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Based on empirical research, this article examines the status, situations and development issues of rural women displaced by the monumental Three Gorges Project (TGP) in China. The study reveals that TGP resettlement is leaving women worse off as family members, as well as worse off than male members. Woman resettlers are more likely to become impoverished than men, partly because women make up the main labour force in agricultural sectors. Most women are unable to achieve occupational mobility in the process of resettlement. Fewer employment opportunities, a gender‐segregated labour market, low level of human capital and social prejudice are principal causes. Land provision for resettlers is inadequate with a lower quality of productivity. Marriage is a means for some women to remain in or move to the reservoir area to improve their socio‐economic status, but bias against granting of ‘resettler’ status to married women and their generally low levels of education and lack of occupational skills work against them. It is imperative that the authorities integrate a gender perspective into policy‐making and design of resettlement schemes.  相似文献   

This paper examines the debates over the decision to build the Three Gorges Dam, the subsequent flows of income to the firms involved in its construction, and the continuing implications of the dam for the Chinese space economy. The paper makes and justifies three claims. First, the construction project has been responsible for both dispossession and the formation of capital (primitive accumulation). But it is too simple to interpret the project as merely the face of modernity or development: proponents were reflecting traditional attitudes to bureaucracy and environmental management, whereas opponents sought liberalisation, marketisation, and opening up. It turns out that the concept of modernity, as a western programme introduced into China after the formation of the People's Republic, is of remarkably little value in understanding the construction of this dam. Secondly, the decision to build the dam reflects both structure and happenstance – particular political events and individuals were critical. Notably, the project shows few signs of having come into being to absorb over‐accumulated capital: mega‐projects like this do not have to satisfy any capitalist logic. Finally, I emphasise that such huge projects have long run effects on the structure of power in China – indeed, events at Three Gorges underpinned much of the later debate and struggle over dams on the Mekong, Salween, and Changjiang above Three Gorges.  相似文献   

A cursory attempt to measure the extent of displacement over the past two decades indicates significant increases in conflict‐induced displacement and displacement resulting from development projects. At the same time a growing opposition to the latter form of displacement has raised questions over its legitimacy through a variety of media, including public campaigns and protests. This article focuses on some of the challenges that this presents to the displacement and resettlement discourse. In particular it considers the influences of the rights to development agenda on the spatial context of displacement and its associated economic and political changes. There appears to be a disjuncture between the practices of mainstream development, which tend to interpret development policy as it is defined and applied by a nation state and to assess inequalities within clear geographical definitions, and the universality of a rights based approach to development. This article examines these tensions in the context of displacement and resettlement management, drawing on evidence from a case study of the Ilisu dam in South East Anatolia, Turkey.  相似文献   

“考古地理学”一词源于日本 ,近年被引入中国并在理论和方法上得以重建和实践。其要义是通过考古遗存来研究历史上的地理现象 ,揭示其演变规律。以三峡聚落为代表的人文景观 ,是自然动力和人为动力综合作用的结果。遗存的形态是考察之首 ,遗存的功能是研究之本。  相似文献   

三峡考古回顾与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本回顾了三十余年来在三峡地区开展的重要物调查、考古发掘工作及其相关的重要意义。并对“三星堆化”东进,巴化的西渐进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Since the Rio Conference of 1992, which declared the conservation of biodiversity and the creation of national parks to be priorities, resettlements resulting from conservation projects in Central Africa have been on the increase, as people living inside protected areas are relocated. Hardly any of these resettlements have been successful. There has been resistance to moving in the first place, and even returns to former villages inside the national parks. Resettlement is still the most common way to deal with people who happen to live in African national parks, but the risks which arise from these resettlements have led some scientists to rethink their position. This article focuses on the Congo River Basin. It reviews the only ‘official’ relocation programme in the region (Korup National Park, Cameroon) and evaluates different approaches of national parks in Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo (Brazzaville) and Gabon. The author uses the Impoverishment Risk and Reconstruction model introduced by Cernea to evaluate the risks faced by the resettled populations, and to elaborate some social and environmental guidelines to mitigate them.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the environmental measures co-financed by the European Union (EU) Structural Funds in the less-developed regions. Specifically, it studies if these environmental measures are tailored to the specific needs of the different regions and whether they are driven by an ecological modernization approach. The inclusion of environmental goals into the regional policy is also tested by analysing its connection with the main European environmental directives. We find a suitability of the regional programmes to the regional specific environmental factors, a scarce presence of the ecological modernization paradigm behind the programmes implementation and a clear orientation of the regional programmes to meet the EU legislation.  相似文献   

三峡地区土坑洞室墓初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本在分析三峡地区土坑洞室墓的基本特征与年代的基础上,通过与中国西北地区发现的洞室墓进行比较,认为土坑洞室墓是唐代晚期至北宋时期出现于三峡地区的一种重要化现象,它与中国西北地区同时期的洞室墓存在密切联系,可能是回鹘人的遗存,进一步证明了三峡地区古代化的复杂性和多样性。  相似文献   

索德浩 《江汉考古》2008,(1):96-103
因为三峡大坝建设的契机,峡江地区汉晋时期墓葬大量发现,其研究也获得了长足的进步,本文在全面搜集这些资料的基础上。对近年峡江地区汉晋墓葬考古发现和研究进行了总结,并对以后的发展方向提出一些个人的看法。  相似文献   

三峡地区次生堆积剖析的考古学实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、前言 在田野考古发掘过程中,经常遇到的地层学现象是“早期堆积在下面,晚期堆积在上面;晚期的堆积叠压或打破早期的堆积。”①但是,考古实践中也有与此相反的情况,即上文化层及遗物早于下文化层及遗物,呈现出一种与常规地层学相悖的现象。这就不能不引起我们的思考。  相似文献   

旅游环境容量调控系统的探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
田勇 《旅游科学》2000,(2):19-22
无序、失控的假日旅游客流对旅游业永续发展构成了深度危害。本初步探讨了旅游环境容量调控系统的构成、功能及其调控途径与手段。  相似文献   

为研究重庆地区三峡工程抢救性发掘出土了一批宋元时期青白瓷的产地,采用中子活化方法,分析了28枚三峡出土宋元时期的青白瓷残片和20枚时期相近、窑口已知的青白瓷残片,利用SPSS软件对上述样品胎体的微量元素数据进行统计分析.结果发现:江西产青白瓷的稀土元素含量与福建、安徽、湖北等地差异显著,而Rb、Cs、Hf、Th等微量元素含量也明显不同;三峡出土的青白瓷样品中,除编号为荣阳5和涂山窑5这两枚残片外,其余残片的元素特征与景德镇所产青白瓷颇为一致,拟断定这些青白瓷源自景德镇.  相似文献   

M1结构严谨,布局独特,石料加工规整,出有大型的石羊、石人俑。这种高级别的石室墓在三峡地区尚属首次发现,对研究三峡地区六朝早期社会历史、政治经济、埋葬习俗、墓葬结构具有重要意义。  相似文献   

朱顺龙  张珺 《华夏考古》2007,(1):143-152
近年来的考古发掘中出土的三峡地区的古代器物以石器、陶器等居多,而瓷器发现相对较少,导致相关的研究也比较滞后。本文即以复旦大学2001年对三峡麻柳沱的发掘为前提,综合三峡其他墓葬遗址所出材料,对三峡地区瓷器的起源、发展以及组成因素,三峡地区阶段性经济发展等问题作一个初步的探讨。  相似文献   

杨华 《东南文化》2007,(6):6-13
通过对三峡地区长江沿岸的考古发掘,发现了远古时期人类居住遗址的所处位置、海拔高度,尤其是遗址地层堆积中往往还叠压有洪水过后的淤积,根据这些洪水淤沙层的位置以及其上、下堆积层中包含物的年代,我们可推测出远古时期三峡地区长江发生洪水的大致年代,洪水水位的海拔高度,看看那时的河床究竟是比现在高、还是低,从而为当今人们治理长江、开发长江提供科学的证据。  相似文献   

石俊会 《四川文物》2006,20(3):64-70
本文利用出土的考古材料及目前所见的大宁河流域环境考古研究成果,在具体分析大宁河流域人类活动与自然环境之间相互关系的基础上得出结论:大宁河流域独特的自然地理环境及其变迁使得当地各个时期的人类主要是在沿河两岸优越的自然条件中生存和发展,人类在利用环境的过程中创造并发展了各个阶段灿烂的文化,同时也在不断地影响和改造着周围的环境,周围环境的改变不可避免地又反过来影响着人类活动及其创造的文化。  相似文献   

一、秦汉时期家族墓的一般情况关于家族墓的含义,可以徐苹芳先生的看法为代表:秦汉以来,随着封建制的巩固和发展,族葬墓地逐渐消失和改变,代之而起的是家族葬。在一个大墓地中,出现了若干不同姓氏的、以家族为单位的茔域。家族墓在古代文献中往往称塚(冢)次、先  相似文献   

刘慧 《四川文物》2009,(4):35-42
本文通过对考古所发现的长江三峡渔具和鱼类骨骼遗骸进行初步的统计和分析,将这一区域新石器时代的渔业生产分为东、西两大区,发现其在时间、空间、渔业资料及渔具等诸多方面均有差异.同时分析了三峡地区新石器时代经济结构的组成情况,指出渔业在当时的经济结构中占有重要的地位,尤其是在肉食资源的获取占有突出的地位.三峡地区渔业经济的繁荣与其较低的农业生产水平、丰富的渔业资源、相对独立的自然环境以及较高的渔业生产水平有关,研究渔业生产对认识三峡古代文化、经济结构与生计方式具有重要意义.  相似文献   

三峡考古发现表明,楚文化在西周中晚期就已经对巫山地区有一定的影响;到了春秋中晚期和战国早期,楚文化已经完全控制了瞿塘峡以东的巫山地区,并进而对奉节、云阳、万州等地区产生了一定的影响;战国中期晚段至战国晚期早段,楚文化深入到峡江腹地的忠县一带,控制了长江干流沿线的地区。楚文化的几次西进有其不同的历史背景,基本可以与一些重大的历史事件相契合。从楚文化在峡江地区的分布情况看,他主要起着控制交通、扼守战略要地,以及掠夺资源的作用。  相似文献   

为了发现文物展陈环境中潜在的微生物病害,为馆藏文物的预防性保护提供科学依据,结合传统的纯培养技术和基于细菌16SrRNA基因的PCR-DGGE(PCR-Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis)技术,综合分析博物馆小环境中可培养细菌的种属、数量及其时空动态变化特征。结果表明,博物馆小环境内可培养的空气微生物存在季节差异,在数量和多样性上均表现为夏季显著高于冬季,其主要优势菌群包括Acinetobacter sp.、Staphylococcus sp.、Pseudomonas sp.和Advenella sp.。此外,夏季空气的特征菌属为Acinetobacter sp.和Micrococcus sp.,冬季典型菌种为Bacillus sp.。  相似文献   

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