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李加福 《神州》2020,(5):1-4
公路的一头通向城关,另一头通向梓树街。森夕出现在公路上的时候,有一辆自行车刚好通过,自行车的后边有一个装冰棒的箱子——那人是一个卖冰棒的。森夕情不自禁地摸了摸兜,贴身衣兜里有一块钱,毫无意外,那一块钱还在。他知道冰棒只要五分钱一支,所以没有经过太多的思想斗争,就对已经骑过去二十多米的那个戴草帽的人喊道,我要买一支冰棒。自行车就停下了,森夕小跑着过去,从兜里摸出那块钱递过去。森夕看到那人戴着一顶破旧泛黄的草帽,草帽下边是一张黝黑的脸,白色的草帽带子脏得流油几乎变成了黑色,顺着耳边往下在下巴上打了个结。那人下巴上长了一个痦子,有一小撮毛从痦子上脱颖而出,这给森夕留下了深刻的印象。就在这时,森夕注意到那人的眼珠子很微妙地转动了一下,他说,我没有零钱找你。森夕便不知道怎么办了,犹豫了片刻,他说,那你就明天再给我吧,我每天都经过这里,我每天都上山砍柴。森夕看到那人笑了,笑得很憨厚,他说,行,我明天再找给你,我也每天都经过这里。  相似文献   

鸢尾 《世界》2013,(8):92-97
山光水景、花繁叶绿,上世纪的加州艺文大师们在卡梅尔营造了一个雅痞小城。今天,这里的自然、典雅和“守镇有度”依然叫人沉迷。只要到过卡梅尔,没有人不爱上它,恨不得长住于此。  相似文献   

卡门 《世界》2008,(11):15-15
男人旅行,Crocs鞋、一次性内裤,只要方便,怎么都好:而女人,则多半抱有作秀的小小私心,即使在大漠孤烟、山水乌兽之前。于是,往行李箱里塞最后一件东西的时候,男人大多在想,是不是还可以放进一盒套套:女人则想,可不可以把刚买的那双高跟鞋也带上。  相似文献   

Miaka  张超 《世界》2007,(10):31-35
十月去南欧 应季扔掉你的高跟鞋扔掉你的矜持解开我的格子衬衣 解开你的保守 让华丽装载你的行李箱  相似文献   


2003年,国际女子职业网联赛(WTA)总裁拉里·斯科特在温布尔登约见了16岁的莎拉波娃和她的家人,当时在职业赛场初试身手的莎拉波娃世界排名92位。那次会面是讨论女子巡回赛的年龄限制——莎拉波娃可以打多少场比赛,规则是什么……“会面结束后,我非常清楚地意识到,这个16岁的小姑娘总有一天会进入世界前五名。”  相似文献   

国家首领的聪明和愚笨、公正和残酷是很难迅速分辨的,但他是否刚猛健硕.倒是一眼就能看出。欧洲君主的金冠和印第安首领的羽毛头饰,不仅能显示富有和权势.还能弥补其身高不足。身高仅156米的路易十四就爱穿高跟鞋.戴蓬松的假发。  相似文献   

赵征 《古今谈》2005,(1):44-46
2004年春节过后,一位满头白发的老人来到杭州我家里,一见面他就紧紧握住我的手,动情地说:“我一定要来看看赵福鑫的儿子……你父亲是个好同志,他牺牲时很年轻,太可惜了!”我心头一热,一下子就热泪盈眶,说:“能够见到父亲抗日时期的战友,我心里不知多高兴!”  相似文献   

上海塌楼成旅游新景点 6月27日,上海市闵行区莲花河畔景苑一栋在建楼房整体倒塌。但所有的玻璃却奇迹般地完好。此事引发社会巨大关注。辽宁某正规旅行社借势推出了“华东五市+乌镇,赠送上海倒塌楼房,双飞六日游”线路,离开上海返回沈阳前最后一天的行程安排,就是参观上海倒塌楼房。这一线路被网民称为“史上最雷人的旅游线路”。随后,这家旅行社停止了“塌楼游”。  相似文献   

During 1953 through 1979 estimated, the U.S. economy has exhibited a roller-coaster economic performance–six periods of inadequate upturn, stagnation, and recession, with a chronic rise in unemployment because each upturn at its peak has tended to leave us with more unemployment than the previous one. During the period as a whole, we have forfeited 7.1 trillion 1978 dollars in GNP and 80.8 million years of civilian employment opportunities, and consequently lost about 1.8 trillion dollars in public revenues at all levels, with severe neglect of national priorities, and chronically rising Federal Budget deficits. This sorry record is due primarily to reliance upon a “trade-off” between unemployment and inflation. But empirical evidence for more than a quarter century has demonstrated that inflation rises as unused capabilities increase and vice versa. The annual inflation rate during the first half of 1979 exceeded 13 percent despite recession; it ranged from 1.6–3.0 percent during periods close to full employment. We now need thorough reconstruction of national economic policies, including abandonment of (1) the unemployment-inflation “trade-off,” (2) attempts to balance the federal budget at the expense of the economy and the people, (3) the prevalent monetary policy with soaring interest rates, and (4) excessive reliance on tax reductions in lieu of increased public outlays or investment. These changes would replace improvised and frequently conflicting national economic policies with comprehensive and coherent efforts. All this is in accord with the Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978  相似文献   

In his 1998 book Heterocosmica: Fiction and Possible Worlds, Lubomír Dole?el put forth a theory of narrative fiction based on the interdisciplinary framework of possible worlds. In Possible Worlds of Fiction and History: The Postmodern Stage, Dole?el takes his earlier theory further and applies it to historiography as well, with the specific aim of showing how the study of history might be defended against the postmodern challenge via the use of possible worlds (PW) semantics. Dole?el's book is essentially an argument against the postmodern views expressed by Roland Barthes and Hayden White, who have claimed that fundamentally, there is no difference between fictional and historical narratives. According to Dole?el, this difference can be saved if the focus of attention is shifted from the textual features of these narratives to the fictional or historical worlds that the narratives project. Dole?el's comparison of fictional and historical worlds to each other is quite illuminating and thorough. However, the question remains whether the application of PW semantics does anything besides offering a detailed analysis of the structure of the different types of narrative worlds. After all, one should not overlook the perhaps more practical way of differentiating between historical and fictional narratives through their institutional status. Furthermore, we argue that by focusing on the properties of the end products, that is, the resulting narratives, Dole?el concedes too much to postmodernists. A stronger way to give postmodernists a taste of their own medicine would be to argue that the rules that historians follow in the process of generating, constructing, and evaluating weighed causal explanations (or historical models of the past) are fundamentally different from whatever rules govern the generation and construction of fiction.  相似文献   

HIGHCOMMISSIONERSDuringtheQingDynasty(16441911),theCentralGovernmentstationedmorethan100highcommisionerswereinTibet.Manydist...  相似文献   

We consider a new objective function for the placement of a public facility with reference to variations in accessibility : the minimization of the range between the maximal and the minimal distances to users. Some properties of the solution are given; algorithms for the Euclidean and rectilinear distance cases are presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The paper applies an inventory model to the standard Weber-Moses location-production problem. By setting the problem within a time framework, costs are seen to be incurred by both the holding of goods and the shipment of goods. The optimum location of the firm is seen to depend not only on transportation costs and the nature of the firm's production function, but also on the value of the materials being shipped. Under these conditions there is no homogeneous solution to the Weber-Moses problem. Furthermore, it is shown that the value added at the point of production is the primary factor which governs the optimum location of the firm.  相似文献   

<正>尼泊尔之旅终于成行,很庆幸自己的选择,没有错过喜马拉雅山南麓的这个神秘国度。出团通知书中提示到,在成都办理乘机手续时可换成靠右舷窗的机位,以便观赏珠峰。心想千万不要错过俯瞰喜马拉雅山的机会,可不如人意,只有想办  相似文献   

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