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When the black-necked cranes are hunting for foods, specialcranes will be responsible for guarding (parents guardingthe family in turn). Generally speaking, the number of guardsdepends on the total number of cranes in a flock.The cranes are afraid neither of livestock, vehicles nor people. In thefarmland, they play at ease only some ten meters from the farmers.However, the cranes are afraid of outlanders, although it is hard to specifythe range of outlanders.Cangqu Zholma, a specialist in bir…  相似文献   

WhenourcarhadbumpedalongamakeshifthighwayforafterhavingcrossedtheDagzeSuspensionBridge,wegottoLhunzhubCounty.Thesectionofthehighwayturnedgreen,withhightreesstandingonbothsidesoftheroad.Wespedalongthehighwayintothisgreenworld.Thegrazinggrasslandwasdottedwi…  相似文献   

资资  王王 《旅游纵览》2010,(1):10-17
冬季,走地中海南线是一个不错的选择,推荐去加那利群岛,突尼斯,希腊。到了希腊,经过北非的突尼斯驶进大西洋,直到著名的加那利群岛(Canary Islands)再回航。现在这个时候连希腊都有点冷,旅游者比旺季时少很多,也正是这个原因,在冬季去,反倒避开了熙熙攘攘的人群,能体验到爱琴海岸边清澈的希腊味道。  相似文献   

XERABGYAMCOThefolowingarenewspaperspublishedbeforethefoundingofthePeoplesRepublicofChinaonOctober1,1949.(1)TibetVernacularPa...  相似文献   

Alex Helm 《Folklore》2013,124(2):118-136

Poverty and insecurity in Afghan cities are intricately intertwined with conditions of “informality.” The term and the realities it describes refer to living situations in which basic needs and activities such as work, housing, and social security are unprotected by laws and standards. Immersion into such a convolution of informality determines the life of a majority among urban populations in Afghanistan and conveys a deep sense of insecurity for the urban poor. The paper looks at how rapid and unprecedented urban growth in Afghanistan goes along with rising levels of livelihood insecurity and explores how the urban poor cope with livelihood risks through a range of informal arrangements. Conceptually, the notion of “informal security regimes” helps capture informality as a coping strategy and how it relates to urban poverty in Afghanistan. Informed by extensive empirical fieldwork, the paper identifies different elements of the “informal security regime” in urban Afghanistan and explores their specific operations. The paper is mainly focused on the Afghan capital, Kabul, supplemented with evidence from other urban sites in Afghanistan.  相似文献   

阳春三月,省政协副主席鲍义志带领由省政协科教文卫体委员会、民盟青海省委、省垣知名吐谷浑专家学者组成的调研考察团,先后赴甘肃武威市及我省都兰县,就吐谷浑文化挖掘和开发工作进行了专题考察和调研。在河西走廊,在柴达木盆地,考察团一行不辞劳顿进行实地调研,很多地方地处大山戈壁,考察人员是伴着风沙徒步完成的调研的。一路上,鲍义志为吐谷浑人的灿烂历史文化所感动,才思奔涌,创作了三十多首古体诗,字里行间无不流露出对大美青海和吐谷浑文化的赞美之情。本刊特发表其中的八首,以飨读者。  相似文献   

新疆鄯善县吐峪沟石窟寺遗址   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2010年,对新疆鄯善县吐峪沟石窟寺遗址进行发掘,清理了50多处洞窟和许多窟前遗迹,以及一处地面佛寺。新发现壁画面积约200平方米,还出土大量文书残片。吐峪沟石窟均是多层式的组群布局,新清理的两处礼拜窟应开凿于公元5世纪前后。吐峪沟石窟寺遗址的发掘为研究古代佛教石窟等提供了宝贵的新资料。  相似文献   

The Lhasa River originates from Nyangqentanglha Mountain on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.It is 551 km long and is one of the five major tributaries of the Yarlung Zangbo.For many years,the average diametric flow volume has been 6 billon cubic meters,which is about one-eighth of that of the second largest river in China,the Yelow River.The drainage area is nearly 30,000 square km.The Lhasa River is the Mother River of the Tibetans,which witnessed the changes of ancient Tibetan culture.The drainage area of the Lhasa River serves as the center of politics,economy,culture,transportation and religion in the whole Tibet, as well as the significant part of three-river area(the Yarlung Zangbo River,the Lhasa River and the Nyang Qu River)that Tibetan government attaches importance to the development there.  相似文献   

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region,which practices ethnic regional autonomy. During this 40-year period,what changes have taken place in Tibet and to the life of Tibetans? Dainzin Lhunzhub,with the China National Center for Tibetan Studies,once interviewed some 100 residents of the Xoi Neighborhood Committee of Lhasa.Beginning with this issue, we will publish highlights of the interview.  相似文献   

文章上篇以大量材料阐述了丝绸之路历史上作为新疆大门的哈密、巴里坤古城形成的过程、地理位置、所发挥过的重要作用及以后逐渐冷落的原因。  相似文献   

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