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This article examines the use of dialogues in two texts which functioned superficially as scientific handbooks for women: Aphra Behn's translation of Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle's Entretien sur la pluralité des Mondes and Elizabeth Carter's Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy Explained for the Use of Ladies (1739) translated from Francesco Algarotti's Il Newtoniasnismo Per le Dame (1737). Original texts exploit the female figure for the scientific cause, but at first glance, both of the original texts appeared generous to the ‘fair sex’. However, neither text is as sympathetic as it initially appears. The confused gender messages emitted by these texts are further complicated by the fact that they were translated by women.  相似文献   

Given the importance of contextual factors—physical, social and institutional environments—for understanding health landscapes, this article examines the situation in the province of Québec and suggests a spatial typology at the scale of the health and social services centres (CSSS). These CSSS provide services for 95 areas which are the finest territorial delineation in terms of health policies since a reform instituted in 2003. While delivery of primary health and social services is defined at this local scale, overall health policy is decided at the provincial scale. The challenge for stakeholders is to supplement their local knowledge with that of the broader context. In this article, we use principal components analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis to identify eight profiles of CSSS. The final results of the cluster analysis demonstrate that two‐thirds of the health and social services centres correspond with two marginally differentiated profiles and the remaining third shows specificities that are highly spatially anchored.  相似文献   

The principle of reason, that is accounting for all things by referring them to an unquestioned, fundamental principle, commands for Heidegger the total mobilization and universal computation of the world by the technical. The critique of this principle seems to lead Heidegger toward a thinking of the relinquishment of things and an epistemology of innocence, freed from any effect of metaphysical, political, or sociological power. That innocence is however ambiguous. It recalls the Heraclitean play of the child-king and announces the return of a mysterious sovereignty. The power of the technical is warded off for the benefit of another power, not less commanding and absolute, a “superpower” which in its turn could effectively mean, in a still more decisive way than the becoming-technical of thinking, the accomplishment and the end of metaphysics.  相似文献   

La vitalité des communautés francophones minoritaires du Canada, souvent expliquée par les conjonctures démographique et institutionnelle et par le contexte politico-juridique, souffre encore d'une relative rareté de travaux empiriques illustrant l'action de ces facteurs à l'échelle des communautés. Cette rareté n'a pas permis jusqu'à maintenant d'élaborer une véritable analyse de l'effet de milieu sur la vitalité communautaire des minorités francophones. Notre étude se propose de mieux caractériser la présence francophone dans l'espace canadien hors Québec et, ce faisant, les milieux dans lesquels se construit la vie française au pays. Elle se fonde sur l'idée que la présence francophone, caractérisant un lieu donné, profite également d'un contexte plus large dont les ressources ne peuvent faire autrement que de rejaillir sur la communauté locale. À l'idée de présence localisée , nous ajoutons l'idée de présence contextualisée pour mieux faire le lien entre présence et vitalité communautaire. Une méthode originale est présentée ici qui permet de mettre en application cette complémentarité entre ces deux types de présence. Prenant la forme d'une typologie des milieux francophones minoritaires, elle fournit un nouvel éclairage sur la situation des populations francophones du Canada. Une analyse exploratoire des comportements linguistiques de ces populations selon les milieux issus de la typologie montre qu'une telle approche est susceptible d'ouvrir la voie à une meilleure appréhension de la vitalité communautaire en milieu minoritaire.  相似文献   

L'expérience canadienne de modélisation par indicateurs de qualité de qualité de vie se renouvelle avec l'émergence de la problématique environnementale. La théorie de la ville compacte établit un lien étroit entre la qualité de vie, les densités résidentielles, la compacité du bâti et la durabilité urbaine. Plusieurs auteurs proposent la forme compacte comme un idéal. Les faibles densités résidentielles sont alors présentées comme un problème environnemental bien que les consommateurs continuent de préférer ce type d'habitat. Les comportements individuels semblent opposer le modèle de durabilité urbaine et la satisfaction résidentielle. Les considérations subjectives devraient être prises en compte à l'intérieur de ce modèle. Cet article discute de la forme urbaine et de la ville compacte à partir d'une lecture des documents programmatiques issus des agences gouvernementales et des centres de recherches.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, big box stores have profoundly modified the retail structure of Canadian cities. This entails multiple consequences, beyond the mere competition between establishments, for the evolving relationships between diversity of retail forms, consumer behaviour and urban planning. These relationships are explored in the Québec Metropolitan Community, using detailed databases, including establishment directories, mobility surveys and a virtual road network, integrated into a regional GIS. Trade areas of commercial streets, shopping centers and big box stores are delineated and analyzed. Consumers' attributes, such as age, gender, type of household, mode of transport, which putatively influence the probability of patronizing one type of retail cluster compared to another type, are modelled using logistic regression. The influence of the relative location of cluster types on their capacity to attract consumers is also modelled in order to gain some understanding of the competition among and between types. The analysis suggests that, by and large, the growing number of big box stores has more negative consequences for shopping centres than they have for commercial streets. The study also clearly reveals the growing importance of shopping trips in the mobility profile of households and provides a knowledge base useful for urban planning.  相似文献   

Ce texte vise à lever la confusion entourant la rhétorique sur l'environnement et la mondialisation. Il veut rétablir les faits dans une chronologie ou périodicité tels qu'ils se sont produits. Il montre les itinéraires communs des deux concepts d'environnement et de mondialisation, et les temps forts de leur usage. En effet, les discours de l'environnement et de la mondialisation loin d'être indépendants l'un de l'autre, le plus souvent se chevauchent et se côtoient. This text is about the environment and globalization. It is primarily concerned with rhetoric and discourse on the controversial subject of chronology related both to environment and globalization. Is globalization responsible for the new consciousness about the environment or is it a cause of the perception of the world as a whole? It is not primarly viewed as two opposites discourses, but as being mostly parallel and even seen as complementary rhetoric.  相似文献   

La localisation des centres de transbordement où s'opère le changement de mode ou de réseau de transport intervient de façon déterminante dans la compétitivité du transport multimodal. L'objet de cette contribution est de discuter cette problématique en l'envisageant sous l'angle particulier de la théorie de la localisation. Ainsi, la localisation de centres de transbordement entre réseaux est définie comme un problème de type discret qui cherche à localiser des unités (équipements techniques) permettant le transfert dun réseau à un autre avec pour objectif de réduire les coûits de transport totaux. Une formulation mathématique de ce problème, reposant sur de la programmation linéaire en nombres entiers, est proposée et argumentée. La souplesse de cette formulation autorise plusieurs extensions qui peuvent être combinées de manière à représenter diverses situations rencontrées dans la pratique.  相似文献   

Despite a few pioneering studies into transhumant raising in the kingdom of Castile much work in this field has yet to be done. We are acquainted with its general organisation but more rarely with its local manifestations. On the whole we know of the revenues it yielded to the Crown but less of those it delivered to the lords. It was during a lawsuit brought by the Mesta at the end of the fifteenth century against the lord of Capilla, whom it accused of imposing illegal taxes upon the migration of the winter herds across the Capilla bridge on their way to the Extranadura of the south, that a rich documentation was collected by the incriminated party. This documentation holds a twofold interest for us: first it informs us about the region of origin of the animals which followed this migration, the number of herds involved, their composition and their owners and shepherds; second it gives us knowledge of the revenues which a lord could extract from the collection of taxes imposed on the migration, or transhumance, itself.  相似文献   

Starting from an econometric model of local employment growth, applied to Canada (1971–2001), residuals—relative to model predictions—are analyzed over time and over space, in turn allowing us to draw a distinction between general explanatory variables and factors of a more local, cyclical or accidental nature. The model's explanatory power grows over time, founded on variables such as urban size, market access and industrial structure, allowing us to conclude that local employment growth in Canada follows an increasingly geographically predictable pattern. However, an examination of the residuals reveals more localized processes. Growth volatility is most manifest in Alberta and British Columbia, home to the most erratic local economies. Emerging patterns are visible in the last period, most notably the underperformance of Northern Ontario and of non‐metropolitan communities between Windsor and Québec City, lying along the Great Lakes and the Saint Lawrence. The over‐performance—compared to model predictions — of small and mid‐sized towns in south‐eastern Québec can, on the other hand, be interpreted as a sign of truly local social processes, generally associated with a particularly dynamic local entrepreneurial class.  相似文献   

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