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Die Frage nach der genetischen Verwandtschaft des Sumerischen ist bisher nicht geloest worden. Nach dem bekannten Aufsatz von Viktor Christian hat die Wissenschaft keinen groβen Fortschritt gemacht. In den neuesten sumerischen Grammatiken geht man ueberhaupt nicht mehr auf diese Frage ein und konzentriert sich eher auf der Beschreibung des Sumerischen selbst. Viele Sumerologen haben nie die vergleichende Spmchwissenschaft studiert, und umgekehrt, die Experten in vergleichender Spmchwissenschaft studieren normalerweise kein Sumerisch. Das Umgehen der Frage ist jedoch nicht mit der Antwort auf die Frage identisch.  相似文献   

Die Grundlagen des Attischen Seebundes wurden zwischen Herbst 478 und Frühjahr 477 v. Chr. gelegt, als zwischen den attischen und ionischen St?dtevereinigungen zum Zwecke der Verteidigung gegen die von den Persern geführten Angriffe ein Bündnisvertrag  相似文献   

I. Einleitung 1930 verffentlichte Willard Huntingdon Wright unter dem Pseudonym S.S. van Dine in den USA den Kriminalroman The Scarab Murder Case, der 2001 in DuMont’s Kriminalbibliothek erstmals auch auf deutsch als Der Mordfall Skarabus erschien.1 Das  相似文献   

Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit persoehnlichen Erfahrungen einer Europaeerin, die seit dem Jahr 2000 mehrmals in Westsichuan, Nordyunnan, Gansu und Qinghai gereist ist. Es werden Motivation, Art des Reisens und eindrueckliche Erlebnisse besprochen. Zum Abschluss weist die Autorin auf laufende Veraenderungen und Zukunftsvisionen hin. Im Fruehjahr erreichte ich, damals 30 jaehrige Aerztin,  相似文献   

Der hier zu besprechende Text der Langfassung des‘Record' weist keine auBerlichen gliedernden Elemente auf; die Segmentieung der einzelnen Abschnitte kann sich daher nur an Sprache und Inhalt des Berichtes orientieren.  相似文献   

The entire Ngolok-Seta country between what is present-day's Ngolok (mgo-log)prefecture (Chin. Guoluo) in China's Qinghai province, Serta county in Kandse (dkar-mdzes)prefecture and the northwestern parts of modern Ngawa(rnga-ba) prefecture (Chin. Aba) in Sichuan was a white spot on the Ti-bet map until the mid-20th century. Particularly the districts defined by the present Ngawa and Dzamthang (Chin. Rangtang) counties were inaccessible for any foreign traveller in historic time. Ngawa already constituted an isolated Ti-betan cultural realm, yet Dzamthang to its west was a true hidden land. The latter is reached by a 18o km drive from the Ngawa prefecture's seat, Barkham (Chin. Ma'erkang), in less than half a day.  相似文献   

Wasser, urbares Land und Vieh sind endliche Ressourcen, die haufig ungleich verteilt sind. Die einen haben zuviel davon, die anderen zu wenig. Wer zuviel hat, kann mit der Umverteilung seiner Ressourcen Abhangigkeiten produzieren.Dies hat zur Folge, daβ diejenigen, die mehr Ressourcen erschlielβen und verteilen koennen, mehr Abhangigkeiten zu ihren Gunsten schaffen. In einer extrem ariden Umwelt sind zudem Wasser und fruchtbares Land unbestreitbar die elementarsten Ressourcen, die Lebensgrundlage schlechthin. Schlieβlich war Aegypten eine Agrarund Pastoralgesellschaft,  相似文献   

After presenting the picture of Africa in Mediterranean minds of antiquity,this paper seeks by ways of a combined interpretation of the periplus of Hanno and Herodotus’logos on the Nasamones to investigate Carthaginian and Greek knowledge about the trans-Saharan routes und contacts of the 6th and 5th century BC.Further comparison with recent archaeological discoveries from the Iron Age in Senegal,the Niger Bend and Lake Chad illustrate that these sites were the destination of travellers from the North and that universal geographical theses concerning the course of the river Nile provided fundamental patterns of explanation and orientation for ancient explorers.Finally,it is considered why any further explorations both of the Inner African hinterland and the western seaway around the African continent were suspended in Antiquity.  相似文献   

This PhD thesis deals with the infamous plundering of the Imperial garden Yuanmingyuan in the wake of the British-French capture expedition of 1860. The approach and the strategies of the British and French actors involved are described from a micro-perspective. In the nineteenth century, plundering took center stage in a number of actions by colonial armies worldwide, as discussed by the author, Ines Eben v. Racknitz.  相似文献   

Tibet, the most magical snow-land plateau on the planet, has given birth to the most mysterious and ancient civilization in human history: Shangshung. "Yung-drung Bon Religion" ("Bon" for short) originated in the ancient Gangdise Mountains of the Shangshung area (now the Ngari area of Tibet) and is the oldest religion in Tibet with thousands of years of history.  相似文献   

<正>A haunted atmosphere permeates the shabby manor.The windows without papers are black holes as if it were a dragon's pool or a tiger's den.  相似文献   

The Ratnagotravibhaga (abbr. RGV) is one of the most influential texts among Indic works that teach the Buddha-nature doctrine in Tibet. No translation of the text seems to have existed in Tibet before the 11th century, inasmuch as no catalogue of the imperial period (the 9th century),  相似文献   

过去50天里,阿姆斯特丹女孩齐拉·范·德波恩(zilla van den born)在facebook收获了不少赞。亲朋好友纷纷赞她独自穿行于泰国、老挝和柬埔寨,今天逛寺庙、明天玩浮潜,时不时还坐着“嘟嘟”车自拍。而事实上,齐拉从未离开过阿姆斯特丹。对齐拉来说,用facebook逗逗亲朋好友是个严肃的计划。  相似文献   

The Tibetan Areas Development Study Group of the CAS, led by research fellow Wan Luolin (who is the head of the CAS Learning Advisory Committee and original administrative vice president) and research fellow Zhu Ling (deputy director of CAS Economic Research Institute), developed the extensive research activities in the Tibetan-inhabited areas since 2000, While the study group completed the special subject policy report, it also published some learning achievements such as Choice of Roads to Development in Underdeveloped Areas-Case Study of the Tibetan-Inhabited Areas in Yunnan (published by the Economic Management Press in 2003)and Marketization and Grass-roots Public Serices-Case Study of Tibet (published by Nationality Press in 2005).In July and August 2005, the study group developed a research program in Garze of Sichuan Province and the Qamdo area of Tibet along the Sichuan-Tibet highway.  相似文献   

Origin From the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Th e Tibe ta n m astiff, just as its na me imp lies, is a kind o f do g orig in atin g on the Qin gh ai-Tib et Pla te au a nd with Tibe tan in ha bited area as its main dom ain . It is an an im al sub jec t to Cla ss II Sta te p ro te ction . Man y Chine se an d foreig n sc ho lars h old the v ie w tha t the a n ce sto rs of Tibe tan m a stiff we re in Tibe t o f China , an d ha d cou ntle ss re la tion s with th e Tib etan e thn ic g ro up l i v i …  相似文献   

According to the ancient wisdom of the Great Learning (Daxue), the regulation of a state extends from proper regulation of family affairs. This doctrine echoes throughout Helen Schneider's fascinating study of how the imported discipline of home economics (jiazheng xue) became domesticated in China before 1949. Like other new disciplines in China,  相似文献   

Alexander von Stael-Holstein (I877-I937) was a world famous Russian orientalist who, in the early part of the 2oth century, lived permanently in Beijing for various reasons.' On the recommendation of Hu Shi胡适, he received a teaching position at Peking University. In i929 he was formally appointed professor of Central Asian Philology at Harvard University, staying there for one academic year. Although a Harvard professor, he did not stay in the United States, but continued to live in Peking, directing his Sino-Indian Institute (SII) which he had founded in i927. After receiving the Harvard professorship, the Sino-Indian Institute became part of the Harvard-Yenching Institute (the HYI). As he wrote, only in Beijing could he do his beloved research on Buddhist texts in Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chi- nese. At the SII, he received American students sent by the HYI, as well as young scholars from various countries who came to study Buddhist texts. This paper will present this well- known academic story, based on Stael-Holstein's correspondence that is preserved at the Harvard-Yenching Library, of which most is in English, but some are in German, French and Russian.  相似文献   

Tsering Lhamo,a Tibetan woman,was born in Luntse County of the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR).She joined the Communist Party of China in 1960,and was the on-going party secretary of a town in Nedong County.She led eleven households of Nangsan(serfs) in 1961 to form a mutual support team for agricultural production and achieved a rise in local production.Later,the labour committee of the Tibetan branch of the Communist Party cited her as the"model for thousands of liberated serfs".In 1977,under her leadership and with the efforts exerted by local members of the commune,  相似文献   

The Shanghai tabloid press has gained growing scholarly attention in the recent decade. Wanxiao xiaobao (All-Seeing Tabloid) is another major publication to deal with this fascinating form of popular print press that flourished in late Qing and Republican China. Earlier studies have explored the Shanghai tabloid press as a platform for popular literature (Li Nan 李楠, Wan Qing, Minguo shiqi Shanghai xiaobao yanjiu [A study of the Shanghai tabloid press in the late Qing and Republican period], Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 2005), as an important part of media history in modem China (Hong Yu 洪煜, Jindai Shanghai xiaobao yu shimin wenhua yanjiu, 1897-1937 [A study of the tabloid press and popular culture in modem Shanghai, 1897-1937], Shanghai: Shanghai shudian, 2007), as a mirror of a flowering Shanghai-based entertainment culture (Catherine Yeh, "Shanghai Leisure, Print Entertainment, and the Tabloids, xiaobao," in Rudolf G. Wagner, ed.,  相似文献   

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