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The family farm, once the mainstay of the state's economy, wasalready in decline in 1916 when Edith "Billie" Wilson was bornin south-central Maine to a family of Nova Scotian immigrants.Her father, a struggling farmer, encouraged his energetic teenagedaughter to strike out on her own: "There may be flies on Maand Pa, but there ain't no flies  相似文献   


In the course of gathering oral histories from women who servedin the Navy and Coast Guard during World War II, an unusualconversational pattern has emerged. The women almost invariablydiminish the importance of their wartime contributions; a commonrefrain is "I didn’t do anything important." Their individualexperiences, as revealed during the interviews, belie that assertion.In this paper, I will use the women's words to parse what ismeant by this rhetorical move. Do the women really believe theydid not do anything important? If so, why do they find it necessaryto participate in the very public process of oral history, placingtheir names and life stories within the historical record? Consideringboth the content and the context of the women's words from afeminist pragmatist philosophical base will help explain thisseemingly incongruent act. This article demonstrates that thewomen do not really mean to belittle their life experiences(and military service), but instead are using the phrase asa way to acknowledge society's expectations. The oral historyinterview, meanwhile, is used by the women to not only placetheir experience into the historical record but also to affirmthe importance of their wartime work.  相似文献   

Abstract: The author draws from select topical life histories conductedwith individuals who enrolled in doctoral programs at UC Berkeleyduring a ten-year period beginning with 1968. She examines themyths surrounding academic achievement for people of Mexicandescent and how these myths affected her initial interpretationof their childhood stories about their parents' relationshipto their achievements. She considers the interpretation of thesenarratives from the perspectives of various schools of thoughtand argues that the issue of educational achievement by minoritygroups is subject to a "politics of exceptionality." Hence,high academic achievement is not considered normative, and studentswho do achieve are treated as exceptions, not only to the presumedmeritocracy, but as exceptions to their racial/ethnic group.By individualizing their achievements and focusing on theircharacteristics as individuals, the focus of social policieswith respect to educational attainment remains focused on theindividual achiever and not on the institutional processes andstructural opportunities that maximize the possibilities forachievement.  相似文献   

This is a story about a Louisiana gulf-coast community's attemptto rediscover its history of racial diversity. The focus isan almost-forgotten, now-hidden indigent graveyard where peopleof color allegedly were buried prior to the Great Depression.The graveyard, now defunct, sets in stark contrast to the officialCatholic cemetery where whites,or those who could pass for white,have been entombed above ground throughout the community's history.Because of the absence and unreliability of official recordsregarding race, births, deaths, and burials in post-Reconstructionsouthern Louisiana, oral history was essential to this story.Moreover, the oral testimony about the graveyard evokes a meta-narrativeabout community identity transformation through the redrawingof local racial boundaries. The indigent graveyard has becomethe ultimate boundary marker; islanders used it as a tacticin establishing a purely white community identity. This processunfolded under the scrutiny of non-islanders when the developmentof the Louisiana offshore oilfield shattered the community'sisolation in the 1930s. This graveyard thus assumes a generalhistorical and theoretical importance.  相似文献   

The Passover festival has been the ritual expression of Jewish cultural identity ever since the Old Testament got the form it has today. This article looks at the ways cultural identity was expressed in antiquity, critiques the traditional prioritising of the story of exodus over its biblical ritual expression in understanding ancient Jewish identity and explores various Pesah sacrifice instructions in Exodus 12 as an implicit polemical ritual discourse engaged in constructing a ritual of cultural distinction. The article pays close attention to the tension between the invented and the real of the instructions, and attempts to identify the possible cultural other against whom some of the Exodus instructions were constructed.  相似文献   

This article narrates the role of oral testimony in the fieldof Abraham Lincoln studies from 1865 through the 1930s. Collectedin the form of letters, affidavits, and face-to-face interviews,this mounting body of "eyewitness evidence" dominated the discoursefor two generations and reflective, public practice culminatedin the organization of a "Lincoln Inquiry" in the Midwest duringthe 1920s and 1930s. For a time, practitioners successfullydefended themselves against increasing positivist assaults onthe credibility of oral testimony. Their interests and effortsresonate with later oral history practice and theory about method,authorship, performance, and memory, and their story highlightsthe contingency inherent in the development of oral historicalpractice in America.  相似文献   

Abstract This study explores new and traditional forms of leisureenjoyed by white southern rural millhands at Banning Mill between1910 and the 1930s. As they moved from farm to factory, millhandsexperienced unfamiliar working conditions, changes in genderroles in and outside the home, and an increase in leisure time.While both farmers and millhands had opportunities to socialize,this study will compare traditional forms of entertainment availableto farmers with similar and new recreations found in rural millvillages such as Banning Mill in Carroll County, Georgia. A comparison of leisure activities also reveals new ways inwhich rural cotton millhands separated themselves in socialsettings. Gender divisions in village recreation reflect changingroles at home as men and women coped with the transition fromfarm to factory in different ways. Specific or individual interestscreated an atmosphere in which wives, husbands, teenagers, andchildren typically socialized with members of their own sexand age. Juxtaposing the ways in which men and women chooseto spend their free time suggests husbands had a more difficulttime adjusting to work and life in mill villages than theirspouses or children.  相似文献   

Using audio, video, and radio interviews, the Cleveland HomelessOral History Project (CHOHP) has sought to foster the developmentof a collaborative analysis of homelessness from the bottomup. Designed to overcome problems with traditional academicresearch on homelessness, CHOHP explicitly seeks to share researchwith those living on the streets and in the shelters in Cleveland,Ohio and involve homeless people in the process of analysis.Rather than focusing on the personal pathologies of the homeless,the analysis that emerges from CHOHP suggests that trends indowntown and neighborhood real estate development, the criminalizationof the poor, the growth of the temporary labor industry, andthe retrenchment of the welfare system have led to the emergenceof powerful interests invested in perpetuating homelessness. Beyond analyzing these trends, CHOHP's formal research settinghas emboldened homeless people to act and become agents forsocial change.  相似文献   

This article examines Prussian and French police instructions, manuals and training material, 1880–1914. Police in both countries were reputedly violent, yet successive French and German governments consistently justified incidents of heavy-handed law enforcement. Yet the context was different as Prussian instructions actively encouraged forceful law enforcement, while French instructions placed strict legal and disciplinary boundaries on the police. This had dissimilar consequences for how the police were identified with the regime. In Prussia the regime became identified with brutality, for which the police were seen by critics as merely a symptom. The republican regime was criticised as hypocritical rather than violent in its defence of violent policing. The commitment to respect citizens' rights and seek to limit police brutality was no guarantee of more civilised policing, but constituted a hope for changes in police practices that did not require a change of regime.  相似文献   

Questions on “religion” in national censuses have had a long and complex history. In this article, the experiences of the British colonies and the subsequent Commonwealth countries in the conduct of census enquiries into religion are explored. Although the British government issued general instructions for the guidance of population censuses in the colonial empire, little clear advice was offered on the issue. The result was essentially a pragmatic approach, with each census commissioner responsible for the decision to include a religious question and the form and content of the published tables. Decisions taken by early census commissioners tended to be followed subsequently for the sake of maintaining continuity. In most cases smooth bureaucratic transitions at independence resulted in colonial practices being retained, unless there were pressing reasons for change. Nevertheless, the form of the question and particularly the classification scheme were susceptible to modification reflecting changing national priorities. Computerisation of the census has resulted in the widespread abandonment of open‐ended questions and the presentation of a restricted list of options, unique to each country. Commonwealth countries thus exhibit a highly flexible and diverse range of responses to recording religion.  相似文献   

Over the forty-five years since its creation, NASA has completedliterally thousands of oral histories with people involved inthe agency and its programs. These include formal oral historiesthat collect information on the career of the individual, andshorter oral histories focusing on specific activities. Whilemany were done by scholars working on book projects there havebeen many, and increasingly so in recent years, completed tocapture the recollections of space scientists and engineerswithout a larger project envisioned. This presents a major resourcefor understanding the history of the U.S. space program.Thisarticle discusses the nature and extent of the oral historycollection at NASA, the processes in place for the colRoger  相似文献   

Abstract In 1965, New Kent County, located just east of Richmond,Virginia, became the setting for the one of the most importantschool desegregation cases since Brown v. Board of Education.Ten years after the U.S. Supreme Court declared "separate butequal" unconstitutional, both public schools in New Kent, theGeorge W. Watkins School for blacks and the New Kent Schoolfor whites, remained segregated. In 1965, however, local blacksand the Virginia State NAACP initiated a legal challenge tosegregated schools, hoping to initiate desegregation where theprocess had yet to begin and to accelerate the process in areaswhere token desegregation was the norm. In 1968, the U.S. SupremeCourt decision in Charles C. Green v. the School Board of NewKent County forced New Kent County and localities across thestate and nation to fulfill the promise of Brown. While thecase has been part of the court records since it was decidedin 1968, it has remained largely unknown to the general publicand many scholars of the era. This article is an attempt touse the tool of oral history to present the people and the storybehind Green v. New Kent County and to add another piece tothe puzzle that was school desegregation in this country.  相似文献   

In the summer of 1987, more than 370 workers at Nicolet PaperCompany in De Pere, Wisconsin, walked out on strike after refusingto agree to a wide range of concessions demanded by InternationalPaper Company (IP), Nicolet's parent company. Within a few weeks,however, IP had permanently replaced the strikers, a tacticthat became increasingly common in the 1980s. The author usesoral history interviews to provide a valuable, unique insightinto the effects of the permanent replacement tactic, whichbitterly divided the small community and left workers with psychologicalscars that were all too apparent more than a decade later. Asthe Nicolet workers were part of a broader showdown betweenIP and the United Paperworkers' International Union, the articlealso helps to illuminate the history of a major labor disputeof the 1980s.  相似文献   

This essay argues that in the co-creation of the historicaldocument that is the oral history narrative the oral historianmust balance sensitivity to the interviewee with the professionalresponsibility to preserve history, without abdicating the roleof trained interpreter of the past. During the course of a lifehistory interview with a lightskinned African American woman,Marguerite Davis Stewart, the authors confronted a variety ofethical concerns over the shared authority of the interviewwhen the narrator disagreed over the range of topics to be covered—specificallythe issue of racial identity—and the final product. Theauthors conclude that scholars who employ oral history in theirresearch must confront taboo but historically significant topicsthrough an open dialogue with their narrators, but that theyultimately control the interpretation of the resulting information.  相似文献   


Because of the scarcity of printed information on building equipment for archaeological excavations, this paper provides instructions and plans to build the basic equipment required, using standard-size and readily available lumber and hardware.  相似文献   

王喜珍 《攀登》2006,25(2):117-118
当前,一些地方群体性突发事件屡有发生,严重影响了社会稳定,干扰了全面建设小康社会的顺利进行。总结处置这类事件的经验教训,明确今后工作中应注意的问题已是当务之急。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a collection of seven papers on archaeological theory in the southeastern United States, originally presented as a plenary session of the 2012 meeting of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I explain the original idea for the session and present the instructions given in advance to the participants.  相似文献   

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