选址,基本遵循了"旁近祖考"和"同辈不共兆域"的原则。  相似文献   

Associate Justice Tom C. Clark retired from the Supreme Court at the conclusion of its 1966 term to avoid even the appearance of impropriety when his son, Ramsey, became the U.S. Attorney General. “I believe it would be best for me to retire,” Clark wrote one well‐wisher, “Litigants have enough problems without having a father‐son psychology to face. And while there is no actual conflict the potential is there and the appearance of justice is as important and effective as the real thing.” 1 Clark had served on the Court eighteen years, and he began his retirement with a three‐month, state‐sponsored goodwill trip around the world, which was cut short when he contracted hepatitis in Thailand.  相似文献   

阚驷是十六国时期北方名学,但因史书记载简略,所以后人知之甚少。本钩沉索隐,认为其生年大约在375年至382年之间,卒年大约在444年后不久。阚驷博通经史,主要作有《王朗易传注》和《十三州志》。《王朗易传注》有重义理的今经学倾向。《十三州志》是一部以两汉版图为基础,涵盖全国疆域,属于总志类性质的地理作.受到后人的高度重视。  相似文献   


Between 1671 and 1677, William Salesbury of Rhug fought a bitter legal battle in Chancery against his cousin, Dame Jane Bagot, and her family. William contested Jane’s inheritance of the Bachymbyd estate, Denbighshire, which once belonged to their shared paternal grandfather. According to the Chancery records, their grandfather wrongfully disinherited William’s father. The Lord Chancellor judged five out of six points in William’s favour. However, the estate archives demonstrate that William’s father had no lawful claim to Bachymbyd and William built his suit on forgeries and half-truths. In a case where a daughter inherited an estate from a younger son, William manipulated the contemporary social norms of gender and primogeniture. The suit provides a unique opportunity to understand how credibility was constructed in the seventeenth century. This article suggests that credibility depended on social norms and played a larger role in the law, and perhaps wider society, than evidence-based truth.  相似文献   

《Central Europe》2013,11(2):124-142

Professor Bernhardi was one of Schnitzler’s most successful plays, and at the same time, a key document in the development of his Austrian-Jewish identity. The central conflict in the play is not, as often assumed, that of science against religion, but rather that between the critically minded individual and those who submit to a political or religious programme. The figure of Bernhardi reflects Schnitzler’s own position on the Jewish identity crisis, which may be termed ‘enlightened apolitical individualism’. In addition to his experiences working in his father’s clinic, Schnitzler drew inspiration for the plot from sources that are cited here for the first time.  相似文献   

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