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<正>听完了风土人情后,我问司机:"司机师傅,您能带我去黔东南最原始的苗寨吗?"好啊,那就去我老家雷公山的毛坪村……"随着生活水平的提高,人们也越来越注重生活质量,工作之余,也会去风景秀丽的地方旅游,我也曾领略过很多名山大川的秀丽风景,诸如黄山、嵩山、九寨沟等等,我都被这些浑然天成  相似文献   

<正>The Spring Ploughing Festival is the most ceremonious Tibetan traditional festival that takes place just after the Tibetan New Year in the Tibetan calendar.The Spring Ploughing Festival in Jingdrol Village basically follows Tibetan ancient customs and is still held today.  相似文献   

Like two silver dragons, theHimalayas and the Kala Kunlunrange snake along the QinghaiTibet Plateau, the "roof of theworld."They include 14 peaks higher than8,000 meters.ASTONISHING ACHIEVEMENTS.On July 7, 1959, the Chinese Mountaineering Team set out for the 7,546-meterMostag, and nine of its members reached thesummit. They included four women, Pamdo,Cerab, Chimi and Chamojin, who broke theworld record French woman mountaineer K.Gokan had created in 1955 on a 7,465-meterpeak.…  相似文献   

<正>This July,recently-graduated Jamyang Tenzin asked his teacher to allow him to stay one more year at the school to further his study.He wanted to improve his Thangka painting and polymer clay making skills.After a short consultation,principal Yonten Phuntso and the teaching  相似文献   

李林娜 《旅游纵览》2011,(12):50-55
很多人预料不到的是,这儿的圣诞老人除了知识广博,还能讲多国语言。令人兴奋的还有圣诞老人邮局里各种充满童话色彩的邮票,贺卡和礼品等。寻访圣诞传奇的人当然乐意搜购作为礼物带回家。所有人从这里寄出的信件,也会特别盖上北极圣诞老人邮局的邮戳.  相似文献   

<正>Namei Village is situated at the northern part of the famous attraction located in Tibet known as Lake Namtso,and it is4,800 meters above sea-level.Yumtan Sangpo,a 23-year-old young man came here to work in the village for over haIf a year.On the day of the interview,Yumtan put on his special blue down jacket and commented that this was a formal activity.He usually kept on his Tibetan robe every day and  相似文献   

专业村是近年来得到学术界普遍关注的领域,其对农区经济发展有着重要的促进作用。本文基于对国内专业村文献的梳理,论述了专业村的概念以及专业村形成的影响因素,总结了专业村研究中出现的一些新动向:基于社会网络联系的专业村研究、农户自主发展能力的研究、专业村和金融地理研究等。在以下领域尚需加强:专业村研究适当关注地域广阔的中西部地区;除加强专业村经济效益评估外,应注重专业村对农区经济、政治、文化建设的整体推进;加强多尺度综合研究,如微观的农户,中尺度的农区,宏观尺度的国家和国际层面等。  相似文献   

<正>东宅江村距离桂林市区47公里,距321国道3.5公里。东宅江瑶寨处于山谷地带,地势东高西低,四面环山,瑶寨四周生态山林茂密,山峦起伏,寨前流水潺潺,鸟语花香,是山灵水秀的好地方。寨民依山就势建房,房屋讲究瑶寨整体,从山脚叠上山腰,甚至叠到山顶,层次分明,民族风格独特,寨中有10排整齐划一、层次分明的吊脚楼,类似这样规模宏大的吊脚木楼群,在桂北乃至整个广西都为数不多。9条整  相似文献   

王绚  侯鑫 《人文地理》2006,21(6):35-39
针对"传统堡寨聚落"这一重要的人类聚落形态,文章选择相关遗存丰富的陕西地区作为研究重点,以典型实例为依托,分别从"自然地理"与"社会人文"两种角度展开分项类型研究,归纳总结各类型的聚落结构特征。揭示出堡寨聚落物质硬防卫与精神软防卫的双重性格。最后,强调指出类型多样的堡寨聚落及其丰富遗存成为陕西地区的特色,应及时针对这一不可再生的文化资源开展的系统研究。  相似文献   

从空间生产理论的视角而言,城市空间是一种巨大的社会资源,因而也是一个社会关系的重组与社会秩序的建构过程。文章以南京市典型的城中村江东村为研究对象,对其空间生产的历史性变迁、社会关系的再生产、制造的新空间三个方面进行分析,透视在城市空间生产过程中对人群分层和环境的差异性制造,以及对村民社会生活和生产关系的改变。江东村最终被城市强力改造成为了中产阶层社区,代表着新的生产关系和社会结构的建立,其生产和塑造的不仅仅是空间,更是社会的新界限。  相似文献   

<正>宏村是我多年来心底的一份情,一直想知道电影《卧虎藏龙》中周润发蜻蜓点水的月沼到底什么样?在一个细雨朦胧的清晨,我自屯溪出发,沿着蜿蜒曲折的山间公路,过黟县县城不远就到了宏村。  相似文献   

In this anthology, Joan Scott reconfigures her understanding of feminist history and thus contributes to a long overdue theoretical discussion on how we can write feminist history in a globalizing world. She traces both the history of gender history and the history of feminist movements. Scott's main source of inspiration is the French version of psychoanalysis following Lacan. In a further development of her pioneering 1986 article, “Gender: A Useful Category of Historical Analysis,” she points out that gender is neither a mere social construction nor a somehow biological referent (such as “sex”). Integrating the constructive criticism of her approach elaborated prominently by Judith Butler during the 1990s, Scott argues instead that gender is a historically and culturally specific attempt to resolve the dilemma of sexual difference. Sexual difference, for its part, is also far from referring simply to physically different male/female bodies. Sexual difference is, for Scott, a permanent quandary for modern subjects, a puzzle to which every society or culture finds specific answers. My reading of her book concentrates on two main questions that run like a thread through her considerations: First, how can we bridge the gap between a subject and a group? Second, how can we overcome binary oppositions and/or fixed categories and entities—a challenge that becomes even more important every day in a rapidly globalizing world. I broadly discuss the benefits and shortcomings of the pivotal role Scott ascribes to fantasy. Although the concept of fantasy is powerful and striking, particularly with reference to the concepts of “imagined communities” and “invented traditions,” coined by Eric Hobsbawm and Benedict Anderson, I find the Lacanian tone to be less convincing.  相似文献   

中国五岳,是东岳泰山、南岳衡山、西岳华山、北岳恒山与中岳嵩山五座中国历史文化名山的总称,是中国历史时期王朝疆域版图的核心之域;是统一疆域王朝的君主巡狩四方的禅天封地之处;也是各种宗教世界观的融会之地与三教九流的合一之所.是中华民族共同的国家历史文化记忆,是最具中国历史文化品位的圣山组群.中国五岳具有悠久的历史文化,留下了丰富的历史文献资料.本文在阐述了五岳之通名"岳"的来历、五岳名称与位置的历史变迁、五岳的地理区位、五岳的五行道家文化、五岳的人化与神化等,在此历史文化地理背景的基础上.以世界遗产的视野,着重探讨了五岳的遗产价值:除圣山组群的极品、国家统一的象征、三教九流的兼容外,还包括人地和谐的典范、古代科技的展现、中外交流的贡献、天工巧斧的景观、地壳演化的记录与珍稀植物的家园.作为全球最高品味的圣山组群,中国五岳入录世界遗产名录,将更好地向世界展示中国的五岳文化.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: Lin Tian is a senior reporter with the Xinhua News Agency. He followed the PLA into Tibet in 1950, and worked there for a total of six years. When the Democratic Reform took place in Kaisum, he was sent to cover the event. The following are extracts from his diary about the period.Formers serfs and slaves won their first bumper harvestatter the bemocratic Reform. Cering Ozhub drivin9home his own mule loaded with highIand barIey. LlN TlANFirst Democratic Life(June 6, 1…  相似文献   

雷金息 《旅游纵览》2020,(1):96-103
<正>青山俊秀,碧水迂回。三条河流从村边奔流而去,涓涓不息的河水是秀水村的灵气所在。秀水村风光旖旎,地灵人杰,人才辈出,有着延绵千载的山水文脉,是历史上著名的"状元村"。在这里可以追溯中国几千年科举制度留下的文化印记。广西壮族自治区富川瑶族自治县秀水村始建于唐开元年间,立村建寨已有1300多年。漫步老街古巷,左边老祠堂,右边古戏台,前方小桥流水,后面青山滴翠。微风吹过,留下的只有惬意。文化古迹星罗棋布  相似文献   

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