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Scottish crannogs or lake dwellings are considered to be structurally varied sites with an extremely wide distribution, used from the neolithic up until at least the 17th century AD. As a result assumptions about the dating and form of individual sites are considered impossible without excavation. This paper demonstrates that the current classifications lack utility and that the long chronology view is misleading. It is suggested that there is a far more subtle spectrum of identifiably distinct monuments which can be arranged into types, and that these types have, on the basis of the current radiocarbon evidence, a chronological significance.  相似文献   

This is the second of the two papers that review the literature of archaeological lithic analysis over the last decade. This paper concentrates on aspects of stone tool research that are not directly related to the production or procurement of the tools themselves. It is divided into classification, functional analyses, behavioral processes, and approaches to the subject currently popular among analysts. As with the previous paper, an attempt has been made to be as comprehensive as is reasonable, though availability of sources has resulted in an emphasis on North American literature.  相似文献   

This paper examines and discusses a 'dolmenic' structure recently discovered on the Spanish Balearic Island of Mallorca. This form of megalithic tomb architecture is the least studied of the many different types of local prehistoric monuments. Only seven dolmens are known in the Balearics (Mallorca and Menorca) and the Pityoussa Group (Ibiza and Formenterra) and only two of these have radiocarbon dating, circa 1750 cal BC to 1550 cal BC. The new structure, the Dolmen of Son Oleza, according to recent findings is the oldest example so far dated. A recent series of nine radiocarbon dates and two earlier analyses cover a period of circa 2200 cal BC to circa 1800 cal BC. The Olezian Dolmen is also the first to have yielded abundant Bell Beaker pottery and associated artefacts. It also reveals geological and architectural characteristics that are unlike other local dolmens, characteristics that by dating and artefact evidence identify it as a possible Balearic prototype. Furthermore, the Olezian Dolmen's location close to the Chalcolithic Old Settlement of Son Oleza, where identical dates and artefacts have been found, strongly suggests this settlement's contemporaneity and direct association with the Dolmen. This aspect, along with the other emerging evidence, is completely new to the question of Balearic dolmens, giving us fresh insight as to their chronology, function and socio-religious importance and significance.  相似文献   

岩画在欧亚大陆北方草原地区东起大小兴安岭西达黑海的广大区域内都有分布,从岩画的内容看,大多与古代游牧民族有关。在对中国西北草原地区古代游牧文化遗迹进行调查与研究的过程中,我们发现,在岩画的附近,一般都有古代游牧文化的遗址分布,这应该是古代游牧文化遗址分布的一个重要规律。  相似文献   

Over the last decade several dozen direct dates on cave art pigments or associated materials have supplemented more traditional style-based attempts to establish a chronological (and developmental) scheme for cave art. In the “post-stylistic” era an holistic integration of pigment “recipe” analysis, formal stylistic analysis and direct chronometric dating have been applied to a handful of dates. Here, we examine the state-of-the-art of Palaeolithic cave art dating, with particular emphasis on certain radiocarbon and Uranium-series projects. We examine the relative successes and weaknesses of this cutting edge science. We conclude that there are several weaknesses in current applications that are in serious need of addressing. Issues of sample contamination and of the heuristic relationship between materials dated and the production of the art are particularly problematic. It follows that one should at present be very cautious about straightforward interpretations of apparent “dates” of cave art.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of in situ monitoring of waterlogged burial contexts in southwest Scotland. The sites investigated are Iron Age crannogs (lake dwellings) which have a proven waterlogged archaeological component, and which are being assessed as part of a national program of study by the Scottish Wetland Archaeology Programme (SWAP) team. A monthly monitoring program commenced in July of 2004. To date, monitoring of water levels, pH, and redox potential, has been undertaken for a period of 17 months in order to encompass any seasonal variability at the sites studied. The results have proven robust in that an ‘ideal’ site for in situ preservation has been identified from the five sites investigated, and the monitoring has highlighted external variables and seasonal impacts that have the potential to influence the long-term in situ preservation at the remaining sites studied. In general, these results have expanded upon our knowledge of the potential for the preservation of existing archaeological remains within such contexts. This study represents the first stage of monitoring aimed at developing a holistic understanding of in situ conditions at the crannog sites studied in southwest Scotland.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of the history of a building represents a difficult task, as written information is not usually available or incomplete. Some building materials (e.g., bricks, wood) have been classically used for absolute dating while on others has been considered unreliable (e.g., stone). However, developments and tests performed in the last 20 years have shown important advances on the use of such methods, increasing the possibilities of successful reconstruction of building chronologies, although most of these advances are still scarcely known by the community involved in the site management (e.g., archaeologists, architects). Both, radiocarbon and luminescence dating have been the most successful techniques but others, such as archaeomagnetism, can also be used. Even, some important events such as fires could be dated. The purpose of this work is to provide an overview of the last achievements of absolute dating techniques available in building materials.  相似文献   

The Malham Pipe is a musical instrument formed from the tibia of a sheep, and was discovered in 1950 among artefacts revealed during the excavation of a Bronze Age burial mound at Seaty Hill on Malham Moor in the Yorkshire Dales. On the basis of associated finds the pipe was dated originally to the Iron Age, and in a study published in 1952 the musical properties of the pipe were examined physically at a level of detail that set a benchmark for the characterization of other such objects discovered subsequently. However, in the intervening period the dating of the pipe has been questioned. In this paper, following a detailed reappraisal of the Seaty Hill finds and dating evidence, including burial practice and settlement remains in the locality, and their wider historical context, we have concluded that the Malham Pipe is of post-Roman date. We believe, therefore, that although the Malham Pipe may no longer be claimed to be the earliest known duct flute found in the British Isles, nevertheless it appears to be the first recorded bone flute found in a post-Roman (Anglo-Saxon) burial context.  相似文献   

微腐蚀测年通过观测矿物晶体上的"石亏"来获知岩画的制作年代,是一种无损的"直接断代法"。仙居岩画的测年工作主要在送龙山和小方岩两处地点开展,经过观测,研究人员从岩画刻槽中取得了十一组石亏微腐蚀数据,以及两组来自吴芾墓附属石刻的校准数据。由校准后的年代计算结果可知,小方岩岩画的制作开始于东吴末年,贯穿了两晋及南北朝时期,一直延续至唐初,而送龙山岩画则为唐代作品。  相似文献   


This paper looks critically at the division of Cyprus into North and South (the politically unrecognised Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the Republic of Cyprus respectively) and will consider how this physical division emphasised and further developed a divided identity based on 'ethnic' differences (and the development of the 'other') between the two major populations—Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. The Green Line is just one of several recent manifestations in the landscape of social contestations between Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot communities. This paper outlines how the Green Line has structured the lives of people in relation to the ways that they conceptualise their environment, the past and, importantly, the 'other' side. Further, it addresses how this division, this physical line across the landscape, impacts upon the social landscape as it defines and reinforces identity through the processes of memory and forgetting.  相似文献   

none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(2):159-167

Three pieces of fabric from Qumran's Cave 1 have been stored in the Palestine Exploration Fund collection since the 1960s but have hitherto never been tested or re-examined. The fabric is made of linen, and was probably used for wrapping or packing scrolls, or sealing jars. New radiocarbon dating on one piece of fabric indicated a probability of 55% for it being made between 1 and 55 A.D., and a probability of 95.4% that it was made between 50 cal B.C.–80 cal A.D.  相似文献   


Seventy-nine radiocarbon samples were assayed from the George C. Davis Site, a prehistoric Caddoan settlement in the central portion of east Texas. Statistical analysis of the dates convincingly establishes the age of the site as extending from about 780 A.C. to 1260 A.C. and enables us to place the cultural remains into three temporal periods. These dates also provide specific and useful examples for improving the application of radiocarbon dating to archaeological problems.  相似文献   

国际上,旅游税(污染者付费原则)和旅游费(使用者付费原则)是广泛应用的解决旅游引起的环境外部性问题的方法,其中,住宿税、燃油税和(额外)门票费是一些最常见的例子;作为科斯市场解决环境外部性问题的方法,生态系统(环境)服务付费(受益者付费原则)在旅游领域已逐渐引起重视.海岛生态系统脆弱,海岛型旅游目的地环境的可持续性是海岛旅游可持续发展的必要条件,海岛旅游发展威胁海岛型旅游目的地环境的可持续性.本文运用生态系统(环境)服务付费(PES)和条件价值评估法(CVM),以普陀山、朱家尖、桃花岛和南北长山岛为例,以2013年为评价基准年份,通过调查游客对4个海岛型旅游目的地海洋生态系统提供景观、游泳、调节温度、吸收CO2等服务和森林生态系统提供景观、乘凉、蓄积淡水、吸收CO2等服务的支付意愿,评估了4个海岛型旅游目的地的生态补偿标准;并从游客个人收入差异、生态系统服务差异、游客旅行成本差异等3个方面分析了4个海岛型旅游目的地人均生态补偿标准差异的原因.结果表明:①2013年,4个海岛型旅游目的地的生态补偿标准分别为普陀山44464.22×104元,朱家尖7736.76×104元,桃花岛4324.54×104元,南北长山岛6756.98×104元;②4个海岛型旅游目的地人均生态补偿标准(人均WTP值或人均PES值)分别为普陀山74.77元/人次,朱家尖72.34元/人次,桃花岛68.95元/人次,南北长山岛51.58元/人次;③游客个人收入差异是海岛型旅游目的地人均生态补偿标准差异的主要影响因素.  相似文献   

卢瑞宇 《东南文化》2022,(1):91-103
后李文化是一支以形态多样的圜底釜为典型陶器的考古学文化,可分为三期四段,绝对年代约为距今8500-7000年.目前可划分出三个地方类型,即月庄类型、小荆山类型和前埠下类型,分别位于泰沂山系北侧的西部、中部和东部.鲁中南地区可能存在后李文化的另一个地方类型,其与月庄类型和前埠下类型的关系可能更为密切.在距今约7000年前...  相似文献   

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