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史前聚落与考古遗址   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考察史前聚落必须以史前遗址为依据,但两者在文化内涵、时间和空间概念上存在很大差异,以遗址考察聚落有其它学科不可拟的优势,但也有一定的局限性。  相似文献   

尉迟寺史前聚落遗存的微观考察与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王吉怀 《文物世界》2005,(2):10-17,33
20世纪80年代末,随着黄淮地区考古学大课题的确立[1],随着安徽淮北地区新石器时代遗址的考古调查[2],随着蒙城尉迟寺史前聚落遗址连续13次的发掘[3],黄淮地区的史前考古研究也随之活跃起来。同时,根据尉迟寺遗址的史前建筑资料,又把聚落考古的研究推到了一个崭新的阶段。20世纪  相似文献   

程玲 《南方文物》2015,(2):94-98
<正>珠江三角洲位于我国南海北岸,岭南中南部区域,主要是由西江、北江、东江、潭江、流溪河等河流携带的泥沙在海湾内堆积而成,它形成于海陆交接的过渡地带,是对气候和海洋环境变化最敏感的区域。这种"衔接海陆"的地理环境决定了海洋对珠江三角洲史前文化和聚落形态具有重要影响,是我国史前海洋文化发育的重要分区之一1。通过考察在全新世不同时期的环境背景下,珠江三角洲史前海洋聚落的宏观分布形态,探讨海洋聚落的分布格局与海洋  相似文献   

史前水井的考古学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王涛 《文博》2001,(2):28-34
水是生命之源,如果没有水,人类的生活、生产都将无法进行。而作为人类获取水资源的重要途径之一,水井的出现具有十分重要的意义,标志着人类开始一定程度地摆脱了地表自然水资源的束缚,在生产生活中能够更好地利用水资源。学术界对此甚为关注,不断从传说资料、文献记载、考古发现诸方面探讨水井的起源、功用以及凿井技术等问题,加深了人们对史前水井的认识。本文拟在前人研究的基础上,从聚落形态、地理环境等因素入手,对史前水井进行较为系统的考察,以期更加客观地认识其功能与意义。  相似文献   

长江三角洲的史前环境   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文系统论述了晚更新世末期以来至有文字记录的历史之前长江三角洲地区的环境和史前文化的互动关系。  相似文献   

中原史前聚落分布与特征演化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中原地区的史前聚落有2000余处,有丘岗台地型、河谷阶梯型、平原台地型等几种.在不同的区域,聚落类型有所不同,大致可分为五大区域.以防御设施的有无为标准,中原史前聚落可分为初步发展期的聚落即少有防卫设施的聚落,快速发展期的聚落即环壕聚落以及嬗变期的聚落即城垣聚落群.  相似文献   

艾亮  毛龙江  方勤  王辉 《南方文物》2023,(4):245-252
江汉地区的石家河是长江中游地区迄今发现面积最大、持续时间最长的新石器时代聚落。本文以史前的石家河聚落作为研究对象,从区域、流域和遗址三个尺度,通过实地考察、遥感影像分析,并结合区域环境考古学的研究进展,探讨了石家河聚落形成的地貌背景。以此为基础,对相关人地关系问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

大洪山南麓发现的史前遗存不仅数量多、保存好,而且价值高、影响大,是国内外学界广泛关注的探讨中华文明进程的重要热点区域之一.2008年,通过大洪山南麓以石家河为中心的区域进行的系统调查显示,在约150平方公里的区域内集中分布73处史前遗址,我们选择文化堆积单纯的遗址作为基本参数分析聚落规模级差,进一步丰富了我们对于该区域聚落形成发展及变化的认识,并借此加深对大洪山南麓以石家河为中心的史前聚落的数量、规模、年代、文化内涵、分布及其关系等方面的认识,提供分析以石家河古城为核心的聚落形成与发展过程的基础性资料,进而推动该区域文明进程的研究.  相似文献   

史前聚落围沟是一种与聚落环壕、城址城壕有很大区别的聚落设施,中国史前聚落围沟许多特点在时间上、空间上存在一种由南向北逐步推进演变的历史现象,其形成发展既受制于自然环境;又受到人为与社会原因的制约。  相似文献   

本文以大量的考古发掘及调查资料为依据,结合历史地理学与环境考古学资料,对中国史前城址进行了较为系统的整理和分类。将50余座城址分别划归六个地区,并从地理位置、面积、平面形状、筑城技术、年代及考古发现等方面对各城址进行讨论,总结了各地区史前城址的特点。根据城址位置,将其分为四种类型:缓岗类、台地类、山城类、水城类。以城址的分类为基础,总结出中国史前城址在选址方面普遍遵循的原则,地势稍高,邻近水源与河、湖岸边,周围自然生态环境比较优越。  相似文献   

山东史前乐器初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
何德亮 《中原文物》2003,2(4):14-23
本文主要根据最近几年山东地区的田野考古资料,对发掘中出土的一些史前时期的陶鼓、笛柄杯、陶响器、陶(骨)哨、陶号角、陶铃、陶埙等乐器作了介绍,并就与此相关问题进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

唐启翠 《华夏考古》2012,(1):47-53,62
为了探索正在急剧消失的成都平原"林盘"聚落形态与史前聚落的关系,本文借由聚落考古与环境考古,比较集中地综览了平原上史前各聚落城址之间的历时性共性,对史前城址聚落群与成都平原的地貌、水系、文化习尚、宗教信仰等关系的研究,以及各聚落城址的内部特征予以研究述评,以求探究成都平原上这种"林盘"聚落形态与史前聚落城址及水的关系。  相似文献   

郭敏 《中原文物》2007,37(2):25-31
依据考古发掘和文献资料,认为史前先民对头部的装饰手法多种多样,这在一定程度上反映了早期人类审美意识及淳朴的原始宗教信仰的多样化,同时也说明了古人对美的追求并非有了丰厚的物质条件才萌生的。  相似文献   

Kuruçay Höyük can be considered a key site for our understanding of Late Prehistory in southwest Turkey and above all, the poorly known Late Chalcolithic (4200–3100 b.c.). Until now, limited research has been conducted on the relationship between the excavated site and its surrounding. This article discusses the Late Chalcolithic results of an integrated survey in the vicinity of Kuruçay Höyük in the Burdur Plain. Drawing upon these results, this paper illustrates that the site was far from an isolated feature during the 4th millennium b.c. The picture that emerges is one of a differentiated settlement system consisting of both larger höyük/tell settlements (like Kuruçay Höyük) and smaller sized, possibly short-lived, flat settlements. These results are further contextualized within the developments that took place in the region during the Chalcolithic, which seem to have opened the door for communities to become more complex during the Early Bronze Age.  相似文献   

Investigation of shallow‐marine environments for submerged prehistoric archaeology can be hampered in many localities by extensive bedrock exposure and thus limited preservation potential. Using the concept of ‘seamless archaeology’ where land‐based archaeology is integrated across the intertidal zone through to the offshore, a multi‐disciplinary approach is essential. This approach taken in the Bay of Firth, Orkney uses geophysics, historical archive and ethno‐archaeology, coastal geomorphology, palaeo‐environmental analyses and sea‐level science, and allows a clearer understanding of the landscape in which prehistoric settlers lived. While acknowledging the limitations of the preserved environment, we are successful in identifying areas of archaeological potential on the sea‐bed for both upstanding structural elements as well as sediment preservation that contains evidence for human occupation. This has wider implications beyond Orkney's World Heritage sites to provide a blueprint for similar studies elsewhere in the coastal zone. © 2012 The Authors  相似文献   

在田野考古及聚落研究实践中,解剖性发掘是十分必要的。无论是各类遗迹的地上设施还是地下部分,都需要从未知的角度实施解剖性清理,这样才有可能获取有关埋藏过程与堆积特点方面的信息和证据。  相似文献   

新疆史前时期考古学的研究,已经取得一批丰富的考古材料和科研成果。本文尝试概括1949年以来新疆史前时期考古学研究,进行一个研究历程的文献综述。就新疆史前时期的考古学研究文献进行梳理,具体考察新疆史前时期的考古学研究成果。试图了解当前新疆史前时期考古学研究的现状、特点,对未来的研究工作提出建议和展望。  相似文献   

This article surveys archaeological work of the last decade on the Greek Bronze Age, part of the broader discipline known as Aegean prehistory. Naturally, the literature is vast, so I focus on a set of topics that may be of general interest to non-Aegeanists: chronology, regional studies, the emergence and organization of archaic states, ritual and religion, and archaeological science. Greek Bronze Age archaeology rarely appears in the comparative archaeological literature; accordingly, in this article I place this work in the context of world archaeology, arguing for a reconsideration of the potential of Aegean archaeology to provide enlightening comparative material.  相似文献   


We report a study in which we systematically reviewed the recent literature dealing with human-environment interaction in prehistory. We first identified the 165 most highly cited papers published between 2005 and 2015. We then identified the major research themes covered in the sample of papers and assessed whether the themes fall into clusters and/or vary greatly in popularity. Subsequently, we identified potentially important lacunae. Our review identified dozens of themes and four major clusters: 1) improving our reconstructions of past environments; 2) the impact of climate change on past human societies; 3) human adaptation to past environmental conditions; and 4) human impacts on past environments. We also identified several gaps that led us to make a number of suggestions for future work. One is to pay more attention to the epistemology of causality. A second is to take into account nonlinearity when considering causal relationships. A third is to study the impact of chronological uncertainty on analyses. Lastly, our review revealed that there are differences between the aspects of human-environment interaction in prehistory that interest scholars and those that interest policy-makers and the general public. This needs to be addressed for obvious reasons.  相似文献   

渭水流域的史前陶窑可分为老官台文化、仰韶文化半坡期、庙底沟期、西王村期和龙山时代五个时期.从形制上来看,渭水上游地区的陶窑均为横穴式,接近于渭水中下游地区的仰韶文化半坡和庙底沟期陶窑.渭水上游地区始终保持着以红陶为主的文化传统,而渭水中下游地区仰韶文化之后的庙底沟二期文化和客省庄二期文化,却一改红陶作风而大兴灰陶.陶窑结构和技术的改变可能是导致渭水上游和中下游地区自龙山时代开始陶器颜色发生变化的根本原因.  相似文献   

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