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刘承斡与嘉业堂藏书楼   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嘉业堂藏书楼兴起于1910年,是旧中国私家藏书楼最后的辉煌。其主人刘承斡是一个比较开通的藏书家,为收藏古籍做出了贡献。  相似文献   

吕敏 《神州》2013,(24):221-221
门德尔松是一位德国犹太裔作曲家。为德国浪漫乐派最具代表性的人物之一。被誉为浪漫主义杰出的“抒情风景画大师”。他的作品以精美、优雅、华丽著称。《随想回旋曲》是门德尔松早期钢琴代表作品之一,曲中绚烂的钢琴技巧、浪漫优美的抒情旋律,搭配着和声和对位式的性格乐段,运用了回旋曲式的结构,将本曲的旋律特点体现得淋漓尽致。  相似文献   

高专诚 《沧桑》2011,(3):121-122
近获友人惠赠新版《高平市志》(以下简称《市志》),累累三巨册,洋洋三百余万言,诚为地方史志中不甚多见之浩大工程。虽不能尽览斯著,但因为高平市本为三晋历史名城,更是历史上著名的"长平之战"的发生地,所以,于此《市志》之大略,特别是与"长平之战”相关的内容,还是翻阅再三,深觉其历史余味之悠远。  相似文献   

庞白 《中国土族》2013,(4):73-73
黄河老头一把花白大胡子,满脸深浅皱纹的老头,站在黄河边。他把白帽子摘下,作葵扇,扇胸。他咕咕噜噜唱的歌,我一句也听不懂。我叫他,问他,他不理我。我坐下来,看他,望他,他还是不理我。我拿起一块泥巴向他扔过去,他仍然不理我。他自顾自地发出的声音,持续迷醉自己。那往上的声音,绑紧,再绑紧;那要命的声音,骤然直上,  相似文献   

唐双宁 《百年潮》2009,(10):73-77
站在毛泽东的祖居地韶山冲东茅塘,面对赫赫有名的“滴水洞”,左边是蜿蜒起伏的龙头山,右边矗立着威武的虎歇坪。在这龙盘虎踞之间,有一条山间小道,穿过滴水洞,经过滑油潭,翻过云盘山,直达现在的棠佳阁,当年的毛泽东外婆家湘乡县大坪乡唐家坨。  相似文献   

在翻弄抽屉时.见有几枚躐质代价币(躐为锡与铅的合金),看看还有点意思,面上的文字一时又不易理解,就想到拓出图来,供大家欣赏。  相似文献   


王文泸先生发表在报刊上的散文,要有机会看到的,看过数篇,受益匪浅。2003年年底和2004年年初报刊多次登载了王文泸散文随笔《站在高原能看多远》出版发行的消息和评论,再次引起我对王文泸美文的向往。抽空去了几次新华书店均脱销。去年2月不经意间买到一本再版本,但因工作太忙,一直未读,直到9月才有一次去青南出差的机会,我特意将书装入工作包。  相似文献   

张继民 《神州》2010,(8):28-29
“城市,让生活更美好”,是上海201O年世博会的主题。有人回顾说,当年多个国家竞争举办2010年世博会,为了取得申办权,相关国家纷纷亮出各自的主题,以赢得人们的好感。  相似文献   

THE remains of the medieval manor of Penhallam lie in a sheltered valley in the parish of Jacobstow, some 3 miles from the sea. It was one of the principal houses of the Cardinham family who held, under the king, the largest seignory in the county of Cornwall. Extensive excavation between the years 1968 and 1973 revealed substantial remains of a sophisticated manor house, standing within an earlier ring-work. The stone-built house was constructed in four periods during the late 12th and early 13th centuries. It was deserted in the middle of the 14th century and was gradually demolished. Mo remains of the buildings were visible above ground at the time of the commencement of the excavation. The site, now known as Berry Court, takes the name of a small homestead of probable 16th-century origin, standing on the outer edge of the moat.

There was no visible trace of the hall associated with the early Norman ring-work, but its existence is attested by the subsequent development of the site. Excavation revealed that there were stone buildings standing on the four sides of a courtyard. They comprised a hall, camera, chapel, service rooms, lodgings and a gatehouse. From these remains it was possible to obtain much information about the construction and development of a medieval manor house in the 12th and 13th centuries. Excavation of the 13th-century gatehouse and drawbridge well revealed the construction, assembly and operation of a counter-balanced bridge.

The excavation finds, attributed to the 13th and early 14th centuries, have been presented to the Royal Institution of Cornwall at Truro.  相似文献   


The Winchester Moot Horn was found in a chest in the late 19th century when the Westgate was cleared out in advance of its conversion to a museum. Although generally believed to be of late-12th- or early-13th-century date on stylistic grounds, and a civic horn appears in local documentary sources, its excellent state of preservation has always raised some doubt as to its antiquity. Recent study and scientific analyses have now confirmed its early date. A survey of other moot horns from England suggests that at least one other, from Canterbury, dates to much the same time.  相似文献   

上世纪50年代的拉萨,雅鲁藏布江、拉萨河、年楚河两岸曾经存在着数千座大大小小的贵族庄园,可是由于各种原因,这些曾经无比繁华和奢华的贵族庄园,在半个世纪甚至更短的时间内消失了,绝大部分没有留下一点痕迹。  相似文献   


Trial excavations prior to building development on the site of Thomas Wriothesley’s important manor house built about 1537 suggest a continuous succession of large houses on the site from the 14th century to the 18th. The earliest structures may represent a country retreat for the Abbots of Hyde.  相似文献   

想想,我有一二十年不骑尕毛驴了吧?还说什么呢,我连驴车也都是好多年不曾坐了。我们家没有驴,所有亲戚家里最后的一头驴去年也被卖了……我好想尕毛驴儿!我想它,不光是想到骑着它颠颠小跑在田间曲径,不光是想到乘坐它驾的车,  相似文献   

Unlike other scientific fields, anthropology popularizations are as likely as not to be written by scientists who are not themselves experts in the subject. This is because the subject, the scientific knowledge of our origin and patterns of bio-cultural diversity—or more broadly, who we are and where we come from—is the source of our culturally authoritative origin myths, and consequently of broad general interest in and of itself. But anthropology popularizations come with the responsibility not only to get the facts and theory correct, but as well to understand the history and embedded politics in the stories themselves.  相似文献   

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