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奥莱尔·斯坦因的第四次中央亚细亚考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.绪言英国著名考古学家奥莱尔·斯坦因爵士(Sir Aurel Stein)先后在中国西北地区进行过四次科学考察(即四次中央亚细亚考察).第一次中央亚细亚考察在1900-1901年进行,其主要报告书为(i)《在中国突厥斯坦从事考古和地形考察的初步报告》(Pre1iminary Report of a Journey of Archaeo1ogical and Topographical Exp1oration in Chinese Turkestan,London,1901)一卷;(ii)《沙漠埋藏的和阗废墟》(Sand-Buried Ruins of Khotan,London,1903)一卷;(iii)《古代和  相似文献   

晏苏  宋苍松 《百年潮》2022,(9):95-96
<正>1995年4月,外文出版社收到中央领导审定过的甲种精装英汉对照《毛泽东诗词》,在第55页上有一处铅笔改动:《浣溪沙·和柳亚子先生》里的“于阗”英文Khotan改成了Yutien(过去的译法,今译为Yutian)。在此之前,外文出版社各种版本的“于阗”英译,皆沿用Khotan译法。  相似文献   

连劭名 《江汉考古》2001,(1):78-79,30
This article researches some difficult words of 《Daily book》 and 《Jie》 in Yun Meng Shui Hu Di bamboo slips of Qin Dynasty. (1)“Xiao Fu Sicheng”,“Xiao Fu” is the common people who were in the exploited class, “Si Cheng”means everything goes well for fourreasons. (2)“Shishi” means having something to do with soil. (3)“Zang Bi Can”,the “Can” means standing face to face. (4)“Du” is nature. (5)“Qiu Gui, YuGui, AiGui”, the three kinds of ghosts should be “QiGui” in 《Lu Shi Chun Qiu》.  相似文献   

本文原题The Old Tibetan Sources of the History of Central Asia up to 751 A.D: a Survey,他的这篇文章是为联合国教科文组织的前伊斯兰教时期中亚史资料编辑委员会提供的古藏文资料概述,原文很长,包括正文与注释两部分,汉译时因篇幅所限,只好删掉了二分之一弱,最遗憾的是很有价值的八十六个注释也不得不省去。读者若想进一步了解文中所述资料的收藏、研究等情况,请参看哈尔玛塔主编的《前伊斯兰教时期中亚史资料绪论》(Prolegomena to the Sources on the History of Pre-Islamic Central Asia, Editcd by J. Harmatta, Budapest 1979)一书第二七五——三○四页。  相似文献   

袁靖 《史学月刊》2013,(1):132-136
美国建国精英约翰·亚当斯写于革命时期的《关于政府的思考:适用于北美殖民地现状,一位绅士写给朋友的信件》(Thoughts on Government,Applicable to the Present State of the American Colonies.In a Letter from a Gentleman to HisFriend,以下简称《思考》),集中表达了他对于英属北美南部殖民地建构新型政府的思考。在美国革命时期,《思考》是最具影响力的关于政府建构问题的一本小册子,成为多数殖民地建州立宪的指南。在美国历史上,《思考》是一份重要文献,无论是研究约翰·亚当斯的学者,还是探讨美国早期政治思想的史家,都无法忽略这份文献。  相似文献   

<正>本刊注释除"读史札记"栏目为"文中夹注"格式外,其他均采用页下注释格式。1.一般图书文献著录格式责任者(中文译名):《文献名称(中文译名)》(责任者外文姓名,文献名称外文原名,文献名称用斜体),出版地点(中文译名)出版年份,第…页。例:希拉·M.罗思曼:《妇女的正当位置:变化中的观念与实践(1870年至今)》(Sheila M.Rothman,Woman’s Proper Place:A History of Changing Ideals and Practices,1870 to the Present),纽约1978年版,第66页。2.责任者为三人以下(含三人)时,著录全部责任者;  相似文献   

林中泽 《世界历史》1999,(5):109-114
英国学者G.F.赫德逊的《欧洲与中国:从最早时期至1800年的双边关系概述》(G.F.Hudson,Europe & China-A Survery of Their Relations From the Earliest Times to 1800,伦敦1931年版)一书英文原本初版于1931年,1995年中华书局出版了它的中译本,书名为《欧洲与中国》(本文据伦敦爱德华·阿诺德公司1931年版本,下引该书仅标明页码).  相似文献   

英人斯坦因来华偷盗我国古物,前后共三次。第一次在一九○○——○一年,第二次在一九○六——○七年,第三次在一九一三——一六年,每次都偷去了大批我国珍贵古物(一九三○年斯坦因第四次来华,被我人民驱逐出境,偷盗未遂)。第一次『考古』结果,印有报告书『古代和阗』(Ancient Khotan),第二次印有『西域考古记』(Serindia),第三次印有『亚洲腹部探险记』(In nermost Asia;detailed report of exploration in central Asia,Kansu and Easthern Iran)。  相似文献   

The book is confined to the study of the “popular morality” of the Athenians of the second half of the fifth century BCE and the whole extent of the fourth. The author moves outward from the central phenomenon of Athenian life, the oikos, comprising the family and extended family (Chapter 1), with a more sideways to take in threats or alternatives to the family, in the shape of courtesans and other ladies of irregular status (Chapter 2), returning then (Chapter 3) to the oikos with a chapter on problems of inheritance. After this he passes (Chapter 4) to the topic of friends and enemies, as essential feature of the Greekpolis.  相似文献   

光绪《于阗县乡土志》与《于阗县志》实为同一部地方志,前者源于林出贤次郎携往日本的抄本.后者则是流传于国内的民国抄本,成书时间是光绪三十三年(1907),编纂者为时任县令贺家栋。贺氏出生于同治九年(1870),由附生捐纳入仕,历任库尔喀拉乌苏直隶厅同知、洛浦县知县、于阗县知县、伊犁府知府等职。从目次的编排顺序和文字内容的清晰完整度来看,民国抄本《于阗县志》的文献和史料价值要优于《于阗县乡土志》。  相似文献   

In his article "Argos andArgives in the Iliad" (1979) Robert Drews argued for reviving an idea, first brought forward by William D. Geddes in 18782 and later on fully developed in Paul Cauer's "Grundfragen der Homerkritik", according to which the origins of heroic poetry and of the Iliad in particular are to be sought in the less civilized northern regions of the Mycenaean world, especially in the realms of Thessaly. This area was known to the composer of the Catalog of Ships as the "Pelasgic Argos"; this was the home of the people called Hellenes and Achaians, who set out against Troy with 50 ships led by Achilles (Ⅱ.Ⅱ 681-685).  相似文献   

In the golden autumn of 2002, a ceremony was held in Lhasa for the Tibet Development Fund to donate to the Talent Cultivation Project. Nineteen Tibetan students currently studying in the hinterland and Tibetan universities and high schools, whose families live below the poverty line, formed the first group of recipients; 24 others belong to the second group to be aided. Radi (Chairman of the People's Congress of the Tibet Autonomous Region), Lobsang Toinzhub (Vice-Chairman of the TAR government and advisor to the Tibet Development Fund), and Lhamin Soinam Lhunzhub (Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC Tibet Committee and council member of the Tibet Development Fund)  相似文献   

<正> 后晋天福三年,供奉官张匡邺假鸿胪卿出使于阗国,册封国王李圣天为大宝于阗国王,归来后其随行判官撰行程记一卷,记于阗国风土及沿途道里山川。这篇行记是研究五代时期西域地理和历史的重要文献,欧阳修撰《新五代史》,其《四夷附录》于阗国部分即主要依据此书,同时并录有行记节文。《新五代史》引述行记,谓作者为彰武军节度判官高居诲,《文献通  相似文献   

Using the analysis of a single word to launch a conceptual review of (a problem in) cultural history, the Chinese term zhexue 哲學 (wisdom-learning, tetsugaku) is not simply a translation of the word “philosophy”; its inventor, Nishi Amane (1829–97), regarded it as the (Western) counterpart of Oriental learning (Tōyōgaku). The first explicit linkage of “philosophy” with “the East” was at The University of Tokyo, where it played an important role in the work of Katō Hiroyuki (1836–1913) and Inoue Tetsujirō (1855–1944). Inoue’s History of Oriental Philosophy, written under Katō’s inspiration, used Western philosophy to systematize ancient Chinese thought, and transformed “philosophy” (tetsugaku) from a learning of others, or Western learning, into an important component of the spiritual world of the East, and into a kind of universal knowledge. This was completely different from earlier lectures on “China philosophy” (shina tetsugaku) by Nakamura Masanao (1832–91) and Shimada Jūrei (1838–98) which still followed the Chinese underlying structure, and in the background, it had the intent of grasping the power to control East Asian discourse. In China, when young scholars like Wang Guowei (1877–1927) embraced philosophy, they already took its universality as a self-evident premise. This kind of alignment later evolved into a situation where it seemed entirely natural to use Western systems to interpret Chinese thought, and it also induced serious scholars to reflect. However, “Oriental philosophy” and “Chinese philosophy” provide East Asia and especially China with an opportunity to reevaluate its traditional culture. In this connection, “Chinese philosophy” includes: first, using philosophical concepts to re-provision ancient thought (the so-called history of Chinese philosophy); second, the occurrence of “philosophy” and “Chinese philosophy” and their evolution after their arrival in China; third, drawing on philosophy to enrich and develop China’s thinking. When seeking out “philosophy” in the veins and arteries of China’s history, the first and second aspects must be strictly distinguished. As to what the future may hold, the effect of the third aspect is most important.  相似文献   

1.Expenditure on troops stationedin Tibet(1) Source of military expenditureThe Qing court first stationed troops in Tibet inthe Yongzheng period (1723-1735).The purpose was toguarantee the safety of the Resident Minister of Tibet.According to Yue Zhongqi's memorial to the court inthe fifth year of the Yongzheng reign period (1727):“Ifno garrison troops were sent to Tibet,we had to main-tain armed forces in Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces inconstant readiness for an emergency.At the same time  相似文献   

REVIEWS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the development of the women's movement and the impact of feminism,a great number of books dealing with Greek and Roman Women have been published. All of these books tried to trace the history of women in order to break the mainstream classical scholarship, which paid little attention to women. Among them Arethusa's Women in Antiquity (1973) shows us the separate and individual study in ancient women; Sarah B. Pomeroy's Goddesses, Whores, Wives and Slaves:Women in Classical Antiquity (1975) aims to write a social history of women through the centuries in the Greek and Roman worlds;  相似文献   

In the late July of 1908, Ootani Kouzui (1876-1948, the 22nd abbot from of the Japanese Nishi-honganzi Monastery) sent hisyounger brother Ootani Sonyu (1886-1939) to go to Wutai Mountain to secretly meet the 13th Dalai Lama. The monastery of Japan and the local government of Tibet had reached an agreement on the issue of exchanging students. In accordance with the agreement, Aoki Bunkyou and Tada Toukan, spent three and ten years respectively studying in Tibet. And the 13th Dalai  相似文献   

<正>Spring has come once again,and as the flowers begin to bud,Beijing welcomes members of the National Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)from the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR)to participate in the 5th session of 12th CPPCC National Committee.These CPPCC members bring the proposals they have worked out based on their comprehensive investigations collected before their arrival in Beijing.The proposals are a compilation of the wishes and voices from the various different sectors of Tibet,and they aim to propel the initiative to develop the Tibet Autonomous  相似文献   

It is recorded in Mahayanottara Tantra Shastra (Supreme Continuum of the Greater Vehicle) that all things relating to Dharma can relieve distress from the three realms and result in Parinirvana (extreme stillness and extinction) as in the Buddha's sayings. The discourses attributed to the Buddha of complete enlightenment are called ka(bkav) (the Buddha's words). The Buddhist canon that contains the translated discourses of the Buddha is called Kangyur (lit. the translated discourses attributed to the Buddha). The new  相似文献   

<正>Among some 21 works attributed to Abhayakaragupta (ca.11~(th)-12~(th) century),one of the last great panditas of Indian Mahay ana Buddhism,19 are allocated to the Tantra section,one to the Prajnaparamita section,and two to the Madhyamaka section.2Of these,the Munimatalamkara,in the Madhyamaka section,is one of the most comprehensive and systematic works among his non-Tantric works,consisting of about220 folia in the Derge Tanjur (D 3903,mdo grel,A 73b1-293a7).One might call the  相似文献   

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