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We report the results of an instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) undertaken on a regional sample of pottery from the Southern Nasca Region. The samples included specimens primarily from the Early Nasca (ca. A.D. 1–450) and Tiza (ca. A.D. 1000–1476) cultures from a total of 16 different prehispanic sites. The results of the analysis demonstrate centralized production of Early Nasca polychromes and decentralized production of pottery from the Tiza culture. The results of this analysis confirm previous conclusions about the organization of these two indigenous cultures of the south coast of Peru and support the hypothesis of an excess production of polychromes at the ceremonial center Cahuachi for Early Nasca, and multiple centers of production for the Tiza culture.  相似文献   

为保护山东青州香山汉墓出土大量精美的西汉彩绘陶器,针对出土器物的腐蚀病害现状,运用X-射线衍射分析和偏光显微分析等技术手段,对出土彩绘陶器表面的白色盐分产物和陶片本体进行了检测。检测结果表明,表面盐分产物成分为碳酸钙和硫酸钙;该批陶器烧制材料主要由砂屑及粘土构成,所用粘土为岩土矿长期风化的积聚产物;制作工艺以模为主,模、塑结合;并结合以上的几种分析结果对其腐蚀病害及产生机理进行了论述,发现陶器表面风化是云母类矿物内部化学键断裂以及保存环境中的可溶盐的破坏应力所致。本研究结果为彩绘陶器保护修复提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

In this paper, the utility of LA-ICP-MS for instrumentally separating clay and temper within pottery samples is examined through a well-known case study that has been previously characterized through NAA and petrography. Coarse Orange pottery is composed of kaolinitic clays heavily tempered within volcanic ash from the basalt-rich Tuxtla Mountains of southern Veracruz, Mexico. We attempt to address the following topics with analyses on this pottery: 1) can LA-ICP-MS replicate the same groups previously identified by NAA and petrography; 2) can instrumental isolation of the clay fraction within the pottery replicate known patterns in raw clay source geochemistry in the Tuxtla Mountains; 3) can data for both the clay and volcanic ash fractions of each pottery sherd be combined to simulate the bulk INAA data? The results demonstrate that the clay fraction of the pottery sherds can be isolated. Furthermore, the LA-ICP-MS data for the clay fractions display nearly identical chemistry to available NAA data for raw clay samples collected from geological contexts in the region. Instrumentally isolating the clay fraction in this case eliminates the homogenizing effects of adding a common temper and increases the chemical separation among groups making it easier to identify clay procurement strategies for each specimen. However, focusing only on the clay fraction ignores significant tempering variation. Attempts to simulate the bulk NAA by combining LA-ICP-MS data for clays and temper was reasonably successful in reestablishing the tempering variation lost by exclusive focus on clays, but such an approach could not replace the more precise data generated from NAA and petrography.  相似文献   

We provide a compositional perspective on the origins of the Cahuachi cult in Nasca, south coast of Peru. Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis of ceramics from the Formative site of La Puntilla demonstrate that a small group of pottery known as Nasca 1 blackwares are compositionally consistent with Early Nasca polychromes originating at Cahuachi. These data suggest that the patterns of pilgrimage and group ceremonies exhibited at Cahuachi during Early Nasca began at least in the proto-Nasca phase of Nasca 1 during the Formative. We use these data to further document the Paracas to Nasca transition, a complex and dynamic period in south coastal prehistory.  相似文献   

Archeologists often rely heavily on stone monuments, architecture, settlement patterns, and written texts to reconstruct ancient political systems. In this paper we focus on the role of polychrome pottery as both a reflection of and critical component in the production of power relations. We present rare direct evidence of polychrome pottery production recovered from the Maya site of Motul de San José, the presumed Late Classic (ca. 600–900 AD) capital of the epigraphically-recognized Ik’ polity. Our contextual analysis of production debris and tools complement on-going polychrome vessel style and chemical analyses of Ik’ Style polychrome vessels to suggest that Motul de San José’s royal court was an important center in the manufacture of Ik’ Style polychrome pottery. These elaborate vessels indexed the political history, power, and networks of the Ik’ polity. By combining archeological, iconographic, and epigraphic data of polychrome pottery, we shed light on Motul de San José’s internal political-economic dynamics as well as its macro-political alliances and tensions with other polities.  相似文献   

山东青州香山汉墓陪葬坑出土了数量巨大,种类齐全陶质彩绘文物,尤其是陶马和陶俑上的彩绘保存完好,色彩鲜艳,绘画工艺精湛,非常罕见。为了研究汉代彩绘及其制陶工艺等信息,本研究使用拉曼光谱(RS)、带能谱的扫描电镜(SEM-EDX)、偏光显微镜(PLM)、体式显微镜(OM)、X射线荧光光谱(XRF)、X射线衍射(XRD)、热膨胀仪等分析方法,对出土的陶质彩绘文物进行了分析研究。结果表明这批陶质彩绘文物制作工艺是就地取土,与水混合塑型,在900~1000℃烧制陶胎。其彩绘所使用的颜料均为矿物颜料,其中白色为方解石(CaCO3)、红色为赭石(Fe2O3)和朱砂(HgS)、黑色为炭黑(C)、紫色为人造汉紫(BaCuSi2O6),采用胶料调和颜料调涂刷绘制而成。这批文物的制作工艺属于典型的秦汉时期彩绘陶器的制作方法。研究成果可为相关文物的保护提供科学数据。  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(2):288-310

We report the results of a petrographic analysis of pottery from Kolomoki, a Middle and Late Woodland period mound and village complex in southwestern Georgia. Thin sections of 65 sherds representing several prestige and utilitarian Weeden Island pottery types, from both domestic (midden) and ceremonial (mound) contexts, were obtained. For comparison, we also analyzed samples from a few potential clay sources. We characterize the range of variability in paste/resource groupings present in the Kolomoki assemblage and use these data to address patterns of manufacture and exchange of Weeden Island pottery through comparisons to thin sections of comparable types from the McKeithen site and other Weeden Island sites in the region.  相似文献   

A combination of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and portable X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (PXRF) was used on the clay fraction of Ertebølle ceramics from several Late Mesolithic sites in Scania, southern Sweden. The aim was to provide up-to-date information about clay types used during that period within the Scanian Ertebølle cultural unit, and to elucidate social aspects relevant to the organization of pottery production and the role of ceramics in the local societies. The results suggest similar clay preferences across the sites, site-based pottery production using local clays and zero mobility of ceramics between the sites. The chemical separation of the ceramics from the site of Soldattorpet into two compositional groups suggests possible multigroup occupation. The origins of aromatic hydrocarbons, extracted previously from the ceramic matrix of the vessels during a lipid residue study, were also investigated, and a discussion is provided.  相似文献   

河南省焦作马村汉墓和白庄汉墓出土彩绘陶仓楼数量众多,类型丰富。为了科学保护修复彩绘陶仓楼,通过X射线衍射仪,X射线荧光分析仪,岩相分析,热膨胀测试等技术手段对这批彩绘陶仓楼进行了深入分析。研究发现,这批陶器为当地取土烧制的加砂陶,陶片结构较密实,器物制作以模为主,部分是模制后粘贴而成,吸水率和表气孔率较高,烧成温度和岩相分析发现陶片有釉化现象。研究成果可为后续保护修复处理彩绘彩绘陶仓楼提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

在历经两千年埋藏以后,秦始皇兵马俑表面的漆皮彩绘在出土时,大多会卷曲脱落。如何将漆皮彩绘回贴加固好一直是保护工作者研究的难点。本工作在秦帝陵博物院前期工作的基础上,通过实验室模拟研究探索了黏结、回贴过程中陶本体含水率、PEG含量、可溶盐含量、陶块泥土粘附量、漆皮彩绘含水率、PEG含量、临时固型剂含量等对回贴、黏结效果的影响。结果表明将陶块含水率降至5%以下、减少PEG200溶液渗入陶本体、对陶本体进行脱盐处理、在黏结剂中添加极细小填料、逐渐增加PEG200浓度来润湿漆皮、清除残存的临时固型剂薄荷醇等措施都能不同程度地改善漆皮彩绘回贴的效果,增加黏结强度,提高其耐老化破坏循环的能力。以上应用基础研究可以为彩绘类文物现场保护工艺的改进提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Ceramic compositional analysis can contribute to the study of late Holocene Arctic hunter-gatherer social interaction through reconstruction of past ceramic distribution patterns. The results of an ethnographically informed clay source survey in Northwest Alaska are presented here. The survey provided contextual data on clay depositional environments, clay variability, and local environmental factors that influenced pre-contact clay availability. Geochemical analysis of clays and tempers clarified the location of ceramic production zones. Concurrence between survey results and ethnographic data highlights the persistence of clay knowledge despite post-contact absence of pottery making. This research demonstrates that ethnographically informed source survey can aid in interpreting ceramic geochemical data and yield important insights into pre-contact ceramic production processes.  相似文献   

容波  兰德省  王亮  朱振宇  李斌  王春燕 《文博》2009,(6):266-268
为了掌握陕西省内陶质彩绘文物的基本情况、受损现状及保护现状等基础数据,我们开展了“陕西省陶质彩绘文物调查研究项目”。通过对咸阳地区汉景帝阳陵、杨家湾汉墓、汉武帝茂陵、窑店三义村等大型汉代墓葬出土彩绘陶器表面颜料进行研究,从颜料物质成分、彩绘工艺等方面进行了科学检测和分析,为彩绘陶器的保护修复提供了依据。  相似文献   

The Oaxaca Clay Survey was initiated to provide baseline data on clay composition within the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, to assist in provenance determination of prehistoric ceramics. Natural clays were sampled from 135 locations throughout the valley, and analysed using INAA in combination with ceramic petrography. Observed geographical trends in trace‐element and mineralogical composition confirm that while parent material (surficial geology) strongly affects clay composition, a continuum of variation exists within the valley. The study develops and tests a continuous spatial model of clay composition that provides greater resolution in ceramic sourcing than bedrock alone. By establishing a regional framework for Oaxaca Valley clays, the survey will support significant advances in our understanding of pottery production and exchange within the valley, and provide a more robust means for monitoring exchange between the valley and neighbouring regions.  相似文献   

The Nasca culture of the south coast of Peru developed during the first millennium ad and is known internationally for its elaborately decorated polychrome pots. Despite decades of iconographic analysis, little is known about the more technological aspects of Nasca pigment production and application. We present results from a pilot study on iron isotopes as a potential line of inquiry into the differences between red and black pigments in Nasca pigments. As well, we conduct a small firing experiment to examine potential changes in isotope composition. Our analyses show three significant results. First, firing does not change the isotopic ratios of Fe in pigments. Second, red and black pigments show differences in their iron isotope composition, which relate to differences in the minerals used to make the different colors. Third, naturally available hematite samples show greater isotopic variation than pigment samples, suggesting that people selected a limited range of iron oxides to produce pigments.  相似文献   

79 samples of black glazed pottery, Terra sigillata, fine common ware, and production indicators were recovered in the archaeological site of Cales and investigated via a multi-analytical program (polarized light microscopy, thermal analyses, XRPD, XRF, FESEM, FESEM-EDS). Among the materials, finds of important production indicators, represented by welded pieces of black glazed pottery and spacers, attest a local production. Polarized light microscopy shows that the inclusions consist of feldspar, quartz, mica, calcite, and lithic fragments of both volcanic and sedimentary nature. Additional information about the mineralogical assemblage comes from the XRPD that revealed the presence of neoformed Ca-silicates, indicating equivalent firing temperatures ranging from 750 to 1050°C. All the samples show a Ca-rich character and an extreme compositional homogeneity, including the production indicators. The comparison with some Ca-rich Campanian clay raw materials shows a greater affinity with the Mio-Pliocene marine clay sediments of the Apennine sector, which include local clays. This allowed us to formulate the first hypotheses about clay sources used to produce fine pottery during the third century BCE to the early imperial period in Cales.  相似文献   

This paper explores analytically the contemporary pottery‐making community of Pereruela (north‐west Spain) that produces cooking pots from a mixture of red clay and kaolin. Analyses by different techniques (XRF, NAA, XRD, SEM and petrography) showed an extremely high variability for cooking ware pottery produced in a single production centre, by the same technology and using local clays. The main source of chemical variation is related to the use of different red clays and the presence of non‐normally distributed inclusions of monazite. These two factors induce a high chemical variability, not only in the output of a single production centre, but even in the paste of a single pot, to an extent to which chemical compositions from one ‘workshop’, or even one ‘pot’, could be classified as having different provenances. The implications for the chemical characterization and for provenance studies of archaeological ceramics are addressed.  相似文献   

为了对山西省忻州市河曲坪头遗址出土的龙山时期的陶器以及制陶原料中的粘土原料的种类和来源进行相关探讨,利用ICP-OES对出土的陶器、坯料,以及遗址附近采集的土样进行了化学成分测试,并使用SPSS软件对分析结果进行了降维处理和主成分分析。结果显示:坪头遗址不同质地的陶器陶土原料相同,只是在钙含量方面存在细微差异。制作陶器所用的粘土原料很可能取自附近的红色古土壤层。该遗址是古人在当地制作陶器的一个场所。  相似文献   

Studies of the organization of Maya pottery production have been pursued via numerous methods but without theoretical models. I review available data on production of Late Classic southern lowland Maya polychrome pottery in light of my calendrically based may model of geopolitical organization. I conclude that: (1) production arrangements vary by “kind” of pottery; (2) “craft specialization” and “workshops” are inappropriate concepts; (3) study of polychrome production necessitates multiple approaches, including analysis of decorative content; (4) better “bridging arguments” and “middle-range theory” are needed; (5) figural polychromes were “inalienable” wealth goods; and (6) they were painted in palaces of primary and secondary centers—may and k'atun seats in the model—in realm-specific signature styles.  相似文献   

为研究湖南桃源县战国楚墓出土彩绘陶器的组成结构及保存现状,采用能量色散X射线荧光光谱法(EDXRF)、扫描电镜-能谱法(SEM-EDS)、X射线衍射法(XRD)和激光拉曼光谱法(LRS)等手段对陶器胎体成分、表面彩绘、金属涂层等进行分析检测。结果表明:这批彩绘陶器胎体成分相近,为普通易熔黏土。彩绘陶器表面的红色颜料为朱砂(HgS),黑色颜料为炭黑(C)。在彩绘陶壶、陶鼎和陶敦表面发现金属涂层装饰,通过扫描电镜能谱和X射线衍射分析,确定涂层为单质锡,属于锡涂陶的范畴。同时红外光谱测试显示锡层内面棕黑色物质为生漆,可能混合其他胶结材料。以上结果为研究战国时期彩绘陶器,特别是锡涂陶的制作工艺及发展提供了新的资料。  相似文献   

Neutron activation (NAA) and petrographic analyses were carried out on Late and Inca Period pottery from 15 archaeological sites and several clay samples in the southern Abaucán Valley, Catamarca, Argentina. The results from the NAA and petrographic analyses provide new data concerning local versus non‐local pottery production and vessel exchange for these two pre‐Hispanic cultural periods. The chemical data demonstrate the use of different clay sources over time until the Inca appearance in the region, when a more structured and controlled production is observed. Petrographic analyses show a similar change in the ceramic paste recipes used by ancient potters.  相似文献   

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