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金鑫 《沧桑》2009,(3):44-46
面对新形势新阶段新特征,要真正做到站在新的历史起点上,必须按照科学发展观的要求,正确把握和处理当前发展中诸如:好与快、取与舍、前人与后人、探索与稳定、国内与国外的五个关系,为实现又好又快发展、和谐发展、共享发展、创新发展、廉洁发展、和平发展、科学发展和可持续发展,提供动力和基础,切实推进中国特色社会主义事业全面进步和发展。  相似文献   

戴鹏 《攀登》2010,29(4):82-85
推动跨区联动发展既是贯彻落实科学发展观的具体要求,也是加快区域自身发展的战略选择。“十二五”期间,青海要更好地推进跨越发展、绿色发展、和谐发展、统筹发展,除不断增强自我发展能力外,还应进一步加大与藏、新、甘、川等省区的深层次合作与互动发展,在合作中谋发展,在互动中求跨越。  相似文献   

王恩涌 《人文地理》1996,11(3):74-76
《中国城市发展史》是宁越敏、张务栋、钱今昔著,由安徽科学技术出版社于1994年12月出版。该书共分十章,从聚落的起源和发展、早期城市的发展、封建社会的城市的发展(分前期、中期、后期),我国古代城市发展的总结、近现代城市的发展,当代城市的发展,各类城市的发展到城市规划、建设及中国城市化的道路。  相似文献   

王绚 《攀登》2004,23(3):52-54
统筹城乡发展、统筹区域发展、统筹经济社会发展、统筹人与自然和谐发展、统筹国内发展和对外开放,不仅是可持续发展的需要,也是经济社会发展自身的必然要求,这不仅要协调它们内部的相互关系,而且要协调“五个统筹“之间的相互关系,这是坚持科学发展观的总体要求.  相似文献   

孙发平  刘傲洋 《攀登》2012,31(1):42-51
本文设计出青海省科学发展评估体系,综合相关数据,反映了青海推动跨越发展、绿色发展、和谐发展、统筹发展的进程和水平,并进行了一些分析,提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

毛春合  梁爽  候丽君 《攀登》2023,(5):107-113
推动城乡融合发展是全面贯彻乡村振兴发展战略的必经之路,是确保实现共同富裕的中国式现代化的本质要求,也是中国式现代化建设的内在要求。协同治理为城乡融合发展提供了新的分析视角,研究表明,在推进城乡融合发展的进程中,要基于多元协同共治、城乡共生发展、创新治理驱动、资源均衡配置内在机理,积极应对县域产业经济辐射、城乡共生发展、乡村内生发展、多元协同共治、城乡资源均衡配置等问题。为此,应当增强县域产业经济的辐射带动力、提高城乡互促融合发展能力、激发乡村内生发展动力、增强多元主体协同共治能力、合理配置城乡资源要素,创新驱动城乡融合高质量发展。  相似文献   

巩志娟 《沧桑》2011,(2):75-76
"三步走"战略实施过程中,邓小平多次强调要争取更多的发展机遇,争取更好的发展时期。他在深入分析我国所面临的发展机遇基础上,为我们制定了坚持改革开放、发展社会主义市场经济、先富带后富、区域经济协调发展、台阶式发展、科教兴国、可持续发展的战略措施,有力地推动了"三步走"发展战略的顺利实施。  相似文献   

刘佑 《攀登》2002,21(2):67-71
马克思主义关于人的全面发展的学说涉及人的劳动能力、人的社会关系、人的个性的发展,核心是个人的全面发展。劳动力主要是体力和智力,个性是个体的独特性和自主性,人的发展应当是全面、自由、充分的;人的全面发展学说是针对旧式分工造成人的片面、畸形发展提出的,是对空想社会主义关于人的全面发展理念的批判继承;生产力发展、生产关系变革、广泛的教育机会和个体积极的社会实践,是实现人的全面发展的社会条件。  相似文献   

马克思主义的认识论是建立在实践基础上的能动的反映论,所以,这种认识不是抽象的认识,而是一种现实的、历史的、具体的认识。认识的发展与事物的发展一样符合辩证唯物主义的特征,即认识是动态的、发展的,因此,实践不仅是人类认识发展的基础,而且也确立了人,实现了人,认识的发展与社会的发展、人自身的发展具有历史的、现实的同步性。  相似文献   

关青兰 《攀登》2010,29(4):122-124
中共青海省委十一届六次全体会议提出的跨越发展、绿色发展、和谐发展和统筹发展是具有青海特点的科学发展模式。新闻宣传在实现四个发展中担负着重要责任。文章通过新闻宣传与“四个发展”关系的论述,阐明新闻媒体及其工作者要准确把握和理解“四个发展”的深刻内涵、基本特征和内在联系,把四个发展的要求贯穿到宣传报道之中,在建设富裕文明、和谐的新青海中做好舆论引导,为推动“四个发展”发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(4):195-208

Ghanaian authorities restored Cape Coast Castle and Elmina Castle as memorials to the transatlantic slave trade in order to draw African Americans to Ghana. While this was a positive development for a travel industry that rarely caters to diaspora African needs, the Ghanaian initiative has evoked strong criticisms from concerned African Americans who feel that the restoration has erased the monuments' associated images of slavery and has removed the desired experiential effect. I focus on the complex interplay of these concerns, African Americans' previous attempts to preserve some of these monuments and the history of structural changes to the monuments. These complex issues require several layers of analysis. I situate my discussion within the debate of whether there is any such thing as original monuments and whether there is a necessary correlation between monuments per se and the experience of historical reality. For African Americans, such a strong relationship can be established. The preservation of these monuments, of global significance, calls for an international dialogue based on respect, tolerance and sensitivity.  相似文献   

The essay reflects on the nature of time as a cultural function, especially in the light of the ‘heritage industry’ of the 1980s. In trying to identify the nature of some changes in relationships between pasts and present in the 1990s, the author suggests the concept of ‘post‐heritage’, defines it, and glances at its applicability to 1994.  相似文献   

This paper explores the concept of heritage as part of sustainable development planning. Heritage is taken to include both the cultural and natural spheres to incorporate people, activities, landscapes, monuments, landmarks, artefacts, and nature. Heritage planning then involves the sustainable development of the cultural and natural environment to prepare for its stewardship, research, and communication for the benefit of society. This perspective leads to broader questions on approaches to heritage planning where the cultural environment is considered specifically within sustainable development planning just as the natural environment is studied separately in specialised disciplines. The paper proposes that in developing resource‐management plans the effects of cultural resources on natural resources, and vice versa, must be integrated and addressed. Seoul, Korea, an historic metropolitan city that has gone through radical political and economic changes, is examined as a case study. It identifies how the city is integrating sustainability of the contextual association of the cultural and natural environment with promotion of economic growth.  相似文献   

By following and connecting certain well-trodden routes through constructions of childhood, it is possible to arrive at a point at which the 'natural' gender of childhood is apparently male. This is indicated by the fact that girls are often termed 'tomboys' in both popular and lay discourses, even when they are partaking in what are seen to be the purest, most ideal childhoods which are present in notions of country childhood idylls. Children, nature, and the countryside as surrogate nature, are all seen as innocent, and thus notions of idyllic 'natural' country childhoods become a powerful force. Heavily influenced by romantic constructions of, and connections between, childhood, nature and the countryside, such views, it will be shown, leave little space for girl children to adopt female identities. The author suggests that this ideal association of male children and nature, and the accompanying notion that it is the development of female sexuality which in particular marks a departure from the natural state of childhood, and thus ends childhood, merits consideration. This is particularly so in the contexts of various discourses, such as romanticism, feminism and ecofeminism, which have explored links between the female and the natural. The aim is not to challenge these constructions and theorisations of gender and nature directly, but rather to show how the introduction of the notion of childhood might cross-cut, problematise and even illuminate them to some degree.  相似文献   


This article was presented as a paper to ‘World Cultural Heritage: a global challenge’, an International Symposium at Hildesheim, Germany in February 1997. The paper outlines the problems of attempting to develop a combined heritage and tourism strategy for the small, remote, Himalayan kingdom of Mustang. The development of tourism brings both opportunities and threats to local people and their identity.  相似文献   

文章认为,目前越来越多的方志工作者已经认识到方志的专门性和方志学的独立性,编纂专门的地方志书,建立独立的方志学科体系,正逐渐成为人们的共识。文章重点谈了如何建设和发展方志学科:一、应深入开展方志学理论研究,理论研究要和志书编纂结合起来。二、建设一支精干的方志学理论队伍。三、尽快进行方志学学科立项。四、围绕方志学理论体系的建设组织重大项目攻关。最后指出当前方志理论研究存在的问题。  相似文献   

Contemporary theories of childhood recognize children as experts in their own lives, individuals whose perspectives are worthy of study. Immigrant and refugee children riding waves of historical, geographical, political, cultural and familial changes are likewise recognized as ‘socially competent actors’, anchored in part by their capacity to express personal interests and to form opinions. In a Montreal-based 2012 phenomenological study, 19 of these socially competent actors representing 5 continents were invited to share their perspectives concerning the role of the natural world in their socio-cultural adaptation process. Data provided information concerning children's lived experiences of nature. Research findings provided strong evidence that children entered into relationship with nature. Within this relationship, nature nurtured children by providing a space not unlike that of Winnicott's ‘holding’ or Bion's ‘containment’.  相似文献   


One of the main theses of sociobiology is that between human beings and the so called 'social' animals there are no qualitative differences, and it is for this reason that it is possible to identify in human beings and social animals essentially similar behaviours, all of which are genetically determined. Sociobiologists often take this idea as a basis for the belief that there exists in the universe an ontological unity that can be understood by means of the scientific empirical method. In this sense, sociobiologists attempt to build a model of human nature in which the fundamental goal of all human action is biological survival, to be understood in terms of the preservation and transmission of genes. In this paper I present a critical approach to these sociobiological theses. Employing a dialectical method, I start from the idea that human beings are qualitatively different from the social animals. Without denying their biological foundations, I affirm that human behavioural characteristics should be understood as products of historical–cultural relations. Even phenomena considered to be the most basic and essential for biological survival, for example diet, rest, and sexuality, possess a fundamental cultural character in which biological survival does not necessarily play an important role. The same can be said of human attitudes towards death and pain. Sociobiology underestimates this historical–cultural dimension of human existence and, despite being a discipline grounded in the theory of evolution, it takes for granted a series of essential principles as unchangeable realities. In this way sociobiology produces an ideological discourse on human nature, a false representation of the world which can be of great utility for legitimising many oppressive and discriminatory practices.  相似文献   

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