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近代化报刊,源起于西欧中世纪后期到资产阶级开始夺取政权那个时期,约为16~17世纪这段时间里。  相似文献   

16世纪的英国人看重议员身份并重视议会立法,说明英国此时已初步建立法治社会,法律受到尊重,且议会拥有立法权威。溯其迹象可追至中世纪。除了西欧封建制中的契约因素和英国在此基础上形成的普通法体系外,英国中世纪确立的法律专业性、"先在理性"原则及其对政治权力的制约倾向也不容忽视。从16到17世纪,英国宪政发展在什么程度上具有转型性质,是一个值得探讨的问题。  相似文献   

一般认为,西欧的现代化进程起于16、17世纪。事实上,发生于此时的西欧经济的起飞是11世纪左右西欧生产奴隶消亡的结果。生产奴隶的消亡导致了劳动的自由化,为市场经济的孕育、诞生创造了条件;是市场经济的孕育和发展才导致了西欧资本主义的产生和英国的脱颖而出,因此,生产奴隶的消亡是西欧现代化的源头。  相似文献   

缙绅会议在俄国从16世纪中期开始到17世纪中期逐渐停止召开,存在了一百多年。俄国学者多从西欧政治制度发展的模式来理解俄国缙绅会议,认为它是俄国的等级代表制度。与西欧封建等级议会相比,俄国缙绅会议在起源、作用上都有很大不同。它只是在16—17世纪发挥了短暂作用,并没有演变为西欧那样稳定的等级代表制机构。缙绅会议的代表制只不过扩大了沙皇进行统治的阶级基础,成为沙皇制度在一段时期可以利用的工具。使用西方模式和概念来认识俄国政治制度的演变,只能说其像谁,而不能说其是谁。  相似文献   

16世纪西欧发生的"价格革命"是一个具有重大历史意义的事件。对于它的原因,传统的货币数量理论往往侧重美洲进口金银的影响。事实上,"价格革命"的发生是多种因素共同起作用的结果。西欧社会由农本向重商的转变,商品经济的发达是"价格革命"最深刻的根源。美洲金银的大量涌入、气候、人口增长、粮食供应等因素则对"价格革命"的产生起了催化剂作用。  相似文献   

战争、动乱和西欧早期现代化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
战争和动乱几乎是西欧早期现代化中的伴生物。17世纪初英国出版的一本书就说道:只有世界毁灭了,战争才会消除。从15世纪后期到18世纪,或到19世纪初的拿破仑战争,整个西欧战火频仍。仅在16世纪,就有意大利战争,德国诸侯们、皇帝间的战争,胡格诺战争,英国与西班牙的明争暗斗与海上争霸,还有因圈地运动、价格革命引起的社会动乱等等。本文试图分析这些暴  相似文献   

17世纪的西欧哲学是在与宗教(基督教)的对话中产生的,这便决定了它的特点:在张扬人的理性的同时,试图在哲学与宗教、理性和信仰间寻求平衡。本文希望通过对宗教在17世纪西欧哲学中的巨大影响的介绍及对其原因的分析,引发读者对宗教与哲学、理性与信仰问题的深入思考。  相似文献   

2003年12月16日至17日,第二届拉美问题青年论坛在北京大学举行.来自全国政协外事委员会、中共中央对外联络部、中国社会科学院拉丁美洲研究所、世界历史研究所、中国现代国际关系研究所、北京大学、南开大学、中共中央党校等研究机构和高等院校的近30位学者参加了论坛.论坛研讨的主题是"20世纪拉丁美洲的变革与发展",并围绕"结构主义与拉美的社会变革和发展"、"民众主义与20世纪拉美的现代化"两个论题展开.  相似文献   

16世纪40年代,欧洲人(葡萄牙人)首次登陆日本.其后,他们在日本进行长达100年的传教和经商,日本和欧洲史学界称这一时期为"切支丹时代"或"切支丹世纪"①.在双方的贸易中,欧洲人从日本运走大量白银,白银成为日本最主要的输出品,这足以引起学者们的重视.本文从分析日本白银的开采冶炼着手,继而论述日本白银被大量运出的原因,然后统计了日欧白银交易的具体数据,并以此作为研究分析的基础.经研究发现,日本白银不但是日欧贸易中重要而特殊的商品,还是16-17世纪东西方交流交往的集中体现.欧洲人从日本运出白银不但促进了欧亚的经济交流,还推动了世界交通和贸易的发展.  相似文献   

南怀仁的《坤舆全图》作为清初刊印的中文版彩色世界地图,既反映出16—17世纪中国经由来华传教士与西方科学文化知识的早期接触,又呈现出这个时期西欧对世界地理的认知。文章对坤舆全图中所绘制的亚欧大陆腹地的中亚地区加以考察,并将之与在此前后于中国刊印的世界地图关于该地区地理认知进行对比,可知中亚地区在16—18世纪经由东西方两种力量的推动下,逐渐完全呈现在世人眼前。这种变化反映出西方科技在中国的传播及其影响。  相似文献   

The European witch-trials became numerous in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. A large number of witches were imprisoned and many of them were executed at the stake. The ubiquitous social strain brought on the witch-hunt, and the witch became the scapegoat. Study on the witch-hunt provides a special perspective on the transition of Western Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.  相似文献   

The European witch-trials became numerous in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. A large number of witches were imprisoned and many of them were executed at the stake. The ubiquitous social strain brought on the witch-hunt, and the witch became the scapegoat. Study on the witch-hunt provides a special perspective on the transition of Western Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. __________ Translated from Shixue Yuekan 史学月刊 (Journal of Historical Science), 2007, (8): 64–71  相似文献   

近代欧洲早期农业革命考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘景华 《史学集刊》2006,3(2):60-66
在17、18世纪之际的“农业革命”发生之前,欧洲农业生产就已出现了许多关键性的技术进步,可把16、17世纪的这种进步称为“早期农业革命”,而14、15世纪则可视为早期农业革命的准备阶段。通过对中世纪欧洲农业的低技术起点,14、15世纪的农业技术进步,16、17世纪的早期农业革命等三方面的考察,我们发现欧洲农业技术进步中的连续性特点远超过其突变性。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the textile trade between Asia and Portugal in the early modern period. It highlights the pivotal role that Portugal played in the distribution of Asian manufactures across Europe during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, before England and Holland set up large trading companies. It further examines the nature of Asian textile imports in Portugal, assessing their impact on consumption patterns, local manufacturing and shifts in taste.  相似文献   

The term "apoplexy," which has been in use since antiquity, referred to a catastrophic illness with an abrupt loss of consciousness and a frequently fatal outcome. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries scholastic approaches that relied on authorities were merging with an observational approach to medicine and Galen's speculation that apoplexy was due to an accumulation of phlegm or black bile in the cerebral ventricles began to be seriously challenged. The most extensive collection of case reports with autopsies published in the seventeenth century was Theophile Bonet's Sepulchretum sive Anatomia Practica. Section 2 of Book I of the Sepulchretum contains 70 case reports of patients that died with the diagnosis of apoplexy. The scholia in this section provide an idea for the modern reader of the notions physicians had of apoplexy in the seventeenth century. The Sepulchretum was an important book for physicians of the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. It played an important role in the development of modern medicine and it was an important foundation for Morgagni's De Sedibus et Causis Morborum. This essay reviews the pathological findings reported in victims of apoplexy and examines the views concerning the symptomatology, pathogenesis, etiology, and treatment of this condition that were prevalent at that time.  相似文献   

论16、17世纪之交西北欧商人商船南下地中海   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
16、17世纪之交,西北欧商人商船纷纷南下欧洲经济重心区———地中海世界。在西北欧商人商船大规模南下之时,西北欧还只是欧洲一个半边缘地区,然而当南下过程接进尾声之时,西北欧却一跃而成为欧洲新的经济重心区,其中荷兰取代了威尼斯、热那亚而跃升为欧洲新的领导者。西北欧商人商船南下地中海的过程对后来西北欧经济的发展具有重要的历史与现实意义。  相似文献   

George Ormerod 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):189-193
The paper traces the development of the double-courtyard design in high-status English residences during the late Middle Ages and early sixteenth century. Dartington Hall, Devon, is used as a case study in order to aid in the contextualization of the development. Excavations here carried out in 1962 by Platt and in the 1990s by the authors help to shed light on the date and development of the south court, which was mostly demolished in the seventeenth century. It has been suggested that Dartington Hall is an early example of the double courtyard, but this study finds that it conforms more closely with single-courtyard residences that developed a second court over the course of the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries.  相似文献   

Mombasa’s strategic position on the Swahili Coast and fine harbours were key factors in its emergence as a prosperous city state during the early second millennium AD. These same attributes drew the attention of rival powers in the struggle to control the lucrative Indian Ocean trade network, particularly during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Drawing from a rich legacy of cartographic and documentary sources created in the course of Mombasa’s turbulent history, this paper presents the results of a coastal archaeological survey undertaken in 2001 as part of a wider collaborative maritime project.  相似文献   

Yu Liu 《European Legacy》2012,17(4):501-515
Though more connected today than ever before, the Far East and the West are still divided by an issue which first arose more than 400 years ago: the complaint of the West that its ideology has never been fully adopted by China. To provide a useful conceptual framework for a discussion of this intriguing situation, this essay invokes the instructive give-and-take of market exchange on the famed Silk Road in the long ancient past and takes a careful and close look at the analogous enactment of the same principle in the quiet but consequential transplantation of Chinese horticultural and related philosophical ideas to England and continental Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and in the initially skeptical but eventually appreciative reception of many Western political and technological ideas in China in the last two centuries.  相似文献   

何树 《史学月刊》2002,(2):79-83
16、17世纪,在不列颠和爱尔兰群岛这个大的历史语境中,爱尔兰形成了三种不同的民族认同:天主教盖尔民族认同、新教英爱民族认同和长老会一苏格兰民族认同。在后来的历史中,这三种民族认同一直用不同的甚至是对立的政治权力观念和财产神话表现出来,成为爱尔兰内乱和分裂的主要原因。正确认识爱尔兰多元民族认同的影响,对于彻底解决爱尔兰问题有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

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