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Conserving built heritage involves competition for land and ongoing costs. The incentive to preserve is thus particularly low in areas where economic considerations prevail and conservation mechanisms are centralised. This used to be the case in Hong Kong. However, a series of civil conservation efforts since 2003, featuring judicial review, civil disobedience and private donation, have contested the official definition of monument and highlighted the values of local heritage in the public discourse. A recent case, namely the campaign to save Dragon Garden through private donations, reveals the roles of voluntarism in built heritage conservation when neither the state nor the market has the incentive or commitment to do so. Based on this case study, this article also examines the sustainability of civil action in an unfavourable institutional setting, which only managed to evoke perfunctory conservation measures from the government.  相似文献   

Kasia Paprocki 《对极》2019,51(1):295-315
This paper explores the shaping of Bangladesh's southern coastal region, often framed as the most climate vulnerable place in the world, as a zone of climate crisis. As rising waters threaten communities inhabiting the low‐lying coastal islands scattered across the deltaic plain, many within the government and donor community have identified shrimp aquaculture as a principal adaptation strategy. Shrimp aquaculture is integral to the dynamics of what I call anticipatory ruination, a discursive and material process of social and ecological destruction in anticipation of real or perceived threats. I elaborate anticipatory ruination as a process that both responds to and produces Bangladesh's climate crisis. I use this concept to explore not only the dynamics taking place in Bangladesh's delta region, but also the ways in which climate crisis is constituted more broadly.  相似文献   

《全元诗》是一部大型断代诗歌总集,学术意义重大,但在编纂中也存在一些疏漏。本文对部分诗人小传进行补充,且对部分误收宋人、明人诗篇进行辨正。  相似文献   

《社会学研究》2006年第1期发表的金一虹教授的《"铁姑娘"再思考——中国文化大革命期间的社会性别与劳动》(以下简称金文),为近年"文化大革命"(以下简称"文革")时期妇女史研究的一大力作。笔者在受益良多的同时,亦发现在若干史实上仍有进一步讨论的必要。  相似文献   

代国玺 《史学集刊》2012,(1):105-112
《史记·秦始皇本纪》有关坑儒一事的记载,是可靠的。坑儒一事是真实的历史事件,起于方士讥议,秦始皇因此意识到士人非议时政之风颇盛,遂从非议时政者中选出四百六十余人,集中将其杀害,以警示天下人不可非议时政、诽谤皇帝。由于立场不客观,东汉儒生对坑儒一事有不少误解和夸张,误认为是秦始皇为了彻底灭绝《诗》、《书》,遂活埋儒生,甚至是活埋了所有儒生。东汉儒生对坑儒一事的认识,尽管严重偏离了历史事实,但仍然属于历史认识,与故意伪造的谎言有质的区别。  相似文献   

Issue redefinition and venue shopping have been identified as key strategies for enacting agenda and policy change, but much work remains to be done in elaborating these processes. I argue that an important aspect of issue redefinition involves shifting not only the image of an issue but also the bases for considering those issues—what I call policy principles. Policy principles are the core values, beliefs, or guidelines attached to policies that help direct decision making. The emergence and acceptance of new principles by the public and policymakers can be a vital source of policy change, at times having far greater consequences for policy than redefining an issue. Venue shopping is also a multifaceted undertaking involving efforts by policy entrepreneurs and advocacy groups to keep issues out of venues they would rather not participate in as well as move decision making to new arenas. Moreover, while the literature suggests that shifting venues is usually a sensible strategy, sometimes venue shopping can backfire. A case study of the municipal movement to restrict the nonessential use of lawn and garden pesticides in Canada illustrates these theoretical points and shows the applicability of agenda setting models to contexts outside the United States.  相似文献   

硅谷文化的中心思想,是一种"凡事都有可能"的态度,硅谷的全部文化归纳为两个字:变化.具体内容包括:创新是美国硅谷的首要战略;平等宽松的理念是硅谷文化的重要组成部分;鼓励冒险、宽容失败的硅谷文化激发了员工勇于探索的创新热情;竞争、开放的环境是硅谷成功的重要因素;相互作用、相互影响的经济生态系统是硅谷企业成功奥秘之所在.硅谷的发展模式虽然不能完全复制,但可以借鉴.  相似文献   


Brecht has said that ‘the task of science is to lighten the laboriousness of human existence’ and some examples are given of the way chemistry has contributed to this task. Yet great challenges remain – atomic war and the population explosion – and it is essential to achieve a just and informed balance between benefits and risks. Uninformed criticism of chemistry in the media is roundly condemned, and tribute is paid to antipollution measures taken by the chemical industry. The common language which unites scientists from all nations must be used to further peace and understanding in the world.  相似文献   

司马光《通鉴考异》方法最为直接的借鉴渊源,应为当时日益完备的"实录"纂修过程中的程序规则,其具体包括证实订伪、以常理进行推断、两存其说、参取、阙疑,可谓钱大昕等人"考异"的先驱和精神导师。历史事实和法律事实都是相对于客观事实而言的,中国古代考据学的发展和法律实践密切相关,法学中证据法规则与历史学中的考据法则存在极其相似的"底层语法规则"。  相似文献   

Review in this Article
David F. Schmitz. The United States and Fascist Italy, 1922–1940 . Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988. x + 273 pp  相似文献   

Tibetan Environment: Facts and FiguresTibetanEnvironment:FactsandFigures¥CHFNGFANTibetisfreefromenvironmentalpollution.itscul...  相似文献   

Alan Dundes 《Folklore》2013,124(1):35-49
One of the lexical items differentiating British English from American English is the word bugger. Popular in England as attested by numerous idioms and its frequent occurrence in limericks, it is rarely used in the United States and if it is, it is without reference to its original sense of sodomy. It is suggested that this marked contrast in usage may possibly be related to different attitudes towards homosexuality existing in England and the United States.  相似文献   

Environmentalist concerns over the state of Nepal's "fragile forests" resulted in the establishment of Community Forestry projects. These community‐based projects are partnerships between the state and community user groups that invest user groups with a great deal of control over their forests. Project implementation, however, begins with the assumption that users have little prior knowledge of forest management and need to be taught modern silviculture. I examine the extent to which different community members embrace notions of professional forestry materially and symbolically. The development of written management plans, the need for careful accounting records and the promotion of silviculturally based management strategies by District Forest Officers serve to (re)inscribe differences between users based on education and literacy. Which users embrace these discourses and practices and for what purposes lends insight into the workings of neoliberalism and how it is implicated in the reconfiguring of social and power relations within localities and, in this case, the consequences of this for ecological change. It is argued that the promotion of expert knowledge and professional practices in Community Forestry is often used as a somewhat contradictory vehicle for educated elites to retain control over forest management, thus undermining some of the key objectives of the program.  相似文献   

历史事实:史学家建构过去的图景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴汉全 《史学月刊》2005,4(2):88-95
中外历史哲学界对“历史事实”存在严重的争论,主要问题是关于历史事实的应用范围与含义上的分歧。其实,“历史事实”只能限制在历史认识论的范围内才有意义,而历史事实与史料中的事实也不能等同。从历史学家与“历史事实”的关系来看,历史事实依历史学家的存在而存在,“历史事实”是史学家建立的关于过去的图景,是一个关于过去历史实际的知识体系。  相似文献   

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