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子华子是老庄之间道家别派的重要人物。《庄子·让王》篇载“韩魏相与争侵地,子华子见昭僖侯”。由此条材料可以推测子华子于韩昭侯二年(前360),他曾经往说韩昭侯,在当时是一位有影响的学者。子华子的学说主旨在于贵生、全生、乐生、重义等项,得《吕氏春秋》记载而略可窥其面貌。其思想是对于氏族时代社会观念的叛逆,反映了那个时代的思想解放潮流,是站在时代前列的。今本《子华子》为宋代伪撰。  相似文献   

A Clerk's View     
One enduring challenge of being a law clerk for Justice Stevens was trying to prove, at least to yourself, that the Justice actually needed a clerk. He could do it all himself—and he frequently did. It wasn't just the fact that he drafted his own opinions, although that was definitely part of it. (What exactly do you say as a young, recent lawschool graduate when he gives you his polished and carefully conceived draft?“Good effort, Justice, I think you’re coming along nicely”?) And it wasn't just the fact that he would read the same mountain of briefs as you and then come up with an insight that nobody had seen and that irrevocably turned the case on its side for all concerned, including the lawyers and the other Justices.  相似文献   

This article attempts to tackle the problem of how a colonial culture that was elaborated through the written word may have impacted on an Italian society that was significantly more ‘backward’ than its western European counterparts. The Prima Guerra d'Africa (1885-96) has often been seen as a military campaign desired exclusively by an isolated Italian government in a society that was incapable of using the occasion to develop cultural themes that impacted on the desires and aspirations of the ‘real’ Italy. This supposed societal dysfunction meant that Italy failed to create a ‘culture of imperialism’ in the years of the Scramble for Africa in a way that has now come to be considered of such central importance for the histories of France, Britain or even Germany.

Through an analysis of the role played by primary schools in Italian culture in these years, this article attempts to reverse this view, arguing that even taking into consideration Italy's ‘backwardness’ there was not only a great awareness of what Italy was supposedly doing in Africa but also a serious attempt to load the events that occured there with a meaning that had a much more intimate relationship with Italy's population. Although defeat in Africa meant a major setback in this process, imperialism as a cultural phenomenon continued to be of fundamental importance to the progress of nation building and the development of nationalism in Italy and, Finaldi argues, it should therefore be assigned a place in Italian culture that is much more on a par to that which culture and imperialism are deemed to have held for other European nation-states.  相似文献   

September 13 1998 marked the 150th anniversary of the accident to Phineas Gage, one of the most famous cases of survival after massive injury to the brain, and certainly the most famous case of personality change after brain damage. For this article a sample of the current literature about Gage was examined. It was found that although his case is mentioned in about 60% of introductory textbooks in psychology, there is a good deal of inaccuracy in what has been written about him. Similar inaccuracy was found in a smaller sampling of the psychiatric, medical, physiological, linguistic, and general neuroscientific literature. The main basis of the inaccuracies is an ignorance or disregard of what is contained in the primary sources about Gage, coupled with a tendency to attribute to him characteristics that belong to other cases of frontal damage. The errors and their bases are discussed in an endeavour to restore the picture of Gage to its original state. The paper includes an Appendix of verbatim quotations from the primary sources that can be compared with the later, inaccurate renditions.  相似文献   

A wave of recent publication connected to Hugh Trevor-Roper offers cause to take stock of his life and legacy. He is an awkward subject because his output was so protean, but a compelling one because of his significance for the resurgence of the history of ideas in Britain after 1945. The article argues that the formative period in Trevor-Roper's life was 1945–57, a period curiously neglected hit her to. It was at this time that the pioneered a history of ideas conceived above all as the study of European liberal and humanist tradition. Analysis of the relative importance of contemporary and early modern history in his oeuvre finds that, while the experience of Hitler and the Cold War was formative, it was not decisive. Trevor-Roper was at heart an early modernist who did not abjure specialization. However, he insisted that specialized study must be accompanied by “philosophical” reflection on the working sofa constant human nature present throughout history, a type of reflection best pursued by reading classical historians such as Gibbon and Burckhardt. Yet this imperative in turn fostered purely historical research into the history of historical writing–another branch of the history of ideas.  相似文献   

This study presents analyses of a unique assemblage of lithic artifacts, 57 large flakes, discovered in the Ikh Tulberiin Gol River valley of Northern Mongolia. The assemblage represents the first Paleolithic cache ever discovered in Mongolia and is an isolated find, not directly associated with a habitation or logistic activity site. Results of use-wear analysis suggest most of the flakes were unused, with only a few minimally used for processing wood. GIS analyses of the local landscape indicate that the placement of the artifacts was likely symbolic, rather than utilitarian or for storage, lying in an east-west linear viewshed of the primary mountain pass to an adjacent river basin. Based on the context of the discovery as an isolated find and technical-typological features of the artifacts, the assemblage is interpreted as a cache of tool blanks that was purposefully and symbolically positioned on the landscape relative to the primary mountain pass by Upper Paleolithic hunter-gatherers.  相似文献   

Ohta (2001) claims to have resolved a die-hard controversy on traffic congestion modeling by defining an inverse aggregate demand function that has traffic density as its argument—in Ohta's terminology the 'primitive term.'Using this demand function, Ohta shows that 'hypercongestion' may very well be an optimal stationary state. This contribution argues that at least if what road users demand is completed trips, and if time spent on the road while traveling implies a cost, then Ohta's approach is fundamentally flawed. Also the conclusion that hypercongestion can be optimal is no longer valid.  相似文献   

none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(3):207-218

Smith and Levy (2008) have published an assemblage of pottery from the copper production centre of Khirbet en-Nahas in Jordan. Based on their interpretation of the 14C dates from the site and contra the accumulated knowledge on the ceramic typology of the Levant they argue that this pottery dates to the Iron I and Iron IIA, and that there was no later activity at the site. We show that much of the Khirbet en-Nahas pottery dates to the Iron IIB–C. We argue that the charcoal samples sent for radiocarbon dating originated from the waste of industrial activity at the site in the Iron I and Iron IIA, while the pottery came from a post-production activity in the Iron IIB–C — an activity that included the construction of a fort on the surface of the site. We propose that the fort was built along the Assyrian Arabian trade route, at the foot of the ascent from the Arabah to the Assyrian headquarters of Buseirah.  相似文献   

The American scientist, explorer, and conservationist John Wesley Powell (1834–1901) represents, in many ways, a counter to 19th-century imperialism in the arid West: an approach to westward expansion that was more sensitive to failure and more eager to see the West secured in the hands of a self-organized agrarian community. Toward that end he sponsored a mapping project to show how settlement might be based on watershed alignments and conserve the vital resources of the region. That projects is still relevant to nations that are trying to understand how to govern their relations with the natural environment.  相似文献   

伯歼父簋铭文记载伯歼父跟随西周某王从成周出发南征,有所俘获,因作宝簋祭祀文祖考事。伯歼父簋的制作时代,说者或以为属于西周厉王时期。本文结合宗周钟等铭文研究认为应该属于西周昭王时。  相似文献   


This paper documents a Mississippian chipped stone mace, found by Lyle Edger, an amateur collector, in an agricultural field in Nichols, NY, along the Susquehanna River. This crown-form mace is made out of Dover chert and was probably produced by Mississippian people who lived in Middle Tennessee, circa A.D. 1200–1400. We argue that the Nichols Mace could have been acquired by Iroquoian people as the result of either a gift or diplomatic negotiations. We conclude that the meanings the mace held for Iroquoian people were likely tied to how they acquired it.  相似文献   

论“匆匆不暇草书”——兼及《非草书》的可靠性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“匆匆不暇草书”不是张芝的自述,而是时人对张芝草书的称呼,《非草书》成书时间在汉献帝初平以后,今《法书要录》本与张怀瓘所见或有出入,但主要内容是一致的,决不可能面目全非。  相似文献   

康熙朝雕漆初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康熙朝有无雕漆,一直悬而未决。本文通过对故宫博物院所藏7件雕漆作品的造型、漆色、雕工、装饰纹样、款识等多方面的分析,认为康熙朝有雕漆,并推断为苏州制造。  相似文献   


In June 2013, an archaeological survey was carried out in the Hazimah plains, situated in the Jebel Qurma region of north-eastern Jordan. These plains surround the so-called Black Desert or harra, which has been known to contain an extremely rich archaeological and epigraphic record. In contrast to the harra, little is known about the archaeology of the surrounding hamad landscapes, and the survey presented in this paper aims to contribute to filling in this gap of knowledge. Initially, the survey aims to investigate the long-term history of settlement and land-use of this seemingly hostile environment, and, at the same time, seeks out an efficient methodology for locating the remains of the largely mobile communities that inhabited the Hazimah plains in the past.  相似文献   

在实地调查的基础上,根据传世典籍和出土文献的记载,结合年代测定、考古发现和遥感影像资料,通过空间分析,作者认为唐玉门关和墨离军驻地应在河西走廊西段的常乐故城,即今瓜州县“六工古城”遗址。这里是丝绸之路的交通枢纽,是西域出入口的重要关卡,亦即北魏时期新开伊吾道的起首。唐代玉门关地处疏勒河和榆林河下游洪积冲积扇缘的古绿洲,地貌和水资源等地理环境因素是制约关城选址的基础条件,而政治、军事等人文地理因素则是决定玉门关时空变迁的关键。  相似文献   

C. A. Macartney (1895–1978) was a British historian with a life‐long interest in the history and politics of the peoples of East‐Central Europe and in particular, those of Hungary. He combined historical research with an advisory role in various policy‐making bodies. Macartney had little faith in the system of small nation states that resulted from the break‐up of the Austro‐Hungarian Monarchy. He called attention to the fact that the principle of self‐determination was applied unevenly by the peacemakers in Paris, and that the new states were unstable and thus consequently unable to resist pressures from Germany and Russia. While always forthright, Macartney was also often controversial. He became a proponent of various Hungarian interests and causes in Britain, a standpoint difficult to maintain during and immediately after World War II. Yet Macartney was not simply an appeaser. For him, the solution to the problems of the Danube Basin lay in the gradual eradication of overlapping nationalisms and the establishment of a supra‐national economic and political structure for the benefit of all the peoples concerned. His scholarly works conform to the highest standards of academic professionalism, and are to this day often the only source in English on the particular subject.  相似文献   

《山海经》与《逸周书·王会篇》比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以《王全篇》为基点 ,以音韵学为工具 ,对《山海经》中的奇人怪兽进行了诠释 ,解读了《山海经》中的许多重要信息 ,对中国上古神话及人文地理等众多问题进行了积极探索。《山海经》 ,特别是《海经》 ,主要从《王会篇》采集素材 ,但也从其他文献中采集素材 ,从而合成了新的著作。特别要指出的是 :《山海经》是以隐晦的方式曲折地反映了《王会篇》的内容 ,否则就没有必要揭示其本来面目了 ,因而两篇著作的同时存世 ,是完全可以理解的。  相似文献   

元代陕西行省设立早,起初临时处理军政,且与四川时合时分,至元二十三年(1286年)后自为一省。陕西行省与行御史台、宗王等分治最为典型。因西台负责四省监察,蒙古军都万户府迁治凤翔及安西王等出镇,陕西行省长期充任西部军政大本营。然军事权偏弱,还有所谓"未尝提调军马"的"旧例"。这是前期四川设行枢密院,蒙古军都万户府与其不相统摄,平章多不兼都万户,直接支配军队有限等所造成。任职或镇守陕西的,往往是廉希宪、赛典赤、阿思罕、乃蛮台等重臣及安西王、湘宁王等显赫宗王。该省"舞台"或可窥见元朝廷各种政治势力的角逐乃至厮杀。  相似文献   

通过多理论思辨,本文认为地方感理论研究中,不同流派之间存在的三对矛盾:流动性与在地性的矛盾,历时性与即时性的矛盾,个体经验与集体意识的矛盾。为调和这三对矛盾,本文探索新的研究方法,即地方感的心象运动路径,主要包括以下内容:①心象与心象运动的概念;②心象运动的认识论;③心象运动论的研究方法。通过这些理论探索,提出地方感研究的新路径,为城市政府的社区管治、提升居民的归属感提供政策参考。  相似文献   

In many countries, including South Africa, data on employment is rarely available on a downscaled level, such as building level, and is only available on less detailed levels, such as municipal level. The aim of this research was to develop a methodology to disaggregate the employment data that is available at an aggregate level to a disaggregate, detailed building level. To achieve this, the methodology consisted of two parts. First, a method was established that could be used to prepare a base data set to be used for disaggregating the employment data. Second, a multiobjective optimization approach was used to allocate the number of employment opportunities within a municipality to building level. The algorithm was developed using an Evolutionary Algorithm framework and applied to a case study in a metropolitan municipality in South Africa. The results showed favorable use of multiobjective optimization to disaggregate employment data to building level. By enhancing the detail of employment data, planners, policy makers, modelers and other users of such data can benefit from understanding employment patterns at a much more detailed level and making improved decisions based on disaggregated data and models.  相似文献   

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