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Through their highly controlled production systems Japanese auto-makers have succeeded to a considerable degree in extending the basic principles of modern factory productionspecialisation and timingto regional space. Thousands of firms, large and small, hierarchically connected in subcontracting layers supply a myriad of parts and engineering services to the auto-makers. Automakers minimise the level of stocks of parts at their plants by requiring their direct suppliers to make frequent deliveries. These firms function as extensions of the auto-maker's plant with the result that the regional production system functions with precision approaching that of a single well-organised factory.  相似文献   

中国古代彩塑,是以宗教题材为主的。因此,作品的形式往往会受宗教理念和仪轨的影响。程式化的彩塑为数不少,但也不乏有注重生活、手法写实、饱含创作激情的艺术品。有些作品甚至达到了神人交融,艺术和人性高度统一的效果,双林寺彩塑可谓一例。  相似文献   

If its prospects were doubted in the early 1990s, London isnow the pre-eminent international financial centre. It dominatesits European rivals and is joined with New York and Tokyo ina non-stop reciprocal global embrace. Whereas some analystsapproach this topic concentrating on the nature and qualityof market relationships in London, others emphasise the rolethat government regulation has played in promoting the growthof the City of London with respect to its European rivals. Here,I elaborate the logic whereby financial products and servicesare produced at a particular point in space even if financialtrading is an increasingly ubiquitous virtual activity. I emphasisethe competitive dynamics of the financial services industry,the complementary qualities of financial products, and the placeof London in corporate global transactions systems. I mean toshow that the production of financial products has been broughtto ground (so to speak) in London for a variety of (perhapsnon-replicable) reasons. In this regard, my argument is clearlyat odds with those analysts of information and communicationtechnology who proclaim the end of geography. However, my argumentsits uncomfortably with those who insist upon the persistenceand co-existence of different national financial systems. Implicationsare drawn for the role of London in the evolving integratedEuropean market for financial services, and for the future ofcontinental European financial centres.  相似文献   

During recent years, Spain has experienced an important revolution in its migration flows. With the 2008–2013 Spanish financial crisis, the model of economic growth that attracted a large number of foreign people disappeared, and the entry of immigrants for reasons other than economic issues gained relevance. Linked with this phenomenon are the new patterns of locational choice across provinces and the variation in the nature of immigrants. In this paper, we examine the differential patterns and drivers of immigration across Spanish regions before and after the financial crisis. Special attention is paid to the question of how the characteristics of individual migrants influence their locational preferences. To answer this question, we use the Dirichlet multinomial regression model. The results obtained show a sharp change in the locational patterns of Spanish immigrants after the economic recession, confirming that traditional economic incentives are less relevant, while non-economic factors linked with a better lifestyle gain importance. They also reveal that, regardless of the economic conditions, network effects are strong. Finally, and what is probably more important for us, our estimates support the hypothesis that the locational preferences rely on the interaction between the immigrants’ characteristics and the underlying locational features.  相似文献   

玉门、阳关的得名与输玉无关,二者的地位、作用尚存一些不被注意的差异和奥秘。先秦文献《穆天子传》保存有许多前丝绸之路和敦煌地域地理、人文、交通的重要信息。敦煌一称,不是月氏(吐戈罗)的汉译,东汉应劭释边疆盛大是正确的。本文重温河西四郡、两关与西域、丝路的开拓创建史,就一系列重大问题及研究,作出了新的分析、判断。  相似文献   

Locational changes in the Lancashire cotton industry between 1884 and 1914 are re-examined. The concentration of cotton spinning in central and southeast Lancashire and the consolidation of weaving in the northern half of the textile region were caused not only by differential rates of growth in the two sectors but also by the decline of the sub-regionally weaker sector. Single factors such as technological innovation and spatial variations in labour costs are insufficient to account for the deepening segregation of spinning and weaving. Different methods of capital formation led to important changes in the organization of the two sectors. New specialized spinning mills were built by large limited companies in southeast Lancashire whilst in northeast Lancashire a multitude of weaving firms were formed by private entrepreneurs. Throughout the region combined mills declined both relatively and absolutely, but they survived longest in peripheral areas away from the leading centres of expansion and innovation. Divergent processes of sub-regional specialization were related to different labour requirements in the spinning and weaving sectors.  相似文献   

<正>吾生于白山,长于黑土,乐于和野生的动物结为玩伴,尤其是对于鸟类更是情有独钟。置身于山水之间,享受于花香鸟语,沉醉于流光掠影,痴迷于摄影艺术。从起初风光摄影的独善其身,到后来野生鸟类保护的心系天下,尺寸之间留下了三十余年的彩色人生。所幸的是,部分作品被多个刊物选  相似文献   

石关峡:最早的玉门关与最晚的玉门关   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丝绸路上的著名关隘玉门关,伴随着中西交通的发展及其路线的变化,关址有过几次改徙。本文披检有关史料,并经反复实地踏察,考得西汉最早设置的玉门关位于今甘肃省嘉峪关市石关峡,置关时间当在武帝元封四年,至太初三、四年间李广利二次伐大宛之际,随着汉王室西方战略的需要,遂将玉门关西迁至敦煌郡西北。石关峡至今仍残留关址和汉长城遗迹。迨及五代、宋初,该峡又被重新利用,重又设为玉门关,为敦煌归义军与甘州回鹘政权之间的分疆之处和东西交通要口,此为最晚的、最后废弃的玉门关址。宋仁宗景祐三年(1036年),西夏占领河西后,玉门关就从史籍上消声匿迹了。  相似文献   

山海关区具有特殊的地理位置、优越的自然环境、丰富的自然资源。这些为山海关人民提供了良好的生态环境,并构成山海关区特殊的区位优势,使之成为渤海之滨的一个锦绣家园。  相似文献   

独乐寺观音阁内十一面观音像保存至今,泥胎存在裂隙、空鼓、脱落等病害。利用超景深三维显微镜、X射线衍射分析(XRD)、激光粒度分布仪等对观音像泥胎进行了材质分析。通过控制砂、纤维含量,分析泥塑试样的收缩性,并探索纤维含量对泥胎收缩性的影响规律。结果表明:观音像泥胎的制作原料取自当地,其中土颗粒粒径多在5~70 μm之间,约占总量的79.5%;主要矿物成分为石英和伊利石,还有部分钠长石和钾长石,以及少量的高岭石。粗泥层含砂量约为35%,麦草(麦秆及麦壳混合物)含量约6%~9%,长度大多在2 cm以下;细泥层含砂量约为30%,麻丝含量约2.1%,长度大多集中在2 cm。麦草和麻丝的加入对泥胎的收缩均能起到抑制作用。随着麦草含量的增加,抑制作用呈现先增大后减小的趋势,掺和6%的麦草抑制作用最好;添加麻丝可使试样的最终线缩率显著减小,但麻丝的多少对线缩率的减小幅度影响不大。观音像泥胎的原纤维配比就有很好的抑制收缩效果。本次研究获得了十一面观音像泥胎的材料组成信息,得出了纤维占比对泥胎收缩性的影响,为十一面观音像的修复与保护提供了参考。  相似文献   

萧关是古代建于自长安通往塞外、西北直至中亚、西亚地区的交通大道上的一处险要关隘。它不仅是屏障关中极为重要的军事要塞,而且还是统一时期中原王朝构筑的北部战略防御体系中的关键一环,在中国军事史占有突出地位。然而涉及萧关位置这一最基本的问题,千百年来却众说纷纭,莫衷一是。本文循着将文献资料和实地考察相结合的途径,以期能在解决这一问题的道路上向前迈出重要一步。  相似文献   

明清以来,“音近义通”说畅行,开创了汉语词源研究的新局面。然而,由于“音近义通”说之“音近”概念模糊,且在实践中往往忽视了“义通”的因素,因此影响了汉语词源研究的进展。近年来,学们开始对“音近义通”说进行反思,指出音义二不可偏废,应互相制约,两维交叉:有的学还认为,音义二关系应以义为纲,以音为纬.而在意义的研究上,则开始从发生学及认知语盲学角度探索同源词语源义即“义类”的生成及其作用。  相似文献   

天梯山石窟,即北凉石窟,在国内史学界誉为中国古代石窟鼻祖。据考证,9窟彩塑与壁画制作始于唐代,后经历代多次重绘。针对目前彩塑与壁画的保存现状及需要修复的状况,本研究运用现代分析仪器与技术,对9窟现存的彩塑、壁画进行了科学分析。其中,对彩塑及壁画地仗土层矿物进行了X射线衍射分析,对重层彩绘颜料进行了X射线衍射、X射线荧光分析;另外,对清理彩塑地仗时发现的植物茎秆及附属物,采用偏光显微分析技术进行了材质鉴定。分析和鉴定结果表明:9窟现存彩塑及壁画地仗土层具有相同的矿物组成,基本包括石英、长石(斜长石、少量的K-长石)、云母(白云母、绿泥石、伊利石、斜绿泥石)、方解石、少量石膏,并确定植物茎秆材质为稻草;在使用的彩绘中,黑色为墨,红色颜料有朱砂、铅丹和铁红,蓝色颜料为石青,白色颜料以方解石为主,有少量的石膏。本结果可为后期天梯山石窟的全面复原修复提供参考资料。  相似文献   

2002年5月,山西五台县豆村镇佛光村村民反映在古竹林寺旧址上发现佛教造像,忻州市文物管理处得悉消息后赶赴现场,清理发掘出佛教遗物4件,分别为两尊胁侍菩萨、一尊弟子及一个佛座,质地俱为汉白玉。现介绍如下。  相似文献   

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