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民国时期华洋义赈会淮河流域灾害救治述论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王成兴 《民国档案》2006,4(4):126-132
民国时期,淮河流域各种灾害频频发生,呈现出无年不灾、多灾并发,灾害种类多、以水旱蝗灾为主,大灾发生频率越来越高及灾害群发期现象突出等特点。面对灾害,华洋义赈会开展了施放赈款、赈粮赈衣、举办粥厂、建收容所、农贷和工赈等多种不同形式的灾害救治工作,取得了一定成效,有些效果还较为显著。此外,作为建设救灾理念的直接体现,华洋义赈会还于1922年成立导淮委员会,不遗余力地促进“导淮”工程,为民国时期的“导淮”做了大量工作。从华洋义赈会的灾害救治活动中,我们可以获取一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

沈淼 《史学月刊》2024,(4):72-85
民生渠是1928年西北旱灾期间晋绥实力派在华洋义赈会的帮助下修建的水利工程,也是近代绥远规模最大的工程,其政策定位与投入力度,随着南京国民政府国家政权建设的逐步加强而产生变化。北伐后,在西北旱灾的背景下,晋绥实力派借与华洋义赈会合作之机,实施建设救灾,国民政府尚无力插手义赈团体对地方势力的资源投入。中原大战胜利后,国民政府统一全国建设与水利事业,在民生渠工程如何发挥效用的问题上引发争论。国民政府公开宣布民生渠失败,实际借由此事打压晋绥实力派,同时成功将华洋义赈会排挤出大型公共建设领域。但中央政府对西北社会的建设思路并不能适用,又限于时局与政局的桎梏,无法填补地方治理与政权建设的真空。从民生渠工程及其纠纷的案例,可以一窥国民政府以国家行政权力作用于地方政治结构与社会组织资源的基本面貌与成效。  相似文献   

抗战时期,贵州政治地位凸显,大批重要、知名人士涌入贵州。本文介绍十位贵州合作人物,八人有留学背景。周诒春是原清华学校校长、清华大学奠基人;于树德是最早期的共产党人、中国合作事业先驱、合作泰斗;陈筑山原是北京法政大学校长,平教会重要人物;章元善是民国时期影响最大的慈善机构华洋义赈会创始人之一;董希文是著名画家,著名油画《开国大典》的作者。贵州八年合作事业稳定了大后方,支持了抗战,改善了民生,转变了观念。  相似文献   

国民政府推行农村合作运动的原因与理论阐释   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张士杰 《民国档案》2000,1(1):92-95
1931年的江淮大水灾促成了国民政府对华洋义赈会卓有成效的合作救灾工作的重视,并在很短的时期内将华洋义赈会的一整套做法推广到长江流域,如果说这是国民政府发起农村合作运动的直接原因的话,那么在内外重压下的乡村社会经济破产就是其根本原因。 (一) 南京国民政府建立后,被日益严重的农村问题所困扰。近代以来,外国资本主义对华的经济冲击日甚一日。中国不仅成为它们的商品市场,而且还变成它们的原料基地。1918~1927年,外国商品输入总值以关平银计算,由55489万两上升为 101293万两①。这些洋货主要是…  相似文献   

在1931年江淮大水救助中,国民政府突破了传统荒政以"维持统治秩序"为出发点的思维模式,在防止因灾害而引起政治波动的同时,也注意到经济建设的重要性。其间,开展了大规模的工赈与农赈,组织了官义合作、多重牵制的管理体制,设计并成功运作了多种形式的农赈项目,为灾后农村的恢复建设,尤其是全国经济委员会主导的中国合作社运动奠定了基础,并由此发轫而成为国民政府建设"新农村"的一个新思路。  相似文献   

"钱赈"指灾赈中以小额通货为中心的资源调配与赈济机制,其思想源远流长,理应在中国荒政思想中占据重要一席,但一直为相关研究所忽略。清代"钱赈"经历了一个由临时举措到固定惯例,再到成熟制度的演变过程,成熟标志为同治九年"畿南钱赈案"中制定的《会拟办贷章程》。通过考察灾赈中赈款的调拨、运输、兑换、散放、消费、回流、沉淀的各个阶段,可以发现银钱兑换是灾赈中货币流通的核心环节,而钱赈则是该链条的主线。结合先前研究可知,灾荒对清代城乡货币流通具有双重性影响,一方面灾荒会引发灾区严重的钱荒危机;另一方面大规模的灾赈活动会推动外部赈钱输入灾区,实现小额通货从城镇向农村的流动与沉淀,从而引发城乡金融资源的重新分配。  相似文献   

民国时期,灾荒与战争在贵州大地交相发生,由此给生活在黔中大地的人们带来了严重灾祸。在这一背景之下,根据国民政府的统一部署,贵州成立了省赈务会。赈务会的中心任务就是救济因灾或战争而产生的难民,它属于贵州救济难民的一个官方机构。正因其特殊的官方背景,因此,自其成立之后,既要接受国民政府相关救济机构的指导,同样亦应纳入贵州省政府的直接领导之下。由此,随着岁月的变迁与国民政府政治的调整与变化,贵州省赈务会成立之后,亦经历了一个不断演变直至终结的历史过程。通过对贵州省赈务会演变的历史分析,让我们从赈务的层面认识与了解到民国时期贵州官方赈务组织机构变化发展的基本概况。  相似文献   

向贫民发放救助性赈贷,是历代救荒的一项重要措施。明初通过广泛设置预备仓,重构了元末以来断裂的赈贷制度。但正统以后,预备仓逐渐破败,赈贷制度随之发生了显著变化:其一,不收利息的"秋成抵斗还官"逐渐过渡到"量取息米",甚至演变为高利贷;其二,乡村豪民取代贫困小农,成为赈贷的主要受益对象;其三,预备仓的赈贷功能明显下降,赈贷越来越多地依靠劝分、赃罚和捐纳等来苦苦支撑;其四,官方主导型的赈贷逐渐弱化,以义仓、社仓为支撑的民间赈贷逐渐凸显。这些变化再次印证了中国古代灾荒赈贷制度逃不脱的利息政策异化、放贷对象错位、国家责任转嫁等运行悖论和周期性兴衰循环。  相似文献   

华洋义赈会与旧中国的合作社   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国农村在抗日战争以前就办合作社了。当时办合作社最早、最多的就是华洋义赈会。这是一个什么组织?他为什么又是怎样在中国农村办合作社的?这些合作社的最后命运如何?本文将告诉你一个来龙去脉。 缘起 1920年,华北5省(河北、山东、河南、山西、陕西)大旱,有3000余万灾民急需救济。一时中外人士纷纷筹集募捐赈灾,共组织了北京、天津、济南、开封、太原、西安、上海等7个赈灾团,除募捐所得外,中国官方也以5%的关税附加赈捐委托他们发放。这次赈灾活动历时约1年,到1921年秋后陆续结束,总计发放赈灾款1500万银元(下同),尚有部分  相似文献   

光绪十五年,江苏的苏属地区发生重大水灾,之前曾在华北等地举办义赈的苏州绅士谢家福发动各方力量举行义赈。他号召大批外地绅士前来协助,与本地绅士一起,共同举行散发钱物、以工代赈和掩埋尸棺等赈灾措施,在救灾中发挥了重大作用。此次义赈是首次以江南地区为对象的跨区域义赈活动,将江南绅士在以往外地义赈中取得的经验运用于本地,使江南地方社会亦能从义赈中受益,从而保证义赈活动能够继续得到江南地方社会的支持。此次义赈还首次提出和运用"官义合办"的新型赈灾模式,但也暴露出一些突出问题。  相似文献   

救荒活民:清末民初以前中国荒政书考论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文系作者为《中国荒政书集成》(天津古籍出版社2010年版)所做序言略加修改而成。在充分借鉴国内外已有研究成果的基础上,作者对荒政书的内涵与外延作出新的界定,进而对清末民初以前中国荒政书的总目(包括现存、已佚及外人著译类)进行全面考订,同时从内容和形式两个方面较为系统地梳理了中国荒政书的编纂体系及其演进的脉络,对由此反映的中国救荒思想与救荒制度的延续与变动也做了概要性的论述,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Several studies of Mao's Great Famine based on archival material have appeared over the past few years. This article is less focused on the famine than on how existing responses to starvation were gradually eliminated in the years before the launch of the Great Leap Forward in 1958, as well as how covert acts of resistance offered some hope to villagers during Mao's Great Famine from 1958 to 1962. China, after all, was a country well attuned to famine, and coping mechanisms existed at all levels of society, starting from a variety of survival strategies adopted by the villagers themselves and reaching all the way to international interventions by organisations like the Famine Relief Commission. Few of these were left intact in the wake of the Communist conquest in 1949, as is seen in the first part of this article. On the other hand, villagers were quick to learn how to lie, charm, hide, steal, cheat, pilfer, forage, smuggle, trick, manipulate or otherwise outwit the state. During the Great Leap Forward, these covert means of resistance were often the population's only hope for survival in many parts of the country reeling under the impact of famine, as seen in part two.  相似文献   

"A classic case where out-migration interacted with many other geographical phenomena is provided by rural Ireland in the nineteenth century. The apparent turning point was the Great Famine of the 1840s, but the areas with the greatest suffering from starvation did not necessarily show the greatest population decline, suggesting that other forces were active. Considerable economic and social changes were already taking place before the Famine: fertility was being reduced, later marriage was becoming established and considerable emigration was already taking place. Immediately after the Famine those areas which had been hardest hit often reverted to pre-Famine conditions and did not show strong population decline until the 1870s. The Famine was a most serious event, but the modernization of Irish rural life, which linked emigration with changes in family structure, agriculture and population numbers, was more important in bringing about geographical change."  相似文献   

This article uses rural gazetteer biographies to examine village and household-level famine relief during the great North China Famine of 1876–9 to deepen our understanding of past relief methods and dynamics at the most local level. Despite the appearance of major works recently on famine in modern China, particularly on the Great Leap Forward, knowledge of Chinese famine relief remains thin and scattered considering the enormity of the subject. Nineteenth-century China saw intensifying international relief activity as well as the emergence of a vibrant charity-relief sector based in China's major cities, leading to the rise of prominent relief institutions in the twentieth century, such as the Chinese Red Cross. But the increasingly intense disasters of China's modern period also saw a surprising persistence of local humanitarian traditions still barely covered by historians.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Development and change》1995,26(2):375-400
Book reviewed in this article: John Friedmann, Empowerment: The Polities of Alternative Development. Charles P. Oman and Ganeshan Wignaraja, The Postwar Evolution of Development Thinking. David Booth (ed.), Rethinking Social Development: Theory, research and practice. Hubert Schmitz and José Cassiolato (eds), Hi-Tech for Industrial Development: Lessons from the Brazilian Experience in Electronics and Automation. Henk Hobbelink, Biotechnology and the Future of World Agriculture: The Fourth Resource. Alan Grainger, Controlling Tropical Deforestation. David Reed (ed.), Structural Adjustment and the Environment. Holger Bernt Hansen and Michael Twaddle (eds), Changing Uganda: The Dilemmas of Structural Adjustment and Revolutionary Change. John Osgood Field (ed.), The Challenge of Famine: Recent Experience, Lessons Learned. David Keen, The Benefits of Famine: A Political Economy of Famine and Relief in Southwestern Sudan, 1983–1989. Peter Utting, Economic Reform and Third World Socialism: A Political Economy of Food Policy in Post-Revolutionary Societies. Sylvia Chant (ed.), Gender and Migration in Developing Countries. Joseph Wronka, Human Rights and Social Policy In the 21st Century. Ismael Getubig Jr and Harry T. Oshima (eds), Towards Full Employment Strategy For Accelerated Economic Growth. Sunanda Sen, Colonies and the Empire: India 1890–1914. Nabendu Sen, India in the International Economy, 1858–1913: Some Aspects of Trade and Finance. Wouter van Ginneken (ed.), Government and its Employees, Case Studies of Developing Countries. John D. Kasarda and Allan M. Parnell (eds), Third World Cities: Problems, Policies, and Prospects. Jorge E. Hardoy, Diana Mitlin and David Satterthwaite, Environmental Problems in Third World Cities.  相似文献   

五四新化运动后,科学主义、科技兴国的思想在中国渐为流传,但如何付诸实践,这是一个尚待探索的问题。20世纪二三十年代,晏阳初先生在定县进行的平民教育运动体现了他利用科学技术改造中国农村的志向、总体构想和实践,真正体现了“五四”之后中国知识分子开始把国外先进的科学技术应用于农村的开拓精神。我们选择了猪种改良这个角度,考察平教会是如何踏踏实实地进行科技下乡、改造农村落后面貌的。我们认为,晏阳初的这一思想和实践具有重要的历史价值。  相似文献   

集体化时期广东省农村工业的发展历程说明:中国农村工业化的历史进程,不仅要注意到改革开放后乡镇企业的快速发展上,而且要考察集体化时期的农村工业化发展的历史。这其中包括:合作化与农村副业的兴起、社队企业与农村工业化的发展。全面梳理集体化和乡村工业之间的关系,能够为我们今天思索乡村的现代化之路提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Niall Ó Ciosáin 《Folklore》2013,124(2):222-232
Using the Irish Folklore Commission's centenary survey of local accounts of the Great Famine (1845–50), this article posits a tripartite taxonomy of collective memory: the “global,” the “popular” and the “local.” Global memory was structured by meta‐narratives, the explanatory accounts of the Famine derived from the Catholic Church and nationalist political organisations. Local memory dealt with named individuals and places. The intermediate level of popular memory drew on both the local and the global (although the Church's interpretation of the famine had proved more acceptable among the rural, landowning farmers who made up the majority of the Commission's informants), but also on folk narrative tradition to create a coherent system of representation in which motifs were replicated over a large area (and over time).  相似文献   

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