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邓小平与《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》 ,是中国共产党和中华人民共和国历史上的重要文献 ,具有完成拨乱反正任务、开始改革开放新时期的划时代意义。邓小平对此作出的无可替代的重大贡献主要有 :在历史转折关头 ,提出评价毛泽东、毛泽东思想的基本原则 ,奠定了起草《历史决议》的基础 ;主持起草《历史决议》 ,“博采众议”又“力排众议” ,确立毛泽东的历史地位 ,坚持和发展毛泽东思想 ;对中共党史、中华人民共和国史提出科学的论断和分析方法 ,为当代人研究当代史、进行爱国主义教育提供了指南  相似文献   

世界近现代史上的革命往往也是一种意识形态事件,而革命史写作与意识形态之间有着复杂的关联。美国史学界关于美国革命的历史叙事,经历了从辉格主义范式向新美国革命史学的转变,这场革命也从建国之父领导的政治革命,被改写成了一场由普通民众和边缘群体扮演主角的全面变革。在这一转变中,平民主义、多元文化主义和女性主义等思潮与革命史写作之间发生了微妙的互动。这种经过重构的美国革命史带有浓厚的意识形态色彩,已经从学术的边缘走向了中心,并为当前美国社会各种激进的意识形态提供了新的能量。但它仍只是美国革命史的众多相互竞争的版本中的一个。  相似文献   


While teaching the histories of the Ming and Qing dynasties, Meng Sen (1869–1937), developed three textbooks in the 1930s: Lecture Notes on the Ming History (明史讲义 Mingshi jiangyi), Lecture Notes on the Qing History (清史讲义 Qingshi jiangyi), and Lecture Notes on the History of the Founding of the Manchu State (满洲开国史讲义 Manzhou kaiguo shi jiangyi). In these book titles, the term “history” refers specifically to “standard history.” In tracing Meng Sen’s original intention in producing these textbooks, all three works suggest the author’s desire to write history. He wrote Lecture Notes on the Ming History to prepare a future revision of the History of the Ming (明史 Mingshi); similarly he wrote Lecture Notes on the Qing History and Lecture Notes on the History of the Founding of the Manchu State with the intention to revise the Draft History of the Qing (清史稿 Qingshi gao). Meng Sen summarized Sima Guang’s (司马光, 1019–86) view of history as “imitating the good and avoiding the bad,” which he believed represented the “essential meaning of history.” Meng followed Sima Guang’s model in compiling the Lecture Notes on the Ming History and Lecture Notes on the Qing History, as shown in their style and format. By comparison, his writing of the Lecture Notes on the History of the Founding of the Manchu State attempted to merge the traditional annals–biographic style with narrative history from the West, or to pour old wine into a new bottle. Meng Sen presented his innovative efforts at Peking University, introducing young scholars to standards for history writing, and doing his utmost to guide and encourage his students; some of whom became noted scholars in the study of Ming and Qing histories.  相似文献   

james e.  lewis  jr . 《外交史》2005,29(2):335-338
Book reviewed:
David C. Hendrickson. Peace Pact: The Lost World of the American Founding . (American Political Thought, eds. Wilson Carey McWilliams and Lance Banning.) Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2003. xiv + 402 pp. Appendix, figures, bibliographic essay, notes, index. $29.95.  相似文献   

At the Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the Institute of Archaeology,CASS,Mr. Wang Weiguang,the Executive Vice President of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,made zealous speech. After briefly reviewed the achievements of the Institute of Archaeology in the past 60 years,he emphasized the function of archaeology in the researches on prehistory and ancient history of China,the preservation of historic and cultural heritages and the stimulation of the patriotic feeling,and the important...  相似文献   

After independence, the history of national liberation in Algeria was largely managed by the single-party state. Founding figures of Algerian nationalism such as Messali Hadj and Ferhat Abbas were shrouded in silence. Since 1988 a plurality of voices has emerged and a number of historic figures have been rehabilitated. The state of quasi-civil war which has existed since 1992 between government forces and Islamic insurgents has, nevertheless, continued to inhibit discussion of human rights abuses during the war of independence. The recent resurgence in France of the debate over the use of torture during the Algerian war has been largely ignored by the Algerian government. The status of harkis , Algerian Muslims who fought on the side of the French during the war of independence, also remains acutely sensitive in official Algerian circles. Events such as the 'Berber Spring' of 2001 are continuing to press the authorities towards greater openness.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Being Ethnographic. A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ethnography. By Raymond Madden La terre qui s'enfuit: le cadre social de l'insurrection de 1878 By Jean Guiart The Making of Global and Local Modernities in Melanesia: Humiliation, Transformation and the Nature of Cultural Change. Edited by Joel Robbins and Holly Wardlow Oceanic Encounters: Exchange, Desire, Violence. Edited by Margaret Jolly, Serge Tcherkezoff and Darrell Tryon The Founding of the Roman Catholic Church in Melanesia and Micronesia, 1850‐1875. By Ralph M. Wiltgen My God, my land: interwoven paths of Christianity and tradition in Fiji By Jacqueline Ryle  相似文献   

19世纪后期,"意大利建国三杰"通过传教士的工作进入中国知识界,中国的各个群体基于各自的立场和目的对"三杰"的形象做出了不同的诠释。20世纪初,梁启超对《意大利建国三杰传》的译著,使"三杰"的形象在晚清中国广泛流传开来,成为传播爱国主义的重要思想资源。救亡图存的议题一直贯穿着整个民国时期,"三杰"的相关事迹也不断得到宣传,成为中国知识分子的集体记忆。然而,在近代中国的历史语境下,"三杰"的形象不可避免地被工具化,以致三人的形象和他们原来的面貌之间存在着相当的距离。  相似文献   

从粉碎"四人帮"到十一届三中全会召开前这两年,党的工作取得重大进展,做了几件大事,为十一届三中全会做了准备。这两年基本走向是前进的,不能只说是两年徘徊。但在前进的过程中,围绕"两个凡是"、邓小平复出和天安门事件的平反等发生了曲折和斗争。《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》对这两年作出的论断"在徘徊中前进"是确切的。如实肯定这两年,既符合历史事实,也符合决议的精神。  相似文献   

Thomas Piketty's concern with growing economic inequality leads him to propose a global tax on wealth. While he recognizes that the efforts of individual nations to tax wealth will prove ineffective since wealth is mobile, he does not seriously confront the collective action problems that will impede national efforts to cooperate in more effectively taxing global wealth. To what degree are more radical forms of political integration required to overcome these collective action dilemmas? Piketty provides partial and inadequate answers for these questions with regard to European integration. To be persuasive the economic analysis of Capital in the Twenty-First Century would have to be supplemented with a political economy comparable in depth and sophistication to that provided by The Federalist Papers regarding the political and economic integration of American states at the time of the American Founding. Piketty's failure to address questions of political economy makes his project vulnerable to the charge that nothing less than a world state would suffice to impose a global tax on wealth, and thus that his project is hopelessly visionary and susceptible to misappropriation for tyrannical purposes.  相似文献   

Several factors explain the high level of support for non-strategic nuclear forces(NSNF) in Russia and the correspondingly limited interest in NSNF arms control. These include Russia's conventional military weakness, NATO's conventional military superiority, political assessments that portray NATO as threatening to Russia, and the several important functions assigned to Russia's nuclear weapons and to NSNF in particular by Russian military doctrine and policy. The Russians have made it clear that they attach great importance to NSNF in a number of ways: in their preoccupations during the NATO-Russia Founding Act negotiations in 1996-7; in their recent military exercises; in their decisions regarding NSNF modernization; in their lack of transparency in implementing their 1991-2 commitments to reduce and eliminate certain types of NSNF; and in their discussions about possibly abandoning certain nuclear arms control commitments. Russian interests in using NSNF to deter powers other than NATO (such as China), to substitute for advanced non-nuclear precision-strike systems, and to 'de-escalate' regional conflicts (among other functions attributed to NSNF) would not be modified by the course of action some observers have advocated–a unilateral withdrawal of US NSNF from Europe. Such a withdrawal would, however, damage the Western alliance's security interests. NATO has adopted the most practical objective currently available: pursuing greater transparency regarding NSNF in the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1998,17(3):373-397
Book reviewed in this article: On the Laws and Governance of England. By Sir John Fortescue. The Reign of Elizabeth I. Court and Culture in the Last Decade. Edited by John Guy. Andrew Fletcher. Political Works. Edited by John Robertson. Politics in Eighteenth-Century Wales. By Peter D.G. Thomas. The Rockingham Connection and the Second Founding of the Whig Party, 1768–- 1773. By W.M. Elofson. The House of Lords and Ideological Politics. Lord Salisbury's Referendal Theory and the Conservative Party 1846–1922. By Corinne Comstock Weston. From Salisbury to Major. Continuity and Change in Conservative Politics. By Brendan Evans and Andrew Taylor. British Business and Protection, 1903–32. By Andrew Marrison. Sir Edward Carson. A Dream too Far. By John Hostettler. Callaghan: A Life. By Kenneth O. Morgan. A Partnership for Good? Scottish Politics and the Union since 1880. By Richard J. Finlay.  相似文献   

Review Articles     
The United States Foreign Service. MARTIN WEIL. A Pretty Good Club: The Founding Fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service. New York: W.W. Norton & Company 1978. Pp. 313; RICHARD HUME WERKING. The Master Architects: Building the United States Foreign Service, 1890–1913. Lexington: The United Press of Kentucky 1977. Pp. xvi, 330; RACHEL WEST. The Department of State on the Eve of the First World War. Athens: The University of Georgia Press 1978. Pp. viii, 183. Reviewed by F.M. Carroll

Friends in Need, Allies in Competition. PETER LOWE. Great Britain and the Origins of the Pacific War: a Study of British Policy in East Asia, 1937–1941. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1977. Pp. 318; JAMES R. LEUTZE. Bargaining for Supremacy: Anglo-American Naval Collaboration, 1937–1941. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1977. Pp. 328; WILLIAM ROGER LOUIS. Imperialism at Bay 1941–1945: The United States and the Decolonisation of the British Empire. Oxford: Clarendon Press 1977. Pp. 595; CHRISTOPHER THORNE. Allies of a Kind: The United States, Britain, and the War against Japan, 1941–1945. London: Hamish Hamilton 1978. Pp. xxii, 772. Reviewed by T.B. Millar  相似文献   

O tto N eugebauer : Ethiopic Astronomy and Computus.
R obert B anks : Paul's Idea of Community: The Early House Churches in their Historical Setting.
R. N. S wanson : Universities, Academics and the Great Schism.
P atrick C ollinson : Archbishop Grindal, 1519-1583: The Struggle for a Reformed Church.
P hyllis M ack C rew : Calvinist Preaching and Iconoclasm in the Netherlands, 1544–1569.
R obert L. N ichols and T heofanis G eorge S tavrou (eds): Russian Orthodoxy under the Old Regime.
W illiam J. C allahan and D avid H iggs (eds): Church and Society in Catholic Europe of the Eighteenth Century.
N orman S. M oon : Education for Ministry: Bristol Baptist College 1679–1979.
H arry W. P aul : The Edge of Contingency: French Catholic Reaction to Scientific Change from Darwin to Duhem.
A llan M. G rocott : Convicts, Clergymen and Churches: Attitudes of Convicts and Ex-Convicts Towards the Churches and Clergy in New South Wales from 1788 to 1851.
R alph M. W iltgen : The Founding of the Roman Catholic Church in Oceania
D avid W etherell : Reluctant Mission: The Anglican Church in Papua New Guinea, 1891–1942.  相似文献   

ENNIO DI NOLFO, ed. Power in Europe?: II: Great Britain, France, Germany, and Italy and the Origins of the EEC, 1952–1957. Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1992. Pp. viii, 598. DM 238.00;

ALAN S. MILWARD. The European Rescue of the Nation-State. London and New York: Roudedge, 1992. Pp. xv, 477. £35.00;

ALAN S. MILWARD et al. The Frontier of National Sovereignty: History and Theory, 1945–1992. London and New York: Roudedge, 1993. Pp. xi, 234. £40.00;

DAVID WEIGALL and PETER STIRK, eds. The Origins and Development of the European Community. Leicester and London: Leicester University Press, 1992. Pp. ix, 211. £11.95;

PETER DUIGNAN and L. H. GANN. The Rebirth of the West: The Americanization of the Democratic World, 1945–1958. Oxford: Blackwell, 1992. Pp. xii, 733. $69.50 (US);

FRANCIS H. HELLER and JOHN R. GILLINGHAM, eds. NATO: The Founding of the Atlantic Alliance and the Integration of Europe. London: Macmillan, 1992. Pp. ix, 470. £45.00;

WALTER LAQUEUR. Europe in Our Time: A History, 1945–1992. London: Viking, 1992. Pp. xxii, 617. £17.99.  相似文献   

Dubin, Michael J. United States Congressional Elections, 1788-1997. Jefferson, NC: McFarland &; Co. Publishers, 1998. Pp. xxix, 1,005. $235.00, hardbound.

Mulder, John M., Ernest M. White and Ethel S. White. Woodrow Wilson: A Bibliography. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997. Pp. xix, 488. $95.00, hardbound.

Rupp, Robert O. James A. Garfield: A Bibliography. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997. Pp. 216. $65.00, hardbound.

Ornstein, Norman]., Thomas E. Mann and Michael J. Malbin. Vital Statistics on Congress 1997-1998. Washington, DC: CQ Press, 1998. Pp. 292. $50.95, hardbound; $36.95, paperback.

Barilleaux, Ryan]., ed. Presidential Frontiers: Underexplored Issues in White House Politics. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998. Pp. 256. $59.95, hardbound.

Campbell, Colin. The U.S. Presidency in Crisis. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. Pp. vi, 266. $18.95, paperback.

Davidson, Roger H., Susan Webb Hammond and Raymond W. Smock, eds. Masters of the House: Congressional Leadership Over Two Centuries. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1998. Pp. xi, 345. $69.00, hardbound; $30.00, paperback.

Moreland, Laurence W. and Robert P. Steed, eds. The 1996 Presidential Election in the South: Southern Party Systems in the 1990s. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1997. Pp. 264. $59.95, hardbound.

Weisberg, Herbert R, and Samuel C. Patterson, eds. Great Theatre: The American Congress in the 1990s. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp. xviii, 317. $64.95, hardbound; $19.95, paperback.

Benson, Michael T. Harry S. Truman and the Founding of Israel. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1997. Pp. xii, 217. $57.95, hardbound.

Bernstein, Irving. Guns or Butter: The Presidency of Lyndon Johnson. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. Pp. x, 606. $39.95, hardbound.

Dallek, Robert. Flawed Giant: Lyndon Johnson and His Times 1961-1973. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. Pp. xiv, 754. $35.00, hardbound.

Brookhiser, Richard. Founding Father: Rediscovering George Washington. New York: The Free Press, 1996. Pp. 230 $25.00, hardbound; $12.00, softbound.

Gambone, Michael D. Eisenhower, Somoza, and the Cold War in Nicaragua 1953-1961. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1997. Pp. xiv, 264. $65.00, hardbound.

Hellmann, John. The Kennedy Obsession: The American Myth of JFK. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997. Pp. xxvi, 206. $29.50, hardbound.

Hohenberg, John. Reelecting Bill Clinton: Why America Chose a "New Democrat." Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1997. Pp. 300. $26.95, hardbound.

Roberts, Robert N. and Marion T. Doss, Jr. From Watergate to Whitewater: The Public Integrity War. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers 1997. Pp. vi, 232. $55.00, hardbound.  相似文献   

This article discusses the meaning of ‘love’ in the political transfer of the Italian Risorgimento. After a general introduction on the possible connections between love and nineteenth-century politics, the author focuses on Giuseppe Garibaldi, one of the most colourful Founding Fathers of modern Italy. While Garibaldi's overwhelming presence in Italian monuments suggests that his political role has been defined by the Italian nation, he started his career as an international fighter for freedom for whom national borders did not matter. In fact, the Garibaldi myth that made the Italian Risorgimento a popular cause in other countries might have been heavily shaped by ‘warm attachments’ between Garibaldi and women and men all over the world. By analysing how these ‘foreigners’ turned both themselves and Garibaldi into vehicles of revolutionary politics, this article shows that in the political transfer of Garibaldi it is not so clear who is the receiver and who the transmitter, what is the centre and what the periphery, male and female: as happens in romantic love as imagined by revolutionaries like Garibaldi, the active and passive subject alternate, giving shape to a political practice that is truly interactive and international.

Résumé: Cet article se penche sur la signification de ‘l'amour’ dans le transfert politique du Risorgimento. Après une brève discussion des connections entre amour et politique au dix-neuvième siècle, l'auteur discute plus en détail Giuseppe Garibaldi, le père fondateur le plus pittoresque de l'Italie moderne. Alors que les représentations monumentales de Garibaldi suggèrent un rôle politique purement national, il commença sa carrière comme un internationaliste combattant pour la liberté plutôt que pour des frontières. De fait le mythe Garibaldi qui fit du Risorgimento une cause populaire dans bien des pays aurait été produit par des attachements chaleureux entre Garibaldi et des hommes et femmes à travers le monde. En analysant comment ces étrangers se firent des agents de la politique révolutionnaire cet article montre que dans le transfert politique Garibaldien il n'est pas très aisé de distinguer qui donne et qui reçoit, qui est au centre et qui est périphérique. Tout comme dans l'amour romantique imaginé par des révolutionnaires comme Garibaldi, les sujets passifs et actifs alternent et donnent forme à une pratique politique véritablement interactive et internationale.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article Sub Specie Historiae: Essays in the Manifestation of Historical and Moral Consciousness. By John T. Marcus. The Roman Imperial Army of the First and Second Centuries A.D, By Graham Webster. Second edition. The Westward Enterprise: English Activities in Ireland, the Atlantic, and America, 1480-1650. Edited by K.R. Andrews, N.P. Canny, and P.E.H. Hair. Calvin and English Calvinism to 1649. By R. T. Kendall. The Rise of the New Model Army. By Mark A. Kishlansky. The Victorian Constitution: Conventions, Usages, and Contingencies. By G. H. L. Le May. The State of the Scottish Working-Class in 18-43. By Ian Levitt and Christopher Smout. A Pilgrimage of Passion: The Life of Wilfrid Scawen Blunt. By Elizabeth Longford. C.P. Trevelyan, 1870-1958: Portrait of a Radical. By A.J. A. Morris. Ministry of Morale: Home Front Morale and the Ministry of Information in World War II. By Ian McLaine. The Huguenots: A Biography of a Minority. By George A. Rothrock. The Huguenot Struggle for Recognition. By N. M. Sutherland. Ideas in Seventeenth-Century France: The Most Important Thinkers and the Climate of Ideas in Which They Worked. By Edward John Reams. From Dreyfus to Vichy: The Remaking of French Jewry, 1906-1939. By Paula Hyman. Divided mid Conquered: The French High Command and the Defeat of the West, 1940. By Jeffery A. Gunsburg. Spanish Politics and Imperial Trade, 1700-1789. By Geoffrey J. Walker. A Time of Triumph and Sorrow: Spanish Politics during the Reign of Alfonso XII, 1874-1885. By Earl R. Beck. Spain in the Twentieth-Century World: Essays on Spanish Diplomacy, 1898-1978. Edited by James W. Cortada. Luxury Fleet: The Imperial German Navy, 1888-1918. By Holger H. Herwig. The Emergence of the Romanian National State. By Gerald J. Bobango. The Soviet Scholar-Bureaucrat: M. N. Pohrovskii and the Society of Marxist Historians. By George M. Enteen. The Swedish Imperial Experience, 1560-1718. By Michael Roberts. Main Currents of West African History, 1940-1978. By Sir Frederick Pedler. The Far China Station: The U.S. Navy in Asian Waters, 1800-1898. By Robert Erwin Johnson. George Berkeley in America. By Edwin S. Gaustad. From Loyalist to Founding Father: The Political Odyssey of William Samuel Johnson. By Elizabeth P. McCaughey. Hall Jackson and the Purple Foxglove. By J. Worth Estes. The Long Journey of Noah Webster. By Richard M. Rollins. The Southern Common People: Studies in Nineteenth-Century Social History. Edited, with introductions, by Edward Magdol and Jon L. Wakelyn. Afterword by Ira Berlin. Antislavery Reconsidered: New Perspectives on the Abolitionists. Edited, with an introduction, by Lewis Perry and Michael Fellman. New Masters: Northern Planters during the Civil War and Reconstruction. By Lawrence N. Powell. Retreat from Reconstruction, 1869-1879. By William Gillette. Pacifying the Plains: General Alfred Terry and the Decline of the Sioux, 1866-1890. By John W. Bailey. Stand Watie and the Agony of the Cherokee Nation. By Kenny A. Franks. The Architecture of Frederick Clarke Withers and the Progress of the Gothic Revival in America after 1850. By Francis R. Kowsky. The Office of Naval Intelligence: The Birth of America's First Intelligence Agency, 1865-1918. By Jeffery M. Dorwart. When Harlem Was Jewish, 1870-1930. By Jeffrey S. Gurock. The Devil Wagon in Gods Country: The Automobile and Social Change in Rural America, 1893-1929. By Michael L. Berger. The United States and the Caribbean, 1900-1970. By Lester D. Langley. Herbert Hoover: The Great War and its Aftermath, 1914-1923. Edited, with an introduction, by Lawrence E. Gelfand. The Progressive Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson. By John Morton Blum. The NAACP Crusade against Lynching, 1909-1950. By Robert L. Zangrando. Journal of a Tamed Bureaucrat: Nils A. Olsen and the BAE, 1925-1935. Edited, with an introduction, by Richard Lowitt. The Seventy-sixth Congress and World War II, 1939-1940. By David L. Porter. Truman's Crises: A Political Biography of Harry S. Truman. By Harold F. Gosnell. The Truman White House: The Administration of the Presidency, 1945-1953. Edited by Francis H. Heller. Charles E. Wilson and Controversy at the Pentagon, 1953-1957. By E. Bruce Geelhoed. The Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower. [American Presidency Series.] By Elmo Richardson. The Iron Barons: A Social Analysis of an American Urban Elite, 1874-1965. By John N. Ingham. Amoskeag: Life and Work in an American Factory-City. By Tamara K. Hareven and Randolph Langenbach. Don Pepe: A Political Biography of José Figveres of Costa Rica. By Charles D. Ameringer.  相似文献   

Hitler's Army: Soldiers, Nazis, and War in the Third Reich. Germany and the Union of South Africa in the Nazi Period. The Unwritten Law: Criminal Justice in Victorian Kent. The Impossible Peace: Britain, the Division of Germany Mechanized Juggernaut or Military Anachronism Theatre of Horror: Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Germany Sir Philip Sidney: Courtier Poet. By Katherine Duncan-Jones Townlife in Fourteenth-Century Scotland. By Elizabeth Ewan Principled Pragmatist: The Political Career of Alexandre Millerand Caligula: Emperor of Rome. By Arther Ferrill. Assimilation and Community: The Jews in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Risk and Survival in Ancient Greece: Reconstructing the Rural Domestic Economy. Playing the Scottish Card: The Franco-Jacobite Invasion of 1708. Ecstasies: Deciphering the Witches' Sabbath. By Carlo Ginzberg. The Kremlin and the Schoolhouse: Reforming Education in Soviet Russia The French Navy in Indochina: Riverine and Coastal Forces July 1914: The Long Debate, 1918-1990. By John W. Langdon. An Interrupted Past: German-Speaking Refugee Historians in the United States after 1933. The Making of an Industrial Society: Whickham, 1560–1560. Women and Social Action in Victorian and Edwardian England. A Nazi Legacy: Right Wing Extremism in Postwar Germany. The Making of the English Nation: From Anglo-Saxons to Edward I. Protestants First: Orangeism in Nineteenth-Century Scotland. The Margins of City Life: Explorations on the French Urban Frontier The People's Peace: British History, 1945–1945. The Scottish National Covenant in its British Context, 1638–1638. Bismarck and the Development of Germany. 3 vols. Roman Culture and Society: Collected Papers. The Vikings. By Eke Roesdahl. Translated by Susan M. Margeson and Kirsten Williams. The Vichy Syndrome: History and Memory in France since 1944. By Henry Rousso. Translated Reluctant Icon: Gladstone, Bulgaria, and the Working Classes, 1856-1878. By Ann Pottinger Saab. Being Present: Growing Up in Hitler's Germany. Politics and the Sciences of Culture in Germany, 1840–1840. The Broken Spell: A Cultural and Anthropological History of Preindustrial Europe. Interpreting History: Collective Essays on Russia's Relations with Europe. The Cambridge Social History of Britain, 1750–1750. Paris and Its People under English Rule: The Angb-Burgundian Regime. Women Religious: The Founding of English Nunneries after the Norman Conquest. The British General Election of 1931. Mountains of Debt: Crisis and Change in Renaissance Florence, Victorian Britain and Postwar America. Exile in Mid-Qing China: Banishment to Xinjiang, 1758–1758. Austria-Hungary and the Origins of the First World War. France, the Cold War and the Western Alliance, 1944: British Officials and British Foreign Policy, 1945–1945. Chain Reaction: Expert Debate and Public Participation in American Commercial Nuclear Power, 1945–1945. Pride, Prejudice, and Politics: Roosevelt versus Recovery, 1933–1933. Pawnee Passage: 1870–1870. The Laser in America, 1950–1950. Politics, Religion, and Rockets: Essays in Twentieth-Century American History A Family Venture: Men and Women on the Southern Frontier. Seasons of Grace: Colonial New England's Revival Tradition in Its British Context. The Development of Medical Techniques and Treatments: From Leeches to Heart Surgery. Richard B. Russell, Jr., Senator from Georgia. The Presidency of Franklin Pierce. Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.: The Political Biography of an American Dilemma. The Rockefeller Conscience: An American Family in Public and in Private. A History of Industrial Power in the United States, 1780–1780. John Nelson: Merchant Adventurer. Literacy in the United States: Readers and Reading since 1880. The Juggler: Franklin Roosevelt as Wartime Statesman. William Dorsey's Philadelphia and Ours: Central America and the United States: The Search for Stability. The Dispossession of the American Indian, 1887–1887. Edison and the Business of Innovation. Indiana Quakers during the Civil War. Promises to Keep: African-Americans and the Constitutional Order, 1776 to the Present. Writing Women's History: International Perspectives. A Question of Character: A Life of John F. Kennedy. Hell's Half Acre: The Life and Legend of a Red-Light District. Agenda for Reform: Winthrop Rockefeller as Governor of Arkansas, 1967–1967. Toward a Social History of the American Civil War: Exploratory Essays. Moments of Unreason: The Practice of Canadian Psychiatry and the Homewood Retreat, 1883–1883. Washing “The Great Unwashed”: Public Baths in Urban America, 1840–1840. The Old World's New World.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. By Michel Foucault. Translated by Alan Sheridan. Supplying War: Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton. By Martin van Creveld. The Economic and Social Growth of Early Greece, 800–500 B.C. By Chester G. Starr. The Saga of Themistocles. By Robert J. Lenardon. Roman Historical Portraits. By J. M. C. Toynbee. The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire: From the First Century A.D. to the Third. By Edward N. Luttwak. An Economic History of the Low Countries, 800–1800. By Jan A. Van Houtte. The Economy of Late Renaissance Europe, 1400–1600. By Harry A. Miskimin. Society and Homicide in Thirteenth-Century England. By James Buchanan Given. The Dissolution of the Religious Orders in Ireland under Henry VIII. By Brendan Bradshaw. Thorns on the Tudor Rose: Monks, Rogues, Vagabonds and Sturdy Beggars. By J. Thomas Kelly. Revolt of the Peasantry, 1519. By Julian Cornwall. The Political Works of James Harrington. Edited, with an introduction, by J. G. A. Pocock. Monmouth's Rebels: The Road to Sedgemoor, 1685. By Peter Earle. The Administration of British Foreign Policy, 1782–1846. By Charles Ronald Middleton. Threats of Revolution in Britain, 1789–1848. By Malcolm I. Thomis and Peter Holt. Beau Brummell. By Hubert Cole. Corn, Cash, Commerce: The Economic Policies of the Tory Governments, 1815–1830. By Boyd Hilton. English Farmers and the Politics of Protection, 1815-52. By Travis L. Crosby. Politics and the Churches in Great Britain, 1832-1868. By G. I. T. Machin. Charles Stewart Parnell. By F.S.L. Lyons. Women and Trade Unions: An Outline History of Women in the British Trade Union Movement. By Sheila Lewenhak. Irish Neutrality and the USA, 1939-47. By T. Ryle Dwyer. Fulfilment of a Mission: The Spears Mission to Syria and Lebanon, 1941-1944. By Major-General Sir Edward Spears. Clash over Romania: British and American Policies towards Romania: 1938-1947. By Paul D. Quinlan. Early Modern France, 1560–1715. By Robin Briggs. The Making of Adolf Hitler: The Birth and Rise of Nazism. By Eugene Davidson. Kraal and Castle: Khoikhoi and the Founding of White South Africa. By Richard Elphick. A New History of India. By Stanley Wolpert. Military History of British India. Edited by H.S. Bhatia. The Enterprise of Florida: Pedro Menendez de Aviles and the Spanish Conquest of 1565–1568. By Eugene Lyon. The Protestant Temperament: Patterns of Child-Rearing, Religious Experience, and the Self in Early America. By Philip Greven. William Penn's Legacy: Politics and Social Structure in Provincial Pennsylvania, 1726-1755. By Alan Tully. The Loyalist Mind: Joseph Galloway and the American Revolution. By John E. Ferling. Germany and the American Revolution, 1770-1800: A Sociohistorical Investigation of Late Eighteenth-Century Political Thinking. By Horst Dippel. Translated by Bernard A. Uhlendorf, with a foreword by R.R. Palmer. The Federalists and the Origins of the U.S. Civil Service. By Carl E. Prince. Frontier America, 1800-1840: A Comparative Demographic Analysis of the Settlnncnt Process. By James E. Davis. Jefferson Davis. By Clement Eaton. Maverick Republican in the Old North State: A Political Biography of Daniel L. Russell. By Jeffrey J. Crow and Robert F. Durden. One Kind of Freedom: The Economic Consequences of Emancipation. By Roger L. Ransom and Richard Sutch. The Perils and Prospects of Southern Black Leadership: Gordon Blaine Hancock, 1884-1970. By Raymond Gavins. Building for the Centuries: Illinois, 1865 to 1898. By John H. Keiser. Park Maker: A Life of Frederick Law Olmsted. By Elizabeth Stevenson. Wilsonion Maritime Drplomacy 1913-1921. By Jeffrey J. Safford. Diplomacy and Revolution: U.S.-Mexican Relations under Wilson and Carranza. By Mark T. Gilderhus. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the City Bosses. By Lyle W. Dorsett. President Eisenhower and Strategy Management: A Study in Defence Politics. By Douglas Kinnard. Truman and the Steel Seizure Case: The Limits of Presidential Power. By Maeva Marcus. Work without Salvation: America's Intellectuals and Industrial Alienation, 1880-1910. By James B. Gilbert. America by Design: Science, Technology, and the Rise of Corporate Capitalism. By David F. Noble. Van Wyck Brooks: In Search of American Culture. By James Hoopes. In Search of White Crows: Spiritualism, Parapsychology and American Culture. By R. Laurence Moore. In Pursuit of Happiness: American Conceptions of Property from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century. By William B. Scott. Abortion in America: The Origins and Evolution of National Policy. By James C. Mohr.  相似文献   

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