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This article argues that wives occupied a more central place than mothers in the early nineteenth-century American temperance movement, and that temperance literature portrayed them in two ways. First, temperance writers depicted the drunkard's wife as a pitiable example of the dire effects of male drinking on women and families. Second, they cast wives as potent moral influences on their husbands, capable of preventing the sober from faltering and reclaiming the drunkard. These portrayals coexisted with overtly misogynist views of women within the temperance movement that accused women of making men drunkards through perverted influence and blamed drunkard's wives for their own predicament. The temperance movement's depiction of wives' gender both reflected and contributed to the large ambivalence toward women in American society.  相似文献   

While many nationalism theorists define nationalism in terms of the desire for an independent state, empirical study shows that many nationalists make demands that not only fall short of statehood, but explicitly abjure claims to political independence. We document non‐state‐seeking nationalism with three case studies: Welsh national politics in the decades before the First World War, Catalan national politics related to the 2006 Status law, and Slovak national politics in response to Magyarization at the time of the 1867 Settlement. The phenomenon of non‐state‐seeking nationalism calls into question the utility of initial definitions in nationalism studies. Instead of imposing definitions by fiat, we argue that nationalism theorists should analyze the explicit or implicit definitions of historical actors.  相似文献   

古代颜料的科学分析一直是考古学研究和艺术史研究的重要内容,分析和确定颜料的矿物成分,对于中国古代科技史研究具有很重要的意义。本工作利用扫描电子显微镜和激光拉曼显微镜对玉门火烧沟遗址出土的红黄色颜料进行了分析,确定了红黄色混合颜料是雄黄、拟雄黄、三氧化二砷、硫磺与石膏的混合物。  相似文献   

章学诚在史志理论方面的贡献在他所处的时代是十分突出的。他的务实、创新、致用的史志观与当时的时代背景和社会环境有关 ,章学诚崇实求真 ,主张文体随古今势异为转移 ,认为良史应“慎辨天人之际” ,“尽其天而不益于人”揣摩世务 ,切实近于实用的史志观对今人编史修志仍有启迪作用。  相似文献   

Morphological and genetic studies were performed on waterlogged Prunus fruit stones from the Roman vicus Tasgetium (Eschenz, Switzerland). Some fruit stones could be identified to species level based on morphological and metric criteria. Other fruit stones found were not identifiable to species level. Of the latter, the morphological group Prunus insititia/spinosa represents either native sloe, cultivated primitive plum (damson) or a hybrid of both. In one out of 10 individual fruit stones of this group Prunus specific chloroplast trnL-trnF and nuclear ITS1 markers were verifiably amplified. Sequences of trnL-trnF led to the identification of Prunus spinosa. The presence of authentic DNA was confirmed by phylogenetically meaningful sequences from the archaeobotanical group Prunus avium/cerasus of the same sample using chloroplast rbcL and nuclear ITS1 DNA markers. The results demonstrate the utility of waterlogged plant remains for genetic analysis: as seeds of fruit trees are often preserved waterlogged in the archaeological record. Ancient DNA (aDNA) studies are a promising tool to answer archaeobotanical issues concerning early horticulture, which probably started in the Northern alpine region with the onset of Romanisation.  相似文献   

Particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE), X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron microprobe analysis (EDS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analytical techniques were used to characterize surface paints in pre- and post-fired Aguada Portezuelo decorated pottery. Surface paintings in black, white, red, brown, burgundy and ochre were analysed. Major, minor and trace elements were detected by PIXE, whereas XRD and SEM-EDS gave information on the main mineral phases and the characteristic morphology for each analysed pigment. The results obtained indicate that the main colour groups can be easily discriminated by PIXE, and they are characterized by only one pigment for each colour: hematite (red) and manganese mineral oxides (black), respectively, whereas white pigments are characterized by calcite, ghelenite and gypsum.  相似文献   

Launch of Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite sensors meant a significant evolution for Remote Sensing archaeological applications since data with high spatial resolution may be used to identify signals related to buried archaeological remains (e.g. cropmarks, soilmarks, dampmarks) in very extended territories. The aim of this work is to develop a suitable image processing workflow to improve the cropmark visibility in the VHR satellite images. The workflow implemented consists of two steps: first the panchromatic and multispectral images have been pansharpened in order to merge the two images, then some Enhancement methods have been applied on the pansharpened image. As a result of the several tested pansharpening techniques, the Principal Component Resolution Merge yields images of very good quality useful not only for visualization but also as input for further processing. Among the different enhancement methods taken into consideration, the Spatial Enhancement, carried out by applying the Wallis Adaptive filter further improve the visibility and recognition of the archaeological signals.  相似文献   

In this paper we evaluate the relative analytical capabilities of SEM-EDS, PIXE and EDXRF for characterizing archaeologically significant Anatolian obsidians on the basis of their elemental compositions. The study involves 54 geological samples from various sources, together with an archaeological case study involving 100 artifacts from Neolithic Çatalhöyük (central Anatolia). With each technique the artifacts formed two compositional groups that correlated with the East Göllü Da? and Nenezi Da? sources. The non-destructive capabilities of these methods are emphasized (albeit with certain analytical limitations in the case of SEM-EDS), suggesting important new techniques for Near Eastern obsidian provenance studies.  相似文献   

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