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东莞村头遗址第二次发掘简报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
东莞村头遗址是一处商时期的贝丘遗址,位于珠江入海口的东岸。1989~1993年,广东省文物考古研究所先后两次进行发掘,发现房屋基址、灰坑、墓葬等,遗物有陶器、石器、骨蚌器等。该遗址为珠江三角洲地区青铜时代的土著文化遗存。  相似文献   

内蒙古敖汉旗榆树山、西梁遗址房址和墓葬综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1988年中国社会科学院考古研究所内蒙古工作队发掘了敖汉旗孟克河右岸的榆树山和西梁(千斤营子)两个遗址.其房址结构、出土遗物与小河西遗址比较相似,房址均为半地穴式,平面形状有方形、长方形、梯形、不规则形四种,无门道,部分房址有外凸的"小窨"[1].个别房址有居室葬.榆树山、西梁遗址所测年代晚于兴隆洼一期文化.  相似文献   

平鲁县王高登发现古文化遗址1958年7月,平鲁县进行文物重点复查时,在王高登村的西梁上发现了一处古文化遗址。遗址位于该村的西梁上,距楼子沟约三里,南北两面各有深沟一道,地面陶片分布广阔,东西长约五百米,南北宽约三百米。采集到的遗物有石器、装饰品、陶片等。  相似文献   

社山遗址位于广西壮族自治区东兴市江平镇交东村西南。1958—1978年,广东和广西两省(区)文物工作队先后对该遗址进行调查。2012年2—4月,广西文物保护与考古研究所联合防城港市博物馆对该遗址进行了试掘,实际发掘面积6平方米,发现了丰富的文化遗存。其中石器139件,以打制为主,有蠔蛎啄、砍斫器和尖状器等,磨制石器有斧、磨棒;陶片数量较多,可辨器型有罐、釜和钵;骨器7件,均为骨锥。大量海生软体动物外壳和鱼骨的发现证明了遗址以采集海生资源为主的生业模式。社山遗址属海滨贝丘遗址,年代为新石器时代晚期。本次试掘对进一步了解北部湾地区海滨贝丘遗址的文化面貌以及新石器时代古人类的生业模式具有重要意义。  相似文献   

2012年,驻马店文物工作者对驻马店市西平县谢老庄遗址进行了调查与初步勘探,采集的裴李岗文化和龙山文化遗物较丰富,有陶器、石器、动物骨角器及牙齿等。该遗址的发现为研究裴李岗文化贾湖类型增添了新资料,为研究淮河流域上游驻马店区域内史前文化发展序列提供了新的实物依据。  相似文献   

1980年,南阳地区文管会、中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所在南阳地区进行旧石器时代文化调查时,在南召县小空山下洞发现了旧石器。同年,他们对该洞进行了试掘,共得石器及石料102件。关于下洞旧石器遗址的地质时代问题,有两种意见:一、认为下洞所出的石器属于旧石器时代是毫无疑问的,但由于在堆积中未见化石,故其地质时代还是定为更新世为宜。二、通过对其石器的分类、洞穴高程的分带规律以及小空山遗址所处的地理位置等三点证据的研究,将小空山下洞的旧石器遗址定为旧石器时代早期,地质时代为更新世中期。  相似文献   

1982年发现的方池街古化遗址,出土了各类陶器、石器、玉器、骨角器及卜甲以及大量的动物骨骼和人骨。方池街遗址是成都地区首次发现的一处新石器晚期至商周时期的古化遗址,专家学们认为,这些具有独特地方风格的化为探讨蜀人的历史提供了丰富的资料,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

2012年秋,山西省考古研究所对晋城市陵川县附城镇丈河流域的旧石器时代洞穴遗址进行复查,后河洞遗址即为其中一处。由于遗址受破坏程度较大,对后河洞进行了10平方米的试掘。本文是对该遗址的调查石制品和扰乱层所过筛拣选出的石制品的初步观察与分析。这批标本主要为黑色燧石,以断块、断片和碎屑的数量最多,石片和石器数量相当,石器主要有刮削器和尖状器,另有一类三棱小尖状器,颇具特色。锤击法是打片和修整石器最主要的方法。后河洞遗址属于旧石器时代晚期。  相似文献   

东台开庄遗址2018-2019年度的发掘共发现各类遗迹51个(组),出土陶器、石器、玉器和骨角牙器等各类遗物200余件,另发现大量有加工痕迹的动物骨角料.开庄遗址发现的龙山文化时期遗存直接叠压良渚文化晚期的层位,这一叠压关系在江淮东部地区是首次发现,提供了江淮东部龙山时期遗存与良渚文化早晚关系的直接证据,并为讨论二者的...  相似文献   

李秀珍 《文博》2008,(5):82-85
加勒比海诸岛保存着许多史前遗址,本次考古发掘的巴芒特遗址位于英属维京岛之托特拉岛的西端,在遗址中出土大量石器、陶器和蚌器等,这些遗址和器物对认识加勒比海诸岛历史、土著印第安人及其文化有重要意义.  相似文献   

2007年4月由吉林省文物考古研究所和吉林大学边疆考古研究中心对长坨子遗址群进行了调查,共发现四处遗址,自西向东编为长坨子Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ号遗址。发现了陶片、石器。其中陶器以夹砂黄褐、夹砂红褐色为主。对调查资料进行整理可以将其区分为四类,年代包括新石器时代和青铜时代。这批资料为研究科尔沁沙地史前考古学文化提供更多素材。  相似文献   

吉林集安头道南台子南遗址和北屯孤山遗址发现于2007年,均位于集安市西北部。头道南台子南遗址发现石制品47件,包括石核、石片、石锤、石斧、刮削器等。孤山遗址发现石制品29件,包括石核、石斧、石刀、石锤、刮削器、尖状器等。原料均以凝灰岩为主,还有角岩、石英、砂岩、板岩等。石制品的原生层位全部被破坏,皆为采集。石制品在继承集安地区石制品传统基础上又有所突破。根据石制品特点分析,遗址的年代应为旧石器时代晚期至新石器时代。  相似文献   

The range of stones cast by slings used in the past is debated. In the Central Andes, slings are asserted to be important weapons of prehispanic war, and have been recovered archaeologically. Rolled river cobbles and stones presumed to be slingstones found at fortified hilltop archaeological sites are presented as evidence that slings were used at these fortifications. Yet sling use has not been adequately tested at hillforts. Experiments conducted in Europe by a novice slinger have attempted to illuminate the range of sling cast stones at ancient hillforts. Data acquired from native slingers is necessary to more accurately assess distances achieved by projectiles launched by slings. We present data from sling experiments carried out in Puno, Perú among Quechua-speaking herders who are experienced slingers. The results demonstrate that a prior model of the maximum theoretical distance of sling cast stones underestimates their range. Results also show significant differences in the use of slings by men and women, and by different age groups. These new data permit a better approximation of warfare that has bearing on our interpretation of fortified sites.  相似文献   

The results of an archaeometric study concerning the coloured stones and 14 white marble sculptures found in the ancient city of Urbs Salvia (Urbisaglia, Macerata) – one of the main Roman archaeological sites of the Marche region (east central Italy) – are presented here. Data show the presence of the most important decorative stones used by the Romans, originating in all of the Mediterranean provinces, from Egypt and North Africa to Asia Minor, Greece, Gallia, Iberia and Italy. Thirty‐one different coloured lithotypes have been identified, including red and green porphyries as well as marmor phrygium and numidicum, namely the four most expensive stones cited in Diocletian's edict. Crustae of marmor chium, taenarium, chalcidicum, scyreticum, lucullaeum and sagarium also feature. Another significant presence is that of coloured stones that are generally rare, even in Rome and Ostia, such as cipollino mandolato (which is very abundant at Urbs Salvia, more than anywhere outside Gallia), broccatello di Spagna, alabastro a pecorella, lapis ophytes, brecciated facies of marmor iassene and cottanello antico. Worthy of mention, too, is the abundant presence of so‐called Roman breccia from Lez (Upper Garonne valley, French Pyrenees), a stone never reported outside Gallia. The 14 marble sculptures analysed come from public and private buildings of the Roman city and are now exhibited at the Archaeological Museum of Urbisaglia. Our petrographic and isotopic analyses show that they are made of Lunense (five), Pentelic (three), Parian lychnites (three), Thasian (three) and Proconnesian (one Corinthian capital) marbles. The quality of the coloured stones identified, together with the presence of sculptures made of precious imported white marble varieties, reveals an opulent town and a local patronage wishing to decorate public buildings and rich houses with the most sought‐after marbles of Rome.  相似文献   

Several samples of geological stones from statuary pedestals found in various archaeological sites in Cyprus have been characterized using non-contact laser infrared photothermal radiometry. Thermal diffusivities and effective optical absorption coefficients were calculated using a one-dimensional thermal-wave model. The mean values and standard deviations were tabulated and comparisons were made with lithographic and petrographic studies of the samples. Good correlations were found, thus demonstrating that laser photothermal archaeometry is a promising methodology for the accurate, potentially non-destructive and convenient characterization of the origins of ancient stones in Cyprus and other geological and archaeological sites.  相似文献   

  王长明 《北方文物》2020,(1):3-20,F0002
2016年对北山洞遗址的发掘,共清理灰坑3座、灶址16处,出土陶器、石器、玉器等遗物1800余件。依据层位关系及出土遗物特征分析,该遗址可分为六个时期文化遗存。第一期文化遗存属旧石器时代晚期,石器加工包含石片工业和石叶工业两种类型,剥片技术以锤击法为主,工具加工多采用打制修理技术。第二至第五期文化遗存属新石器时代,石器加工以细石核、细石叶等细石器工艺为主,剥片技术包括锤击法和间接压制法,工具加工多采用较为精细的压制修理技术。第六期文化遗存应与早期鲜卑遗存有密切关系,年代为东汉时期。北山洞遗址的发掘对大兴安岭东麓山区考古学文化编年体系的构建在一定程度上具有填补空白的意义。  相似文献   

1999年 8月 3日- 9月 8日,在河南省浚县贾胡庄发掘清理了一座东汉时期的砖石混砌多室画像石墓,出土画像石4块,雕刻画像5幅。其中有铺首衔环图、鹤鸟育雏图、伏羲女娲交尾图、羽化升仙图等。艺术表现手法独特,为进一步研究汉画像石提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

本文以杨林南山遗址石制品为主要研究对象,通过对其岩性的鉴定、标本数据的测量、石制品的类型学分析,和与周边地区同时期旧石器考古学文化的比较,以此加深对该遗址文化内涵及特征的认识,并对张广才岭地区的旧石器文化面貌有一初步的了解,同时为探讨东北亚旧石器文化间的交流与传播提供了一批宝贵的资料。  相似文献   


The common cuckoo was a pre-Christian symbol of male fertility across Eurasia, associated with several European fertility goddesses. Some standing-stones are named after it as cuckoo (coucou is Old-French) or gowk (Anglo-Saxon). Gouk and cuckoo stones can only have been so named from the fifth and eleventh centuries respectively but at least one stone was erected in the third millennium BC. It was not known if the naming was recent or if the stones had been associated with the cuckoo since prehistory and through subsequent language transitions. Previous authors thought some cuckoo place-names were places of seasonal ritual associated with specific natural and cultural features. Traditional toponymic methods cannot test these hypotheses being temporally limited by linguistic and textual constraints. A wider study of all known cuckoo place-names in Britain was undertaken using cartographic and statistical analysis independent of language transitions and textual evidence. Several natural and cultural features were very statistically significantly associated with both cuckoo stones and other cuckoo place-names indicating the association with the bird originated in prehistory. GIS geoprocessing also confirmed that early Roman structures were very significantly associated with cuckoo place-names indicating that they were cult-centres targeted for psychological advantage during the conquest period.  相似文献   

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