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We review the existing data sets for the production and consumption of copper-base objects at Indus sites, outline a working typology for metal objects, and provide new data from on-going analytical work on the copper assemblage from Harappa. The role of metals in the economic and social networks of the Indus tradition is examined in terms of patterns of use and technological style. We note that Indus metalsmiths apparently relied more on procurement of metal ingots or scrap than on primary ingot production through smelting, which would have affected other aspects of Indus metallurgy. Object production did not involve elaborate forms, but may have involved complex alloying. Finally, we conclude that there is no evidence for elite control of metal production, and that access to metals was relatively widespread.  相似文献   

The Scalar Production of Injustice within the Urban Forest   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nikolas C Heynen 《对极》2003,35(5):980-998
Research has recently argued, quite successfully, for a more dialectic appreciation of urban nature/society relations. Despite this progress, there is still the need to recognize that the social production of urban environments explicitly leads to uneven urban environments and environmental injustice. Environmental inequalities clearly exist within cities; when taking into account how environmental externalities play out at different scales, the degree to which something is unjust becomes less clear. This paper discusses how the scales at which socially produced urban forest externalities play out pose difficulties for considering environmental injustice. This issue, while interesting from the point of view of considering scalar nature/social dialects, also makes policy considerations for urban reforestation problematic as a result of the ways in which urban forests contribute to local/global ecological scenarios.  相似文献   

陈映婕 《民俗研究》2006,(4):222-234
饮食消费是人们生活方式1和消费结构中的重要组成部分,也是一类地方性知识。一定消费传统之下,持有特定饮食消费习惯的当地人选择什么原材料、在什么时候、什么地点食用、如何食用以及和谁一起食用等等,都体现着较浓的地方色彩。对食物的消费看似通常是人们为了保持最基本的生理生存需要,将可食用的物品吃光喝完消耗净的普通行为,最后似乎什么也没有剩下,一次消费结束后又要开始下一次的购买、制作和食用,这个过程对每一个人几乎每天都在周而复始。  相似文献   

JET-LIKE JEWELLERY, encompassing polished black stone arm-rings, bangles and bracelets, has not been subject to detailed study in Ireland for over 50 years. This paper refocuses attention on the archaeological evidence for the indigenous production of this type of jewellery in early medieval Ireland, with the aims of exploring its distribution and consumption, and its relevance to networks of social control and economic expansion. Using geospatial and stratigraphic interrogation of the archaeological record, and contemporary comparison with recent studies from Scotland, this article demonstrates a hitherto unrecognised level of complexity and diversity in the handling of this ubiquitous luxury item. Regional specialised production centres and separate distribution centres are identified, and while a focus on indigenous sources is apparent, this is not exclusive. Degrees of cooperation and exclusivity are suggested for ecclesiastical and secular social hierarchies.  相似文献   

李欣 《史学集刊》2012,(5):110-117
秦汉时期,木炭作为主要燃料之一,被广泛使用于民众生活以及手工业生产领域如冶金、制陶、煮盐等诸多方面。规模巨大的木炭用度,造成了林木资源的过度破坏,进而引发了严重的生态效应。两汉社会生态恶化以及自然灾害频发,与此有密切关联。  相似文献   

Distance and direction to source data were compiled on the main toolstones employed at 83 Paleoindian sites with concave-based points (ca. 11,000–10,000 B.P.) from across the recently deglaciated Great Lake-Northeastern area of North America. These data were used in order to more rigorously evaluate several much debated ideas about annual range mobility scale and land use patterns and how they changed over time as these groups colonized and settled into the area. Movements are significantly biased to north–south axes, strongly suggesting these represent mainly seasonal moves and procurement of toolstones during regular travels rather than by specialized task groups. Means of comparing the scale of range mobility to ethnographic norms are explored and the results clearly show that these groups, especially the earliest occupants, had large annual range mobility scales and distinctive patterns of land use that are rarely seen or approached historically. They had to have been intensively targeting widely spaced but relatively abundant resources on the landscape. The only ethnographic groups who come close to such patterns historically were all caribou hunters, a perspective consistent with the idea these groups regularly exploited that resource. As long suggested, these land use patterns are probably related to the colonization of new lands in which there were little or no existing populations.  相似文献   

工业革命前英国农业生产与消费再评析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
侯建新 《世界历史》2006,1(4):16-28
工业革命前英国农业生产与消费水平至今仍是一个有争议的问题。本文的基本观点是,高效农业是工业革命的基础,大众生活水准提高、劳动力价格上扬以及近代国内消费市场形成是工业革命的直接拉动力。作者系统梳理了中外资料,对工业革命前英国农业生产和消费水平再次进行剖析和评估,旨在说明英国农业经济的发展经历了漫长而扎实的孕育过程,工业革命的发生不是偶然的,主要也不是外力作用的结果,从而为有兴趣与《大分流》讨论的同仁提供西欧方面的参考数据。  相似文献   

In her seminal book, Philosophy and the State in France, Nannerl O. Keohane uncovered something close to a paradox: French absolutism bred a peculiar form of individualism that manifested disregard for civic involvement, yet by the eighteenth century the passive member of the ancient corporations moved without hesitation into participatory politics. The aim of this article is to clarify this apparent paradox. In order to do so, I revive the medieval dialectic between forum internum and forum externum that for more than a thousand years provided the foundation for individualism all across the Western world. One cannot understand the paradoxes that later will mark the French Revolution if one fails to take into consideration the almost obsessive focus on the forum internum and on the authenticity of the self coupled with a drive toward conformism and unity in the forum externum, which was already in place for more than a century before. Furthermore, one cannot understand why political representation as representation of individual wills was not at all appealing to the early modern Frenchmen. Given today's worrisome disaffection of the typical individual with the formalized political sphere, the dialectic of the two fora is worth reconsidering.  相似文献   

WiththeadventofthelateCenozoicEra,thelayofthehigh-landlakeschangedfrequentlyasaresultoftherisinRplateauandclimatechanges.WiththedisappearanceoftheTethysSeafromtheQinghai-TibetanPlateausome4Omillionyearsago,thehighlandlakesenteredanewperiodinevolution.TheformationoflakesonthehighlandsfoundontheQinghai-TibetanPlateaubegandur-ingtheOligoceneepoch(38-22mil-lionyearsago).Theevolutionaryperiodcanbedividedintothefollow-ingfourstages.-oligoceneEpochtoLateMioceneEpoch(38-7mya);whateMiocenetoEar…  相似文献   

In the two decades since Alexander Lockhart's seminal article on the insider–outsider dialectic in native socioeconomic development, a great deal of change has occurred in the Canadian North and new challenges have emerged for community‐based participatory research and development. This is particularly the case in the Northwest Territories, where Aboriginal communities are facing for the first time the triple challenges of Aboriginal land claims implementation, Aboriginal self‐government, and a boom in mining and petroleum development. Increasingly, participatory methods in research and community development are being co‐opted to serve state or corporate interests, far from their radical origins in movements for social change. A historical analysis is called for that accounts for the contradictory and contested social contexts in which participatory activities are imbedded. This article suggests that a return to the roots of the participatory method requires the creation of a new autonomous space of resistance. The academic outsider is uniquely positioned to facilitate critical interventions in both community and university contexts. The resulting convergence of critical outsider and insider has great potential in the forging of new knowledge that can contribute to self‐determination beyond the bounds of the state.  相似文献   

A collection of 30 ceramic samples, 16 of coarse wares and 14 of fine painted wares, have been investigated by optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and neutron activation analysis. Further samples of clayey sediments, both locally outcropping and found within the settling tank, have been submitted to the same analytical techniques for comparison with the ceramic collection. The results demonstrated that local clayey sediments were used as received for the production of coarse wares. The same raw materials were sieved and/or refined by decantation for the production of fine painted wares, which, in fact, provided results that were perfectly comparable with those for the clayey raw materials found within the settling tank. The Faragola productions were distinguished from the neighbouring Apulian productions according to petrographic features (the presence of leucite‐bearing volcanic rocks and Mn‐rich wads) and their bulk chemical composition.  相似文献   

A great deal of research on the Korean War has focused on the military, politics, economy and international affairs, and far less on the religious, particularly the Buddhist, perspective. The Korean War exerted a tremendous impact on institutional Buddhism, and consequently Buddhists were heavily involved. This paper examines the history of Chinese Buddhist participation in the "Resisting America and Assisting Korea Campaign" from Buddhist perspectives such as political propaganda, material donations especially the donation of the "Chinese Buddhist Airplane," and the enlistment of young monks into the People's Volunteer Army (the PVA). The paper will then look into social and political factors involved in Buddhist leaders' reinterpretation of Buddhist doctrines to justify participation in the campaign, as a response to the surge of patriotism in Chinese society. This kind of investigation may shed light on the relationship between institutional Buddhism and politics in the new socialist society of China after 1949.  相似文献   

The allocation of time by a part-time marketer between subsistence production and marketing links production and consumption decisions in a periodic marketing system. Distinctions between full- and part-time marketers are emphasized. The model of the part-time trader predicts changes in the time devoted to each activity and in outputs as relative prices change. Interpretations can be made regarding the amount of effort devoted to, and the rewards from, periodic marketing.  相似文献   

International Journal of Historical Archaeology - Control over the production and consumption of tej (honeywine) and the honey to produce it, was part of the political economy of the Abyssinian...  相似文献   

自然界蕴藏着很多令人难解之谜,如盛传世界各地的“湖怪”,则是最吊人胃口的大谜之一。英国尼斯“湖怪”,沸沸扬扬地传说了近一个世纪,世界各国的科学家们运用最先进的探测技术,进行了多年的连续追踪,其结果仍是“难见庐山真面目”。但尼斯镇却以那尚在虚无飘渺之中的“湖怪”为资源,发展很有创意的旅游产业,由此而富甲一方,这一点很值得我们借鉴和思考。  相似文献   

Skin ulcers of the lower leg are known to cause both destructive and, more commonly, bone‐forming lesions. Typically, bone‐forming lesions in this disorder have clearly defined margins although there may be extensive reactive bone formation involving much or all of the adjacent diaphysis. These lesions are best described in patients from tropical areas, and in these environmental contexts, these are known as tropical ulcers, but leg ulcers can be caused by a variety of diseases and conditions, of which vascular insufficiency plays an important role among the elderly. The lesions are important clinically because of the disability associated with the ulcer and because of complications that can develop including osteomyelitis and cancer. In most cases, the bone lesions caused by ulcer are easily diagnosed in archaeological human skeletal remains and provide some insight into the prevalence of this disorder in antiquity. In this paper, we review the gross and radiological manifestations of bone lesions resulting from overlying skin ulcer in tibiae of 13 cases including archaeological and modern medically documented skeletons. In two of the cases, there is medical documentation regarding the presence of a chronic ulcer on the lower leg. The objectives of this paper were to explore the diversity of bone lesions associated with ulcers of the tibia and to provide an improved basis for the diagnosis of this disorder in human skeletal remains. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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