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傅斯年的大学理念及大学研究所构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅斯年高等教育思想中最有价值者,当数其对德国讲座制度的阐释及对大学设置研究所之构想。大学不仅仅是知识传授的中心,更是学术研究的中心,大学教育应当以学术教育为中心,其理想的大学应当是德国研究型的大学。故傅斯年反对在大学中实行年级制,主张实施选课制度。除了实行选课制度和讲座制度之外,傅斯年主张大学应该创办研究所。大学研究所与专业研究所有着明显的不同:前者为大学师生共同研究的性质,是大学教授指导学生共同研究的学术机构,包含着研学相长之意;后者则是专业研究员进行专门研究的机构,无需学生参与。傅斯年的大学研究院设想,基本上是接受和效仿德国讲座制度和研究所制度而来的,与当时教育部仿效美国大学体制而设立研究生院的规定,存在着明显的差异。傅斯年主张大学以讲座制度为基础自然形成专科研究所,进而建成研究型大学。这种认识,直到他主持台湾大学时仍然没有改变。  相似文献   

Fragments of Earth Lore. By Professor Geikie, D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., etc. Edinburgh: John Bartholomew and Co., 1893. Pp. 428.

Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland: A survey of Scottish Topography, Statistical, Biographical, and Historical. New Edition. Edited by Francis H. Groome. London: William Mackenzie, N.D. Vols. 1. and 11. Aan to Eynort. Pp. 288 and 272.

Geografia y Geológia del Ecuador. Publicada por Órden del Supremo Gobierno de la Kepública por Teodoro Wolf, Dr. Phil., Antiguo Profesor de la Escuela Politecnica de Quito y Geó1ogo del Estado. Con 12 Laminas autotípicas, 47 Ilustraciones en el texto, y 2 Cartas. Leipzig: Tipografía de F. A. Brockhaus, 1892. Pp. xii + 671.

Venice: An Historical Sketch of the Bepublic. By Horatio F. Brown. With Maps and Plan. London: Percival and Co., 1893. Pp. xxiii + 434. Price 16s.

Lettres sur l'Inde. Par Monseigneur Laouenan, de la Société des Missions‐étrangères, Archevêque de Pondichéry. Publiées par Adrien Launay, de la même Société. Paris: Librairie Victor Lecoffre, 1893. Pp. 296.

Russia. Note e Ricordi di Viaggio. Di Giuseppe Modrich. Torino‐Roma: L. Roux e C., 1892. Pp. 550. Price 5 L.

Historic Towns: York. By James Raine, M.A., D.C.L. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1893. Pp. xi + 223. Price 3s. 6d.

Scotland Before 1700: From Contemporary Documents. Edited by P. Hume Brown. Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1893. Pp. xx + 368.

Sunny Manitoba: Its Peoples and its Industries. By Alfred 0. Legge. With Map and Iilustrations. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1893. Pp. 297.

Carnet d'un Voyageur. Au Pays des Veddas, Ceylan. Par Emile Deschamps, Officier d'Académie, etc. etc. Avec 116 figures d'après les croquis et photographies de l'auteur, et une carte. Paris: Société d'Editions Scientifiques, 1892. Pp. iv + 492.

A Collection of Treaties, Engagements, and other Papers of Importance relating to British Affairs in Malabar. Edited with notes by W. Logan, Madras Civil Service. Second Edition. Madras: Printed by the Superintendent, Government Press, 1891. Pp. xxvi + 402 + xlv.

Four Months in Persia, and a Visit to Transcaspia. By C. E. Biddulph, M.A., etc. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co., 1892. Pp. 137. Price 3s. 6d.

Letters from Queensland. By The Times Special Correspondent. London: Macmillan and Co., 1893. Pp. 110. Price 2s. 6d.

Amerika. Eine allgemeine Landeskunde. In Gemeinschaft mit Dr. E. Deckert und Professor Dr. W. Kükenthal herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Sievers. Leipzig und Wien, 1893.

Longmans’ School History of India. By the Rev. G. U. Pope, D.D., sometime Fellow of the Madras University. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1892. Pp. 303. Price 2s. 6d.

Philips's Geographical Manuals. The Geography of the British Colonies and Dependencies, Physical, Political, Commercial. By William Hughes, F.R.G.S., and J. Francos Williams, F.R.G.S. London: George Philip and Son, 1892. Pp. viii + 232. Price 2s. 6d.

Practical Guide to the Geography of the British Isles and General Geography. By R. Burnett. Aberdeen: John Adam, 1893. Pp. 132. Price 1s. 6d.

The Geography of Asia: A Brief Handbook for Students. London: Blackie and Son, Limited, 1893. Pp. 38. Price 6d.

The Elements of Physiography. By John I. Prince. Part II.: Advanced Stage. Seventh Edition. London: John Heywood, 1889. Pp. 176. Price 1s. 6d.

To the Other Side. By Thomas Rhodes. With Maps and Illustrations. London: George Philip and Son, 1893. [Edinburgh: Sold by J. and H. Lindsay.] Pp. 106. Price 1s.

Carlsbad: A Medico‐Practical Guide. By E. Kleen, M.D. Pp. 101. G. P. Putnam's Sons: New York and London, 1893.

Where to Go Abroad: A Guide to the Watering‐Places and Health‐Resorts of Europe, the Mediterranean, etc. Edited by A. E. Hope Moncrieff. London: Adam and Charles Black, 1893. Pp. 466. Price 3s. 6d.

Liberton in Ancient and Modern Times. By George Good. With Introduction by Kev. W. H. Gray, D.D. Edinburgh: Andrew Elliot, 1893. Pp. xx + 185.

A Ride from Land's End to John o’ Groats. By Evelyn Burnaby, M.A., S.C.L. London: Sampson Low, Marston, and Company (Limited), 1893. Pp. xxiv + 146.

Kamerun und Sudan. Von H. Jäger. Berlin: F. K. Beuge, 1893. Pp. 162.

Un Voyage au Yunnan. Par le Dr. Louis Pichon (of Shanghai). Paris: Plon, Nourrit et Cie., 1893.

Louis Agassiz: His Life and Work. By Charles Frederick Holder, LL.D., Author of The Life of Charles Darwin, Living Lights, etc. (Leaders in Science Series.) 12mo, pp. xviii + 327. 28 Illustrations. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1892. Price $1.50.

Argentine, Patagonian, and Chilian Sketches, with a Few Notes about Uruguay. By C. E. Akers. London: Harrison and Sons. N. D. Pp. vi + 190.

The Australians: A Social Sketch. By Francis Adams. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1893. Pp. 314.

Letters from South Africa. By The Times Special Correspondent. London: Macmillan and Co., 1893. Pp. 116.

Tropical America. By Isaac N. Ford. London: Edward Stanford, 1893. Pp. 409. Price 10s. 6d.

Shearer's Illustrated Guide to Stirling, Stirling Castle, Bannockburn, Wallace's Monument, and Neighbourhood. Stirling: K. S. Shearer and Son, 1893. Pp. 108.

Northumberland: its History, its Features, and its People, by the Rev. James Christie, B.A. London. Carlisle: Charles Thurnam and Sons; Newcastle: Mawson, Swan, and Morgan; London: Presbyterian Publication Committee, 1893. Pp. 152.  相似文献   

A number of measures of accessibility are applied to the road and transport networks of the N.W. Highlands and Islands. The concept of ‘accessibility’ is interpreted at the regional scale and in a physical, rather than a behavioural, sense. Although other indices are briefly mentioned, three basic approaches are examined in greater detail: travel timings from a central point, shortest paths through the network between every pair of nodes, and potentials. From all the methods discussed, there is a large degree of consensus on the spatial patterns of accessibility in the region.  相似文献   

李贺文 《神州》2011,(3X):1-2,4
从对兰州理工大学技术工程学院大学生人文素质现状的抽样调查来看,由于专业教育的偏向和较低的高考成绩,使得理工科独立学院学生的人文素质普遍偏低。因此加强理工科独立学院大学生的人文素质教育就显得尤为重要,而这可以试着从理工科学生的培养模式、考核方式及教师队伍建设、政策鼓励等方面做出一定的改进,以提高理工科大学生学习人文知识的兴趣和机会,以保障人文素质教育在理工科学生中的顺利开展,使其成为一个和谐发展的人。  相似文献   

The article deals with the role of the Queen's representative when no one party or stable alliance has a majority in the lower house of parliament Two types of questions are likely to arise: one set of problems relates to the choice of government and the role of the ministry in office when an election produces a hung parliament; the second concerns the situations where a head of government who has suffered (or fears) defeat in the lower house requests a dissolution and new elections. The author examines precedents that have occurred since Evatt and Forsey wrote on the subject and proposes some guidelines for the exercise of the governor's reserve powers.  相似文献   

Members of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Bank of England seek to subdue inflation using ‘monetary policy’ to regulate the availability of money and credit to the financial system. The central bank ‘policy rate’ is the blunt instrument conventionally employed to affect the pacing of economic activity, stimulating or retarding growth. Credibly explaining that the rise in interest rates – the ‘tightening’ of monetary policy – underway at the moment will continue suppressing demand for goods and services until an inflation target of around 2 per cent is achieved is the emphatic message the bank seeks to convey. Such intentionally destructive and potentially brutal interventions are the critical aim of current bank policy. This article demonstrates how the design of the contemporary monetary regime, which presents itself unequivocally as the outcome of macroeconomic developments, can be recast in anthropological terms, thus revealing the role of the public in the unfolding monetary drama.  相似文献   

This article aims to build on established scholarship by highlighting a little-studied area of fashion production, that of the regional Italian dressmaker. Using one woman's wardrobe as a lens through which to consider established patterns of consumption, this article examines the role of the sartoria or dressmaker in post-war Italy. After a brief discussion of the reputation and dynamics of the related but more exclusive Italian couture, the author defines the characteristics of clothing produced by Italy's regional, small-scale dressmakers and their importance within Italy's fashion system. The author draws conclusions based upon close examination of one woman's wardrobe, created by the Turin workshop Sartoria Grimaldi and now housed in the Victoria and Albert Museum's permanent collection. A selection of this wardrobe was researched and exhibited for the first time in 2014 within the Museum's major exhibition ‘The Glamour of Italian Fashion 1945–2014’.  相似文献   

The causes and implications of the regional variations in the spread of the incipient agriculture in Europe remain poorly understood. We use population dynamics models to study the dispersal of the Neolithic in Europe from a localised area in the Near East, solving the two-dimensional reaction-diffusion equation on a spherical surface. We focus on the role of major river paths and coastlines in the advance of farming, to model the rapid advances of the Linear Pottery (LBK) and the Impressed Ware traditions along the Danube–Rhine corridor and the Mediterranean coastline, respectively. We argue that the random walk of individuals, which results in diffusion of the population, can be anisotropic in those areas and hence lead to an effective advection. The standard reaction-diffusion equation is thus supplemented with an advection term, confined to the proximity of major rivers and coastlines. The model allows for the spatial variation in both the human mobility (diffusivity) and the carrying capacity, reflecting the local altitude and latitude. This approach can easily be generalised to include other environmental factors, such as the bioproductivity of landscapes. Our model successfully accounts for the regional variations in the spread of the Neolithic, consistent with the radiocarbon data, and reproduces a time delay in the spread of farming to the Eastern Europe, Britain and Scandinavia.  相似文献   

The key questions in interpreting objects in museums are: What are they doing there? and Where did they come from? National and local importance are not mutually exclusive: the critical difference is between intrinsic value, and value through context or association. Context is an integral part of interpretation. Experts can visualise an original location or environment; ordinary museum visitors need the context of people, or place, or familiar activities, to be able to relate to unfamiliar objects. Is seeing a good replica as good as seeing the original?  相似文献   

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