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it is widely supposed that urban house price inflation has recently put ownership beyond the reach of many potential home buyers. In fact, between 1974 and 1982 this was not uniformly the case in Canada's three largest cities. Homeownership rates declined in Vancouver, held steady in Toronto, and increased in Montreal. In Montreal all social classes shared in an ownership boom. In Toronto, the middle class fared well, blue-collar workers rather poorly. In Vancouver, blue-collar workers held their own, but the middle class lost ground. Everywhere the relative position of the self-employed declined. The geographical impact of house price inflation has been variable while the social and political implications merit study. There is a need for synthetic studies of specific cities.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore some of the issues relating to place, identity, and ideology in Margaret Atwood's third novel, Lady Oracle, first published in 1976. Simply, Lady Oracle relates the story of the writer Joan Foster as she struggles to come to terms with her multiple identities. In so doing, the novel depicts some of the many social and spatial changes taking place in Toronto from the 1940s to the 1970s. Herein we focus on the representations of home and city, and how Joan's search for identity is embedded in the reconfiguration of these geographical spaces and places. Home assumes negative connotations as it is associated both with the suburbs and with a mother who relinquished her own needs and desires for motherhood. The city, on the other hand, is an ambiguous landscape; we suggest, however, that it is precisely this ambiguity that encourages and permits Joan to explore alternative identities. By way of conclusion, we will point to some of the novel's assumptions and silences. Dans cet article, nous examinons comment Lady Oracle (le troisième roman de Margaret Atwood, publié pour la première fois en 1976) traite les questions de place, d'identité et d'idéologie. Simplement, Lady Oracle ra- conte l'histoire de l'ecrivain Joan Foster, qui rencontre des difficultés d se reconcilier avec ses identities multiples. En même temps, le roman dépeint les transforma- tions sociales et spatiales A Toronto entre les annees quarante et les annees soixante-dix. Ici, nous portons principalement sur les représentations de la maison et de la ville, et comment la reconfiguration de ces places et espaces géographiques est integree à I'enquéte pour une identité entreprise par Joan. ‘La maison’ acquiert des connotations negatives, vue qu'elle est associee a la fois aux banlieux et à une mere qui renonce à sa propre volonte et à ses propres besoins pour se vouer à la maternite. Par contre, la ville est un paysage equivoque: nous proposons cependant que c'est precisement cette equivocation qui permet à Joan d'explorer des nouvelles identites. Enfin, nous examinerons les presuppositions et les silences du roman.  相似文献   

SPACE,SCALE AND LOCALITY*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SIMON DUNCAN  MIKE SAVAGE 《对极》1989,21(3):179-206
The importance of spatial variations for social behaviour has recently been re-established in social theory. But, paradoxically, space does not exist in the sense of being an object that can have properties and effects. How, then, are these two axioms to be reconciled? Recent attempts to solve this question have been centred around the concept of ‘locality’. In this paper we subject this concept to critical evaluation. First, we consider in abstract terms the way in which spatial variation affects social phenomena. Subsequently, we discuss the implications of this, focusing around the use of ‘locale’ and ‘local labour market’ as operationalisations of ‘locality’. Next, we review and comment on the debate on locality in the light of this discussion. The upshot is that locality is shown to provide an inadequate conceptual scheme for dealing with spatial patterning.  相似文献   

Although net natural increase accounts for slightly more than half of the over-all growth in the population of Metropolitan Toronto between 1966 and 1971, the redistribution of the 1966 population and the addition of people from outside the metropolitan area are more important in understanding spatial variations in population change. Longer-term residents have tended to move away from the inner municipalities, but the pattern of a suburbanizing population has been obscured by the tendency of recent immigrants to reside in the inner areas.  相似文献   

Over the years 1847 to 1881, as Montreal industrialized, the rate of homeownership declined from 31.6 per cent to 14.7 per cent. From a selection of occupations representative of social classes, it is shown that the large working class was dispossessed, while homeownership increased among the bourgeoisie. Distinctive occupational profiles are reported for homeowners, absentee owners, and resident owners of duplexes and their tenants.
Au cours de la période d'industrialisation des années 1847 à 1881, Montréal est devenue une ville de loca-laires. Le pourcentage de propriétaires-occupants a chuté de 3 7,6 pour cent à 14,7 pour cent. A partir d'un èchantillon des occupations qui caractérisent chaque classe sociale, on découvre que chez les ouvriers le taux a fortement diminué, alors que dans la bourgeoisie il a augmenté. On trace le profil socio-professionnel de plu-sieurs catégories de propriétaires et de locataires, en dis-tinguant le propriétaire-occupant du non-occupant, I'habitat unifamilial du duplex.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to critically examine the notion that the creative class may or may not play as a causal mechanism of urban regeneration. I begin with a review of Florida's argument focusing on the conceptual and theoretical underpinnings. The second section develops a critique of the relationship between the creative class and growth. This is followed by an attempt to clarify the relationship between the concepts of creativity, culture and the creative industries. Finally, I suggest that policy-makers may achieve more successful regeneration outcomes if they attend to the cultural industries as an object that links production and consumption, manufacturing and service. Such a notion is more useful in interpreting and understanding the significant role of cultural production in contemporary cities, and what relation it has to growth.  相似文献   

Creativity is central in stimulating economic growth in cities, regions and advanced capitalist economies in general. There is, of course, no one-to-one relation of the number of firms in creative industries to economic growth. Innovation is a key mechanism explaining the relationship of creative industries with economic performance. Based on an empirical study in the Netherlands we explore the effect of creative industries on innovation, and ultimately on employment growth in cities. In the Netherlands the three specific domains of creative industries - arts, media and publishing, and creative business services - make up 9 per cent of the business population. Drawing on survey data we find that firms in creative industries are indeed relatively innovative. Yet substantial differences are found across the three domains: firms in the arts domain are clearly less innovative, most likely due to a different (less market-oriented) dominant ideology. In addition, firms in creative industries located in urban areas are more innovative than their rural counterparts. We go on to analyse how the concentration of creative industries across cities is connected with employment growth. With the exception of the metropolitan city of Amsterdam, we find no measurable spill-over effect from creative industries. The presence of the creative class (in all kinds of industries other than creative ones) appears to be a much stronger driver of employment growth than creative industries.  相似文献   

This study, which examines recent development patterns of Chinese commercial activity in the Toronto CMA, yielded three major discoveries. First, new development in the past 15 years brought about not only a proliferation of ethnic Chinese businesses, but also considerable changes in business structure: the traditionally predominant restaurants and grocery stores declined substantially in proportion, but businesses that provide various types of consumer services expanded greatly. This indicates that the Chinese community has been steadily building a more complete and more self-sufficient ethnic economy. Second, while Toronto's three central-city Chinatowns have remained, most new developments occurred in the suburbs. Consequently, the spatial organization of Chinese commercial activities has become multinuclear, and their rapid spreading has begun to modify Toronto's traditional retail landscape. The third, and perhaps the most revolutionary, characteristic of the new development is the shift from unplanned retail strips to planned shopping centres, with the change of ownership from leasing of retail space to selling of store units. The new occupancy system, known as condominium retailing, is new to Canada and is associated only with ethnic Chinese retailing. In importance, condominium retailing has challenged both the conventional leasing system that has governed the development and operation of North American shopping centres over the past 40 years and long-established local planning systems. L'étude des nouvelles tendances du commerce chinois dans la région métropolitaine de recensement de Toronto a mis en évidence trois faits essentiels. Premièrement, le développement des 15 dernières années s'est traduit non seulement par une multiplication du nombre des commerces chinois, mais aussi par un bouleversement de la structure commerciale: les restaurants et les épiceries, jusqu'alors prédominants, ont vu leur importance relative diminuer au profit de magasins qui offrent des services aux consommateurs. Ceci reflète le fait que l'économie forgée par la communauté chinoise est de plus en plus autosuffisante. Deuxièmement, alors que les trois Chinatowns du centre de Toronto se sont maintenus, la plupart des nouveaux développements ont eu lieu en banlieue. Par conséquent, l'organisation spatiale des activités commerciales chinoises est devenue polynucléaire. Cette rapide propagation commence à modifier le paysage traditionnel du commerce de détail torontois. Troisièmement, et c'est peut-être là le fait le plus marquant, l'étude a révélé une révolution complète du mode d'organisation et de propriété des magasins. Aux groupements spontanés se sont substitués des centres commerciaux au sein desquels les commerçants ne sont plus locataires mais propriétaires de leur espace de vente. Ce système, que l'on pourrait baptiser le « condominium commercial » est un nouveau phénomène au Canada et ne concerne, pour l'instant, que les commerces chinois. Néanmoins, par son succès, le « condominium commercial » a remis en question les systèmes traditionnels de planification locale, aussi bien que le système classique des baux, qui a présidé au développement des centres commerciaux nord-américains au cours des 40 dernières années.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. In this paper we attempt to clarify the theoretical links between the concepts of “center of gravity” and “point of maximum population density” which describe the present, and the concepts of “minimum of the comprehensive Weber problem” and “maximum comprehensive gravity potential” which guide the future. Critical values of the characteristic parameters of the relevant functions are estimated. Implications for the understanding of spatial inertia are discussed.  相似文献   

This special issue brings together creativity and enterprise through the geographies of the creative industries. In recent years the focus of academic debate has privileged business and corporate economies, and so this issue seeks to contribute both empirically and theoretically to the burgeoning literature of creative industries. Economic geography offers a rich domain through which to engage with these debates, exploring the nuances of creativity and enterprise. Our aim, as well as bringing together a set of interesting papers, is to contribute critically to understanding the organization and spatial structure of creative industries and the broader creative economy.  相似文献   

A typology of residence paths to Toronto urban field locations is developed to explore the importance of urban emigrants to the resettlement of the city's countryside and path relationships with local community perceptions. Residence paths are described by childhood and prior community types, current urban field residence location, and length of residence. Paths are dominated by large city residential experiences, but rural residential backgrounds are evident. Community perceptions, emphasizing satisfaction, are positive. Multiple classification analysis, in three model forms, identifies path-based variations in community satisfaction, and the strength of paths as predictors of satisfaction. Interpretations include links to ideas on the urban field advanced by Russwurm. L'auteur essaie de développer une typologie des sentiers de résidence dans le champ urbain de Toronto pour evaluer l'importance des émigrants urbains dans la colonisation de la périphérie rurale des villes. De plus, i l analyse les attitudes de la communauté locale en rapport avec ces sentiers. Ceux-ci sont tracés d'après les souvenirs d'enfance, les indications de cornmunautés antérieures, I'emplacement actuel de residences urbaines et la durke de residence. Les sentiers sont caracterisés par les expériences résidentielles propres à la grande ville mais on dégage également des arrière-fonds résidences rurales. Les attitudes de la communauté, qui révèlent une certaine satisfaction, s'averent positives. Une analyse à classement multiple, sous forme de trois modèles presente les variations de la satisfaction de la communauté fondées sur les sentiers et le poids des sentiers comme prédicteurs de satisfaction éventuelle. Parmi les interprétations, on trouve des liens avec les idées de Russwurm sur les champs urbains.  相似文献   

The consumption and export of material and immaterial commodities based upon Japanese popular culture is rapidly growing and continually finds new fans all around the world. In this article, it is suggested that some of the competitiveness of these unique cultural phenomena can be traced to the very dense and vivid area of Akihabara in Tokyo. Its long history as an electronic retail district and a more recent influx of firms and shops focused on popular culture has created a strong place brand that continues to mark Akihabara as the capital of Japanese cultural industries. It is a space where different consumers, specialist subcultures and firms and their products can interact. The area functions as a hub were ideas and values are exchanged, tested and promoted. The article argues that research on innovation milieus must take account of the role of users and their relation to place.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. An equilibrium model of office location is applied and tested in the Toronto metropolitan area. The model focuses on the role of communication among firms which is the driving force behind the spatial agglomeration of office firms. The model calculates the equilibrium floor rent in each district, given the existing building stock. The performance of the model is tested in terms of the goodness of fit between observed and estimated office rent in each district. By using the model, we estimate the value of agglomeration economies which is defined as changes in productivities caused by increases in the number of office firms. It is shown that the agglomeration economies in the office sector are much larger than those in manufacturing, and the external effects of agglomeration are considerably large.  相似文献   

Before World War II, many immigrant workers in North America lived in industrial and residential suburbs. The early history of a residential suburbo of Toronto, Ontario, shows that, initially, homes were modest and public services were absent. Men worked long hours, commuted far and built the family home. Women strove hard to keep house and raise a family in unserviced homes. Children helped out, and played in the accessible bush. Self-provisioning was common, and early opportunities to acquire homes and establish businesses were good. Community-building created a strong neighbourhood identity. At first, settlers felt loyal to Britain, compared their experience with the situation back home, and concluded that Canada was 'all right. The Depression brought working-class loyalities to the fore and prompted many to become more critical of the Canadian status quo. This story raises questions about the nature of the immigrant working-class experience in North American cities in the early twentieth century.  相似文献   

This article explores two inter‐related themes. One addresses fundamental questions of human nature, arguing that conventional theories of behaviour lack a credible appreciation of the interaction between cognition and context (or what is often termed as the ‘environment’). The second considers decision‐making under risk and uncertainty, focusing upon customary behaviour and the significance or otherwise of conscious deliberation. My argument is intended to be both critical and constructive, exploring the claims of the emerging school of behaviouralism associated with Kahneman and Tversky now sweeping the social sciences. Most importantly, it is argued that economic geography should take more seriously the nature and scope of behaviour recognizing its attributes including related social and cultural aspirations. These ideas are illustrated by a set of recent studies dealing with financial decision‐making and individuals' attitudes towards risk in personal and occupational pension plans. The importance of this project lies in the urgent need to understand the diversity of behaviour of men and women in, and through, the communities in which they live without being reduced to yet another version of environmental determinism. In the final section, implications are drawn for understanding the global financial crisis.  相似文献   

The Portuguese community in Toronto is to a large degree a self-sufficient one. Over the last four decades, they have constructed a thriving, complex community, setting up organizations, businesses and communication-information services in their own language. The purpose of this paper is to examine the Portuguese real estate industry in Toronto. The study will be focused on community resources such as networks of kinship/friendship and community ties, and how these resources contribute to the formation, maintenance, and success of Portuguese-owned real estate businesses. Data were obtained primarily from a questionnaire survey that was administered to Portuguese brokers (owners of real estate agencies) who were members of the Toronto Real Estate Board. Data collected from the questionnaire survey indicate that Portuguese real estate brokers rely to a large degree on their own community (‘ethnic’) resources — Portuguese friends, the media, and relatives — in starting and/or operating their current businesses. Within this context, Portuguese friends occupy a central role as an important source in providing business contacts. Real estate agencies owned by Portuguese brokers are community oriented. Portuguese customers, business location within/near to the community, and a good reputation with Portuguese clients and the community were noted by Portuguese brokers as the major factors contributing to the economic success of their businesses. Although relatively little research has been conducted in Canada on ethnic entrepreneurship, we can speculate that the main characteristic of the Portuguese real estate business — a heavy reliance on ‘community resources' in serving a geographically segregated co-ethnic market — is common among Southern Mediterranean immigrant groups in Canada. Further comparative studies in this area would enhance our understanding of the complexities of ethnic entrepreneurship. La communauté portugaise de Toronto est, en grande partie, auto-suffisante. Pendant les quatre dernières décennies, les Portugais ont construit une communauté complexe et prospère, démarrant des organisations, des entreprises et des services de communication et d'information dans leur propre langue. Le but de ce travail est d'examiner l'industrie immobilière portugaise à Toronto. L'étude sera plutôt concentrée sur les ressources communautaires telles qu'un réseau de parenté/amitié et des liens communautaires, et le procèdé par lequel ces ressources contribuent à la formation, au maintien et au succès de l'industrie immobilière des Portugais. Les données ont été obtenues surtout à partir d'un questionnaire/enquête distribué aux courtiers portugais (propriétaires d'agences immobilières), membres du Conseil Immobilier de Toronto. Les données recueillies grâce à l'enquête indiquent que les courtiers immobiliers portugais dépendent largement des ressources (?ethniques?) de leur propre communauté-des amis portugais, des médias, et des proches — pour démarrer et/ou diriger leurs entreprises. Dans ce contexte, les amis portugais occupent un rôle central en fournissant des contacts d'affaires. Les agences immobilières portugaises sont orientées vers la communauté portugaise. Les clients portugais, le local de l'entreprise, au sein de la communauté ou près d'elle, et une bonne réputation, ont été identifiés par les courtiers portugais comme les facteurs les plus importants, contribuant au succès économique de leurs entreprises. En dépit du fait que relativement peu de recherches ont été menées au Canada au sujet des entreprises ethniques, nous pouvons supposer que la caractéristique principale de l'entreprise immobilière portugaise — une grande dépendance des ?ressources communautaires?, en servant un marché co-ethnique géographiquement isolé — est commune chez les immigrants de la Meditérannée du Sud, au Canada. Notre compréhension de la complexité des entreprises ethniques serait améliorée par d'autres études comparatives sur ce sujet.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper presents a model of regional development which attempts to explain differing patterns of growth in two regions. The model is an extension of Krugman's model of uneven development, but it incorporates not only scale economies within each region but also regional externalities across the regions. Depending on relative magnitudes of net scale economies of the two regions, the model entails different regional development patterns: uneven development, stable or joint development, or a mix of the two. The novel feature of the present model is that different regional development patterns can be explained within the same analytical framework.  相似文献   

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