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三川地处民和回族土族自治县南部80公里处的黄河北岸,海拔1650米-1950米,平均气温10℃,包括官亭、中川、杏儿、甘沟、前河、满坪六个乡镇,总面积500多平方公里,总人口12万,其中土族近5万人,居住着土、汉、回、藏、撒拉、东乡、保安等民族,属甘青两省五县交界之处,东与甘肃永靖县毗邻,南与甘肃临夏州积石山保安族东乡族撒拉族自治县隔河相望,西南与青海循化撒拉族自治县接壤,西北与化隆回族自治县相接.  相似文献   

马自毅 《安徽史学》2006,(5):122-125
1907年徐锡麟、秋瑾等人筹划皖浙联合起事,是辛亥革命史上革命党十次武装反清之一,除清末民初的各种记载外①,各相关档案详略不等地先后收入了1949年后编撰的<辛亥革命浙江史料选辑>、<辛亥革命浙江史料续辑>、<秋瑾研究资料>②等多种资料集.其中,中国史学会主编、上海人民出版社出版的中国近代史资料丛刊<辛亥革命>因编者权威、资料集中、检索方便等因素,数十年来是研究辛亥革命史或相关课题者不可或缺的主体资料.  相似文献   

<华夏地理>:这次中国工人绑架事件是在什么背景下发生的? 刘:近年来,中国与尼日利亚经贸合作的力度不断加大.进入该国的华人凭借勤劳与智慧,在当地的口碑和影响力不断提升,当然也难免会引起一些不法之徒的注意.  相似文献   

本文通过对范传正《唐左拾遗翰林学士李公新墓碑并序》所载"隋末多难,一房被窜于碎叶,流离散落,隐易姓名"等说的质疑和对相关地名的考实,证明李白的出生地不在中亚碎叶城,也不在哈密碎叶,而在今吐鲁番之地(故高昌城).  相似文献   

探云 《风景名胜》2016,(10):88-95
在非洲大陆的西北角,有这么一个奇妙国度,她四面“环海”:东南背靠撒哈拉大沙海,西临浩浩大西洋,北依地中海直布罗陀.她七彩缤纷,眩目多姿:从马拉喀什雕梁画栋的千姿百态到古城菲斯的天方夜谭,从卡萨布兰卡大清真寺的万般惊艳到梅克内斯的惊喜满途,从撒哈拉沙漠的漫漫黄沙到直布罗陀的天涯海角,更有舍夫沙万的梦幻蓝彩和艾西拉艺术小清新.毫不夸张的说,其万千姿彩绝对超出一般人的想象.  相似文献   

<正>2010年,随着黑龙江省志编纂工作的深入开展,许多分志已完成了送审稿。笔者通过审阅部分送审稿,发现有些志稿文字较长,对资料未进行科学的分类归纳,缺乏高度概括和浓缩,使得志稿不够精练。在记述上语言繁杂,语句不顺。笔者认为,  相似文献   

在皖北宿州市,距凤阳小岗村100多公里的地方,一个叫夏刘寨的村庄,又在上演“红手印”的故事,但这边的故事与当年为大包干而摁手印的小岗村农民恰恰相反,是把分出去的土地重新集中了起来,并且还办理了公证。此事经媒体报道后,引起了安徽省省长王金山的高度重视,随后他批下了“建设社会主义新农村需要更多的王化东”等足有500余字的重要指示,分管农业的副省长赵树丛也相应做了批示。从而,“夏刘寨模式”传遍全省,影响及于全国。  相似文献   

曾维华 《南方文物》2011,(4):99-105,88
清代后期多种钱币论著刊行于世,著录有称为秦代"权钱"的拓影。所谓"权钱",并非是流通货币,而是用于检验流通钱币是否符合标准的一种砝码,它取圆钱的形状,由古代官府铸造以防私铸劣钱。关于著录的"权钱",真假莫辨,研究者少有问津。曾维华教授从历史文献中看到,秦代铜钱并不存在所谓称量的说法。《睡虎地秦墓竹简·金布律》:"百姓市用钱,美恶杂之,勿敢异。"这个专门记载秦钱使用的律法,从根本上否认了这种"权钱"的存在。同时作者又从秦汉间"十"和"七"的不同写法,揭穿了"秦权钱"的虚假性,从而大胆否认了"秦权钱"的历史存在。宋代金石学经过元明的发展,清代进入了一个新阶段,范围不断扩大,其中的品类越来越多。好事者搜罗各种实物,加以描绘、捶拓取影,或加说明,编辑刊行,此类书的数量相当庞大。钱谱类书籍更是层出不穷,人们照谱识钱,作为觅钱之资。收藏古物从来是在雅俗之间,以欣赏、博物、怀古者为雅事,以居奇售卖者为俗态。只晚宋代起,贩售古物就夹杂假货,清代的假货多如牛毛,充斥市井。收藏家稍有疏忽,这类假古董就会混入,著录难免真伪杂陈。因而对于古代著录的古物,特别是清代以来的著录,研究者必先辨伪,此为头等大事。辨伪有文献证明、有考古实物验证,当然还有现代的科学技术手段。就这"秦权钱"而言,不仅理论上不能成立,字形上也有疑点,曾教授的文章已经论述透彻。但是有两点尚可以深入。其一,秦半两与汉五铢的钱形上有一个很大区别,秦半两钱无郭,汉钱有郭,如果"秦权钱"仿照秦钱,应是无郭,而著录却有郭。这个也是坊间伪造的过硬证明。其二,此类"秦权钱"并非全是作伪,那么它们不是"秦权钱",它应该是什么呢?其实在西汉陵山汉墓出土的实物,人们给了明确结论,这是"行乐钱"。那么在否定的同时应该适当的论述"行乐钱"的形制,这样,文章做到功德圆满了。  相似文献   

抗日战争期间国内一批知名学者随清华、北大、浙大、中大、山大等学校迁至西南三省,由张其昀、张荫麟,贺麟、钱穆、朱光潜、谢幼伟等发起,在后方创办《思想与时代》月刊,因这些发起人和所在的学校分散于昆明、成都、乐山、遵义等地,便把编辑部设在贵州遵义的国立浙江大学,由浙大史地系主任张其昀负主编责任,于1941年8月1日在贵州遵义出版第一期(如图).因在该刊撰文者皆是学界精英,在一定程度上反映了当时国内人文社科学术研究的动态和水平,所以刊物出版后颇受欢迎,曾在全国学界风靡一时,影响极为深远.  相似文献   

所谓禅茶一味,茶与佛历来有着密切的关系.又是一年春季来到,茶树蓬勃的嫩芽,经采撷、炒制,又幻化为一季的好茶了.而在佛教名山浙江千佛山,就辟有茶园,种植有茶树. 早年间,在这灵气逼人的玄妙佛境,有零星的野茶树散落在丛林间、秀水旁、云端里,在千佛山修禅的僧侣们亲手将这些野茶采撷收集后制作成佛茶饮用.不知是不是这些吸取天气之精华的茶叶具有了佛性,常年饮用这些佛茶的僧侣们个个身体强健,无病无疾,而且肤色细腻红润,光洁透亮,令人惊奇和艳羡.  相似文献   

Chinese local gazetteers (difangzhi) have been long recognized as an important primary source for the study of local history. Since the 1990s, in addition to projects to publish provincial, city, and county gazetteers, local gazetteers for villages, city districts, and city neighborhoods and streets (jiedao) have also been compiled. This paper focuses on one particular genre of these newly emerged local gazetteers, the city sub-district gazetteer or street gazetteers (jiedaozhi). We track their development, and discuss their characteristics and their research value for Chinese studies. We show that jiedaozhi open windows into grassroots society in urban areas, which may stimulate new research directions in Chinese studies.  相似文献   

地方志是宋代州府长官任职期内重要的施政参考和教化工具。宋代知州知府多兼具学者、文人身份,他们为当地方志从纂修到出版提供有力的物质支持,也以不同方式亲自组织或参与方志纂述,凭借权力取得了当地方志纂述活动中的主导地位,并借此增进与地方士人的合作交流。知州知府的参与是宋代图经、方志发展兴盛的一个重要原因,同时促进了当时方志纂述中两大特色的形成:一是宋代方志具有较高的文献价值;二是方志中"史家意识"的流露,从而出现州府长官代代续修一志的历史现象。  相似文献   

Identity is one of the most important matters in social theory, especially in recent decades. Identity is a fluid phenomenon which forms in the process of every day activities. Individuals get practical knowledge of society to do intentional practices. They operate actively in identitizing process. Gender identity is one of important dimensions of individual identities constituting in social relations to others. Different socio-economic classes experience different social relations and engage in different identity processes. This research studies the formation process of feminine identity in the process of marriage (in contrast with the concept of virginity) in lower socio-economic classes of Bam. Body as site of identity and focus of close contact between agency and structure becomes the object of various changes and with creating difference-especially within group differences-distinguishes individuals from one another. Cultural materials is used intentionally in this process. The research is based on finds of “Bam Contemporary Archaeology Project: Excavation in Disastrous Layers”. Six collapsed houses ruined by 2003 earthquake have been excavated. Meshkani House which is represents low socio-economic class is the focus of research. The research take an archaeological approach (reconstructing behavioral patterns of individual and societies base on material culture) investigating gender structure and gender sociability processes in Bam, Iran. The sites being contemporary, has created an extended range of facts. In some cases for better understanding of the context, local people were interviewed .The information from “Disaster Ethno-archaeology Project of Bam” was also used in this study.  相似文献   

The Song Dynasty is the most important period in Chinese history in terms of the establishment of a new type of clan system. During the Song, Chinese social organization, at the grass-roots level, experienced a fundamental change. In the wake of the late-Tang collapse of the local power system, it was necessary for the Song to replace the ancestral lineage structure and develop a new system to adapt itself to the new circumstances brought on by drastic changes in its economy. Song Confucians played a vital part in the changes. Not only did they gradually solve the theoretical problems of the new type of clan organization, but they also developed many feasible and standard models. Eventually this model would gain even wider acceptance after the Yuan Dynasty with the rise of Neo-Confucianism. Thus, ancestral halls, serving as the major centers for the new clan activities, became prevalent among common people. Translated from Anhui Shifan Daxue Xuebao 安徽师范大学学报 (Journal of Anhui Normal University), 2006, (3): 322–327 This paper is part of a National Social Science Fund project, Research on Chinese Folklore History (Song and Yuan Volume, You Biao, ed.)  相似文献   

Zougong, the most important local deity at Sibao, Tingzhou Prefecture, was worshipped by local villagers at least from the Yuan and the Ming dynasties on. The Zou lineages in the area regarded Zougong as their common ancestor. Existing literature usually identifies Zougong as Zou Yinglong, a zhuangyuan in the Southern Song Dynasty. However, such identification appeared only in the late Ming period when local elites of several Zou lineages consciously tried to unite and consolidate their lineages. Before that, Zougong was a mighty ritual master in a series of magic contest stories popular at Tingzhou, rather than a zhuangyuan. The change of his identity from ritual master to zhuangyuan was a result of convergence of Taoist tradition, gentry culture and local culture, which may be called “cultural hybridization,” rather than a simple process by which local culture gave way to gentry culture. Translated by Zhou Weiwei from Lishi Yanjiu 历史研究 (Historical Research), 2007, (3): 72–87  相似文献   

The changing status of moxibustion therapy in folk medicine from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty is a reflection of the distribution situation of popular medical resources during these periods. As a feasible therapy with a large popularity, moxibustion played a crucial role in the Tang Dynasty. The Song Dynasty saw some social development as well, because it was an active state power and social force in medical activities. Therefore, people at the lower class gradually benefited from decoction and acupuncture treatments, and the status of the moxibustion therapy began to decline. The changing status of moxibustion therapy in different dynasties embodies the changes in technology and the quality of life. Translated by Chen Cheng from Tsinghua daxue xuebao 清华大学学报 (Journal of Tsinghua University), 2006, (1): 62–74  相似文献   

地方志作为重要的文献资料,其价值已为人所共知。但如果将它作为文本观察对象,地方志体例的完型及以地方为书写单位的特征是需要进行必要分析与定位的。宋代地方志编纂中,体例由图而志,这一转变表明由文字书写出"地方"或者说将岩石、山川等自在之物在人的经验世界中通过文字生产出来,成为方志重要的表达方式。方志中的"地方"不仅是书写单位,而且也使得每一个地理环境成为一个文本环境。为了构建出"地方",宋代方志形成了较为一贯并且分门别类的框架系统,同时,每一门类又被赋予了价值标准,如此,地方志中的地方社会图式就被传递和构建出来。  相似文献   

人物是方志记述的重要内容,明代对方志编纂极为重视,对入志人物不仅有明确的原则要求,而且在有关修志的规定中更为具体详细,[万历]《杭州府志》在这方面具有典型性意义。本文通过对[万历]《杭州府志》人物记述的剖析,从体例、方法和文献价值几个方面,探讨了明代方志关于人物记述的特点。  相似文献   

From the late Qing Dynasty to the Republican period, there was a transition on the understanding of the relationship between China as a state and its localities. Local and national consciousness generally supported each other but were in conflict at times. In this essay the author intends to explore the reasons and influences of the Sichuan people’s criticism of the Chuanxing suoji (Rambling Notes on Sichuan) letter written by Chen Hengzhe, and analyze the interplay between local and national consciousness in the early days when the Nanjing government controlled Sichuan. The uproar caused by the article also showed the gap between mainstream intellectuals and peripheral intellectuals. __________ Translated from: Sichuan Daxue Xuebao Zhexue Shehui Kexue Ban 四川大学学报: 哲学社会科学版 (Journal of Sichuan University, Social Science Edition), No.1, 2004  相似文献   

The legislation on public health was almost vacant in traditional China; however, related concepts and activities of local governments and communities helped maintain ecological balance. Since the reigns of the Emperor Jiaqing and Daoguang, Jiangnan has witnessed drastic changes in her society and environment, and has saw the advent of western civilizations. Scholars advocated the government administration to deal with the public health, and thus transferred the public health from individual activities which were free from external influence and destitute of specialized management to systematic and organized conducts which were in charge of governments at various levels. Translated by Chen Dan from Qingshi yanjiu 清史研究 (Studies in Qing History), 2006, (2): 12–26  相似文献   

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