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The existence of the tutela mechanism and the endemic weaknesses of the legislative and executive branches of the Colombian state have led to a de facto judicialization of health policymaking. The objective of evidence‐informed policy is to identify effective policy approaches and legitimize policy decisions. Questions arise about the basis on which judges take decisions with significant policy and budgetary consequences, and the forms of evidence they use to inform these. This article focuses on the extent to which courts take account of research evidence in judgements and assesses the implications for health policy in Colombia. We place these discussions in the context of a broader analysis of the ongoing reforms to the Colombian health system and the most recent literature on evidence‐informed policymaking. The judicialization of health policymaking offers a suboptimal means to achieve the objective of evidence‐informed policymaking. The emergence of a range of evidence advisory bodies in recent years is an attempt to address the issue of judicialization alongside the other constitutional and political weaknesses Colombia faces.  相似文献   

The Pine Point region is a classic metallogenic mining camp that produced over 58 million short tons of Zn–Pb ore from approximately 40 base‐metal mineralized deposits hosted by Middle Devonian carbonates. The ore deposits are localized in paleokarstic features found in the epigenetic ‘Presqu'ile’ dolomite that preferentially replaced some of the upper barrier limestones. The main ore‐stage sulfides include galena, sphalerite, marcasite, and pyrite. A bulk fluid inclusion chemistry study was carried out on sulfide, coarse non‐saddle and saddle dolomite and calcite samples from the Pine Point and Great Slave Reef deposits, and unmineralized coarse non‐saddle and saddle dolomite samples from Hay West, Windy Point and Qito areas. Molar Cl/Br ratio data from Pine Point indicate the presence of four fluids at different stages of the paragenesis. The fluids trapped in sulfides and ore‐stage dolomites predominately consist of a Br‐rich fluid with a composition similar to that of evaporated seawater (fluid A), and a very Br‐enriched fluid of unknown origin (fluid B). Both these fluids are CaCl2–NaCl (Na to Ca ratios of 1:10)‐rich brines and have compositions unlike the modern formation waters in the Devonian aquifers in the basin today. A third, relatively Cl‐rich (or Br‐poor), fluid (fluid C) was identified in two samples and may have acquired some chlorinity by dissolving halide minerals. Mixing between the Br‐rich fluid A and a dilute fluid also occurred in the later stages of the paragenesis, resulting in the formation of calcite and native sulfur. Saddle and coarse dolomites not associated with significant sulfide mineralization have a narrow range of halogen compositions similar to fluid A. There is no evidence of fluid B or C in the unmineralized samples. Relative to a modern‐day seawater compositions all the fluids have had some modification of their cation compositions. There is some weak evidence for interactions with clastic units or crystalline basement rocks. It is also possible however, that the evaporative brines could have formed from a relatively CaCl2‐rich, NaCl‐depleted Devonian seawater, unlike the composition of modern‐day seawater.  相似文献   

H. Chu  G. Chi  I‐M. Chou 《Geofluids》2016,16(3):518-532
Fluid inclusions of the H2O‐NaCl‐CaCl2 system are notorious for their metastable behavior during cooling and heating processes, which can render microthermometric measurement impossible or difficult and interpretation of the results ambiguous. This study addresses these problems through detailed microscopic examination of synthetic solutions during cooling and warming runs, development of methods to enhance nucleation of hydrates, and comparison of microthermometric results with different degrees of metastability with values predicted for stable conditions. Synthetic H2O‐NaCl‐CaCl2 solutions with different NaCl/(NaCl + CaCl2) ratios were prepared and loaded in fused silica capillaries and glass‐sandwiched films for microthermometric studies; pure solutions were used with the capillaries to simulate fluid inclusions, whereas alumina powder was added in the solutions to facilitate ice and hydrate crystallization in the sandwiched samples. The phase changes observed and the microthermometric data obtained in this study have led to the following conclusions that have important implications for fluid inclusion studies: (i) most H2O‐NaCl‐CaCl2 inclusions that appear to be completely frozen in the first cooling run to ?185°C actually contain large amounts of residual solution, as also reported in some previous studies; (ii) inability of H2O‐NaCl‐CaCl2 inclusions to freeze completely may be related to their composition (low NaCl/(NaCl + CaCl2) ratios) and lack of solid particles; (iii) crystallization of hydrates, which is important for cryogenic Raman spectroscopic studies of fluid inclusion composition, can be greatly enhanced by finding an optimum combination of cooling and warming rates and temperatures; and (iv) even if an inclusion is not completely frozen, the melting temperatures of hydrohalite and ice are still valid for estimating the fluid composition.  相似文献   

We report overprinting stable isotope evidence of fluid–rock interaction below two detachment faults along which mantle rocks were exhumed to the seafloor, between the respective landward and seaward limits of oceanic and continental crust, at a Tethyan ocean–continent transition (OCT). This OCT, which is presently exposed in the Tasna nappe (south‐eastern Switzerland) is considered an on‐land analogue of the well‐studied Iberian OCT. We compare our results with the fault architecture (fault core–damage zone–protolith) described by Caine et al. [Geology (1996) Vol. 24, pp. 1025–1028]. We confirm the existence of a sharp boundary between the fault core and damage zone based on isotopic data, but the boundary between the damage zone and protolith is gradational. We identify evidence for: (1) pervasive isotopic modification to 8.4 ± 0.1‰ which accompanied or post‐dated serpentinization of these mantle rocks at an estimated temperature of 67–109°C, (2) either (i) partial isolation of some highly strained regions [fault core(s) and mylonite] from this pervasive isotopic modification, because of permeability reduction (Caine et al.) or (ii) subsequent isotopic modification caused by structurally channelled flow of warm fluids within these highly strained regions, because of permeability enhancement, and (3) isotopic modification, which is associated with extensive calcification at T = 54–100°C, primarily beneath the younger of the two detachment faults and post‐dating initial serpentinization. By comparing the volumetric extent of calcification with an experimentally verified model for calcite precipitation in veins, we conclude that calcification could have occurred in response to seawater infiltration, with a calculated flux rate of 0.1–0.2 m year?1 and a minimum duration of 0.2–4.0 × 104 years. The associated time‐averaged uptake flux of carbon during this period was 8–120 mol m?2 year?1. By comparison with the estimated area of exhumed mantle rocks at the Iberian OCT, we calculate a maximum annual uptake flux for carbon of 2–30 Tg year?1. This is an order of magnitude greater than that for carbon exchange at the mid‐ocean ridges and 0.1–1.4% of the global oceanic uptake flux for carbon.  相似文献   

Intra‐individual variations in carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope measurements of dentine collagen in ungulate teeth can be related to diet and environmental changes at different periods during the life of the animal. A protocol of serial sampling of first, second and third molar roots was applied to modern caribou (17–27 months old) of the Qamanirjuaq herd (Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus), Canada. Based on a previous study, we predicted that M2 would reflect winter, M3 summer and M1 a complete year in terms of the isotopic record. Relatively high δ15N values (ca. 6 to 8‰), previously attributed to winter stress, were found in different molars of different specimens, reflecting a period of growth between April 1966 to April 1967. Previous results on other teeth from the same population confirmed that a high δ15Ncoll value signal corresponded to the winter of 1966/67. This temporary increase in δ15N value was probably linked to diet and/or environmental change. Collagen from M1 reflects the first winter whereas M2 and M3 reflect the second winter of life of young caribou. A longer time record including summer is represented by the bone collagen of the mandible. Results obtained on molar roots and mandible bone of the modern caribou of Banks Island herd (Rangifer tarandus pearyi) confirmed this seasonal record. Such collagen isotopic analysis on M1, M2 and M3 roots and jawbone can be applied to reindeer found in archaeological sites. Mandibles retaining deciduous premolars are preferable to avoid the possible loss of the winter tooth signal observed in animals older than 2 years. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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