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Detailed cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging of zircon crystals, coupled with Laser Ablation Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-MC-ICP-MS) U-Pb zircon dating was used to develop new insights into the evolution of granitoids from the High Tatra Mountains. The zircon U-Pb results show two distinct age groups (350±5 Ma and 337±6 Ma) recorded from cores and rims domains, respectively. Obtained results point that the last magmatic activity in the Tatra granitoid intrusion occurred at ca. 330 Ma. The previously suggested age of 314 Ma reflects rather the hydrothermal activity and Pb-loss, coupled with post-magmatic shearing.  相似文献   

The Sanandaj-Sirjan zone of Iran is a metamorphic belt consisting of rocks which were metamorphosed under different pressure and temperature conditions and intruded by various plutons ranging in composition from gabbro to granite. The majority of these granitoids formed along the ancient active continental margin of the Neo-Tethyan ocean at the southeastern edge of the central Iranian microplate. Geochronological data published in recent years indicate periodic plutonism lasting from Carboniferous through Mesozoic to late-Paleogene times (from ca. 300 to ca. 35 Ma) with climax activity during the mid- and late-Jurassic. The age constraints for plutonic complexes, such as Siah-Kouh, Kolah-Ghazi, Golpayegan (Muteh), Azna, Aligoodarz, Astaneh, Borujerd, Malayer (Samen), Alvand, Almogholagh, Ghorveh, Saqqez, Marivan, Naqadeh and Urumieh, clearly indicate the periodic nature of magmatism. Therefore, the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone preserves the record of magmatic activity of a complete orogenic cycle related to (1) Permocarboniferous(?) rifting of Gondwana and opening of the Neo-Tethyan ocean, (2) subduction of the oceanic crust, (3) continental collision and (4) post-collision/post-orogenic activities. The formation of the Marivan granitoids, northwestern Sanandaj-Sirjan zone, for which we present U-Pb zircon and titanite ages of ca. 38 Ma, can be related to the collisional and post-collisional stages of this orogenic cycle.  相似文献   

Apatite grain boundaries on fractured rock surfaces have been examined in an amphibolite facies regional metamorphic granite gneiss from the central Swiss Alps. The morphology of apatite has been characterized using a scanning electron microscope and matched to surface textures in adjoining silicates. Apatites show a wide variety of different surface features ranging from planar crystal faces, to small-scale ridges and dimples, to extensive irregular pitting. Many of these features form in response to the periodic infiltration of fluids along open grain boundaries during the cooling history of the gneiss. Apatite shows evidence of both dissolution and re-precipitation that is controlled by the nature of the grain boundary, the structure of the adjoining silicate phase and the alteration of the host rock. Fracturing occurs in a range of retrograde conditions and is common both within the apatite and along grain boundaries. This coupled to the evidence of fluid interaction with mineral surfaces suggests that extensive permeable networks may be typical of cooling crystalline basement rocks. Grain boundary textures have the potential to reveal a unique record of fluid infiltration in the crust that would be very difficult to decipher using traditional petrographic methods.  相似文献   

The first fission track analyses of detrital apatite grains from the subsurface of the Kaapvaal Craton were utilized to delineate the thermal history for the northern margin of the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, where evidence for subsurface thermophilic and hyperthermophilic microorganisms have been discovered. Fission track apatite ages for core samples ranged from 21 to 422 Ma. The trend of decreasing age with increasing depth parallels a trend previously reported for fission track data from surface samples collected from the higher altitude centre and lower altitude margins of the Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa. These new fission track ages are older than the surface samples of equivalent elevation, indicating that the uplift history and/or the geothermal gradient of the centre of the Kaapvaal Craton is distinct from that of its margins. Modelling of one sample collected from a depth of 3.7 km records cooling from 120°C at 75 Ma at a rate of approximately 1.4°C m.y.?1 and reaching present day temperatures at 30 Ma. This modelling result when compared to other apatite fission track dates indicate that this cooling trend followed a 90‐Ma thermotectonic event. The fission track data also indicate that heated fluid migration, which is observed today in this region of the Witwatersrand Basin, was also active in the past in order to explain the greater palaeogeothermal gradient (18 versus 8°C km?1). The fission track results suggest that at approximately 70 Ma only hyperthermophilic microorganisms could have existed at palaeodepths >3.2 km depth in the Witwatersrand Basin, and that the current meso/thermophilic microbial communities living at or beneath the present depth of 1.7 km in the Witwatersrand Basin must have migrated to their current location since 70 Ma. Any hyperthermophilic microorganisms found at the present depths 1.2–3.7 km could be descendents of subsurface hyperthermophiles that colonized the crust since the early Mesozoic to Palaeozoic eras.  相似文献   

In order to constrain the age of the Upper Cretaceous continental Densuş-Ciula Formation from the Haţeg basin, South Carpathians, and correlate it with the other continental unit that occurs in the region, the Sanpetru Formation, we separated and dated by the K-Ar method biotites and amphiboles from volcanoclastic deposits. The mineral phases analysed are from two tuff layers and volcanic bombs cropping out near Rachitova village. Two tuff layers from the Densuş-Ciula Formation give early Maastrichtian ages of 69.8±1.3 and 71.3±1.6 Ma, respectively. The ages determined for the tuff layers constrain the age of deposition for the Densuş-Ciula Formation and enable further correlations with the available palaeomagnetic data from the deposits occurring along the Sibişel Valley that belong to the Sanpetru Formation. The volcanic bombs collected near to Răchitova village are andesites and dacites. The age determined by K-Ar method on hornblende separated from a volcanic bomb is 82.7±1.5 Ma, which is older than the underlying Campanian marine deposits in turbidite facies. This suggests that the volcanic bombs were re-deposited during the early Maastrichtian. Thus, the volcanics found at Răchitova have at least two origins: one type is related to an explosive synsedimentary volcanic activity, and the other type is represented by older andesitic/dacitic bombs, which most probably originate from a volcanic centre situated in the Haţeg region.  相似文献   

A technique is described which uses relative changes in Faraday rotation and modulation phase of satellite radio signals to determine the median height of the enhancement (or depletion) in the electron density of the ionosphere. During the post sunrise formation of the F mlayer the incremental layers have a median height of around 210 km (±40) and in the afternoon the decremental median is above the peak at 340 km (±40) on a winter day. A winter night-time enhancement just after midnight appears as a thick layer extending upwards from the peak, with a median height at about 730 km. The method applies to large scale irregularities but not to small, dense, scintillation-causing irregularities for which Faraday and modulation phases do not represent the total electron content.  相似文献   

Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) of quartz, with closure temperatures of 30–35°C in conjunction with Apatite Fission Track (AFT; closure temp. ~120°C) and 40Ar-39Ar (biotite closure temperature ~350°C), were used to obtain cooling ages from Higher Himalayan crystalline rocks of Western Arunachal Himalaya (WAH). Cooling age data based on OSL, AFT and Ar-Ar thermochronology provide inference on the exhumation — erosion history for three different time intervals over million to thousand year scale. Steady-state exhumation of ~0.5 mm/yr was observed during Miocene (>7.2 Ma) till Early Pleistocene (1.8 Ma). Onset of Pleistocene glacial/interglacial conditions from ~1.8 Ma formed glaciated valleys and rapid erosion with rivers incising deep valleys along their course. Erosion enables midcrustal partial melts to move beneath the weak zone in the valley and causes an erosion-induced tectonic uplift. This resulted in a rapid increase in exhumation rate. The OSL thermochronology results suggest increased erosion over ~21 ka period from Late Pleistocene (2.5 mm/yr) to Early Holocene (5.5 mm/yr) and these are to be contrasted with pre 1.8 Ma erosion rate of 0.5 mm/yr. Enhanced erosion in the later stage coincides with the periods of deglaciation during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1 and 2. The results of the present study suggest that in the present setting OSL thermochronology informed on the short-term climatic effect on landscape evolution and techniques like the AFT and 40Ar-39Ar provided longer-term exhumation histories.  相似文献   

A pre‐industrial iron‐smelting site in Korea, whose period of active use is placed on typological grounds between the eighth and 18th centuries ad , has been dated using accelerator mass spectrometry and thermoluminescence. The ages of two charcoal samples were 77 ± 25 and 81 ± 25 years bp , with the calibrated date for both ranging from ad 1700 to ad 1955, while a clay fragment dated to ad 1650 ± 50. The results from typology and radiocarbon seem insignificant due to the considerable uncertainties involved, but in combination with the thermoluminescence result they place the most probable date of the site at around ad 1700.  相似文献   

Results of OSL dating and sedimentary studies from the profile of the low alluvial terrace of the middle Warta River are presented. The samples were dated using the single-aliquot regenera-tive method. Dating was used to establish a timing of the Weichselian Late Glacial events in the river valley environment. Stable conditions on the floodplain are expressed by the deposition of organic-rich series radiocarbon dated at 12 900-12 600 cal BP and 11 600-10 770 cal BP. Samples for OSL dating were collected from the mineral material deposited during the intensification of flood events during the Weichselian decline. The results obtained for the alluvia range from 12.78 ± 0.62 ka b2k to 14.33 ± 0.74 ka b2k. Sedimentological criteria allowed to distinguish between particular flood events. Overestimation of OSL ages is probably a result of rapidity of environmental changes in that time.  相似文献   

The systematic archaeological and geological survey and excavations at Gona between 1992–1994 led to the discovery of well-flaked stone artefacts which are currently the oldest known from anywhere in the world. More than 3000 surface and excavated artefacts were recovered at 15 localities documented east and west of the Kada Gona river. Based on radioisotopic dating (40Ar/39Ar) and magnetostratigraphy, the artefacts are dated between 2·6–2·5 million years ago (Ma). EG10 and EG12 from East Gona are the most informative with the highest density, providing the best opportunity for characterizing the oldest assemblages and for understanding the stone working capability of the earliest tool makers. Slightly younger artefact occurrences dated to 2·4–2·3 Ma are known from Hadar and Omo in Ethiopia, and from Lokalalei in Kenya. Cut-marked bones dated to 2·5 Ma from Bouri in Ethiopia are now providing important clues on the function of these artefacts. In addition, Australopithecus garhi known from contemporary deposits at Bouri may be the best candidate responsible for the oldest artefacts. Surprisingly, the makers of the Gona artefacts had a sophisticated understanding of stone fracture mechanics and control similar to what is observed for Oldowan assemblages dated between 2·0–1·5 Ma. This observation was corroborated by the recent archaeological discoveries made at Lokalalei. Because of the similarities seen in the techniques of artefact manufacture during the Late Pliocene–Early Pleistocene, it is argued here that the stone assemblages dated between 2·6–1·5 Ma group into the Oldowan Industry. The similarity and simplicity of the artefacts from this time interval suggests a technological stasis in the Oldowan.  相似文献   


The question of the anthropic or natural origin of land snail deposits within the archaeological record is the subject of debate all over the world. In the Cantabrian region of northern Spain land snail middens are routinely identified in the early Holocene archaeological record. La Fragua Cave (Cantabria, Spain), which contains an early Holocene layer dated to 9600±140 BP (10,932±196 cal BP), offers the opportunity to address this debate through the examination of Cepaea nemoralis (Linnaeus) land snails recovered in direct association with mammal bones, charcoal, lithic artefacts and other materials. It is therefore believed that their presence at the site is clearly anthropic in origin. In addition, the exploitation patterns indicate an occasional collection and consumption of land snails, which confirms the complementary character of these resources in the diet of hunter-gatherers in Cantabrian Spain during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition.  相似文献   

We developed a Faxon fir (Abies faxoniana) tree-ring width chronology at the timberline in the western Qinling Mountains, China. Herein February–July mean temperature was reconstructed for Zhouqu in the western Qinling Mountains back to AD 1650 based on the standard chronology. The climate/tree-growth model accounts for 43.5% of the instrumental temperature variance during the period 1972–2006. Spatial correlation analyses with the gridded temperature data shows that the temperature reconstruction captures regional climatic variations over central and southeast China, and strong teleconnections with the nearby High Asia. There is a good agreement with cold and warm periods previously estimated from tree-rings in Nepal, India and southwest China. The temperature re-construction indicates that there was pronounced cooling in Zhouqu during the Maunder Minimum (late 1600s to early 1700s). The cold period (1813–1827) of the temperature reconstruction coincide with the volcanic eruptions. Significant spectral peaks are found at 56.9, 22.3, 11.4, 2.9, 2.8, 2.6, 2.2 and 2.0 years. The spatial correlation patterns between our temperature reconstruction and SSTs of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans suggest a connection between regional temperature variations and the atmospheric circulations. It is thus revealed that the chronology has enough potential to reconstruct the climatic variability further into the past.  相似文献   

Uncertainties regarding the magnitude of freshwater radiocarbon reservoir effects can introduce random errors into dates on archaeological freshwater carbonates. As a result, many archaeologists avoid dating freshwater shells unless no other datable materials are available. The chronology of prehistoric occupation of the former Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 (NPR-1) at Elk Hills, Kern County, has been established with 50 radiocarbon dates on freshwater mussels (Gonidea and Anodonta sp.). Characterization of any freshwater radiocarbon reservoir effect is crucial for the accurate interpretation of inferred settlement and subsistence changes on the Elk Hills. Paired charcoal and freshwater mussels sampled from closely associated contexts were dated to identify a freshwater reservoir effect. Paired Anodonta and Gonidea sp. shells were dated to investigate interspecific differences in fractionation. Results indicate that a 340 ± 20 14C yr correction should be applied to conventional 14C dates on freshwater carbonates in the Buena Vista Basin before calendar calibration. Evidence of interspecific differences is inconclusive. Dates recalibrated with the reservoir correction indicate that widespread occupation of the Elk Hills is correlated with increasing precipitation towards the end of the Medieval Climatic Anomaly and during the Little Ice Age, suggesting that slough resource exploitation may have been driven by regional population pressure rather than drought-related declines in aquatic productivity.  相似文献   

Ceramic findings collected from Ye?ilova Hoyuk located in Izmir were dated using the thermoluminescence dating technique. The area is of significant archaeological importance since it is the first prehistoric settlement in Izmir. Recent archeological observations suggest that human occupation of the region took place about 8500 years ago comparing to previously determined dates of 5000 years. Three samples collected from the same archaeological layer (Neolithic period) in Ye?ilova Hoyuk were dated using the thermoluminescence method. Archaeological doses (AD) were obtained by single aliquot regenerative dose method (SAR) for thermoluminescence (TL) using coarse grain quartz minerals extracted from samples. Thick and thin Al2O3:C thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD) were used to determine the annual dose rate. The archaeological doses were found to vary from 25.91±0.78 to 26.82±0.68 Gy, and the annual doses were found to be between 3.34±0.24 and 3.47±0.24 mGy/a. The ages obtained for the samples were determined to be 6000±830 BC, 5740±670 BC and 5460±740 years for samples ND1, ND2 and ND3, respectively, which supports the prediction of archeologist that the sampling layer dates from the Neolithic period.  相似文献   

Dates from the first runs of the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit span the range from present to c. 17,000 bp, with errors (1 s.d.) from ± 100 to ± 300 years. Material dated comprises bone, wood, charcoal, seeds, organic residues in pottery, and charcoal inclusions in slag.  相似文献   

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) measurements of individual quartz grains are reported for Middle Paleolithic (MP) or Middle Stone Age (MSA) deposits in La Grotte des Contrebandiers, Morocco. Single-grain measurements enable rejection of grains that may lead to under- or over-estimation of age due to malign luminescence properties or remobilisation of grains after burial. We identified the former using a range of experimental procedures and objective rejection criteria. Three post-depositional factors influenced the distribution pattern of equivalent dose (De) values for the remaining single grains: the disintegration of roof spall liberating unbleached, older grains into otherwise well-bleached sediments; the intrusion of a small number of younger grains from the overlying Upper Paleolithic deposits; and small-scale differences in the beta dose received by individual grains. Roof spall contamination was a significant problem, so we characterised the OSL signals and obtained De values for the calcareous sandstone in which the cave is formed, which allowed bedrock-derived grains in the MP/MSA deposits to be identified and rejected prior to age determination. We collected 31 samples from the MP/MSA deposits, and were able to calculate ages for 30 of them. These ages suggest that MP/MSA occupation of Contrebandiers was restricted to the interval between about 120 and 90 ka ago (Marine Isotope Stages 5d to 5b). Weighted mean OSL ages were obtained for samples associated with archaeologically sterile deposits at the base of the excavations (126 ± 9 ka), followed by two phases of the Moroccan Mousterian (122 ± 5 and 115 ± 3 ka), interspersed with archaeologically sterile deposits (112 ± 4 ka). The base and top of the Aterian were dated to 107 ± 4 and 96 ± 4 ka, respectively. Based on the grand weighted mean ages of 116 ± 3 and 103 ± 3 ka for the Moroccan Mousterian and Aterian at Contrebandiers, we suggest that these two industries may be separated by an occupation hiatus of up to 13 ± 3 ka at this site. Our single-grain OSL chronology confirms previous age estimates obtained for Contrebandiers and other sites in the vicinity, but are generally more precise and stratigraphically more coherent, due to the inherent advantages of measuring individual quartz grains and rejecting contaminant and other unsuitable grains before age determination.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis was undertaken on well-preserved human and animal skeletal remains from two sites in northern Ethiopia, both of which span the pre-Aksumite and Proto-Aksumite periods. The human remains constitute one individual collected at the site of Etchmare East which was directly radiocarbon dated to 2290 ± 50 BP. In addition 28 animal bone samples were excavated from the nearby site of Mezber, occupied from 2960 ± 60 to 1980 ± 50 BP. These results are consistent with those obtained in palaeoethnobotanical studies, which suggest that some members of pre/Proto-Aksumite society in the Horn of Africa had a diet that favoured the consumption of Near Eastern domesticates over indigenous crops.  相似文献   

We investigate the temporal and environmental relationships between the terraced hill slopes of Politiko-Koloiokremmos and the adjacent Bronze Age settlement of Politiko-Troullia in foothills of the Troodos Mountains, central Cyprus. Mapping of 102 stone walls on Koloiokremmos is compared with 66 walls farther afield on Cyprus to create a six-part terrace typology. Sherd counts from 174 2-m radius collection circles over approximately 20 ha on Troullia and Koloiokremmos were used to create interpolated sherd density surfaces revealing distinctly different patterns of land use for four major archaeological eras between the Cypriot Bronze Age and Medieval Period. We compared sherd density patterns according to terrace types, length, slope and vegetation cover determined by SAVI (Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index) from Ikonos and Quickbird satellite imagery.The most robust sherd patterning indicates Prehistoric Bronze Age settlement at Troullia, as confirmed by soil resistivity and excavation, and multi-period land use on Koloiokremmos immediately upslope of the village that may be associated with agricultural terracing. Scattered sherd concentrations indicate later use of this landscape as an agricultural hinterland for the Iron Age city of Tamassos. Sherds and a down slope spread of roof tiles from the Roman through Medieval periods suggest an isolated structure near the crest of Koloiokremmos. Longer terraces correlate with greater vegetation cover and are interpreted as agricultural, while shorter terraces, apparently for erosion control and arboriculture, are significantly related to Prehistoric Bronze Age sherd patterns. Our results suggest that coordinated analysis of archaeological, geographical and remotely sensed environmental data associated with terraced landscapes can be used to infer long-term patterns of agricultural land use.  相似文献   

Spectra of the hydroxyl emissions in the wavelength range 1.0–1.6 μm, which originate at mesopause altitudes, have been obtained, using a Fourier transform spectrometer at Maynooth (53.2°N, 6.4°W), on all suitable nights during the period January–December 1993. Rotational temperatures and integrated band brightnesses have been calculated from the spectra of the OH(3, 1) and (4, 2) vibration-rotation bands. The mean annual temperatures calculated over all measurements were T(3, 1)=200±19 K and T(4, 2)=206±19 K, where the uncertainty represents the standard deviation on the measurements. Harmonic analysis of the nightly averaged temperature values revealed an amplitude of 27 ± 1 K and a phase of 95 ± 2 days in the annual variation of the (3, l) band at our latitude. The semiannual component was found to have an amplitude of 7 ± 1 K and a phase of −51 ± 9 days for this band. Results for the (4, 2) band were identical in both amplitude and phase for the annual component, while the semiannual component gave an amplitude of 8 ± 1 K and a phase of − 43 ± 7 days. These results are compared with data recorded by the SME satellite, and with the predictions of the MSISE-90 model for a station at 53° latitude. Temperatures predicted by the MSISE-90 model for Maynooth are consistently below the values obtained in this study by 15–20 K. Excellent agreement is observed between the absolute value of temperature, in the case of the SME satellite, and in the amplitude and phase of the annual variation predicted by MSISE-90. The phase of the semiannual component observed in our data deviates somewhat from the −99 ± 1 days predicted by MSISE-90.The annual mean brightness of the OH (3, 1) band was found to be 75 ± 18 kR, while that of the (4, 2) band was 106±26 kR. Diurnal variations generally showed a steady decrease from dusk to dawn, apart from a brief period in June and July. Monthly average values of band brightness have been calculated for each band and are compared with the predictions of a recent photochemical model (Le Texier et al., 1987). The model shows some elements of agreement with our observations, particularly a pair of maxima near the equinoxes, but it does not predict the broad winter maximum observed in both bands at this latitude.  相似文献   

Monazite (CePO4) and xenotime (YPO4) are important accessory minerals in metasediments. They host significant rare earth elements (REE) and are useful for geochronology and geothermometry, so it is essential to understand their behavior during the metasomatic processes that attend high‐grade metamorphism. It has been proposed that F‐bearing fluids enhance solubility and mobility of REE and Y during high‐grade metamorphism. We assessed this possibility by determining the solubility of synthetic CePO4 and YPO4 crystals in H2O–NaF fluids at 800°C and 1 GPa. Experiments used hydrothermal piston‐cylinder and weight‐loss methods. Compared to the low solubilities of CePO4 and YPO4 in pure H2O (0.04 ± 0.04 and 0.25 ± 0.04 millimolal, respectively), our results indicate an enormous increase in the solubility of both phosphates with increasing NaF concentration in H2O: CePO4 solubility reaches 0.97 molal in 20 mol.% NaF, and YPO4 shows an even stronger solubility enhancement to 0.45 molal in only 10 mol.% NaF. The greatest relative solubility increases occur at the lowest NaF concentration. The solubilities of CePO4 and YPO4 show similar quadratic dependence on NaF, consistent with possible dissolution reactions of: CePO4 + 2NaF =  CeF2+ + Na2PO4? and YPO4 + 2NaF = YF2+ + Na2PO4?. Solubilities of both REE phosphates are significantly greater in NaF than in NaCl at equivalent salt concentration. A fluid with 10 mol.% NaCl and multiply saturated with fluorite, CePO4, and YPO4 would contain 1.7 millimolal Ce and 3.3 millimolal Y, values that are respectively 2.1–2.4 times greater than in NaCl‐H2O alone. The results indicate that Y, and by extension heavy rare earth elements (HREE), can be fractionated from LREE in fluorine‐bearing saline brines which may accompany granulite‐facies metamorphism. The new data support previous indications that REE/Y mobility at these conditions is enhanced by complexing with F in the aqueous phase.  相似文献   

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