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In Tibetan areas, prior to the Democratic Reform (1959-1960), there were over 2,700 monasteries, and the population of monks and nuns totaled about 110,000, accounting for 10 percent of the total Tibetan population (1.2 million).  相似文献   

October 30,2021,the National Ski Mountaineering Invitational Competition(one of a series of activities of the 19th China’s Tibet Mountaineering Convention)kicked off at Luodui Peak,Damxung County of Lhasa City.This was the first event of its kind organized by the Tibet Autonomous Region to construct a competitive platform for professional skiers,upgrade their competitive capacities and skills.  相似文献   

『Galzang Wangdu Cooperates with Tseng Dra Every year herdsmen trade salt in spring and farm produce in autumn.At other times they work in animal husbandry,which it has been their economic base for generations. Galzang Wangdu‘s family is one of the most well-known households throughout surrounding areas with the biggest number of family members,livestock,and a  相似文献   

『Galzang Wangdu Cooperates with Tseng Dra Every year herdsmen trade salt in spring and farm produce in autumn.At other times they work in animal husbandry,which it has been their economic base for generations. Galzang Wangdu's family is one of the most well-known households throughout surrounding areas with the biggest number of family members,livestock,and a  相似文献   

TheSichuan-TibetHighway,asoneofthemajorthoroughfaresbetweenTibetandChina'shinterland,hasbecomeamajorchannelforeconomicdevelopmentincountiesalongthehighway.ItisplayingtheroleasaneweconomiccorridorineastTibet.Thehighway,extending2,500kmfromChengduinSichuantoLhasainTibet,wasbuiltin1954.ItcrossesQamdo,NyingchiandLhasa,bisectingdozensofcounties.MaterialsdestinedforTibetaretransportealongthisroad.Inthepast,thehighwaygaveyouonfinedaysandmudduringtherainyson,insteadofmoney,saidHShuxiong,De…  相似文献   

Contemporary and later commentators emphasized the Supreme Court's forceful affirmation of its own authority in Cooper v. Aaron (1958). The case was the Court's first significant test of states' rights opposition denying that Brown v. Board of Education (1954) (Brown I) and the Brown II (1955) decree permitting gradual implementation were legitimate constitutional law. Indeed, following the Court's announcement of Cooper v. Aaron in September 1958, Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus and his followers closed the very same Little Rock schools the Supreme Court had ordered desegregated. Black students' rights did not prevail until summer 1959. In Arkansas and elsewhere, defiance initially triumphed over the Supreme Court's self‐assertive power. 1  相似文献   

<正>On December 18~(th),2009,the journal China's Tibet held a symposium in Beijing to celebrate its 20~(th) anniversary with 200-odd participants from all over the Tibetan inhabited area of China  相似文献   

官样是中国古代官府手工业生产制度的内容之一,也是生产过程官府决定产品类别以及保证产品质量的主要手段。本文从故宫博物院收藏的清代制瓷官样入手,通过与大量的传世瓷器对比,在论证清代制瓷官样制度的基础上,追溯了中国古代制瓷官样的历史,进而论定官手工业和官样制度是造成封建社会后期工艺成就衰颓的主要原因。  相似文献   

新疆鄯善洋海墓地发掘报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洋海墓地位于新疆鄯善县吐峪沟乡洋海夏村、吐鲁番盆地火焰山南麓的荒漠戈壁地带,北距吐峪沟乡政府4公里,东南距洋海夏村四组2公里。地理坐标北纬42°48′,东经89°39′(图一)。墓地主要分布在相对独立并毗邻的三块略高出周围地面的台地上,台地表面为戈壁砂石  相似文献   

This mostly admiring review article focuses on Martin Jay's 2020 essay collection entitled Splinters in Your Eye: Frankfurt School Provocations. Though it highlights details and insights from nearly every essay in the collection, the review devotes significant attention to chapter 4, which focuses on the relationship of the Frankfurt School's first-generation scholars with Sigmund Freud. The departure point for my engagement with Jay's fourth chapter is the translation of the German word Trieb (drive) as “instinct” throughout The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Although Jay's treatment of Max Horkheimer's, Theodor W. Adorno's, and Herbert Marcuse's recourses to Freudian psychoanalysis emphasizes their abiding commitment to Freud's theory of instinctual forces (over and against objections to his biologism), the question of whether a drive differs from an instinct does not arise. This question therefore offers an occasion to speculate on how distinguishing more firmly between instinct and drive might matter for the Frankfurt School's opposition between first and second nature. Though I praise Jay's decision to include a chapter on Miriam Hansen's Benjaminian revision of the public sphere, I also criticize his practice, in this volume at least, of consigning most scholarship authored by women to the endnotes rather than engaging with it in the main text.  相似文献   

明治三十一年(1898年)出生 3月17日生于福岛县北会津郡东山村大字汤本字川向(现为福岛县会津若松市东山町大字汤本川向)东山温泉。  相似文献   

ALLAN PRED† 《对极》1990,22(1):33-52
The build up of individual and collective linguistic repertoires is inseparable from situated practices and power relations. Place-to-place variations in gendered consciousness, the consciousness of gender, and female subordination cannot be pried apart from place-to-place variations in the language out of which gender is constituted and to which gendered practices and unequal gender relations contribute. In the course of local transformation, whereby local traditions and practices are eased out or crushed by exogenous powers, women as well as men are apt to become involved in the contestation of meanings and other forms of linguistic struggle.  相似文献   

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